Encounter with Chinese Mafia

March 2 2019

These gangs are very athletic. One guy did a vertical flip over me as I was standing there. Others jumped over their cars demonstrating their finesse. This gang drives high performance black Subaru’s that have dark tinted windows and do not have any license plates on them. When confronted law enforcement really does not like talking about these guys because they are so dangerous.

When I got to Pueblo today, the young men were at their workout building. I parked in front of the building where they could see me. They all came out and asked me “What are you doing here and how did you find our place?”

I said “My King told me where you guys were at.”

They asked “Did you bring us food?”

I said “Yes, I brought 30 hotdogs and mustard.” After eating all of the hot dogs, they took me into their building.

One of them asked “Can God really forgive everything we have done?”

I said “Yes, but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and he will forgive you. Jesus Christ will transform your heart.” Then I said “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come to me and I will pray with you.” Four young men of the Chinese gang gave their hearts to Christ. Then they all went back into the building.

The four hugged me and said “We will be calling you Sonny. Please pray for us because it’s going to be hard to tell our parents.” I prayed with them that God would prepare their parents hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.