On May 28 the Holy Spirit warned me of the rioting going on in Denver near Colfax and the Capitol Building. When I arrived, the cops knowing me had me park my pickup in a secure area which I used every day I was on the street. Fires, vandalism and angry people everywhere. The riot started because of a Minneapolis policeman and a black man named George Floyd. These people want to believe cops are all bad. Not true; the Denver police showed professionalism and self control while I was there. He wanted me to talk and pray with the people on the street near Lincoln and Tremont. I stood in the middle of the street and kept witnessing to them. The main thing I told the people is that Jesus Christ loves them and his plan is not what is happening on the street tonight.
I sensed all the hopelessness and brokenness in the people. Small groups of people would stop and talk to me quite often. When other people saw us gather they would stop and see what’s going on. I shared God’s message of love by how Jesus Christ has a purpose for their lives. I also emphasized what should be obvious that the businesses and the homes on the street have nothing to do with Mr. Floyd death. Even he would not be pleased with what’s going on. Wouldn’t it honor Mr. Floyd’s death a lot more by sending condolence to his family then destroying your innocent community around you. When people asked my to pray for them, many times they would break down and start crying when the Holy Spirit touched their hearts. All I prayed for always turned around and went home. Those who did not want prayer I helped convince the people that it would be better to go home. The Holy Spirit wanted me to go again Friday evening.
When I arrived, people were rioting again. I walked up to a group of 23 people. As I walked closer to them, the one that was doing all the yelling said to me, “Move out of the way. Do you think you are going to preach to us? ”
I said, “I come in the authority of my King.”
He asked, “Who’s your King?”
I replied, “His name is Jesus Christ and he wants me to pray for all of you.” The second I said “pray” they just looked at me. I prayed out loud to all of them. First, all the women started to cry. Then some of the men started to cry. When I stopped praying, I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the lambs book of life come over to me.” Eleven came forward and the rest just stood there. After they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, they came and hugged me. I gave my ministry card to all of them. They turned around and went back to their cars and went home. Only my King can transform hearts so quickly. He gets all the Glory and the Victory. He has called me to go back again on Saturday.
The weather was beautiful Saturday. Again, the mobs were everywhere. I went back to Lincoln and Tremont. I was approached one mob on the street. Fifteen people in that Mob gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Later that afternoon, from another large mob of people 27 people from that group gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. As my King instructed, the people came to me. I just told them that God loves them and wants their hearts. My King gets all the Glory.
At the end of the day, I thought about the 1st responses I get from people:
- Could you pray for me?
I pray for them and have some Bibles if they need one. I even had a guy come back the next day to let me know he has started reading it. - What do you mean by Jesus Christ loves me? I have never heard from no one that they loved me.
I talk about John 3:16 to them and Jesus Christ plans in our life. - I don’t believe in Jesus Christ or God.
I use God’s creation to show his existence. I asked one guy to examine his own hand to marvel at God’s power. The technology is thousands of years old and no one has matched the technology. It is difficult for them to deny it. - You are brave for being here.
I always tell them my King gives me the courage. - The love part of my message is the most asked about.
With all the hopelessness and deceit going on love is a good alternative. I tell them about my King’s love. It’s a universal love and it is for everyone. He wants to share it. We just need to come to him.

Saturday was busy but my King had plans to be at the same spot early Sunday. morning.
Sunday morning was not that quiet. Around 9 am I was sharing God’s message to the people. A mob of thirteen men came with baseball bats. The leader separated from the group and started poking me with his bat. He said, “What authority allows you to block the road? We are going to give you a beating. ”
I exclaimed, “I am here under my King’s authority. He has ordered my to share his love with the people.” The leader backed up towards the guys and his bat was ripped out of his hand. Immediately, the rest of the mobs bats did the same. The first response I heard was, “Why did you throw your bat on the ground?” The next response was, “Then why is your bat also on the ground.” They began to see what just happened. I said, “My King does not want you to hit me with your bats. Instead, he wants your hearts. Can I pray for you?” I prayed for them and shared more on the wonders of Jesus Christ to them. After witnessing the power of God and now knowing God loves them they decided Jesus Christ is the better option. The thirteen dedicated their lives to my King. One thing that perplexed me was: After they accepted Christ they asked me and themselves, “Why am I here in first place?” I noticed that many of the people walking the streets are like zombies. Satan can cloud our memories get us to do things we would never do on our own. I really believe that many on the street do not really know why they are there. Jesus Christ is very good at breaking this spell of Satan. I am thankful that Jesus Christ will search us out even if we are up to no good as I witnessed these last three days.
The leader was excited about accepting Jesus Christ and wanted to talk to his wife about just what happened. He called her on speaker phone and when she answered he said, “You can never guess what I just did.”
She sounded like she was not pleased with what her man was up to. She replied, “You just burned a building down.”
He answered back, “NO! I just accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. ”
I think she heard him the first time but she answered, “You did what??
“I accepted Jesus Christ” was his response.
Now she was curious and asked, “I have been praying for you for years that Jesus would become your personal Savior and instead you were out to burn the town down. What happened to you to that convinced you that you needed to do this? ”
He said, “I met this guy on the street and he stood firm on what God told him to do. He shared the love of Jesus Christ with us. God really convinced us when he made us all drop our bats. I mean the bats were ripped from our hands.” She became excited with the news and probably another marriage has been saved. All the men went home with a new purpose in their life. Only my King could do this to the hearts of these men and to all the other people I talked to of which gave their lives to Jesus Christ these last three days.