Church for the Homeless

Since all the churches are closed down today because of the Coronavirus, the Lord has me holding church outside. God loves people so much that he is not going to let something like a virus stop him from reaching people for the kingdom of God. I’m at a park in Commerce City. I’m going to have church service with the homeless that live here. My King asked me to read Mathew 6:33 and John 3:16 to them. I brought doughnuts, milk and orange juice for them. Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

I introduce myself to the people there at the park. I then told them that I had food for them to eat. They were excited that somebody would care enough to bring food for their needs. I prayed over the food and talked about Jesus while they were eating. They kept thanking me for bringing food. I said, “Our King loves you right where you are today and that there’s a man of God that helps the ministry to bless those that are lost and broken hearted. ”

Four mean guys walked up to me and started hitting me after I served the homeless people breakfast. The homeless people got up and surrounded them. They said, “Do not hit Sonny anymore or we will personally beat you up. Sit down and eat with us.” Shocked, the four men asked, “Sonny, forgive us for hitting you. I said, “I forgive you. Let me pray with all of you.” The Holy Spirit convicted their hearts. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

I discovered that there were undercover police from Baltimore at the park. Two were Christians but two of them weren’t. Those two gave their hearts to Jesus Christ during our impromptu service. Thank you so much for your prayers. Our King is Faithful.