California Latinos Accept Jesus

On Saturday as I was going to witness to gangs in Denver, I got a call from an undercover police officer.  He told me that there was two gangs of Latinos talking to each other in the park. Latinos are usually friendly towards each other. The men in Latino gangs usually have pistols tattood on their arms. The girls have a rose on their arm. Some of these rose tattoos are so professionally done you almost feel like you can reach out and hold the rose in your hand.

I now have a chance to witness to two different gangs at the same time. The gang from Denver has 14 members. I know most of the people who belong to this gang. The Leader’s name is Angel.  The other gang from San Jose California has 13 members. The membership consisted of seven guys and six girls. The leader of this gang goes by the name of Leo. The San Jose gang is totally new and I have not met anyone who belongs to this gang.

Before I arrived,  my King said, ” Go and buy 8 boxes chicken at King Soopers.” Each box has 8 pieces of chicken. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. All of the cars from San Jose are 54 and 56 Chevys. God said, “Sonny, go ahead serve them now.” I took the chicken and the cooler with water bottles and placed the food where the gangs would see it. Leo’s gang drew their pistols on me.   Leo asked, “What are you doing here?”

Angel exclaimed, “This is Sonny. He talks to us about his King Jesus Christ.”

I said, “God said that you guys were hungry.”

They all started to eat the Chicken and the serranos. One guy was really starting to sweat eating the serranos but he would not stop eating. As the gangs ate, I read the Bible to them.  God gave me Jeremiah 29:11 and John 3:16-17 to read.  I gave Bibles to all of them. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

They thanked me and they told me that they loved the food. They ate it all picking the bones clean. There’s never much to clean up after these gangs are through eating.

Then Leo said, “Can God really forgive me for everything I have done? Sonny, I have done some really bad things and I didn’t think that God would ever forgive me.”

I replied, “Just ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness from all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to fill your heart. God will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

Leo said, “Your King is cool, man.”

I said, “When you give your life to God, he will write your names in the Lambs Book of Life.”

One of the girls said, “I want God in my heart.”

Leo said, “Guys, lower your guns and put them away.”

Angel asked, “What does this mean?”

Leo said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I exclaimed, “Those of you that want your names written in the Book of Life come over to me.”

The whole gang from San Jose came over and stood by me. As they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and asking Jesus Christ to come into their hearts, Angels gang was just standing there. They didn’t move an inch. When we were done praying, Leo’s gang began asking many questions about Jesus Christ. The Denver gang decided they wanted to leave when Leo’s gang began asking questions. The leader Angel drives a  dark blue 1967 GT500 Mustang. The rest of the Gang also drive 1960s and 1970s Mustangs. They started their cars and you could hear the rumble of those V8s. Angel since he had more horsepower of course he was in the lead. But they all soon left the park with Leo’s gang here by itself. Leo’s gang continued asking more questions about Jesus Christ.

Leo’s gang sometime later began calling their parents. It was cool hearing them talking about how they found Jesus Christ and how they gave their hearts to him. They made arrangements to head back to San Jose to meet their parents that are welcoming them back home.

Leo’s gang headed back to California yesterday. God is so Faithful.