California Latinos Accept Jesus

On Saturday as I was going to witness to gangs in Denver, I got a call from an undercover police officer.  He told me that there was two gangs of Latinos talking to each other in the park. Latinos are usually friendly towards each other. The men in Latino gangs usually have pistols tattood on their arms. The girls have a rose on their arm. Some of these rose tattoos are so professionally done you almost feel like you can reach out and hold the rose in your hand.

I now have a chance to witness to two different gangs at the same time. The gang from Denver has 14 members. I know most of the people who belong to this gang. The Leader’s name is Angel.  The other gang from San Jose California has 13 members. The membership consisted of seven guys and six girls. The leader of this gang goes by the name of Leo. The San Jose gang is totally new and I have not met anyone who belongs to this gang.

Before I arrived,  my King said, ” Go and buy 8 boxes chicken at King Soopers.” Each box has 8 pieces of chicken. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. All of the cars from San Jose are 54 and 56 Chevys. God said, “Sonny, go ahead serve them now.” I took the chicken and the cooler with water bottles and placed the food where the gangs would see it. Leo’s gang drew their pistols on me.   Leo asked, “What are you doing here?”

Angel exclaimed, “This is Sonny. He talks to us about his King Jesus Christ.”

I said, “God said that you guys were hungry.”

They all started to eat the Chicken and the serranos. One guy was really starting to sweat eating the serranos but he would not stop eating. As the gangs ate, I read the Bible to them.  God gave me Jeremiah 29:11 and John 3:16-17 to read.  I gave Bibles to all of them. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

They thanked me and they told me that they loved the food. They ate it all picking the bones clean. There’s never much to clean up after these gangs are through eating.

Then Leo said, “Can God really forgive me for everything I have done? Sonny, I have done some really bad things and I didn’t think that God would ever forgive me.”

I replied, “Just ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness from all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to fill your heart. God will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

Leo said, “Your King is cool, man.”

I said, “When you give your life to God, he will write your names in the Lambs Book of Life.”

One of the girls said, “I want God in my heart.”

Leo said, “Guys, lower your guns and put them away.”

Angel asked, “What does this mean?”

Leo said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I exclaimed, “Those of you that want your names written in the Book of Life come over to me.”

The whole gang from San Jose came over and stood by me. As they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and asking Jesus Christ to come into their hearts, Angels gang was just standing there. They didn’t move an inch. When we were done praying, Leo’s gang began asking many questions about Jesus Christ. The Denver gang decided they wanted to leave when Leo’s gang began asking questions. The leader Angel drives a  dark blue 1967 GT500 Mustang. The rest of the Gang also drive 1960s and 1970s Mustangs. They started their cars and you could hear the rumble of those V8s. Angel since he had more horsepower of course he was in the lead. But they all soon left the park with Leo’s gang here by itself. Leo’s gang continued asking more questions about Jesus Christ.

Leo’s gang sometime later began calling their parents. It was cool hearing them talking about how they found Jesus Christ and how they gave their hearts to him. They made arrangements to head back to San Jose to meet their parents that are welcoming them back home.

Leo’s gang headed back to California yesterday. God is so Faithful.

Lorenzo’s Testimony

Did you ever  wonder what happens to some of these people that I witness to?  Well I want to tell you a story about Lorenzo.  Lorenzo was one of the last people I witnessed to. I found out that after his neighbor left he started thinking about what happened in Lorenzo’s life. He was anxious to find out how he made such a drastic change in his life. He then asked Lorenzo if he would go out to lunch with him and share what happened in his life to make him decide not drink anymore. They went out to a Subway store and ordered sandwiches there and they started talking. His neighbor asked, “What happened over there at the house that day I was there? I could tell there was a change in your life at that time.”

Lorenzo said, “This guy, whose name is Sonny, brought my son home from the gangs. He asked to take me out for a drive. I had no idea where we were going but we happen to stop by the cemetery. ”

Then Lorenzo said, “Sonny,  this is kind of a strange place to go.  Sonny then told me, “God wanted me to bring you here.” We got out of the truck and we started heading east then we came upon this blank head stone. There was hole dug by it. I asked Sonny, “What does this mean?” He warned me, “This is your fate Lorenzo if I do not quit drinking. Your liver will fail and you will surely die. ” He also talked about how much Jesus Christ loves me and he wants me to be part of his kingdom. I just cried and felt I needed Jesus. I accepted him right there. But Sonny did not stop there. His King wanted me to stop drinking. His King was going to make me throw up everytime I had a drink. I decided it was time to start living for Jesus Christ and make his King my King. I went home and destroyed my stashes of liquor.”

The Lorenzo concluded, “My relationship with Jesus has improved my relationship with my wife and family. I even want to go to church now. ”

His neighbor started crying and he to wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ. His neighbor went home and he to destroyed his caches of liquor in the dumpster. His neighbor decided it was time for him to live the life Jesus Christ would want him to. Both Lorenzo’s wife and his neighbor’s wife have been Christians for a while and go to church together while the husbands stayed home to drink. Not now! They all go to church together as a family. Because neither drinks now the grandkids are coming and playing in the backyard. This is something that never would happen while they were drinking. Lorenzo’s son in law has made changes in his life because of the living testimony in Lorenzo’s life.

Lorenzo’s church that he is now going to has already seen the drastic change in his life. The pastor has noticed the change that has happened in his life and he has been asking Lorenzo to give his testimony to everybody in the church. People need to hear about the power of God working in their lives.

Lorenzo and his wife are also being a witness to the street that they live on. Many times the neighbors get together to have a party. Lorenzo and his wife are also hosting parties and inviting everyone to come. The only thing is when Lorenzo has a party now there is no liquor involved. The neighbors want to bring some liquor but Lorenzo said, “No. we’re only having juice, water and non-alcoholic beverages.” This gives Lorenzo an opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ to his neighbors and what he did to alleviating his desire to drink. Lorenzo’s testimony is having a great impact not only in his family but to his neighbors also. I do believe the power of Lorenzo’s testimony is going to change the lives of whoever he comes in contact with.

Victoria Escapes

I was called by a beautiful young lady by the name of Victoria who I witnessed to five weeks ago. She is involved in an organization that does high end escort services for business men. She said, “Sonny, could you rescue me and some of my friends out of the Organization.”

I said, “Victoria, where are you going to be?”

Victoria said, “We are going to be  dropped off in front of a building in Denver for some business men that are in town.” She then said, “We are tired of doing what we are doing and we want to go back to our families.”

I encouraged her and discussed the arrangements for her escape from this life. She was to be dropped off at Colfax and 19 street in Denver 8 pm tonight.

I always take my license plate off my truck before I get to my destination where a rescue is done.  I parked 2 blocks away from the building on Colfax and 19 street in Denver and waited for the limousine to drop them off in front of the building. After waiting  for 12 minutes the Limousine finally arrived  and dropped them off.  I started my engine and moved my transmission into drive. When the Limousine started pulling away, I made my move to follow in behind. Leah saw me as I pulled up and communicated with the rest to come towards me. All of them climbed into my pickup. As I started to drive away I said, “Don’t look back.”

I continued driving until we were safe.  I pulled over and told them to take all their chips out of their cell phones so I could destroy them.  My King said, “Sonny, don’t destroy Victoria’s cell phone chip.” I destroyed the other chips and left Victoria’s phone in tact. We continued  driving  to the west side of Denver.  Victoria called everyone’s parents and told them they were safe and we are coming home.  I shared Christ with them on the way to Victoria’s house. I had one of them read John 3:16-17. After she finished reading I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?”

They started to cry.  I said, “Jesus Christ loves all of you very much. He has a new purpose for your lives.” They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Victory. I delivered them to the home where all their families were waiting. They came running out to greet them. It was so beautiful to see their families loving them. They all thanked me and hugged me. I told them that my King gets the Victory. He made it possible for me to do this. I had a chance to pray with all of the parents.  I told them that their daughters gave their hearts to Jesus Christ and that their names are now written in the Book of Life. Three of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ themselves. The other two were Christians already. God gets the Victory and the Glory.

God’s Kingdom protected us on Sunday. After church I received a call from Victoria. This is the reason the Holy Spirit did not let me destroy her phone chip because he knew that she would be calling me again. She said that the remaining seven of the young women that are in the organization want to get out also.  I arrived in Denver just before 2 pm Sunday afternoon to rescue the rest of the women at the same building I rescued Victoria.

Before I drove down the alley I removed my license plate. I know one of the security guys there at the building. He messed with the camera from the alley so no one would see us pull up. The girls came out right at 2 pm in the afternoon.

After they jumped into my pickup they started to cry. They couldn’t believe that they were actually going back to their families. Again, when we got to a safe place my King said to pray with these young ladies also.  I said, “God can forgive you of all your sins.  My King has a new purpose for your lives.”  I then asked, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?” All seven asked God to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. They cried even more. They hugged me and thanked me for coming for them. I told them that my King gets all the Glory and the Victory. We went to Victoria’s home again.  All of the seven ladies families were there waiting for them. They came out to their daughters and hugged them while crying and thanking God for bringing them back safely home.  I prayed for their families. There was 22 family members there and 15 of them were already Christians. The seven that weren’t gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. God is so Faithful I got home at 8:30 tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Saving a Gang Member’s Dads Life

Saturday morning I drove to Denver to witness to gangs on the east side of Denver. On the way there, God said, “Sonny, you need to buy 21 pizzas.”

Looking puzzled, I said, “God you want 21 pizzas?”

God said, “Sonny, just get them.” Then God said, “But first you have to buy 17 Frisbees.” So I stopped and bought the Frisbees at a Walmart store in Denver Colorado that was on my route to get the pizzas. I placed the Frizbies in my pickup. Before I left, I phoned my favorite Little Ceasers Pizza place on 5135 Chambers in Aurora Colorado. I called ahead to insure they would have enough pizzas ready for me when I arrived. I said, “I would like to order 11 pepperoni and 10 Sausage pizzas.”

The guy on the phone said, “Is this you Sonny?”

I said, “Yes, it is me.”

He responded, “Are you taking them to gangs?”

I said, “Yes, Brother.” He exclaimed, “Praise God!”

After a few minutes of driving, I arrived at the pizza place and went inside. I said, “This is Sonny. I am here to pick up my 21 pizzas.”

The guy who answered the phone asked, “How much money do you have?”

I said, “I have 100 dollars.”

He said, “That will do. I will cover the rest.” I left the store blessed, pizzas in hand and headed to the park.

When I got to the east side of the park, undercover police called me and told me that there was three gangs at the park today. They were standing on opposite sides of the park. I signaled to the two gangs that knew me to come first. Even from a distance I could tell that they knew me because of all the McDonald’s Iced Teas that were present on the picnic tables. Someone who helps me with my Ministry, created a customized iced tea for me. I showed these guys how wonderful they taste. I now have them hooked on McDonald’s Iced Teas with four to five lemons. They usually have an iced tea for me when I get there. I then signaled to the gang that was at the southwest corner of the park to come over but they just looked at me. I was a total stranger to them. I said silently, “God they’re not coming.”

God said, “Sonny, get out there and start throwing Frisbees at them.” When I started throwing all the Frizbies one at a time, the gang members gradually started picking them up and throwing them back. I kept the frisbees going over and over throwing them back until they felt more comfortable.  I got the other two gangs involved by sending frisbees there way. Soon we had frisbees flying everywhere. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can something like this happen. These gangs lots of times are actually shooting at each other.

As they were playing frisbee. I placed the pizzas on the picnic table and placed the cooler out which was full of water bottles. Then they all started to come over to feast.  I recognized the 1st and the 2nd gang but I didn’t know the 3rd gang at all. When the 3rd gang got closer, I introduced myself, “My name is Sonny. God told me to bring 21 pizzas to serve you. So let’s pray.” After I prayed they started to eat the pizzas. As they continued eating, I began sharing Jesus Christ to all three gangs. The gangs ate all of the pizzas not leaving a single crust. After they finished eating, four young men from the gangs I knew wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I began praying for these young men, the rest of the gangs started to leave the park. Their cars were all older restored vehicles that looked pretty cool. But the four that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ stayed. None of the ones that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ were from the new gang. I just planted seeds into their hearts. The Holy Spirit said that there was going to be four that would give their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I went to my pickup I only had four Bibles which I gave to each young man.

Three of them called their parents and they came to the park to get them. I got a chance to pray with their parents. They too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The young man whose parents did not come asked, “Sonny can you take me to my parents?  I told them that I just gave my heart to Jesus Christ and that I’m coming home. I told them that you were taking me home.”

I was glad to be able to take him home. He introduced himself and told me his name was Victor. While driving him home, he informally introduced his parents to me. His Mom’s name is Mary, the Dad’s name is Lorenzo and his sister’s name is Sarah. Victor said, “My Dad drinks a lot. Sonny be ready when we get to my home.” The parents and his sister came out running out of the house to hug and just love Victor.  They cried a lot. After getting to know the family,  I asked, “Lorenzo, can you and I take a drive?”

Lorenzo said, “Sure.” He entered my pickup from the passenger side. God said, “Sonny, take Lorenzo to the cemetery and talk to him.” When we arrived at the cemetery, Lorenzo asked, “Why are we here?”

I said, “My King wants to show you something.”

Lorenzo said, “Your King?”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ.” We got out of the pickup and began walking to the east. Our journey brought us to a head stone with nothing written on it. A hole was dug out in front of it. Lorenzo asked, “What does this mean?”

I said, “My King wants to give you a chance to accept him as your Lord and Savior. If you don’t your name will appear on this head stone. All of your drinking is going to destroy your liver  this in turn will kill you.” When Lorenzo turned to me he had tears in his eyes then he looked at the head stone again and said, “I want to accept Jesus Christ in my heart.”

I said, “My King wants you to stop drinking. He is going to make you throw up every time you try a drink.”

When we got back to Lorenzo’s house he ran to his family and cried sharing what happened and then he hugged me. He then went to his liquor stash and broke the wiskey bottles. After that he went to the cooler and took out the 24 pack of beer that he had and threw it in the dumpster. He grabbed a pitchfork and started poking at the cans in the 24 pack and you could hear them fizzing and beer squirting all over inside the dumpster. He continue doing this until all the cans were drained. After doing this his neighbor came over with two glasses of beer. He said, “How about having a beer with me.”

Lorenzo said, “I have quit drinking.”

His neighbor was perplexed and put the beers down on the stairs trying to figure out  what’s going on.

Lorenzo said, “I accepted Jesus Christ and he wants me to stop drinking.”

Meanwhile the dogs came running up the stairs and spilt both glasses of beer all over the stairs.  This was to much for his neighbor to digest and he hastily left the scene. Lorenzo’s wife Mary has known Jesus for a while. I am sure that she was asking the question, “Is this for real?” Mary asked, “Are you going to see if you will really throw up if you have a drink?”

Lorenzo said, “Nope. God’s word is sufficient for me.”

Sarah asked Victor to come into her room. She showed him the place where she knelt. Sarah said, “Victor I prayed here for you every night that you would be safe and to come home.”

Victor asked, “How long have you been praying for me?”

Sarah responded, “I have been praying for you every night since you joined the gang.” This brought tears to Victor’s eyes.

Victor, who probably joined the gang because of his Dad’s drinking  immediately went over and asked his Dad to forgive him for all the things that  he may done to him as a Son. Lorenzo immediately asked Victor to forgive him for all things he done to him as a Dad. They both broke down into tears and it was a very emotional moment.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. It would not surprise me at all if I get to meet the new gang again. God is not done with them yet.

Chinese Mafia Asks Questions

March 29, 2019

Friday at 2:30 p.m. one of the sons of the Chinese Mafia called me and asked me if I could meet with him, his brother and two of his cousins in Denver at 9 p.m. over dessert and talk about the Bible. As I was talking with him, I was praying and asking God if he wanted me to meet with them. God said, “Go and tell them how much I love them and to take milk and cookies with you.”

I said, “Yes, I can meet with you guys. I am bringing milk and Oreo cookies.”

He got all excited with my invitation. I took 5 glasses and met them on the south side of Denver. They were happy to see me. When they climbed in my pickup, I noticed that they all had their Bibles with them. After we were done eating cookies, one of them opened his Bible to Genesis 3 and started reading the passage. After finishing he talked about the serpent being crafty and a liar. He made a point about how the Devil tries to get in our minds and lies to us.

I asked, “If you asked Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ into your hearts. The Holy Spirit is there to help you. The Devil is already defeated because of Jesus Christ going to the cross.”

Our discussion stopped here because they had to leave. I prayed with them and thanked them for coming all the way to Denver. They thanked me for taking the time to meet with them. God is Faithful! My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

Sep 17, 2019

Today these young men have given their lives to Jesus Christ. They’ve been able to even to witness to their parents and they’ve had an impact on their lives and today they are doing things for God themselves. This was another victory for our King. These stories were password protected earlier to protect the young men. But now that they are God’s children I want you to know about God’s glory in their lives.


Encounter with Chinese Mafia

March 2 2019

These gangs are very athletic. One guy did a vertical flip over me as I was standing there. Others jumped over their cars demonstrating their finesse. This gang drives high performance black Subaru’s that have dark tinted windows and do not have any license plates on them. When confronted law enforcement really does not like talking about these guys because they are so dangerous.

When I got to Pueblo today, the young men were at their workout building. I parked in front of the building where they could see me. They all came out and asked me “What are you doing here and how did you find our place?”

I said “My King told me where you guys were at.”

They asked “Did you bring us food?”

I said “Yes, I brought 30 hotdogs and mustard.” After eating all of the hot dogs, they took me into their building.

One of them asked “Can God really forgive everything we have done?”

I said “Yes, but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and he will forgive you. Jesus Christ will transform your heart.” Then I said “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come to me and I will pray with you.” Four young men of the Chinese gang gave their hearts to Christ. Then they all went back into the building.

The four hugged me and said “We will be calling you Sonny. Please pray for us because it’s going to be hard to tell our parents.” I prayed with them that God would prepare their parents hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Visiting the Correctional Facility

I was asked by the undercover police to go and to meet the Correctional Facility Committee and to ask them if I could come and speak to the young men that are there.   You may be wondering what this Correctional Facility is. This place is anointed by God because they don’t advertise their services. The gang members go there because they heard about it. It is there to help them get their lives on track with our King. I prayed and told the Holy Spirit I only speak out in the streets. The Holy Spirit responded, “Sonny, you need to go because I have opened the door for you to do this.” So I went to speak.

As soon as I arrived there, I was escorted to a waiting room. The security guards name was Nathan. He asked, “Sonny, do you need something to drink.”

I said, “Yes, I would like some water please. Then I said, “Nathan, how long have you worked here at this Correctional facility.”

Nathan said, “I have been working here for a year on Monday.” Then Nathan said, “Sonny, you have 10 minutes then they’ll be ready for you.” I thought I was just going to meet the committee.  My King said to me, “You are speaking to my children tonight.” Nathan came back with the water I requested. He asked, “What topic are you going to talk about?”

I said, “I bring God’s Kingdom to them.” Nathan started to cry. I said, “Let me pray with you Nathan.” Nathan has been running from God. Nathan decided it is time to rededicate his heart to Jesus Christ tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Nathan said, “They are ready for you now Sonny.” I was escorted to the back of the stage. I was standing on the stage behind the big red curtains. Before the curtains were drawn, I started praying and asking God to prepare their hearts for my message.  While I was praying, a lady, whose name is Suzanna, walked on stage. She said, “We have invited someone to come and speak to all of us tonight. He ministers to gangs all over the United States. His name is Sonny with Deep Waters Ministry. The curtains opened as the audience was clapping. There were over 300 people in the audience. I recognized some of the young men I have witnessed to. Suzanna came over and hugged me. She asked, “Sonny can you open us in prayer.”

I looked up and prayed, “Father God you know all the hearts that are here tonight. God only you know the brokenness of these hearts and why they are broken because what they have been through. You are a King that brings healing and brings your Love to us.  Thank you Lord for letting me come and minister to these young men.” Then I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. This ministry belongs to my King. His name is Jesus Christ.” I then turned my face towards the young men in the audience and I said, “I am very proud of all of you for being at this place and having the desire to change your lives.” Then I read John 3:16:
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I followed with Matthew 6:33:
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I said, “What this verse means to me is that we need to seek God’s heart. You will find my King’s heart by spending time in prayer and in his word daily.”

I continued reading Proverbs 3:5-8:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

I told them, “Trust in the Lord with all your hearts and the Lord will direct your path.”

I finished by reading Jeremiah 29:11:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God gave me an additional verse Psalms 34:18:

18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

I said, “My King commanded me to ask those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life to come to the front.” The 300 young men came forward. As they were coming to the front, a song started to play “God Only Knows” by the band “For King & Country”. While listening to the worship song, they asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and for him to come into their hearts. It was beautiful moment. I couldn’t stop crying. Some of the parents present were born again Christians. Then 21 young men came towards me. I recognized them. They were part of the gangs in Denver. They all held up my ministry cards. They said, “Sonny, the verse on you ministry card has meant so much to all of us.” They finished coming closer and hugged me and thanked me for coming. Then they asked, “Sonny, can you forgive us for the times we hit and cut you.”

I said, “I forgive you and love you like my King has forgiven and loved me. My King Jesus Christ gets all the Glory and the Victory.” These 21 will be starting a new journey with our King.

Suzanna asked the 21 some questions about how long they knew me and how long did it take before they started thinking about leaving the gang life.  Suzanna took the 21 boys away and kept asking them questions. I really don’t know what she asked them because I was talking to the other boys.

The rest of the evening I just walked around talking to everyone that was there about our King and any personal questions they may have had.

New York Trip to Save Victor and His Gang

God warned me about a month ago that I would be returning to New York. I was there two weeks ago witnessing to a new gang. When God said it was time to go again, Marciano, a born again gang convert from my 2017 New York visit, called me and asked me if I could come to New York and witness to his cousin Victor and his gang.  Marciano has been going to Victor and his gang sharing God’s word to them. He called me to ask for help. This was my confirmation that it was time to go back to New York again. The police jet that flew me to Chicago and New Jersey came to pick me up at Denver International Airport. As we began to fly over New York City, I walked up to the pilots and asked, “Can you fly over Brooklyn where the gang I am going to witness to tomorrow.” The pilots honored my request by banking the plane over the location I was to go. From my window, it was clear that some of the buildings were abandoned and had broken windows. Nearby, I saw a baseball field that looked run down but some kids were playing baseball. The undercover police told me that there’s a Christian grounds keeper that takes care of that field. After I finished my inspection, the undercover police that were with me told the pilots to fly over the Bronx where I had witnessed to a gang two years ago.  God wanted to show me what the ex gang members have done to that part of the neighborhood. They have cleaned it up. People are actually living there now.

When the jet landed at LaGuardia Airport, all 17 ex gang members that I witnessed to two years ago in the Bronx were there waiting for me.  We hugged and prayed together. The Holy Spirit was radiating from them. It was beautiful sight to see how Jesus Christ has changed Marciano and the young mens hearts from two years ago. Marciano asked me, “Sonny, what has God shown to you about how we are to reach my cousins in Brooklyn.” They are a gang of 15 young men.

I said, “We are taking God’s Kingdom to them on Saturday at noon near the baseball field. God has shown me that we need to prepare a meal before our enemies.”  We purchased 17 large pizzas and bottled water. Next, we needed four tables and chairs to serve on. With food and supplies in hand, we headed to Brooklyn. After arriving at our destination, we prayed for the days event and set up the tables. Marciano cousin Victor and his gang kept driving by when we were done setting up. We signaled for them to stop and eat.  After some coaxing, they finally parked their cars. We asked them to sit down and eat with us. Marciano said, “I would like to read my favorite Bible verse John 3:16”
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Then he read Philippians 4:13:
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Then Marciano said, “Sonny, do you have a verse to share?”

God led me to read Psalm 34:18
18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
   and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

After I finished reading the scripture, I looked at Victor and saw his eyes tearing up.  Marciano prayed for our meal. Victor and his gang kept looking at Marciano while he was praying.  His prayer was so anointed by the Holy Spirit that the gang kept silent.  Some of the young men were looking around, some listened intently and the rest of Victor’s gang had their eyes closed during Marciano’s prayer. As Marciano continued praying, you could see their hearts softening. During the meal they started talking about baseball and the Yankees. The conversation lead to the possibility that there are new gangs trying to move into the Bronx and Brooklyn area. Those 17 young men that met me at the airport started sharing with the gang members around them what God has been doing in their hearts and lives since they left the gang environment two years ago. They were reading the Bible to Victor’s gang. Marciano got up and said, “I want to introduce the man that led us to the Lord. His name is Sonny.”

I introduced myself and said, “Hi”  to all of Victor’s Gang.

The leader Victor said, “Your the one that brought the big light to the Bronx that night. It was so bright.”

I said, “Yes, that light you saw was Jesus Christ my King. He loves all of you and wants to bring healing to all your hearts. All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget all your sins. My King will transform your hearts. God told me to prepare a meal before our enemies. We come to bring Salvation, peace and a new purpose for your lives. In this world Jesus Christ loves all of you. Jesus Christ wants to transform your hearts so he can use you in this world to bring Salvation and healing to those around you.”

Victor stood up and asked, “Is it really that easy to ask Jesus Christ to forgive me for everything I have done?”

I said, “Yes, my King will forgive you and forget your sins.”

Victor and his gang stood up and said, “We are leaving now.”

Marciano said, “Before you guys leave let me pray for all of you.” Marciano prayed, “Father God thank you for your love for us and thank you for bringing us together to eat this meal and talk about all the amazing things you’re doing in our lives to protect us, to provide for us and to help us to be a light in this world for those that are lost and broken hearted around us. We ask this in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name. Amen!” The power of this prayer was so beautiful. They all stood there and listened to his prayer anointed by the Holy Spirit. Marciano then asked, “Victor, do you remember when we were kids and played baseball.”

Victor said, “Yes, it was so much fun back then.” Then Victor said, “There’s a field not to far from here. What do you say Marciano? Let’s go and play baseball. There’s a ground keeper there that takes care of the baseball field. He will let us use the field.”

Marciano said, “I’ll go and get everything we need to play baseball.”

Victor said, “We have some gloves and baseballs.” When we got to the baseball field, the gentleman was just finishing raking the field and was putting the bases back. The gentleman’s name was Isaiah. He came walking up to us and said, “Hi! My name is Isaiah. How can I help you young men?”

I said, “Hi, my name is Sonny. We were wondering if we could use this field to play baseball. ”

Isaiah said, “Sure, that’s what this field is for. Do you young men have everything you need to play baseball.  I have baseballs, gloves and bats.”

Marciano said, “Sir, we could use some bats and some baseball gloves.”

Isaiah said, “I will locate some bats and baseball gloves for you guys to use and I will put them by the dugout.”

Do you remember people who were playing baseball on this field before I landed? 12 of them came back to use the field today. They asked, “Are you guys going to play baseball now?”

We said, “Yes.”  Then the boys asked, “Can we play a game of baseball with you guys?”

Marciano said, “Sure, let’s pick teams.” Isaiah walked up to Victor and said, “Lou is 16  and he is an amazing pitcher.” Victor and Marciano became the team Captains. I found out all 12 boys in this group that came to play today are Christians. The youngest is 12 years old the oldest is 16. Before they began picking the teams, I had a quarter to see who goes first. I told Victor, “You call it in the air to see which captain chooses first.” I flipped the quarter in the air Victor called “heads” and it was heads. Victor picked his first player who was Lou. Then Marciano picked next. There was total of 44 young men on the field with 22 per team. Isaiah showed up wearing an umpire’s uniform. He said let’s pray before the baseball game starts. As Isaiah began praying, all the boys put their heads down and closed their eyes except Victor. Isaiah walked up to Victor and placed his hand on Victor’s heart. Victor just stood there and let him pray for him. I could hear Isaiah’s prayer for Victor, “Dear God, I lift up Victor and his boys to your Kingdom. Bring healing to their hearts. Father, I ask that you bring healing to them and let them know that you love them and have a purpose for them in this world.”

Victor said, “I’m ready to ask Jesus Christ to forgive me of all my sins.” Then Marciano stepped in and said, “Victor, do you want your name written in the lambs book of life?” Victor said, “Yes, I do.” The Holy Spirit prompted me to ask the rest of the gang members the same question.  I said, “The rest of you that want your names written in the lambs book of life come over here and stand by me.” All of Victor’s gang came and stood by me. Marciano and the 16 others came forward to help pray with Victor’s Gang. The 12 young men who came to play baseball positioned themselves around the front. As they started to talk to Victor’s gang, God showed each young man a verse to read:

Ephesians 4:32
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Psalms 16:8
8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

John 14:6
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Mathew 6:33
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Psalms 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.

Joshua 1:5
5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Psalms 32:8
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

Lamentations 3:23
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Micah 6:8
8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly[a] with your God.

Psalms 34:18-19
18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all;

Psalms 139:16
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

Each boy read their verse to Victor’s gang. I read Jeremiah 29:11 to Victor.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It was so powerful how my King used these young men to witness to Victor’s gang and read scriptures to the ones that had just given their hearts to Jesus Christ. We all came together giving hugs and celebrated the Salvation of Victor’s gang.

Victor said, “Call all your parents and have them come and get you. All of you can go home to your parents.” Victor then called his parents. You could hear his parents praising God because Victor and his gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. After Victor’s gang called their parents, you could hear them talking about going home. It would be a couple of hours before the parents arrived.

Now it was time to start playing the baseball game. Isaiah flipped the quarter in the air and told Marciano call it in the air. Marciano called “heads” and it landed “heads”. Isn’t it interesting that it was heads both times the quarter was flipped. Does that mean that God wants these young men to look forward and not to look back? They are about to start a new journey.

Marciano said, “My team wants to bat first.”  Victor and his team went out to the field they all rotated positions to make it fair. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I had so much fun watching the boys playing baseball. It looked like they had been playing together forever. Victor’s team was winning when parents began to arrive. But the boys wouldn’t stop playing.  Marciano and I gathered the parents that arrived and explained to them what our King did. And my King gets all the Glory and the Victory. The parents couldn’t stop crying. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was so beautiful. I then asked, “Do any of the parents want to give your hearts to Jesus Christ.” They all came over and they to gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was so beautiful see both the parents and their sons give their lives to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. The parents hugged each other then sat down. The boys kept playing baseball and their parents were cheering their sons on. It was such a big celebration. After the game ended the 12 boys introduced themselves to the parents. The parents thanked them for praying for their sons. The 12 boys walked over to me and hugged me and said to me, “You are truly a man of God.”

I said, “I can only do what God tells me to do. The Holy Spirit makes it all happen.”  My King gets all the Glory. The 12 boys said, “Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom, Sonny.”

Isaiah came to me and said, “God Bless you Sonny for being obedient. You are truly Anointed by our King. I said, “God bless you Isaiah for representing our King at this baseball field.” Isaiah turned and walked away with the 12 boys. My King gets the final Victory. I flew in the police jet back home to Colorado thinking about the wonderful thing God did here in New York.