God Sends Me to New Jersey

The Police jet that picked my up in Chicag0 came to pick me up a Denver International Airport. I boarded the jet and I am now heading to the state of New Jersey. God said, “There is a gang there that is hurting everybody who comes into contact with their turf. I want you to witness to this gang and tell them about my son Jesus Christ. Take 15 Bibles and 14 crosses and read 1 John 1:9 and John 3:16-17 to them. Serve them by taking milk, orange juice and 2 dozen chocolate doughnuts for them.”

I was dropped off 7 blocks away from the gang on “Death Street” because the uncover police didn’t want to be seen before I started to witness to the gang. The Undercover Police prayed for me. They prayed, “God, give Sonny wisdom to touch their hearts and protect him while he is sharing the love of Jesus to them.” It was a very powerful prayer. They then anointed me with oil. As I walked, I prayed for the gang I was to meet. I asked God to show me their hearts and why their hearts are broken.  I prayed that my King would start the healing to their hearts even before I arrived.

As I neared my destination, a man named Job walked up to us and said, “Our King said don’t walk into the street for 7 minutes.  Our King is still preparing their hearts.” Then Job turned and walked away.  You may be asking, “Is this the same Job that I met in Chicago? It is. He could be an angel sent by God or he could be a man who was sent by God to aid in my Ministry. Either way, he is one cool dude and I thank God for sending him. The undercover police also asked, “Who was that?”

I said, “His name is Job. He was sent to us by our King. He told us to wait 7 minutes  before crossing the street.”

After the 7 minutes passed,  God said, “Walk towards them.” While I was walking towards the gang, God showed me the Leader’s heart and why it was broken.  I walked straight to the leader. The Leader exclaimed, “What’s your last words to me? Because you are going to die here today.”

I said, “My last words to you are: I forgive you and love you just like my King has loved me and has forgiven me.”

The Leader said, “You never should have come here!” Then the Leader said, “Your not scared of dying, are you.”

I said, “When my eyes close in this world they will open in God’s Kingdom. I get to see my King and from there I will pray for you.”

God told me, “Pray for all of them.”

I responded,  “I was sent here to pray for all of you. After I finish praying then you can shoot me.”

The Leader said, “Go ahead. Pray for all of us.”

I said, “Before I pray for all of you, there are two Scriptures that God wants me to read to all of you. One scripture is John 3:16-17 and the other is 1 John 1:9.”

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

1 John 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

God told me, “Pray for the Leader last.” As I was walking by the Leader to pray for the others, I could see his eyes tearing up. As I began praying for the others, God began showing me why their hearts were broken. I began praying that God would bring healing to their hearts.

As I prayed for each one, I hung a cross on their neck and anointed them with oil.  Then I handed them a Bible. Each gang member accepted my prayer.  Our God is so awesome.  Lastly, I walked towards the Leader. God showed me that the Leader was wearing a cross already under his shirt. That is why God said to me to only take 14 crosses even there are 15 in the gang.  The Leader said, “You are praying for me, anointing me with oil and giving me a Bible. Where’s my cross?”

I said, “It’s under your shirt. The cross you are wearing was given to you by your Grandpa.  Your Grandpa also read John 3:16 and 1 John 1:9 to you before he died. Those were his favorite verses.”

The Leader started to cry and said, “I know that you were sent here by God for me and my Gang. No one here knows about the cross under my shirt and my Grandpa’s favorite verses. I’m tired of running from God.”

I responded, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs book of life come to me and I will pray for you.”

All of them walked up to me and and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. They all called their parents who were anxious to have them come back home. Before their parents arrived,  I continued to pray with them and telling them that God has a new purpose for their lives. The Leader came over and hugged me for a long time. I exclaimed, “My king loves you and is so proud of you and I know your Grandpa is praising God for your Salvation.”

I kept hugging them and praying with them. When all their parents arrived, they all cried while hugging and loving their sons. God told me, “Pray for their parents.”   I asked the parents, “Do you  want your names written in the lambs book of life?” All of them came forward with their sons. All the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. We all sat down and ate the food that I brought with me and continued to talk about the wonders of God and his son Jesus.