Victoria Escapes

I was called by a beautiful young lady by the name of Victoria who I witnessed to five weeks ago. She is involved in an organization that does high end escort services for business men. She said, “Sonny, could you rescue me and some of my friends out of the Organization.”

I said, “Victoria, where are you going to be?”

Victoria said, “We are going to be  dropped off in front of a building in Denver for some business men that are in town.” She then said, “We are tired of doing what we are doing and we want to go back to our families.”

I encouraged her and discussed the arrangements for her escape from this life. She was to be dropped off at Colfax and 19 street in Denver 8 pm tonight.

I always take my license plate off my truck before I get to my destination where a rescue is done.  I parked 2 blocks away from the building on Colfax and 19 street in Denver and waited for the limousine to drop them off in front of the building. After waiting  for 12 minutes the Limousine finally arrived  and dropped them off.  I started my engine and moved my transmission into drive. When the Limousine started pulling away, I made my move to follow in behind. Leah saw me as I pulled up and communicated with the rest to come towards me. All of them climbed into my pickup. As I started to drive away I said, “Don’t look back.”

I continued driving until we were safe.  I pulled over and told them to take all their chips out of their cell phones so I could destroy them.  My King said, “Sonny, don’t destroy Victoria’s cell phone chip.” I destroyed the other chips and left Victoria’s phone in tact. We continued  driving  to the west side of Denver.  Victoria called everyone’s parents and told them they were safe and we are coming home.  I shared Christ with them on the way to Victoria’s house. I had one of them read John 3:16-17. After she finished reading I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?”

They started to cry.  I said, “Jesus Christ loves all of you very much. He has a new purpose for your lives.” They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Victory. I delivered them to the home where all their families were waiting. They came running out to greet them. It was so beautiful to see their families loving them. They all thanked me and hugged me. I told them that my King gets the Victory. He made it possible for me to do this. I had a chance to pray with all of the parents.  I told them that their daughters gave their hearts to Jesus Christ and that their names are now written in the Book of Life. Three of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ themselves. The other two were Christians already. God gets the Victory and the Glory.

God’s Kingdom protected us on Sunday. After church I received a call from Victoria. This is the reason the Holy Spirit did not let me destroy her phone chip because he knew that she would be calling me again. She said that the remaining seven of the young women that are in the organization want to get out also.  I arrived in Denver just before 2 pm Sunday afternoon to rescue the rest of the women at the same building I rescued Victoria.

Before I drove down the alley I removed my license plate. I know one of the security guys there at the building. He messed with the camera from the alley so no one would see us pull up. The girls came out right at 2 pm in the afternoon.

After they jumped into my pickup they started to cry. They couldn’t believe that they were actually going back to their families. Again, when we got to a safe place my King said to pray with these young ladies also.  I said, “God can forgive you of all your sins.  My King has a new purpose for your lives.”  I then asked, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?” All seven asked God to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. They cried even more. They hugged me and thanked me for coming for them. I told them that my King gets all the Glory and the Victory. We went to Victoria’s home again.  All of the seven ladies families were there waiting for them. They came out to their daughters and hugged them while crying and thanking God for bringing them back safely home.  I prayed for their families. There was 22 family members there and 15 of them were already Christians. The seven that weren’t gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. God is so Faithful I got home at 8:30 tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.