Saving a Gang Member’s Dads Life

Saturday morning I drove to Denver to witness to gangs on the east side of Denver. On the way there, God said, “Sonny, you need to buy 21 pizzas.”

Looking puzzled, I said, “God you want 21 pizzas?”

God said, “Sonny, just get them.” Then God said, “But first you have to buy 17 Frisbees.” So I stopped and bought the Frisbees at a Walmart store in Denver Colorado that was on my route to get the pizzas. I placed the Frizbies in my pickup. Before I left, I phoned my favorite Little Ceasers Pizza place on 5135 Chambers in Aurora Colorado. I called ahead to insure they would have enough pizzas ready for me when I arrived. I said, “I would like to order 11 pepperoni and 10 Sausage pizzas.”

The guy on the phone said, “Is this you Sonny?”

I said, “Yes, it is me.”

He responded, “Are you taking them to gangs?”

I said, “Yes, Brother.” He exclaimed, “Praise God!”

After a few minutes of driving, I arrived at the pizza place and went inside. I said, “This is Sonny. I am here to pick up my 21 pizzas.”

The guy who answered the phone asked, “How much money do you have?”

I said, “I have 100 dollars.”

He said, “That will do. I will cover the rest.” I left the store blessed, pizzas in hand and headed to the park.

When I got to the east side of the park, undercover police called me and told me that there was three gangs at the park today. They were standing on opposite sides of the park. I signaled to the two gangs that knew me to come first. Even from a distance I could tell that they knew me because of all the McDonald’s Iced Teas that were present on the picnic tables. Someone who helps me with my Ministry, created a customized iced tea for me. I showed these guys how wonderful they taste. I now have them hooked on McDonald’s Iced Teas with four to five lemons. They usually have an iced tea for me when I get there. I then signaled to the gang that was at the southwest corner of the park to come over but they just looked at me. I was a total stranger to them. I said silently, “God they’re not coming.”

God said, “Sonny, get out there and start throwing Frisbees at them.” When I started throwing all the Frizbies one at a time, the gang members gradually started picking them up and throwing them back. I kept the frisbees going over and over throwing them back until they felt more comfortable.  I got the other two gangs involved by sending frisbees there way. Soon we had frisbees flying everywhere. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can something like this happen. These gangs lots of times are actually shooting at each other.

As they were playing frisbee. I placed the pizzas on the picnic table and placed the cooler out which was full of water bottles. Then they all started to come over to feast.  I recognized the 1st and the 2nd gang but I didn’t know the 3rd gang at all. When the 3rd gang got closer, I introduced myself, “My name is Sonny. God told me to bring 21 pizzas to serve you. So let’s pray.” After I prayed they started to eat the pizzas. As they continued eating, I began sharing Jesus Christ to all three gangs. The gangs ate all of the pizzas not leaving a single crust. After they finished eating, four young men from the gangs I knew wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I began praying for these young men, the rest of the gangs started to leave the park. Their cars were all older restored vehicles that looked pretty cool. But the four that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ stayed. None of the ones that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ were from the new gang. I just planted seeds into their hearts. The Holy Spirit said that there was going to be four that would give their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I went to my pickup I only had four Bibles which I gave to each young man.

Three of them called their parents and they came to the park to get them. I got a chance to pray with their parents. They too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The young man whose parents did not come asked, “Sonny can you take me to my parents?  I told them that I just gave my heart to Jesus Christ and that I’m coming home. I told them that you were taking me home.”

I was glad to be able to take him home. He introduced himself and told me his name was Victor. While driving him home, he informally introduced his parents to me. His Mom’s name is Mary, the Dad’s name is Lorenzo and his sister’s name is Sarah. Victor said, “My Dad drinks a lot. Sonny be ready when we get to my home.” The parents and his sister came out running out of the house to hug and just love Victor.  They cried a lot. After getting to know the family,  I asked, “Lorenzo, can you and I take a drive?”

Lorenzo said, “Sure.” He entered my pickup from the passenger side. God said, “Sonny, take Lorenzo to the cemetery and talk to him.” When we arrived at the cemetery, Lorenzo asked, “Why are we here?”

I said, “My King wants to show you something.”

Lorenzo said, “Your King?”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ.” We got out of the pickup and began walking to the east. Our journey brought us to a head stone with nothing written on it. A hole was dug out in front of it. Lorenzo asked, “What does this mean?”

I said, “My King wants to give you a chance to accept him as your Lord and Savior. If you don’t your name will appear on this head stone. All of your drinking is going to destroy your liver  this in turn will kill you.” When Lorenzo turned to me he had tears in his eyes then he looked at the head stone again and said, “I want to accept Jesus Christ in my heart.”

I said, “My King wants you to stop drinking. He is going to make you throw up every time you try a drink.”

When we got back to Lorenzo’s house he ran to his family and cried sharing what happened and then he hugged me. He then went to his liquor stash and broke the wiskey bottles. After that he went to the cooler and took out the 24 pack of beer that he had and threw it in the dumpster. He grabbed a pitchfork and started poking at the cans in the 24 pack and you could hear them fizzing and beer squirting all over inside the dumpster. He continue doing this until all the cans were drained. After doing this his neighbor came over with two glasses of beer. He said, “How about having a beer with me.”

Lorenzo said, “I have quit drinking.”

His neighbor was perplexed and put the beers down on the stairs trying to figure out  what’s going on.

Lorenzo said, “I accepted Jesus Christ and he wants me to stop drinking.”

Meanwhile the dogs came running up the stairs and spilt both glasses of beer all over the stairs.  This was to much for his neighbor to digest and he hastily left the scene. Lorenzo’s wife Mary has known Jesus for a while. I am sure that she was asking the question, “Is this for real?” Mary asked, “Are you going to see if you will really throw up if you have a drink?”

Lorenzo said, “Nope. God’s word is sufficient for me.”

Sarah asked Victor to come into her room. She showed him the place where she knelt. Sarah said, “Victor I prayed here for you every night that you would be safe and to come home.”

Victor asked, “How long have you been praying for me?”

Sarah responded, “I have been praying for you every night since you joined the gang.” This brought tears to Victor’s eyes.

Victor, who probably joined the gang because of his Dad’s drinking  immediately went over and asked his Dad to forgive him for all the things that  he may done to him as a Son. Lorenzo immediately asked Victor to forgive him for all things he done to him as a Dad. They both broke down into tears and it was a very emotional moment.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. It would not surprise me at all if I get to meet the new gang again. God is not done with them yet.