Denver Riot

On May 28 the Holy Spirit warned me of the rioting going on in Denver near Colfax and the Capitol Building. When I arrived, the cops knowing me had me park my pickup in a secure area which I used every day I was on the street. Fires, vandalism and angry people everywhere. The riot started because of a Minneapolis policeman and a black man named George Floyd. These people want to believe cops are all bad. Not true; the Denver police showed professionalism and self control while I was there. He wanted me to talk and pray with the people on the street near Lincoln and Tremont. I stood in the middle of the street and kept witnessing to them. The main thing I told the people is that Jesus Christ loves them and his plan is not what is happening on the street tonight.

I sensed all the hopelessness and brokenness in the people. Small groups of people would stop and talk to me quite often. When other people saw us gather they would stop and see what’s going on. I shared God’s message of love by how Jesus Christ has a purpose for their lives. I also emphasized what should be obvious that the businesses and the homes on the street have nothing to do with Mr. Floyd death. Even he would not be pleased with what’s going on. Wouldn’t it honor Mr. Floyd’s death a lot more by sending condolence to his family then destroying your innocent community around you. When people asked my to pray for them, many times they would break down and start crying when the Holy Spirit touched their hearts. All I prayed for always turned around and went home. Those who did not want prayer I helped convince the people that it would be better to go home. The Holy Spirit wanted me to go again Friday evening.

When I arrived, people were rioting again. I walked up to a group of 23 people. As I walked closer to them, the one that was doing all the yelling said to me, “Move out of the way. Do you think you are going to preach to us? ”

I said, “I come in the authority of my King.”

He asked, “Who’s your King?”

I replied, “His name is Jesus Christ and he wants me to pray for all of you.” The second I said “pray” they just looked at me. I prayed out loud to all of them. First, all the women started to cry. Then some of the men started to cry. When I stopped praying, I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the lambs book of life come over to me.” Eleven came forward and the rest just stood there. After they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, they came and hugged me. I gave my ministry card to all of them. They turned around and went back to their cars and went home. Only my King can transform hearts so quickly. He gets all the Glory and the Victory. He has called me to go back again on Saturday.

The weather was beautiful Saturday. Again, the mobs were everywhere. I went back to Lincoln and Tremont. I was approached one mob on the street. Fifteen people in that Mob gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Later that afternoon, from another large mob of people 27 people from that group gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. As my King instructed, the people came to me. I just told them that God loves them and wants their hearts. My King gets all the Glory.
At the end of the day, I thought about the 1st responses I get from people:

  • Could you pray for me?
    I pray for them and have some Bibles if they need one. I even had a guy come back the next day to let me know he has started reading it.
  • What do you mean by Jesus Christ loves me? I have never heard from no one that they loved me.
    I talk about John 3:16 to them and Jesus Christ plans in our life.
  •  I don’t believe in Jesus Christ or God.
    I use God’s creation to show his existence. I asked one guy to examine his own hand to marvel at God’s power. The technology is thousands of years old and no one has matched the technology. It is difficult for them to deny it.
  •  You are brave for being here.
    I always tell them my King gives me the courage.
  • The love part of my message is the most asked about.
    With all the hopelessness and deceit going on love is a good alternative. I tell them about my King’s love. It’s a universal love and it is for everyone. He wants to share it. We just need to come to him.
Lincoln and Tremont

Saturday was busy but my King had plans to be at the same spot early Sunday. morning.

Sunday morning was not that quiet. Around 9 am I was sharing God’s message to the people. A mob of thirteen men came with baseball bats. The leader separated from the group and started poking me with his bat. He said, “What authority allows you to block the road? We are going to give you a beating. ”

I exclaimed, “I am here under my King’s authority. He has ordered my to share his love with the people.” The leader backed up towards the guys and his bat was ripped out of his hand. Immediately, the rest of the mobs bats did the same. The first response I heard was, “Why did you throw your bat on the ground?” The next response was, “Then why is your bat also on the ground.” They began to see what just happened. I said, “My King does not want you to hit me with your bats. Instead, he wants your hearts. Can I pray for you?” I prayed for them and shared more on the wonders of Jesus Christ to them. After witnessing the power of God and now knowing God loves them they decided Jesus Christ is the better option. The thirteen dedicated their lives to my King. One thing that perplexed me was: After they accepted Christ they asked me and themselves, “Why am I here in first place?” I noticed that many of the people walking the streets are like zombies. Satan can cloud our memories get us to do things we would never do on our own. I really believe that many on the street do not really know why they are there. Jesus Christ is very good at breaking this spell of Satan. I am thankful that Jesus Christ will search us out even if we are up to no good as I witnessed these last three days.

The leader was excited about accepting Jesus Christ and wanted to talk to his wife about just what happened. He called her on speaker phone and when she answered he said, “You can never guess what I just did.”

She sounded like she was not pleased with what her man was up to. She replied, “You just burned a building down.”

He answered back, “NO! I just accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. ”

I think she heard him the first time but she answered, “You did what??

“I accepted Jesus Christ” was his response.

Now she was curious and asked, “I have been praying for you for years that Jesus would become your personal Savior and instead you were out to burn the town down. What happened to you to that convinced you that you needed to do this? ”

He said, “I met this guy on the street and he stood firm on what God told him to do. He shared the love of Jesus Christ with us. God really convinced us when he made us all drop our bats. I mean the bats were ripped from our hands.” She became excited with the news and probably another marriage has been saved. All the men went home with a new purpose in their life. Only my King could do this to the hearts of these men and to all the other people I talked to of which gave their lives to Jesus Christ these last three days.


The Seven Are Saved

I left work Friday and headed to Denver to meet with the Undercover Police. After the meeting concluded, my King then said, “Sonny, there’s seven young men hiding in an alley. Go and take my Kingdom to them. I also want you to feed and pray for them.” God then gave me more details on the men and what they were hungry for. I went to my favorite McDonald’s to purchase seven Big Mac meals. I drove up to the order window and asked for seven Big Mac meals. Leslie recognized my voice and responded, “Hi Sonny, you changed your order up a bit. You usually order cheeseburgers.”

I said, “Hi Leslie; my King said seven Big Mac meals. I don’t even know who they are for.”

“Wow!” she said. They started putting my order together. Leslie then said, “I want to pray for you. I’ll personally bring your order out to you.” Leslie hustled out to my pickup with my order. She handed it to me and immediately started praying for me. Then she prayed for whoever was going to get the Big Mac meals. That God would prepare their hearts to accept Jesus Christ. It is such a blessing to me to have Leslie pray. I left the parking lot and headed for Colfax Avenue. God said, “Sonny, begin driving east on Colfax.” I did as God told me and began driving east on Colfax Avenue. Soon God said, “Sonny, go five more blocks and turn right at the first alley and then turn left.” Just as my King said, I found the alley. It was very dark as I proceeded down the route. God prompted, “Look to your right.” I turned my head and I saw the young men hiding in the shadows. I drove my pickup next to them. They asked, “What do you want?”

I replied, “My King wants your hearts.” One by one they began to cry. One of them walked up to me and he started to cry as the peace from the Holy Spirit settled on him. They all began walking towards me after they started to cry. They all gave their heart to Jesus Christ. One commented, “Sonny, you are like David Wilkerson.”

I was curious and asked, “How do you know about David Wilkerson?”

He responded, “When I was in school, my teacher showed us the movie “Cross and the Switch Blade” in school. I see him in you.” I thought that was pretty cool and got an idea to show them a video relating to David Wilkerson. I said, “We better get out of here. It is not safe to be here.” All seven climbed into my pickup and we drove out of there as quickly as we could. As I was taking them to a safe place, I told the young men to call their parents to tell them where to meet us. After we parked, they ate their Big Mac meals I bought them. I had them watch a movie about the testimony of Nicky Cruz while we were waiting for the parents to come. After they finished Nicky Cruz’s testimony, they cried again because his testimony hit them right in the heart.

The next weekend one of young men invited my to a family barbecue at his home. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. They invited me this afternoon for another cookout. They wanted me to meet more of their families. I got to pray with all of them. The families all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Day of Many Miracles

Saturday morning my focus was on 2 different Gangs. I was to serve breakfast to the first gang and lunch to the second. Because God loves us so much, he likes to provide us with our favorite foods. He gave me a list of foods to buy for each gang. I climbed into my pickup and began my drive to Denver. I pray while driving that the Holy Spirit will prepare their hearts.

When I arrived in Denver, my fuel gauge was on empty. I headed towards my favorite Cosco to fill up. I found a pump that was empty and pulled up to fill. As I opened my door, I heard someone call out my name. I looked behind me and saw Steve, the man I prayed for at this store last month. He jumped out of his car and headed towards my pump and swiped his members card and his credit card. He said, “Sonny, just be blessed.” I began a conversation with Steve to find out what just happened. The Holy Spirit prompted him to buy a red cooler at the store. He was wondering what the cooler was for. Then he was promoted to go and buy some gas. This is definitely strange because he just got through filling hs car. He bought the cooler and headed back to the fuel pumps. As he neared the pumps, he recognized my pickup and quickly came up behind me. Steve figured out what he was supposed to do. After the fuel started flowing, he went and got the cooler out of his car and gave it to me. God definitely is preparing me to reach gangs on Memorial day weekend allowing me to stock up more beverages. God has been working mightily in Steve’s life. When I prayed for him last month, he accepted Jesus in his life. When he went home, his love for his wife increased mightily. He started cooking and helping around the house and let Jesus shine towards her. Steve’s whole family now knows Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. His wife, Sharon, called me and thanked me for what I did. I replied, “I had nothing to do with it. Only my King can change one’s heart.” She still calls me and shares what amazing things Steve is doing since Jesus Christ has taken over his life. It is now time to buy breakfast for the first gang.

I headed to King Soopers to get donuts, milk and orange juice. I then proceeded to the location of the first gang. God said, “Sonny, when you meet the gang give them their breakfast and pray for them then walk away.” It was around 10 am when I arrived where they were all standing. As I got out of my pickup, they all drew out their pistols and pointed them towards me and asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “I brought breakfast for you guys and to pray for all of you.” A couple of them grabbed me and threw me against my pickup.

The leader asked, “You brought us breakfast.”

I said, “I brought donuts, milk and orange juice.”

He replied, “Why are you doing this?”

I said, “Because my King said you guys were hungry. I would like to read a couple of scriptures to you guys.” I began reading John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to them. After I read the scriptures to them, I prayed for all of them.

They curiously asked, “How did you know we wanted donuts?”

I said, “That’s what my King said you wanted.”

One guy asked, “Who’s your King?” I did not have time to answer. Another guy retorted, “That’s Jesus Christ.” I nodded confirming his answer. After I put the donuts, milk, orange juice and the cups on the picnic table God said walk away. As I was walking to my pickup, I said, “God, bless you guys.” I climbed into my pickup and drove away. I watched them in my rearview mirror. They were all looking at me while I drove away. God is so Faithful. Now it is time to get food for the second gang.

God’s menu choice for them is tacos so I headed to my favorite Taco bell. I ordered several of the large taco boxes. The manager asked, “Sonny, are all these tacos going to the gang?” I said, “Yes.” The manager replied, “You always give everything to the gang. I want to make some tacos just for you. ” He handed the bag with the taco boxes. I went directly to the second gang. As I drove up, they also took their pistols out and aimed them at me. I got out anyway and said, “My name is Sonny.”

The leader asked, “What are you doing?” Before I could answer, one of his body guards picked me up and threw me into the back of my pickup box. Boy, that really smarts landing on that hard steel floor. I answered the leader from the back of the pickup. I said, “Are you guys hungry? I brought 5 dozen tacos for you guys.” As I climbed out of my pickup box, they started to put their weapons away.

The leader asked, “You brought us tacos.”

I said, “Yes, because my King said you were hungry and you guys wanted tacos.” Two guys started to push me around and threw me against my pickup. Out of nowhere the Latinos pulled up. They are another gang I witness to and have written to you about. They even call to give me their schedule. They were in the same park and were watching me closely. They surrounded us in their Mustangs. They all quickly exited their cars with their guns drawn towards the gang. The angry leader of the Latinos said, “If you guys touch Sonny again, all of you will get shot. Sonny is not here to fight with you guys. He’s here to bring food to you and to tell you about Jesus Christ. So don’t touch him.” They turned and headed back to their cars and drove away. The leader asked, “Who were those guys?” The Holy Spirit revealed, “Sonny, he doesn’t need to know.” So I told him, “I really do not know. But he feels that I am not a threat to anyone.”

I said, “Let me pray for you guys then I will drive away.” Before I prayed for them, I read Jeremiah 29:11 then I prayed for them. I got the 5 dozen tacos and drinks that I had in my cooler and set them on the table. I told them that Jesus Christ loves them as they started eating. I got my taco bag out and ate four of the tacos with them. I counted eight tacos left. Normally, the gangs devour everything in sight but they did not touch the bag. I wanted to give the tacos to the gang but God said, “No.” I loaded the cooler and my tacos into the pickup. I drove away from the park. As I drove around the corner I saw eight homeless guys holding signs saying “Will work for food? ” Now I know what the tacos are for. I parked and grabbed the tacos. I said, “I have a taco for each of you.” They were greatful for the food. One asked, “It would be great to have a Dr Pepper now. I have not had one for ages.”

I said, “I have one in the cooler for you.” They all began asking to have a drink of some kind. I had something left in the cooler for each of them. I began asking questions about them. They pointed out two of their friends who were asleep under the tree. I began thinking how they missed out on the food and the scripture of the wedding party. Some patrons did not have enough oil for their lamps and were forced to go to town to buy more. When they came back now prepared, the wedding party came and gone leaving them all alone. It is good to be ready. They also revealed to me that it has been difficult to get a job. When an employer finds out they are homeless, they do not want them. I said, “I cannot help you in that area. But my King can. Can I pray for you.” They wanted me to pray for each of them. As I lifted their unemployment situation to God, a landscaper was being directed by the Holy Spirit to come here. He saw me talking to the men and drove his work truck next to us. He introduced himself and that he was looking for workers and had a place for them to live with weekly trips into town to get things. He said, “If you show up for work each day for work and don’t steal from me that you will see a pay increase each month. We usually work through the month of October” He also warned them about what happened if they began not doing their job or stealing from him. He even gave a job to those sleeping. They all wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ after witnessing such a powerful miracle. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory I did exactly what my King said.

So far the eight homeless are getting there before the boss. He serves them coffee and breakfast before work. They then discuss today’s work schedule. Everyone does his job. Being homeless together has bonded them like family. They want to support each other and they do work. They have worked late and not complained. If they are fast they can quit early or start tomorrow’s work today to get off early tomorrow. The boss said to me, “It is refreshing to have everyone there at the start of the day; not having to wonder if anyone will show up.”

As for the gangs, God has plans for me to speak to them again next weekend. I will keep you informed.

New Pueblo Gang in Denver

It was early Saturday morning and God said, “There is a new gang from Pueblo in Denver that is hanging out at the park where you witness to gangs frequently. They are hungry. I want you to serve them tacos.” I headed towards Denver and stopped by Toco Bell to get a bunch of their lunch box deals. When it was my turn at the 1st window, the girl whose name is Sahara, recognized me from my many visits here. Sahara said, “Hi Sonny. Are you getting tacos for gang members today?”

I said, “Yes, I need 3 party boxes of tacos to go.”

Sara said, “Coming right up Sonny.”

When I pulled up to next window to pay, they handed me a large Baja Blast. They then had me pull forward to a parking spot. Sara, Kari and Rachel came out with all the taco party boxes. They asked me to step out of my pickup to lay hands on me. All three prayed out loud for me and gave me big hugs. They continuously pray for me all the time. They even have their parents praying for me.

I left the parking lot and headed to my destination. As I was nearing the park around 10:30 AM, I could see the gang hanging out by the picnic tables. I continued to drive closer to them to find a parking spot nearer to their location. The Holy Spirit had a spot for me to park so I took it. While I was getting out of my pickup, the leader came towards me with his pistol drawn and exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

I responded, “I have come to bring God’s Kingdom to you. He loves you very much.”

The leader asked, “So you have come to preach to us. We are going to have to shoot you for bothering us.” They started pushing me around.

I responded with the most powerful words on the planet, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for you.” I was starting to pray but the leader noticed the smell of Toco Bell coming out of my pickup. He then said, “Your pickup smells like Toco Bell. ”

I said, “Yes, my King told me to get tocos for you to eat.”

The leader responded, “You brought us tocos to eat.” The leader began to drop his pistol. I could see some of the gang members already coming over to get something to eat. Some gang members kept their pistols drawn while they ate. The leader was so used to getting ripped off or violence of some sort that getting something from love has never happened to him before. He just stood there.

I said, “Yes, if you are not hungry, I am going to eat.” I went over to my pickup to unload the Tocos and pop I had on ice.

The leader’s body guards exclaimed, “We cannot shoot someone that would bring food to us.” They too went over to get something to eat. This was my opportunity to pray for them. They all had their mouths full so they could hear me pray for them. As I prayed for several of them, God said, “Sonny, I want you to stop and pray for Blue Mustang now. ” I usually don’t look at my watch but I noticed the time was 11:12 am. I told the guys, “My King has asked me to pray for Blue Mustang, I am going to do as my King asked.” I left them to eat the Tocos. I prayed for Blue Mustang. The next day he reported that he was switching tasks. He to noticed the time was also 11:12 am. We are not sure what God did but he either solved a problem for him or protected him or both. Heck, it could be just to encourage. My King never asks me to do anything unless it was important.

I came back to finish praying. The leader was amazed on my loyalty. He exclaimed, “You are loyal to Blue Mustang.”

I said, “Yes I am.” I finished praying for the rest of the them. God then told me to leave them.

I was going to visit another gang in south east Denver but God had other plans. He said, “Sonny, you are not finished with this gang. I want you to get three big bags of Cosco popcorn and cookies. I went to Cosco first. The parking lot was full. I got in line created because of social distancing. I counted that I was about 40 to 50 people ahead of me. A man came from behind me and said, “Sonny, come follow me. I don’t want you to wait.” I recognized him from three weeks ago. I was shopping at this same Cosco and I noticed him crying in a corner of the store. I didn’t ask him anything but if it would be all right to pray for him. He said, “Yes, I would like for you to pray for me.” So I prayed for him right there in the store. He works at this store and was just coming back in from a break. Even in this large crowd, he recognized me. I stepped out of line and followed him to a side door. He said, “I have to go back to work but go ahead and shop.” I found the big bags of popcorn but the cookies were picked over. I had to go to King Soopers to get the cookies.

I headed back to the park and arrived about 2 pm. The gang was still there where I left them. The leader came up to my pickup. The leader exclaimed, “Are you going to preach to us about Jesus Christ some more?”

I said, “My King wants wants you to be part of his family and he wants me to take his love and bring his message to you.”

The leader then asked, “Are you a full time preacher? ”

I retorted, “Only when I am awake. ”

The leader responded, “We have a funny man here.” The gang still had their pistols drawn on me. The gang members started to pushing me around. One other gangs nearby was watching what was going on. This happened to be Alfredo’s gang. He was in one of my other stories. Alfredo was angry and walked over by the leader. He angrily said, “If I see you guys mess with Sonny anymore, I am going to have my guys shoot every one of you dead. Sonny only brings food and talks about Jesus. He is no threat to you.” Alfredo turned around and walked away. I was amazed that he came by himself and this gang did not dare point their pistols towards Alfredo or his gang.

To diffuse the tension, I said, “Look what I have in my pickup for you guys. ” He looked behind me and noticed the food I brought. He then asked, “Are you going to feed us again?”

I reached into my pickup and brought out the popcorn. I said, “Look I got popcorn from Cosco. ”

I prayed out loud to my King to give thanks before I gave them the popcorn to eat. After I was done praying, the leader asked, “Do you pray before every meal?”

I said, “Yes, because I want our King to bless our food and I want to show you that praying for this food is showing that we are grateful for the food that has been provided.” I then handed him a bag of popcorn.

The leader exclaimed, “Cosco popcorn, I love their popcorn.” He started eating the popcorn and consumed several cans of Dr. Pepper. I continued to talk about the wonders of Jesus Christ and his love. Nearly two hours had passed. I discovered that the leaders name is Franchisco. The gang started to lower their weapons. The Holy Spirit started revealing memories to Franchisco in his youth going his grandparents home. Grandma would make him popcorn and share Jesus Christ with him. This happened many times so she shared Christ with him many times. So when I gave him popcorn and shared Jesus Christ, all those memories came alive. He suddenly exclaimed, “I’m ready to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I want this life to end. ”

His men and the girls really loved and Franchisco. They saw their leader’s heart change in front of their eyes. They said, “We too want to serve God also.” I prayed for all of them. They laid their arms on each other in a huddle and gave their hearts to Jesus. I prayed for the ladies also. I want everyone to know that women in gangs are treated more like property than women. When one experiences the love Jesus Christ gives me in my life, she wanted to marry me because of that love she felt. I told her that its Jesus you feel; not me. I told her that that I will pray for the right man to come into her life and you will be glad that you did not marry me. I don’t think she is entirely convinced. Men, please treat your ladies like Jesus treats his church. We ALL should do this. It will help our ladies love us even more.

Even though they could have drove back to Pueblo to share what happened to their parents, the parents wanted to come to Denver to share in their excitement. I prayed for them and their sons and daughters. They went back home to Pueblo. Franchisco in 1 week of coming to Jesus printed fliers to the teenagers in his neighborhood to come and have church in the park. He read Matthew 6:33 to them and explained to them what it meant. Of the 37 parents and teenagers who showed up to have church, 21 wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. It is exciting to see the power of God move like this in Franchisco life. I will keep you informed of anything else Franchisco does. Jesus has some big things for him to do.