Cartel “Darkness of the Street” Turns to Jesus Christ

I was witnessing on the streets and one of my informers called me and said, “Sonny, stay away from Denver. There’s a organization that has put a hit on you.” I was already in the Denver when they called. I witnessed on streets all day until 5 pm. God said, “Sonny, I want you go tonight and pray for an organization in Denver that is looking for you. There are 32 men in this organization.” This organization is known as “The Darkness of Streets” a drug cartel that never shows mercy. As I was driving there, God said, “Sonny, all 32 hearts of the men are ready for my Kingdom.” I arrived at their building at 7 pm. As I walked to the front door of the building, seven men stepped out to greet me. Two of the guys had their pistols trained on me. They kept poking me on my chest with their pistols. One guy asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “I need to speak to your boss.”

One of the men noticed the Bible that I was carrying. He said, “What’s the Bible for?”

I replied, “I brought God’s Kingdom with me.”

He did not like my answer. He said, “You made a big mistake coming here.”

I said, “My King brought me here to bring healing to all of you.” Their boss was so mean that they knew he was ready to put hurt me to set an example of me to the world. So the boys were excited to witness my beating. They called their boss to announce my presence. He told them bring me up to his office. They took me to the top floor of the building. Their boss asked me, “Are going to preach to us?”

I exclaimed, “My King brought me here to pray for all of you.”

The boss asked, “What’s your name?”

I replied, “My name is Sonny. I came to ask you if you want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life.”

The boss said, “Sonny, do you know that I have put a hit on your life? Do you know that your getting shot here tonight?”

I replied, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you first. Then I’ll read the word of God to all of you because God wants to bring healing to all your hearts.” I began praying with all of them. I prayed for the boss last. While praying for him, God showed me the boss’s heart between him and his Father. God has mended both of their hearts. I also found out the bosses name is Lorenzo. He’s half Italian and half Spanish. Then I read John 3:16 to them. After I finished reading, I asked, “Those of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, come and let me pray with you.” Eight men stepped forward immediately and wanted to accept Jesus Christ tonight. One of them looked at me and said, “I’m tired of running from God.”

Then Lorenzo asked, “How can God forgive me of all my sins?”

I replied, “God will forgive you of all your sins; but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

Lorenzo said, “I’m taking the price off your head.” Lorenzo then said, “I want a new purpose for my life.” They all began putting their weapons down. Lorenzo then asked, “Is it that easy to become a Christian?”

I said, “Yes, God created all of you for his purpose not your own.”

Lorenzo came up and he turned around and said to his men, “I’m giving my life to Jesus Christ. I’m done with this life. I want a new purpose for my life.” All of them came forward and asked Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God is Faithful. God gets all the Glory and the Victory.