Christmas for Three Gangs

God sent me to Denver to pray for the children at Children’s Hospital. As I was praying for the gift of Jesus Christ for these children,  God said, “Take the gift of Jesus Christ this Christmas to three Gangs. I will give you the names of the leaders of the gangs I want to bless.” My King gave me the names of three gang leaders and that I was to deliver Christmas presents to them and the gang members on Thursday the week before Christmas. I disciple the undercover cops that I have witnessed to. We have a Bible study where we meet regularly.   Two Fridays before the event was to occur, I shared what God revealed to me at our Bible study. There was a big response. Those that God chose to help us stepped forward. It started a ripple effect. The Holy Spirit did share things that were needed for this Christmas event. As for Bible study group, I told them to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to direct them on what to get for girls and guys both. The group wanted to even help bring Christmas to some poor families. Seven couples came up to the stage and asked the rest of the Bible study group if they knew any families that are struggling so we can put some Christmas Gifts together for them and their families.

Those seven couples organized everyone to buy the gifts for the families that they knew as well as the three gangs. Some Christian brothers and sisters helped me to buy little Christmas trees that have all the lights on them already.  We spent two nights wrapping all the Christmas gifts for all three gangs. Each present was prayed over that God would anoint each gift to be used for his Kingdom and open the hearts of each gang member. You could hear a lot of them crying. Just envisioning those people who would have no Christmas what it would be like would bring emotion to anyone. They will now be able to open up a gift that was delivered to them by love. God really brought a joyful heart to all of us.  My King is Faithful.

We loaded up three separate vans.  The first van was for  Marcello’s gang which consisted of eleven guys and seven girls.  The second van had gifts for  Apollo’s gang which consisted of  twelve guys and six girls. The third van was loaded for Fransisco’s gang which consisted of  fourteen guys and eight girls. The gifts consisted of Bibles and crosses. Gang members like to wear black, so we purchased black coats, hoodies, shirts, socks, shoes and sunglasses. For the girls, the undercover police women picked out some pretty shirts, coats, winter gloves, perfume, makeup kits, brushes, socks and toothbrushes.  Gangs like food so we purchased snacks like lunch meat, bread, cheese, mustard, mayonnaise, Oreo cookies, Spicy Cheetos, and other chips. They love having pop with their snacks so we delivered Dr Pepper, Coke, Mountain Dew, and Pepsi to each gang. Each of the gang leaders had their names placed on their gifts.

My King told me in what order to take Christmas to three gangs that he picked out. The first gang was to be Marcello. I then was to continue on to Apollo’s gang. I was to finish with Fransisco’s gang. Because the gangs are not comfortable with new vehicles showing up in their territory, I had to unload each van into my pickup before I delivered the gifts to that gang. I have spent enough time witnessing to all three gangs that they all know my truck very well. I am now ready to drive to Marcello’s residence with their gifts. I know that God was already dealing with their hearts and I was excited and anxious at the same time to get there.

As I pulled up to Marcello’s home at 4:45 p.m., I could see that they were home. My King said, “Sonny, take the box with the Christmas tree in first. ” As I was walking towards the house,  Marcello and four guys came out of the house to greet me in a gang fashion. Two of the guys had their pistols aimed at me. Marcello said, “What’s that Sonny that you are carrying?”

I said, “A Christmas tree. My King, Jesus Christ, said to bring you presents but you need a Christmas tree.”

Marcello exclaimed,  “Sonny, are you really bringing Christmas to us?”

I said, “Yes, My King wants to bless you with Christmas. He loves you very much. ”

When Marcelo figured out what I was doing,  he said, “Guys, put your pistols away. Sonny is cool. ”

As they opened the front door for me, the girls were cleaning up the corner of the living room for the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree comes out of the box with lights already on it. We slipped it out of the box and positioned it into the corner of the room near one of the outlets.

One  of the girls said, “Thank you so much for the Christmas tree Sonny.”

I said, “Your welcome.  My King wants to bless you this Christmas.  In fact, many other people also wanted to bless you guys with Christmas. I am going out to get the remaining gifts.” Some of the girls and guys both helped me get the presents out of my pickup.  Marcello plugged in the Christmas tree. The lights came on brightening the corner of the room.  Soon, some of girls and guys started to cry. We put the girl’s gifts on the left side and the guys on the right side. When they saw what people had done for them for Christmas,  they started hugging me and thanking me.  I said to them, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”  I then said, “Let me pray for this moment.  Jesus Christ thank you for coming to this world to bring the gift of the Holy Spirit and  Salvation to the world and for being the reason for Christmas. We ask this in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name. Amen.”  Some of them said, “Amen” with me. They came to me and hugged me.

I read John 3:16 to them. Marcello said, “My Dad and Mom had a plaque by the living room with that verse on it.” His eyes started tearing up. Then Marcello said, “Sonny,  when you read that verse to me,  I felt deep emotion coming from deep inside of me. John 3:16 means a lot to me because my Dad and Mom told me why Jesus Christ came to this world.” The Holy Spirit really started to move in the hearts of this gang at this time. Marcello then said, “I want everyone’s attention. Before you guys open the gifts, I want you to call your parents and see if they will take you back to go home because this gang is over.” After a pause, Marcello said, “I’m giving my heart and my life to Jesus Christ.” The way Marcello responded to accepting Jesus Christ made some of them to start crying.  They all made calls to their parents. God even softened the hearts of the parents.  They all wanted them to come back home. They all reported to me that their parents were coming to take them home. As they begin opening their gifts, you could hear many of them say,  “This is what I needed.” or “I am glad to get this.” Since the Holy Spirit gave the ideas to us of what items to pick up, it figures that the gifts would be something that they would want.

After the gifts were opened,  I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come over here.” Marcello was the first one that came to me. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They hugged me some more and cried.  When their parents arrived, they too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Some of them were Christians already.  Those parents rededicate their hearts to Jesus.

When Marcello’s parents came, they brought the plaque with them that Marcello talked about. His Dad wanted to read it to him because it was Marcello’s favorite verse when he was younger. Marcello cried when he saw the plaque in his Dad’s hands.

Christ my King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

I left Marcello’s gang and headed back to the second van so I could transfer the gifts into my pick up before heading off to Apollo’s gang. Christmas for Apollo’s gang consisted of 12 guys and 6 girls. As I backed up to the van, the undercover police and their families were waiting to transfer the gifts. As the gifts were being loaded into my pickup, the children of the undercover police were praying over the gifts; thanking God for what he was going to do that night and that God would bless the gang members. They all hugged me and prayed over me. As I drove away, I could see all of them giving each other high five’s.

When I arrived at Apollo’s home, I could tell that they were all there. I got out of my pickup truck and picked up the box with the Christmas tree. I carefully walked towards the door. Apollo came out with three of his body guards who had their pistols drawn on me. Apollo asked, “Sonny, what’s going on?”

I said, “My King said bring Christmas to all of you guys. Also, there’s a lot of people that wanted to bless you guys with Christmas gifts this Christmas also. My King wanted me to bring this Christmas tree to decorate your home. ”

Apollo said, “Guys, put the pistols away. Sonny just has a Christmas tree in the box.” The girls must have been listening. They came outside and excitedly took the Christmas tree from my hands. I turned around and went back to my truck to get the rest of the gifts. The rest of the gang followed and helped me carry all the Christmas gifts to the house. The girls set the tree on the big table and started putting the Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree. They separated the gifts. Apollo’s gift was in the middle. It was the only gift that had a name on it. When I stood in front of all of them, the girls started to sing Christmas songs. The guys soon joined in. They sounded awesome and were really getting into the Christmas Spirit. Some of them started to cry because they began to remember their parents and families during past Christmas’s and what it meant to all of them. Soon as the room got quite, I started praying out loud for all of them and asked God to bring healing to their hearts. Two of the girls came over to me and began hugging me. They said, “We’re ready to ask Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We always listened to you when you would come and read the Bible to us, Sonny.” After the two girls gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, they began crying. Apollo came over and said, “It looks like you girls are going back to your families.” Then the other four girls came over and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and to come into their hearts. They to started to cry. As I stepped back, I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come over here.”

Apollo was the first one to come. Apollo said, “We have known Sonny for a long time. Sonny has never given up on us. He would come to us and read the Bible to us. He brought us food, pop and water when we were hungry and thirsty. Even when we would hurt him, he would always stand up and say I love you and I forgive you just like my King has loved me and forgiven me. ” Then they all came forward and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins. They cried and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. After Apollo’s gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, they couldn’t stop crying and talking to me about how they can start learning more about Jesus Christ. They called their parents who started to come right away to get them. When the families started arriving, I prayed with their parents and families. They too asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. It is now 8:20 p.m. and is time to bring Christmas to Francisco’s gang.

The last van contained the gifts for Francisco’s gang which consisted of 14 guys and 8 girls. This gang has sliced me before. Sometimes they would listen to me when I would read the Bible to them. The next time they might drive away. Now God said, “Sonny, it is time to bless them with Christmas presents.”

I responded, “God, show me a verse that I’m supposed to read to them.” God showed me 2 Corinthians 5:17

When I arrived at Francisco’s home, I could see that they were all there. Like the other gangs, the first thing I brought into the house was the Christmas tree. As I was carrying the tree to the house, Four of the girls came running out the door and said, “Sonny is here and he brought us a Christmas tree.” They took it from me and took it inside to set it up. Still inside the home, Fransisco shouted, “What are you girls doing outside?” Then he saw that it was me outside. Fransisco and three of his men came outside with their pistols pointing in my direction.

Francisco said, “Sonny, what are you doing here?”

I said, “Both God and other people want to bless you guys this Christmas with gifts. We want to show you guys that there are people that care about you.”

The rest of the gang came out to help me carry all the presents into the house. As I entered Francisco’s house, I noticed how big it is. The gang does an excellent job of keeping it clean. Even the yard was very clean. They placed the Christmas tree on a table. Francisco told his men to put their pistols away. The gifts then were all separated into boys and girls packages. I said, “My King wants me to read a Bible verse for you guys. The verse is 2 Corinthians 5:17: ->Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come.”

Francisco said, “So, if I give my heart to God, I become a new creation.” Then Francisco continued, “Sonny, can God really forgive me of all that I have done wrong?”

I said, “Yes, when you ask God to forgive you of all your sins, God will forgive you. Then he will forget all the sins in your past. Then I said, “Francisco, do you want your name written in the Lambs Book of Life?”

Francisco said, “Yes, I’m done with this life. I want to be a new creation.” After Francisco said that, all the girls came forward and wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ also. It is beautiful to see people coming to Jesus Christ. Now they have hope. As I began praying for them, the rest of the gang members came forward and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ also. Francisco said, “I’m tired of living this way. I miss my parents and family. I know all of you do to. All of you call your parents and tell them to come and get you because this gang is over.”

I started passing out Bibles to everyone. It was so amazing how my King transformed the hearts of all three gangs. Jesus Christ gets all the Glory and the Victory. When the parents started to arrive, the girls started running out first to meet them. Some of the guys followed them as soon as they saw their parents and families. They told their parents that they had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. After all the parents and families had arrived, I prayed for all of them. Some were Christians and rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. Others asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and to come into their hearts. It was so powerful what happened that night. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. “Kudos” to the Holy Spirt for transforming so many hearts both in the gangs and the gift givers. The undercover police women bought a lot of cool colors for the girls in this gang. You can see the excitement in their eyes. It is now 11 p.m.