Flying Kites for Jesus

As I was heading to Denver to witness, God said, “Sonny, I want you to pick up 15 kites to take with you to the gang members. They will also be hungry.  I want you to pick up 30 hamburgers to serve them. They will be in the southeast corner of the park.”

I picked up the kites at a Walmart store then I headed to my McDonald’s store that I frequent to get the hamburgers. The manager exclaimed, “Sonny are you going to witness to gangs today?”

I said, “Yes I am. Please pray that Our King would prepare their hearts for receiving God’s Word.” I left the restaurant and headed towards the park.

I could see that there was 15 in this gang. When I pulled up, I started getting all the hamburgers and the water out.  I lowered the tailgate down on the pickup. The gang members started coming towards the pickup. The gang leader said, “Hey Sonny you brought us hamburgers.”

I replied, “God said you guys were hungry. He wanted me to serve you. ”

As the gang member started eating their hamburgers, I started reading John 3:16 to them. As they thought about what I read, they responded with the question, ” So God so loved the world that he gave his only son for us?”

I said, “Yes, he did.”

The gang leader said, “Can God really forgive me of all my sins?”

I said, “Yes, he will forgive you of all your sins. All you have to do is ask him to forgive you first. Then ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

The leader said, “I’m still hungry man. I want to eat another hamburger.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me, “Sonny, he is not ready yet. But I have softened his heart.  He will eventually turn to me.”

So they start eating their 2nd hamburger. When they were done eating, I said, “Hey, I brought you guys a surprise.”

The gang member said, “What did you bring us?”

I said, “I brought kites.”

The gang leader said, “We don’t fly kites man.”

I said, “Well just help me put them together. It’ll be fun.”  I put all the 15 kites on the tailgate and began putting them together. As they were watching, some of the gang members started helping me construct the kites. I learned  the gang leaders name is Brooklyn but his nickname is “Sing” because he’s always singing. As we were getting close to finishing,  I was telling Sing there’s not even a breeze I need some wind Lord because we are about to finish the kites. Then all the sudden the wind picked up and the gang members took their kites to the open part of the park and started flying the kites. It was a blessing to see these young man have such a wonderful time flying the kites. After they have been flying kites for a while, I went one by one and read the Bible to them. I told about what God is doing in my life and what God wants to do in their lives. The gang members are having the time of their lives by flying kites. It was so beautiful to see all the kites up in the sky. The sun was beginning to set. As it was getting dark, they said, “Sonny we need to go.”

As they were beginning to leaving  I asked, “If there’s any of you that want your name is written in the lambs book of life come over here by me.”  Two gang members came to over and stood by me.  They gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the glory and all the victory. I was able to take those two young men back to their families where I got to pray for their families.  Their parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Again my King gets all victory and the glory.  I am thankful just getting the opportunity to see it happen.