Visiting the Correctional Facility

I was asked by the undercover police to go and to meet the Correctional Facility Committee and to ask them if I could come and speak to the young men that are there.   You may be wondering what this Correctional Facility is. This place is anointed by God because they don’t advertise their services. The gang members go there because they heard about it. It is there to help them get their lives on track with our King. I prayed and told the Holy Spirit I only speak out in the streets. The Holy Spirit responded, “Sonny, you need to go because I have opened the door for you to do this.” So I went to speak.

As soon as I arrived there, I was escorted to a waiting room. The security guards name was Nathan. He asked, “Sonny, do you need something to drink.”

I said, “Yes, I would like some water please. Then I said, “Nathan, how long have you worked here at this Correctional facility.”

Nathan said, “I have been working here for a year on Monday.” Then Nathan said, “Sonny, you have 10 minutes then they’ll be ready for you.” I thought I was just going to meet the committee.  My King said to me, “You are speaking to my children tonight.” Nathan came back with the water I requested. He asked, “What topic are you going to talk about?”

I said, “I bring God’s Kingdom to them.” Nathan started to cry. I said, “Let me pray with you Nathan.” Nathan has been running from God. Nathan decided it is time to rededicate his heart to Jesus Christ tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Nathan said, “They are ready for you now Sonny.” I was escorted to the back of the stage. I was standing on the stage behind the big red curtains. Before the curtains were drawn, I started praying and asking God to prepare their hearts for my message.  While I was praying, a lady, whose name is Suzanna, walked on stage. She said, “We have invited someone to come and speak to all of us tonight. He ministers to gangs all over the United States. His name is Sonny with Deep Waters Ministry. The curtains opened as the audience was clapping. There were over 300 people in the audience. I recognized some of the young men I have witnessed to. Suzanna came over and hugged me. She asked, “Sonny can you open us in prayer.”

I looked up and prayed, “Father God you know all the hearts that are here tonight. God only you know the brokenness of these hearts and why they are broken because what they have been through. You are a King that brings healing and brings your Love to us.  Thank you Lord for letting me come and minister to these young men.” Then I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. This ministry belongs to my King. His name is Jesus Christ.” I then turned my face towards the young men in the audience and I said, “I am very proud of all of you for being at this place and having the desire to change your lives.” Then I read John 3:16:
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I followed with Matthew 6:33:
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I said, “What this verse means to me is that we need to seek God’s heart. You will find my King’s heart by spending time in prayer and in his word daily.”

I continued reading Proverbs 3:5-8:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

I told them, “Trust in the Lord with all your hearts and the Lord will direct your path.”

I finished by reading Jeremiah 29:11:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

God gave me an additional verse Psalms 34:18:

18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

I said, “My King commanded me to ask those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life to come to the front.” The 300 young men came forward. As they were coming to the front, a song started to play “God Only Knows” by the band “For King & Country”. While listening to the worship song, they asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and for him to come into their hearts. It was beautiful moment. I couldn’t stop crying. Some of the parents present were born again Christians. Then 21 young men came towards me. I recognized them. They were part of the gangs in Denver. They all held up my ministry cards. They said, “Sonny, the verse on you ministry card has meant so much to all of us.” They finished coming closer and hugged me and thanked me for coming. Then they asked, “Sonny, can you forgive us for the times we hit and cut you.”

I said, “I forgive you and love you like my King has forgiven and loved me. My King Jesus Christ gets all the Glory and the Victory.” These 21 will be starting a new journey with our King.

Suzanna asked the 21 some questions about how long they knew me and how long did it take before they started thinking about leaving the gang life.  Suzanna took the 21 boys away and kept asking them questions. I really don’t know what she asked them because I was talking to the other boys.

The rest of the evening I just walked around talking to everyone that was there about our King and any personal questions they may have had.