Samuel Has a Hit on My Life

About 3 months ago the undercover police told me that an organization ran by a guy named Samuel had a hit out on me. Bringing Jesus Christ to the gangs has decreased the number of people in his work force generating income. He wanted me stopped. I was waiting till my King told me to go and pray with them. My King still has me going to Denver to continue witnessing to the gangs. He chose me to bring Jesus Christ to gangs and he will protect me as long as I obey him.  My job is a long way from being completed.

I was having a Bible study with the Boys from the Bronx’s. During the study, God said, “The people trying to kill you, their hearts are ready now. Go and pray with Samuel and his organization. Before you go to Denver, take 22 Crosses and 22 Bibles.” After I told the boys from the Bronx what God just revealed to me, we stopped everything and they prayed for me and my safety.

I headed to Denver. I was halfway there then I got the phone call from an undercover police officer. He was directed by the Holy Spirit to call me. He told me there was 22 of them and gave the address of the building. I continue driving until I arrived at the address the undercover police officer gave me. I arrived at approximately 7 PM.

I parked my pickup around the corner of the building near the alley because it was dark and no one could see my pickup. My King told me to remove my license plate before I arrived. As I walked up to the door, I noticed it was one of the fanciest buildings in Denver. God said, “Sonny, anoint the building with oil and pray.” I preceded to walk around to each corner of the building and anointed olive oil on each corner and prayed for those inside that their hearts would be softened to receive God’s Word. As I finished anointing the last corner, I headed towards the main door. God said, “Before you press the door buzzer, anoint your hands with oil.”  I did what God told me to do and anointed my hands with oil and prayed for their hearts some more. I then proceeded to press the speaker button. A guy asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “I’m here to deliver a message to your boss.” Two guys came to the door and took me to the top floor.  The building was teaming with activity. Most of their income is made from drug activity from the gangs working in the late of night. When we stepped out of the elevator, there were 20 men in the room. They all surrounded me. Their boss said, “What’s your message to me?”

I said, “My King brought me here to pray for all of your hearts. He said you are going to die here in this building this very night.  Before this happens, let me pray for all of you.”

The boss, whose name is Samuel, asked, “What’s your name?”

I said, “Sonny, the one you have been looking for. Let me pray for all of you.” Everyone was motionless. I prayed for all of Samuel’s men first. They were just standing there like “What’s going on.” Samuel was the last one I prayed for; but before I prayed for Samuel, I said, “Let me read a verse to you.”  I read Mathew 6:33 to him. His Grandma read that verse to Samuel when he was young and his grandparents had that verse on a plaque on their wall.

After I prayed for each one of his men, I anointed them with olive oil and put crosses and on all of their necks. I gave each of them Bibles. Then I walked up to Samuel and prayed for him and his family. I saw tears coming out of eyes. When I was praying for Samuel, God showed me why his heart was broken and that he needed to forgive his Father because what he did to him and his mother.  After I prayed with him, Samuel took me into his private office away from his men.  Samuel said, “No one ever knew about that. You were sent by God to bring healing to our hearts.” I told him what God had revealed to me about his father. He proceeded to call his Father and tell him that he forgave him for what he did to him and his mother. After that, Samuel told all his families that he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Then he made a call to someone on his desk phone and told them to leave me alone that he was taking the hit off of me. He hung up the phone and we left his office. He told his men that he has given his heart to Jesus Christ.

I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the lambs book of life come and stand in front of me.” Samuel was the first one to give his heart to our King. The rest of them followed.  My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. God spared their lives. I shared some of my story of what God is doing here and in other cities. I started sharing about reaching gangs in New York City Bronx area. Samuel said, “I lived in the Bronx.” He told me that he was born and raised in the Bronx. I told him about what happened at the baseball field on my last visit. For you readers: all the things that God did can be read in my last New York story.

Samuel said, “I remember this baseball field. I actually played there when I was younger. ” He also told me about the abuse he endured there also. He had an opportunity to learn how to box at 14 years of age. After he learned boxing, three boys who were abusing him constantly growing up he eventually confronted and knocked them out cold. This skill eventually landed him the title of gang leader,  then boss of a business involved in drug trade.

After Samuel accepted Jesus Christ, he decided he wanted to give all that up  and serve him. Samuel was lead by the Holy Spirit to take a trip to New York to see his old stomping grounds. He looked the old baseball field over. He remembered when I told him I anointed his building with oil before I entered. He walked around the field and anointed the perimeter and prayed over the field. I told him about Isaiah, the grounds keeper. He saw a guy who was working on the field. Samuel walked over and said, “You must be Isaiah.”

Isaiah replied, “How do you know my name?”

Samuel said, “Sonny told me about you.”

Isaiah asked, “You know Sonny?”

Those two talked about what happened recently in Samuel’s life and I am sure there was some discussion of what the Holy Spirit accomplished when I was there.

While he was there, God lead Samuel to make improvements to the baseball field we used when I was in the Bronx. He approached local businesses to do the work. The company that does the lights for the Yankee Stadium came out and fixed the lights.  These were state of the art lights.  The same as what you would find at the Yankee Stadium. After the company found out it was to be a witness to gangs, there was no bill for the lighting. Samuel approached another local company that replaced the perimeter fence with a beautiful strong one.  Samuel then found a landscaper to come in and make the baseball field look professional. Samuel purchased a bus so they could travel around New York to play gangs and other teams. He wanted the grounds keeper Isaiah to drive the bus. Isaiah accepted the position as bus driver. God has truly changed Samuel heart.

Because of what has happened recently the area around the baseball field is a lot more peaceful. The residents have never seen it as good as it is right now.  Most everything is free to used by the locals. When we believe in God and trust what he can do. He can change the world. I am sure there is a lot of praying going on. That is where most of the power and peace is coming from.