Meeting Victor’s Gang Again

Do you remember the story of the breakfast burritos. I have been invited by Victor, the gang leader, to dine with his family. As I entered the restaurant, Victor’s entire gang was sitting on the left side with food that was being delivered to them by families of the gang leader. I was then taken to a special room that the gang leader was with his parents. When I entered the room, the leader stood up and gave me knuckles. Then his parents shook my hand and thanked me for coming. I looked the table over to see what they had. It had beef and bean burritos, tacos, enchiladas, salsa and chips. What a feast fit for a king! The lady asked, “Sonny, what do you want to drink.”

I replied, “Iced tea with four lemons please.”

She said, “Good choice, that’s my favorite.”

Then the gang leader asked, “Sonny, does God really forgive all our sins.”

I said, “Yes, but first you have to ask Jesus Christ to forgive all your sins. Then ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

His parents said, “Sonny, all our families are gangsters. We have a lot of questions but right now would you pray with us.” Victor called his boys into the room. His family asked, “Can you pray for us like you prayed for our son and the boys at the park.” After you finish praying, we will give you a call to come back to talk to us. So I prayed individually with everyone. My King was showing me all their brokenness. I prayed for Victor then his parents last. His Mom was crying most of the time. After I finished praying for all of them, I gave them scriptures to look up. I myself read John 3:16 to them. They continued asking me questions about Jesus Christ and why would they want to give their hearts to him. They were really curious why I witnessed to Gangs. They said, “Nobody wants to talk to us.”

I said, “I asked for a ministry that no one wants; so my King gave me a gang ministry so I can come and tell you how much my King loves all of you.”

They noticed the scars on me. So they asked questions about all my scares. I said, “It is nothing compared to the scares my King took for all of us when he went to the Cross for you and I.”  We ate supper together and they continued to ask more questions. No one gave their life to Jesus tonight but God has more plans for me to talk with Victor this week.

A couple of days later God told me it is time to meet Victor again. It was early in the morning and God said, “Sonny, I want you to serve breakfast to Victor’s gang. They are craving Donuts right now and I want you to serve them donuts for breakfast.” I have met with this gang before and they all know me very well. I picked up the donuts and the other breakfast supplies at a Denver Walmart. A young lady said, “That’s a lot of donuts.”

I said, “Yes, I’m taking them to a gang here in Denver because they have been craving donuts. My King said to bless them with food and go and read the word of God to them. She started crying and she said, “Let me pray for you and for their hearts.” She laid her hand on me and began speaking to the King. Her prayer was powerful.

From there I headed to the park. My informers told me where I would find them before I arrived in Denver. I pulled up to Victor’s gang. I had three dozen donuts, milk and orange juice to serve them. As I got out from my pickup, Victor said, “Are you going to talk to us about Jesus?”

I said, “I am because he wants to bring healing to all of you.”

Victor, putting up his guard said, “Sonny, right now I don’t want to talk about Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Ok man, let’s put these kites together and let the wind take them up to the sky.”

He responded, “You brought us kites.” All the gang members rushed to my pickup to see what I had. I purchased 17 Kites, one for each of them. I helped them put the kites together. When we finished constructing them, there wasn’t a breeze in sight. The leader said, “There’s no wind.”

I said, “Let’s pray for a miracle that God will create a breeze for us.” I prayed out loud for wind. Our King heard my prayer. A breeze began to materialize.

Victor said, “God heard your prayer.”

I said, “He wanted you to see that he loves you.” While they had the kites flying in the sky, I began sharing Christ to all of them and reading scriptures to them. I read John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11, and Isaiah 43:1-5. They began eating the breakfast that I brought in one hand and holding the kite string in the other hand. Whatever breakfast was left was taken with them when they would eventually leave. One and a half hours went by. They were having the time of their lives. One by one, they started to bring the kites in and came over to thank me for the kites. I said, “My King loves all of you. Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over to me.” Five came over and accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. This story is only beginning.

There was another gang that was watching them that day while they were flying the kites. They drove by slowly just watching the fun Victor’s gang was having. In fact, Victor’s gang was just having so much fun that they were behaving like kids. It was inspiring to me to see them having so much fun. This other gang was not sure whether they would be accepted to join in so they drove on. I found out later that “Antonio” was the leader of this gang. Other people in the park were also watching them having fun. A couple with their daughter in a wheelchair was watching them fly the kites. The little girl motioned to her parents that she wanted to go nearer to them. Her parents took her close to where Victor was standing. They started a conversation with Victor. I was wanting to walk over there and check out to see what was happening. But God stopped me and said, “Sonny, just stay put. I want you just to sit there and watch what is happening.” While I was observing their interaction, the gang leader handed the kite string to the little girl and bumped knuckles with Dad. When I saw what just happened, I started breaking down with tears. This is something gang leaders do not do. This is only possible if the Holy Spirit is working in one’s heart. Victor then walked away to his car. He and the rest of the gang brought in their kites and drove away from the park in their cars. The little girl was so excited to receive the kite from the gang leader as she continued to keep the kite in the air. After watching the little girl for a few minutes, I too, left the park. That same night God said, “Sonny, go and buy another kite for Victor who gave his kite to the little girl.” I noticed earlier that Victor had a dolphin hanging from the mirror in his car. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that Victor has a fascination with dolphins. So I called a couple of Walmarts until I found a kite that a had a emblem of a dolphin on it. I headed off to that Walmart to pick up his kite. So that evening I parked two blocks away from where Victor was at a party. I placed the kite under the windshield wiper of his car and walked away.

God wanted me to go back to the park the next day. When I arrived, Victor’s gang was flying their kites again. I wanted to join them but my King said, “Sonny, stay in your pickup and observe.” Antonio’s gang that drove by yesterday decided to stop and get out of their cars. They were just staring at Victor’s gang with the kites. Victor noticed that they were silently watching them flying the kites. Victor decided to real his kite in. With his kite in hand, he walked up to Antonio and gave him his kite. Excitedly, Antonio immediately launched the kite. Victor’s boys were watching what just happened and did the same. Everyone who was flying a kite kept them in the air while handing his kite string into the hand of one of Antonio’s gang members. That response also was a miracle. Gangs usually steal or fight each other. Instead, they all gave each other knuckles and then Victor’s gang drove away. Our King is shifting their hearts. What a miracle I just witnessed. God is still not finished with this story. Tomorrow, I’m delivering cheese burgers to Antonio’s gang.

I went and picked up thirty cheeseburgers from my favorite McDonald’s restaurant. The Christians that were working there today asked, “Are you going to witness to gangs today?”

I said, “Yes I am.” They dropped everything and prayed over the cheeseburgers and for me. The manager finished up by throwing in some extra cheeseburgers.

God earlier said, “Sonny, make sure you take water with you. Antonio loves water. ” I had both water and pop for them to drink in my truck from my gang stash that I try to keep stocked to serve gangs. Blue Mustang looks for awesome sales to save my King’s money. It is now time to go back to the park and meet this new gang up close.

Since I stayed in my truck the previous day, I only saw this gang only from a distance and they would probably not recognize me. My King said, “Sonny, they are very hungry. They will want to eat.” As I drove closer, I noticed Antonio’s boys were putting their kites together. I parked and head towards Antonio’s gang. Antonio noticed my approach and asked, “Your Sonny, aren’t you?”

I said, “Yes, I am. I have something for you guys.” Three of Antonio’s gang took out their pistols out and aimed them in my direction. They said, “You better watch what you are reaching for. We will shoot you if we need to.”

Antonio responded, “Guys put your pistols away. This man knows God. He’s the one that gave these kites to Victor and Victor gave them to us.” Then Antonio asked, “What did you bring us?”

I said, “My King said you were hungry and wants to serve you cheeseburgers.” There’s fifteen in Antonio’s gang. Then I said, “I brought thirty cheeseburgers for you guys. But before I get them out, let me pray for all of you.” As I prayed for each one, some started to cry because of what the Holy Spirit revealed to them what happened when they were young. I prayed for the leader Antonio last. God showed me that his Mom and Dad were drug dealers in Denver and they abandoned him when he was 15 years old. He’s been on the streets ever since he was 22 years old. As I continued praying for him, I told him, “Antonio, my King wants to bring healing to you because my King will never abandon you. He’ll love you and he will welcome you to the Family of God’s Kingdom.” I then said, “You and I will be Brothers in Christ.” Antonio was not sure of what just was said to him. He grabbed his cheeseburgers and walked away for about an two hours. After the Holy Spirit finished his work in his heart, he came back and said, “I want to be your Brother in Christ. How do I give my broken heart to Jesus Christ?” When he asked that question, the whole gang came forward and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ also. Now, they are all ready to go home.

They all called their parents. Before all the parents arrived, Antonio stood beside me. Before he could say another word to me, an old Cadillac pulled up next to us. A man and woman got out of the car and walked towards us. They had Bibles in their hands. The woman ran up to Antonio and said, “Will you please forgive us son?” You may be asking yourself this question, “Aren’t his parents drug dealer?” Yes, but someone kept witnessing to them on the streets. Their persistence convinced them to give their hearts to Jesus Christ and now they too witness on the streets. They also minister to the homeless out on the streets. They love the Lord. The Holy Spirit revealed to them to bring Bibles and their answer to their prayers over their son. Now getting back to the rest of the story.

Antonio responded, “Mom, my King has just forgiven me of all my sins. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my King. Just as he has forgiven me, I will forgive both of you. I want to be a family again, to love each other and serve God together.”

What a confession of faith! My king gets all the Glory and the Victory. I will keep you informed on what amazing things Antonio will be doing for God. Do not forget about Victor.  What Victor did to Antonio is still amazing. Stay tuned in because God is not finished with Victor yet.