My Street Ministry

God has chosen me to witness to gangs. They are lions with broken hearts. My King also has shown me the hearts of those who walk on streets like Colfax in Denver.  Many of them also have broken hearts. God continually sends me to the streets to minister to the lost and the broken hearted. I never know how the Holy Spirit is going to have me approach the people I meet on the street. Here are examples of some of the things he’s had me do.

One day as I was walking on the street, the Holy Spirit revealed, “Those two men  on your left are about to harm the couple to the right of you. I want you to tell them that I do not want them to do what they are planning. I also want you to tell them about me and how much I love them. One guy’s name is Allen and the others name is Thomas.”  I did as the spirit instructed me to do. I shouted, “Allen and Thomas, I want to talk to you guys.” I startled them when I called them out by name. They asked me, “Who are you and how did you know our names?”

I said, “My King, Jesus Christ told me your names and about your plans to harm that couple over there. He wants you to leave them alone.  He also wanted me to tell you about how much he loves you and he has a purpose for your lives then what you are doing now.” I started sharing more about Jesus Christ, who he is and how they could become part of his kingdom.  They finally wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their own Personal Savior. The other couple that they were about to harm kept walking over until they finally arrived where we were at. We shared with them that Alan and Thomas were about to harm you and how they decided to give their lives to Jesus Christ instead. They introduce themselves to us. The husband’s is Zechariah and his wife’s name is Sarah. We all talked about how God wants to transform their hearts for his kingdom. Zechariah and Sarah told the boys that God has a purpose for them.  The guys called their parents and they came for them. When the parents arrived, all of them began crying.  The guys told their parents what they were about to do to Zechariah and Sarah. In front of their parents, they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their parents then rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ.

The Zechariah and Sarah said, “Earlier, we were thinking it’s getting late in the day. We need to find people to give these two Bibles to. Now we know we were supposed to give them to these two guys.”  I ran out of Bibles earlier today and I did not have any Bibles to give these boys. But our King knew that I was out but he provided for.

Another time of witnessing, he said, “Sonny, go stand on the street corner with your Bible and don’t say a word; but pray for those that come to you and ask for prayer. Pray for them because of what they are going through.” My first thoughts had me feeling that I should not do this but it would be better to go out into the people and do my thing. Only my King knew that the people would respond better to me by standing still on the corner. I am glad I listened to him.

Of those who come to me while just standing, sometimes they just want someone to pray for them. Some of the reasons could be for their parents, families,  or a job situation. My most memorable time,  just standing in place, was by a building. I began praying for people as they came to me.  As I finished praying for one person, I looked to my left. 21 people were lining up so I could pray for them. I praise God for that. After I pray with each individual,  I ask them if they want their names written in the Lambs Book of Life by giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. Many get saved on the street just by standing still. Not all people who come are in need. Because of the spiritual warfare going on out there on the streets, some people are out to destroy me.

One time a girl, all dressed in black, began to approach me. Her eyes appeared black like looking into a dark casam. Her gaze never left me as she continued to approached me. “Don’t let her touch you Sonny!”, the Holy Spirit warned me.

I fired back at her holding my Bible towards her and exclaimed, “My King, Jesus Christ, does not want you to touch me.” The power of the name “Jesus Christ” was too much for her. She did a 180 and took of running. She never said a word while fleeing.

Another time when I was on a street corner where God told me to stand and pray for people, I saw a man walking towards me on my left side.  He was wearing all black clothing covered by a trenchcoat.   His appearance looked very dark. Even his eyes through the sunglasses appeared very dark. A little girl walked up to me on my right hand side and said, “Sonny, don’t let that man touch you and don’t pray for him. Just tell him Jesus Christ loves him.” When that man got closer, he was about to put his hand on my shoulder. Before his hand touched me, I said, “Jesus Christ loves you very much.” That man stopped moving,  turned around and took off running. Again, he never said a word. I turned to thank the little girl but she was gone.

The next time another guy spoke to me. He said, “I want to pray over your pickup.” Again the Holy Spirit warned me not to let him touch my pickup. Then I said, “Before you do, let me pray in the name of Jesus Christ over your life.” He too ran off in the opposite direction and wanted to get as far away from me as possible. “Jesus Christ”, the name that’s exalted above all other names, has amazing power.

I have even been opposed even before I get to where I’m supposed to  witness. I actually had one guy come up to me and point his pistol at my window while I was in my pickup truck. Since my mission that God has sent me on is not complete yet, he sent a bolt of lightning from my door joint where my front pickup door opens and zapped the guy. That caught him off guard and he lost interest real quickly in trying to shoot me. His greatest desire now is to see how far and how fast he could get away from my truck.  I am sure that he is going to think about what happened. My greatest desire for him is that he’ll realize who Jesus  Christ is and will accept him as his Personal Savior. Because of all the spiritual warfare going on out there on the streets,  I encourage everyone to pray that I continue to be effective in reaching not only the gangs; but whoever I come into contact with on the street.

My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Remember this, if your King, Jesus Christ, chooses you to do something for him and as long as we follow his instructions, he will protect you in all situations while doing his work. There can be suffering involved doing his work. But it is beneficial to him that you survive to finish the tasks that he gives you to do. Trust in Jesus Christ always.