Chicago Rescue and Salvation

I was asked to go and witness to a gang called  the MS13 in Chicago about a month ago. Part of the reason to go was to locate and possibly bring a certain young lady whose name is Sarah home. She is  the  daughter to someone important in Chicago.  I told them, “I never go in to see a gang until God tells me to do so. I will pray to my King for permission.  As soon as he gives me permission to go in, I will let you know.”  In the meantime,  they sent me her picture a week  later.  My King answered, “Sonny,  go and take a cross and a Bible to the leader. When you meet him, read John 3:16 to him and give him the Cross and the Bible. Turn around and walk away.”

He did give me permission to go in but has not given me a date to leave. About two weeks later on a Wednesday afternoon,  God said, ” Sonny,  stop at the outlet mall in Loveland and pick up the cross and Bible there” I did what he asked but he did not share any other information with me. The next day on Thursday while I was work, the  undercover police called me about 1 p.m. and said,  “Sonny,  the jet flew to Denver today.  Our guys will be in the area until late afternoon. Could you come tonight and go back to Chicago with us when we return? ”

I  said,  ” I will head down to the Denver International Airport right after work.”
I always keep a change of clothes in my truck because I never know when the Lord’s going to call me out on a mission. I left directly from work then headed down towards Denver. I boarded the jet about at 4:20 that afternoon. The jet took off immediately because law enforcement has a private runway.  While in the air,  I was served a  scrumptious rib eye steak with baked potato and salad which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Before two hours even passed, we landed at Chicago O’Hare Airport. I was picked up by a black SUV and taken immediately to where the gang was located. The SUV did not look very impressive from the outside but I could tell while we were driving this baby had some power underneath that hood.

The undercover police updated me on what this gang was like. Several people have already attempted to go in and rescue Sarah but all of them always come back beaten up badly; enough to be sent to the hospital by the gang that resides in the building. These guys are so mean that they’ve actually gone in and chased the owners of the buildings out and taken it over for their own use.  There is so much gunfire going on in the area that the cops don’t even want to attempt to go in. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’ve been able to go in and witness to previous gangs in Chicago and the Bronx in New York, likewise.  I got through these gangs and have come out mostly unharmed. My reputation is known by law enforcement and has reached the high-ranking officials as a possible alternative. Of course, we know that all things are possible with God’s help.

I was dropped off 12 Blocks away from the gang and started walking towards the building.  The undercover cops told me that police do not go into this area because of the extreme gunfire. They were concerned about my safety and tried to discourage me from entering. But I told them, “My King, when he sends me into an area to do a task, he will always protect me. I will not go until he tells me to go. But I have been told to go.”

The situation walking from the vehicle to the building was mostly peaceful. I was praying the whole way; feeling the presence of our King. There was gunfire going on, some close and some far away.  When I finally arrived at the front door of the building,  I waited there about 10 minutes. Two guys finally came out with pistols drawn and asked,  “What do you want?”

I said, “I’m here to give your leader a gift. They searched me and said, “You made a big mistake coming here. We will take you to our leader. ” They  took me to the elevator and pushed  the seventh  floor button.  When the elevator stopped and the doors opened,  I  saw a bunch of men working out who are all built like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  The first seven floors had weight equipment in them. Plenty of space for the guys to workout.  Sarah was in the room Their leader was there also. He was built better than any of his men were. The leader, who people call Mr. T,  had his  entire body covered in tattoos.  Of course,  he had the “Mr T” haircut to go with it. He began walking up to me and said, “So,  you brought me a gift. What is it?”

I said, “Before I give you your gift, my King said to read John 3:16 to you.” After I read the verse,  I gave him the Bible and the Cross. He threw the Bible on the couch and put the Cross in his pocket. The leader said, “You made a mistake coming here and delivering this to me. My boys are going to beat you.”

I said, “Before your guys hit me, let me pray for all of you” The leader said, “Ok.”  I started to pray for each man separately. I prayed for the leader the very last.  I said, “OK, I’m finished praying for all of you now. Your boys can beat me up.”

The leader paused then said, “Take Sonny to the front door and let him go.” It was not time to bring Sarah home, yet. I proceeded to walk back to the car that was still waiting for me. It  was quite and peaceful going back. I didn’t hear anymore gunfire. The environment I was walking through was tough. You can see bullet holes in the buildings. Others had some of their windows shot out.  As I got back to the car, they couldn’t believe that I was able to walk away from this gang without getting hurt. I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. As I said he protects me.” The undercover police took me back to the jet waiting at the airport and we flew back to Colorado. I arrived at Denver International Airport  10 p.m the same day.

Sahara called me about three days later. She told me that after his men escorted you to the front door, that Mr. T went and sat down holding the cross you gave him in his hands. He just kept staring at it for an hour and a half. Suddenly he just got up and went to bed taking the Bible with him. Sahara had to hang up the phone. A few days later, Sahara called again and said that she was home with her family.  Mr T walked up to her one morning and said,  “Sahara, do you want to go back home to your family.”

Sarah said, “Yes.”

Mr. T took me to the police station and dropped me off. Two days later,  the rest of the girls asked if they could go home. He said, “Yes” and brought all the girls back to their families. Then Mr T brought two  young men back to their families also.  The girls were talking to each other after all that happened.

God said, “Sonny, it is time to go back and witness to Mr T and the rest of the Gang. I got off of work, went home showered and met the jet at the Denver International Airport. When I arrived,  they were excitedly waiting for me by the open door of the jet.   After the jet got up in the air, the ladies came and asked, “Sonny,  do you want the usual.”  I replied,  “Yes, thank you so much.”   I definitely get spoiled flying with these guys. While  we  were  flying, the undercover police asked me how I was going to reach the leader for the Lord? They started praying for me and asking God to give me wisdom and the right Bible verses to read to this Gang. After they prayed for me, they asked me a lot of questions about; how do I reach these Gangs? I said, “My King shows me their broken hearts. Then I began praying for them. When my King gives me a verse to read to them, I read it. Because it penetrates their hearts.

When I landed in Chicago, it was raining and snow mixed. The undercover police had arranged a place for me to stay on this trip. As we drove there to drop my suitcase off, my King said, “Sonny, go and pray around the gangs building seven times before you enter.”  It is now about 11 p.m. We drove towards their building. I was dropped off about seven blocks from their building.  Because it was still snowing, they gave me an umbrella for my walk.  As I approached  the front of the building, my King started showing me how to pray for them. While I walked and prayed around the building, my King said, “Sonny,  don’t look behind you. Keep walking around the building and keep praying for those that are behind you. They were sent to you from my Kingdom to watch over you.” I wanted to look back but when my King says, “Don’t look behind you.”; that means don’t look behind you. God was already working in their hearts. I prayed for destruction of any strong holds that the enemy had around their hearts and that God would bring healing to them. As I finished praying the 7th time around the building, I started to walk back to the car that was waiting for me.  It was still snowing when I got a block away from the building. God said turn around. There were seven men fully armored. They appeared to be 12 to 14 ft tall.  They had both shields and swords and an eerie glow about them. So this is what it looks like when the power of God is radiating from someone.  Their helmets were huge. They were standing in front of the building with their swords lifted towards the building. You could tell they were praying.  The Angel on the far right on my side of the street looked at me then they all disappeared. I said to my King, “Thank you so much, my King, for sending them to protect me.” It really affected me. I cried because I wanted to go with them. But my King said, “Sonny,  my work is not finished with you in this world.”  I walked back to where the undercover cops were waiting for me.  They were close enough that they saw everything that happened. It took over an hour for them to get over just what happened.  They then took me back to the place I was to stay for the night. I am sure they are still contemplating the nights events.

It was a blessing to see Saturday morning.  As they were driving me back to the gang, they had already picked up three dozen donuts, two jugs of orange juice and two jugs of milk. I had 14 crosses and 14 Bibles.  When I got to the front door, two young men were waiting for me at the front door.  One of them said, “Thanks for coming back Sonny. Our leader has changed so much since you were here. He hasn’t been the same. He took all the girls and some of the guys back to their families. He has been reading the Bible to us and he won’t let go of the Cross you gave him.”

I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I brought breakfast for all of you.” They both hugged me as they took me to the 7th floor. They kept telling me how much their leader has changed. When the elevator door opened, one of the gang members burned my nose with his cigarette. Mr T saw this and literally threw the dude into the wall.  Mr T angrily said, “This is Sonny.  You are not going to treat him like this.” Mr T then said, “Sonny, I have so much to tell you. God has been waking me up at night and telling me to read his word.  God is really speaking to me through the Bible. Sonny, I want to give my heart to our King Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over here.”  All 14 came forward and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ into their hearts.  All of them cried. They asked me to teach them how to pray. I replied,  “When  you pray,  just pour your hearts out to Jesus Christ when you are praying.” I began praying out loud for all of them. The Holy Spirit began to move causing them to cry. My King has transformed their hearts. I asked Mr T, “When was the last time you talked to your dad?

He said, “It’s been probably 12 years.”

I said, “You probably should call him.”

Mr T said, “Let’s all call our parents and see if we can go back home.”

When Mr T called home, his dad picked up the phone. After Mr. T  acknowledge who he was, you could hear his dad yelling to his wife, “Our son’s on the phone.” Mr. T’s mom has been a Christian for quite a few years. and Mr. T’s dad has been a Christian for at least five years. He’s looks a lot like his son.  He is a Navy man and also has tattoos all over his body. I am sure that they have been praying for their son for this day to come for many years.  As the rest began calling their parents, I called the undercover police and asked them where can their families can pick them up in a safe place.  One of them has a cousin that works at a rec center. He will open the auditorium for us They sent me the address where we could all meet without any interruptions. All the young men sent the address to their parents.

We went down to the basement of the building where their cars were parked.  I got to ride with Mr T. His  real name is Justin. He drives a  beautiful 56 Chevy. They all drive old Chevy’s.  When we all drove away from the building, I told them not to look back. Justin started to cry and said,  “I feel my heart  being transformed even now.” When we arrived at the auditorium, the parents and their families were also starting to arrive.  After entering auditorium, I saw all  the girls and all the guys that I saw the first time I went to Chicago. Some of the guys had called them to let them know what was going on. All 27 of the original gang members are meeting with us at the Rec Center today. It was a beautiful sight. I went straight to the stage. The the lady that ran the Rec Center gave me a microphone. I said, “My name is Sonny. My King chose me to come to Chicago and witness to this gang. I would like to pray with all of you. Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come to the front so I can pray for you.” They all came to the front and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins then they all asked Jesus Christ into their hearts my King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Justin has had a high school sweetheart, whose name is Susan, that always had place in her heart for him. She never dated any other boys. Susan spent quite a few evenings with Justin’s parents, having many movie nights and becoming part of family activities. Susan has been part of Justin’s family for a long time; waiting for him to come back home. When Justin came home, he proposed to her. He said, “I have no job.  The only thing I have is $7000 dollars in my pocket. Will you marry me?”

Susan loudly replied,  “Yes; and I would marry you even if you had nothing.”  Justin’s story is only just beginning. I cannot wait to see how Jesus Christ is going to use him.

Before the gang left the building, they did try to clean up the building for the owners to put it back in as much of a conditione as they found it. The owners are now back in their building and they are repairing some of the windows and walls getting the building put back into shape. When Jesus transforms your life, you begin to look past yourself and begin to see other people in a different light.

Before I flew home, one of the flight attendants shared with me earlier that her mom was having a serious stomach infection. She was staying at one of the Chicago hospitals. She asked me, “Sonny, would it be possible for you to pray for my mom. I said, “I would love to do that.” I went with her to the floor in the hospital. As I entered the room, I could see her in all the Ivies. She was halfway asleep. I moved along side her. She looked and saw my hoodie. On it I had the verse Isaiah 41:10. She looked at me and said, “Isaiah 41:10; that’s my favorite verse.” I said, “My name is Sonny. Your daughter has asked me to pray over you.” I went up to her. Then I said, “I’m going to place my hand on your stomach.” I could feel a lot of activity going on in there. I lifted her up to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to come in and fix what was going on in there. After I finished praying, she felt so much better. Later we found out that the Holy Spirit did his work in there because the doctors couldn’t find any more signs of the infection. She’s on there road to 100% recovery. Thanks for the healing power of the Holy Spirit. I could not have Victory without him.

One Reply to “Chicago Rescue and Salvation”

  1. Justin has already been doing work for God. God said to Justin, “I want you to go and witness to one of the rival gangs that you’ve been fighting with. I want you to stop and get some hot dogs from one of the street vendors near the park where you will be meeting them. Make sure that they are all beef frank’s. Take some Dr. Pepper and Coke with you too for them to drink.” God shared with Justin the exact location in the park where the gang will be hanging out. After he arrived at the park, Justin found one of those guys with one of those hot dog carts. He noticed the cross on the side of his cart. He went up to the guy and said, “I need to order 25 hot dogs.” Justin paused a second then said, “No, make that 50 hot dogs. They will probably want two hot dog each.”

    The vendor asked, “Fifty hot dogs! Is this for a party?”

    Justin said, “No. Jesus Christ told me to go and talk to a rival gang. He wants me to take food to them and witness to them about Jesus Christ.” Justin asked him if he was a Christian, which he was, and shared more about what Jesus has done for him recently.

    After Justin finished sharing, the vendor said, “If you buy 25 hot dogs, I’ll pay for the other 25. I want to help you reach that gang.” Justin had a short walk to where the gang was hanging out. He walked up to the leader of the rival gang. The gang had him covered with their pistols. The gang leader responded, “I heard that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.”

    Justin said, “Yes, I did.”

    The gang leader said, “It does not make any difference to me. I want to shoot you for coming here.”

    Justin said, “Before you shoot me, I brought food for us to eat and I am hungry. You can shoot me after we eat.”

    The leader was perplexed and asked, “Did you really bring food for us to eat? What did you bring?”

    Justin responded, “I brought all beef hot dogs made the Chicago way and they are still hot.” They sat down by the picnic tables and began eating the hot dogs . The leader said, “These are our favorite hot dogs. How did you know how we like them?”

    I said, ” I didn’t know. But God told me exactly how to make them for you guys. Because he knows everything about you and they are custom-made the way you like them. ”

    After the gang thoroughly enjoyed the hot dogs, they looked at Justin and said, “You still made a mistake coming here. We are still going to shoot you.”

    Justin responded, “Before you guys shoot me, I want to be able to pray for all of you.” Justin prayed for all the gang members one by one. After he finished praying, he walked away from the park unharmed.

    This story is not finished. The Holy Spirit has set into motion change in their hearts. I’m sure Justin will be back to talk to them again.

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