Chinese Mafia Asks Questions

March 29, 2019

Friday at 2:30 p.m. one of the sons of the Chinese Mafia called me and asked me if I could meet with him, his brother and two of his cousins in Denver at 9 p.m. over dessert and talk about the Bible. As I was talking with him, I was praying and asking God if he wanted me to meet with them. God said, “Go and tell them how much I love them and to take milk and cookies with you.”

I said, “Yes, I can meet with you guys. I am bringing milk and Oreo cookies.”

He got all excited with my invitation. I took 5 glasses and met them on the south side of Denver. They were happy to see me. When they climbed in my pickup, I noticed that they all had their Bibles with them. After we were done eating cookies, one of them opened his Bible to Genesis 3 and started reading the passage. After finishing he talked about the serpent being crafty and a liar. He made a point about how the Devil tries to get in our minds and lies to us.

I asked, “If you asked Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ into your hearts. The Holy Spirit is there to help you. The Devil is already defeated because of Jesus Christ going to the cross.”

Our discussion stopped here because they had to leave. I prayed with them and thanked them for coming all the way to Denver. They thanked me for taking the time to meet with them. God is Faithful! My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

Sep 17, 2019

Today these young men have given their lives to Jesus Christ. They’ve been able to even to witness to their parents and they’ve had an impact on their lives and today they are doing things for God themselves. This was another victory for our King. These stories were password protected earlier to protect the young men. But now that they are God’s children I want you to know about God’s glory in their lives.