Reaching Gangs in Baltimore

My King woke me up Wednesday night and said, “Sonny, it is time to go to Baltimore. Take them my Kingdom to the two gangs I showed you and tell them about Jesus Christ and what Jesus did for the world. Then tell them how much they are loved then anoint them with oil, pray over them and put crosses on them.” Then my King said, “Take them ice cream.” I started to laugh. God told me a jet from Baltimore will come Thursday night. They know that you are speaking at the correctional facility tonight and they are wanting you to come to Baltimore.

God showed me Baltimore about a month and a half ago as I was witnessing on the streets in Denver. He kept showing me visions of Baltimore. I have never been there before but he kept showing me two gangs killing and hurting each other in that city. The Undercover Police from Baltimore started calling me shortly after this vision about coming to Baltimore to help. I said, “I cannot go until my King tells me to go. I will pray and ask him.”

Before I was to leave for Baltimore, I was asked by the undercover police to speak at the correctional facility in Denver. They personally drove me there. At the Correctional Facility, there was 200 hundred young men present. My King said, “Read Jeremiah 29:11 to them.” After I read this verse, they all came to the front and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Usually I read a scripture and then I explain it to the audience but this time as soon as I finished, they all came to the front by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It was so Amazing to see the Holy Spirit move like this. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I was there for 2 hours. We discussed the verse Jeremiah 29:11 and discussed where I was going after the study with them and why I was going to Baltimore. I told them, “The Baltimore police are flying in to Denver to talk to me about going to Baltimore to go and witness to two gangs there.” Then I said, “My King wants you to know how he has plans for us all. The Baltimore police are flying to Denver in Faith praying that I will go back with them. What Baltimore police don’t know is that our King has already had me pack up some clothes because this very night I am going to Baltimore. Just remember wherever our King sends us to do a task that he will provide a way to accomplish it.” When the study was over, all the young men there surrounded me and prayed over me that God would protect me and that God would prepare the hearts of the gang members. I left with the undercover police in their vehicle to the airport for our trip to Baltimore.

The Undercover Police from Baltimore picked me up at the airport in the jet. They asked me, “Sonny, what did God tell you?”

I said, “My King said to take them his Kingdom and to serve them ice cream.” Then I said, “I need a ice cream truck.”

The undercover police laughed and said, “Sonny, we will take care of it.”

Then I said,  “There is to be no interface by anyone. I must go in alone. I will only be taking God’s Kingdom and his sword only. ” They trained me how to drive and operate the ice cream truck.  I know I am now ready to go.  Today, I took God’s Kingdom to them. When I pulled up to their location, they were facing each other with their pistols aimed at each other.  God said, “Go Sonny,  it is time to intervene. ” I drove the ice cream truck between the two gangs. I picked up the microphone and said, “Who wants free ice cream today?” They started to aim their pistols towards me. Then suddenly they just put their weapons down. I left the music playing in the ice cream truck on. The Holy Spirit showed me that it brought memories to them when they were little boys. I served them each an ice cream cone. One gang ordered 22 cones and the other had 24 cones. It was so much fun. They were actually smiling as they ate their ice cream cones. They came back for seconds. As the were coming back for to get more ice cream, I hooked up my phone and played “Charm’s Song” Then I played music from “Kingdom Music”, “Sevin” and “Young Bro”. All powerful music for the gangs to listen to. My King said, “Sonny, read John 3:16 to them over the intercom.” I stopped the music and read the verse. Both gangs just stared at me when I got out of the truck. I had my sword, the word of my King, oil and 46 crosses in my hands.

The leader on the right said, “You brought us ice cream and now your preaching to us.”

I said, “My King brought me here today to bring Salvation, healing and peace to all of you.”

The leader on the left then said, “You made a mistake coming here today. You are going to get shot for bothering us.”

I said, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you.” First, I prayed for the gang on the left. As I was praying for them, I anointed them first with oil then put a cross on each of them. I proceeded to pray for the gang on the right. I prayed for them and anointed them with oil and put crosses on them like the first gang. During my time with both gangs, none of them moved. When I walked back to the middle of both gangs, my King had me ask, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come to me.” Seven gang members from the the left and five gang members from the right came over to me. They said, “We are ready to give our hearts to Jesus Christ because he gave his life for us.” The rest of the gang members got in their cars to leave.  Just as they were getting ready to drive off, the leaders jumped  out of their cars and walked towards me. One leader held up his hand towards me and said, “Thanks for the ice cream. The Crosses are also nice.” As he was showing the Cross in one hand and shaking my hand with the other, the second leader did the same. He also said, “These crosses really are cool looking.” They both turned around and headed back to their cars.  As both gangs drove off, they all gave me thumbs up as they drove off. This was their way of showing gang respect to me.  The twelve that accepted Christ jumped into the ice cream truck with me and I drove them somewhere safe. One of them figured out how to play the icecream song on the truck. It drove me nuts having to listen to that all the way to our destination.  They called their parents from the safe zone who immediately came for them. Not only did the parents come but entire families.  They all cried because of what happened just now. The parents were so happy to get their boys back from the gang life. I had my chance to pray with their parents and they too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I went back to my accommodations. I then flew back home Friday night. The trip back and forth to Denver was a blessing. I had the opportunity to pray with the undercover police and the pilots. Both pilots gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Three of the undercover police I flew with are already Christians. The fourth one gave his heart to Christ on way back from Baltimore. Witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit does change lives.

The undercover police called me to tell me that the park where I witnessed to these two gangs that neither gang showed the next day. Usually, they go to the park every day to fight or shoot at each other. The undercover police are loving the new quietness at the park. This is something that has not happened in a long time. God is not through with Baltimore yet.

One Reply to “Reaching Gangs in Baltimore”

  1. I added more gang details to the conclusion of the story.

    When I drove the ice cream truck into the park, I did notice that all the neighborhood kids were looking out their windows wanting to come out and get ice cream too. But I could tell, because of the dangerous situation, that none of the parents would let their kids come out. The owner of the truck also noticed. So the next day he drove the truck to the same park and gave free ice cream to all the neighborhood kids. In fact, peace has been restored to the area and the kids are playing again.

    The Lord has already been working with the saved gang members. The saved members decided to take breakfast to their gangs where they use to hang out. They were not sure whether they would get run out or not but they had a strong desire to share what Jesus is already doing in their lives. They were totally accepted when they brought food to their gang. Both sides reported that the gang members are still wearing their crosses that I placed on their necks. Jesus says, “Sonny, you will be going back to Baltimore. “

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