Cuban Gang Give Hearts to Jesus

The undercover police from Denver told me that there was a new gang in town. The word on the streets is that they came from Cuba. My King gave me permission to talk to them and what I needed to take with me. The first time I met them was at a Commerce city park. The weather was nice. It was 70 degrees outside and only the first week in February. This is very unusual for Colorado. I took them pizza from Black Jack Pizza with extra jalapeños on pepperoni. When I arrived, I walked towards them. Before I could say a word, one of them grabbed me and threw me over the nearby picnic table. I cleared it and landed on my side. It sure did smart hitting the ground as hard as I did. I got up and headed towards the gang again. They all aimed their pistols at me. The guy that threw me over the table asked, “You didn’t get enough. Do you want me to do it again? We don’t want you here.”

I said, “My King told me that you were hungry. He told me what brand of pizza you liked and what toppings that you like on it.”

The leader, whose name is Alexandro, checked the pizzas to be sure. He said, “They really are made the way we like them.” I served the pizza, chips and pop to them. I talked a little bit about Jesus Christ to them while they ate. Four of the gang members gave their life to Jesus Christ. But they stayed put with the gang because of fear what might happen if they left the gang. I gave them all my ministry cards. Then God said, “Walk away!” As I drove away, I could see that they were looking at me in my rearview mirror.

About a week later, I met with the gang from Cuba again. Today, I am going to meet them at their residence. The undercover police gave me the directions to their home. This time, as requested by my King, I brought 20 Bibles, 20 Crosses and a bunch of Girl Scout cookies. An undercover police officers daughter gave me the cookies to give to the Cuban gang. I found out that they were in Denver to buy out a drug cartel. This gang looks more professional than any of the gangs I have encountered. Not a lot of tattoos and classy attire. Money is not a problem either. They drive black Mercedes automobiles that were bought with cash. They brought enough cash with them to buy out one of the drug cartels. They were prepared to do business. But God has other plans for these young men. I was about to meet them.

I parked in front of their house. I got the food, that my King told me to purchase, out of my truck. I began walking up the sidewalk with the big box which contained the cookies and three gallons of milk. When I was halfway to the front door, three armed guys came out and asked, “What do you want Sonny?”

I said, “I brought you guys something to eat. I picked up some cookies and milk.” I paused and said, “I need to talk to your leader.” They were still aiming their pistols at me as I approached the door. I silently prayed, “Lord, touch their hearts.” As I walked through the door, the rest of the gang members drew their pistols and pointed them in my direction. I said, “I have brought you gifts.”

They sarcastically said, “Yeah, what kind of gifts?”

I said, “I brought something for you guys to snack on.” I pulled the cookies and milk out of the box.

One gang member said, “You know your going to get hurt by coming here.”

I said, “Well, before you hurt me, let me pray with all of you first. I’m gonna start from left to right.” I put a cross on each one while praying. They just stood there not even moving a muscle. I placed my hand on each one of their hearts. God showed me their hearts and I began telling them what my King was showing me. As I continued praying for them, I shared why their hearts were broken and needed healing. When I got to the leader and began praying with him, he already had tears in his eyes. He heard the prayers of the others and could relate to what was going on in his life. As I continued to pray for him, my King showed me that he was abandoned by his parents when he was 5 years old. His parents dropped him off at his Uncle and Aunt’s house and never came back to get him. In my prayer for him, I said, “My Father in Heaven, my King, will never leave you and not forsake you because he loves you very much.” I paused then said, “My King wants you to forgive your parents for what they did to you.” He was crying profusely. As I was standing there, I asked all of them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come to me and I will pray for you. Because today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me. But I know my King. He is my Lord and Savior. If my eyes close in this world, I’ll open my eyes in my King’s Kingdom.” They all came to me and and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I stayed at their home for half a day. They were asking me questions like, “Why do you say my King?”

I said, “He is my authority. He watches over me and protects me. He loves me and he’s very concerned about me and what I do. I do what he asks me to do.” Another guy was asking me questions about the Holy Spirit. When he was growing up as a young man he remembers his family talking about the Holy Spirit. I explained, “The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus Christ after he died on the cross for us. He is the comforter. Through him Jesus will always be with you. He’s the one that even told me what you liked on your pizza the first time. He even told me about bringing the milk today.” We continued to talk about Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit for the rest of the day.

Before I left, Alexandro pulled out a pile of 100 dollar bills out of the suit case to give me. He said, “I have learned that money is not the answer. This money is yours.” The pile was six to eight inches tall. I was thinking about how that money could help the ministry. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Sonny, don’t take the money. There is blood that has been spilt over it.” I remember reading the Old Testament where one man took some of the silver from a conquered nation that God told everyone to leave the spoils behind. He buried it in his tent. And from then on Israel started losing all their battles. They did not start winning again until the situation was resolved. I do not want this in my life. I could even face death by disobeying my King. I said to him, “My King said to me to leave it because of the blood that has been spilt over it.” He put it back in the suitcase.

Alexandro called his Dad. He has always had the phone number on him, but he has never talked to his dad since he was abandoned. When his dad answered the phone, Alexandro told him that he loved him in Spanish. Both of them began crying and they cried for a long time. Alexandro shared with him about accepting Jesus Christ into his life. He was excited about what just happened. I felt that he wanted to hug someone but being the leader kept him from doing so. So I decided to give him a hug instead.

They are heading back to Cuba. They shipped their cars back with them. They are excited to tell all their families that they have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I talked to his uncle. He’s a Christian. He is going to have a weekly bible study with all of them and their families. They really have to be careful there in Cuba because the churches are underground. God is so Faithful. The aunt and uncle own a hotel. After midnight, they go out on the streets and find kids who have been abandoned. They bring them back and give sanctuary to protect them and try to give them a normal loved life. Again, sharing Jesus Christ with them is dangerous because the entire church is underground in Cuba.