Lorenzo’s Testimony

Did you ever  wonder what happens to some of these people that I witness to?  Well I want to tell you a story about Lorenzo.  Lorenzo was one of the last people I witnessed to. I found out that after his neighbor left he started thinking about what happened in Lorenzo’s life. He was anxious to find out how he made such a drastic change in his life. He then asked Lorenzo if he would go out to lunch with him and share what happened in his life to make him decide not drink anymore. They went out to a Subway store and ordered sandwiches there and they started talking. His neighbor asked, “What happened over there at the house that day I was there? I could tell there was a change in your life at that time.”

Lorenzo said, “This guy, whose name is Sonny, brought my son home from the gangs. He asked to take me out for a drive. I had no idea where we were going but we happen to stop by the cemetery. ”

Then Lorenzo said, “Sonny,  this is kind of a strange place to go.  Sonny then told me, “God wanted me to bring you here.” We got out of the truck and we started heading east then we came upon this blank head stone. There was hole dug by it. I asked Sonny, “What does this mean?” He warned me, “This is your fate Lorenzo if I do not quit drinking. Your liver will fail and you will surely die. ” He also talked about how much Jesus Christ loves me and he wants me to be part of his kingdom. I just cried and felt I needed Jesus. I accepted him right there. But Sonny did not stop there. His King wanted me to stop drinking. His King was going to make me throw up everytime I had a drink. I decided it was time to start living for Jesus Christ and make his King my King. I went home and destroyed my stashes of liquor.”

The Lorenzo concluded, “My relationship with Jesus has improved my relationship with my wife and family. I even want to go to church now. ”

His neighbor started crying and he to wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ. His neighbor went home and he to destroyed his caches of liquor in the dumpster. His neighbor decided it was time for him to live the life Jesus Christ would want him to. Both Lorenzo’s wife and his neighbor’s wife have been Christians for a while and go to church together while the husbands stayed home to drink. Not now! They all go to church together as a family. Because neither drinks now the grandkids are coming and playing in the backyard. This is something that never would happen while they were drinking. Lorenzo’s son in law has made changes in his life because of the living testimony in Lorenzo’s life.

Lorenzo’s church that he is now going to has already seen the drastic change in his life. The pastor has noticed the change that has happened in his life and he has been asking Lorenzo to give his testimony to everybody in the church. People need to hear about the power of God working in their lives.

Lorenzo and his wife are also being a witness to the street that they live on. Many times the neighbors get together to have a party. Lorenzo and his wife are also hosting parties and inviting everyone to come. The only thing is when Lorenzo has a party now there is no liquor involved. The neighbors want to bring some liquor but Lorenzo said, “No. we’re only having juice, water and non-alcoholic beverages.” This gives Lorenzo an opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ to his neighbors and what he did to alleviating his desire to drink. Lorenzo’s testimony is having a great impact not only in his family but to his neighbors also. I do believe the power of Lorenzo’s testimony is going to change the lives of whoever he comes in contact with.

One Reply to “Lorenzo’s Testimony”

  1. Lorenzo has converted his neighborhood from a Party Zone into a place now where they meet to have a regular Bible study. God has shared with him to become part of a prison ministry. He has shown Lorenzo two prisons. One is in Fort Morgan and the other one is in Denver. God wants him to be a witness to those prisons. He had to meet with the Wardens to get permission to do so. God provided the open the door so that he could do this. When he started out in the Denver Ministry they were only five people who showed up for the first Bible study. Now he’s been doing it less then a year and he’s already got 40 people attending. In the Fort Morgan Ministry everybody comes to his Bible study. The Holy Spirit is strong in Lorenzo’s life. He is on fire for God.

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