Reminiscing a Past Experience

My King has me talking to new gangs and drug cartels that come into Denver. I will be giving you details as they turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Tonight I am going to rescue a girl near Aurora in Denver.  This reminded me of a situation where I rescued 12 high-class prostitutes from Denver. I picked them up in my pickup. They were all sitting in the front and back seat of my truck. As we were driving to where they wanted to go, I was sharing Jesus Christ with them. I remembered when I delivered them to their destination that they were very joyous from getting out of the situation that they were in. As they got out of my pickup, they all gave me a kiss on the face and forehead. I do admit I enjoyed their experience but did not think much more about it because it was getting very late.

Since it was so late, I decided to stop at my 7-Eleven to get myself a soda that has caffeine in it for my drive home. For some reason there were quite a few people in the store. I walked in and everybody started laughing. I thought to myself, “I didn’t do anything that was funny.” So I asked what they were laughing about. They said, “You must have had a wild evening.”

Puzzled, I replied,  “Why did you say that?”

They snickered,  “You have lipstick all over your face.” They continued laughing. I decided to go into the bathroom and check to see what they were talking about. Sure enough,  I could see the kiss marks on my forehead and my face which I tried to remove. I had a kiss mark from each girl.  I even had lipstick on my clothes.  I came out of the bathroom and tried to explain what happened. They smiled and said, “Sure!” I got my drink and left the store.  I noticed that they were still smiling as I walked out the door.  As as I drove home, my pickup had a scent of their perfume over my interior.  I was not too excited about breathing that smell. But the Holy Spirit said to me. “At least we can’t smell you.” Touche