The Seven Are Saved

I left work Friday and headed to Denver to meet with the Undercover Police. After the meeting concluded, my King then said, “Sonny, there’s seven young men hiding in an alley. Go and take my Kingdom to them. I also want you to feed and pray for them.” God then gave me more details on the men and what they were hungry for. I went to my favorite McDonald’s to purchase seven Big Mac meals. I drove up to the order window and asked for seven Big Mac meals. Leslie recognized my voice and responded, “Hi Sonny, you changed your order up a bit. You usually order cheeseburgers.”

I said, “Hi Leslie; my King said seven Big Mac meals. I don’t even know who they are for.”

“Wow!” she said. They started putting my order together. Leslie then said, “I want to pray for you. I’ll personally bring your order out to you.” Leslie hustled out to my pickup with my order. She handed it to me and immediately started praying for me. Then she prayed for whoever was going to get the Big Mac meals. That God would prepare their hearts to accept Jesus Christ. It is such a blessing to me to have Leslie pray. I left the parking lot and headed for Colfax Avenue. God said, “Sonny, begin driving east on Colfax.” I did as God told me and began driving east on Colfax Avenue. Soon God said, “Sonny, go five more blocks and turn right at the first alley and then turn left.” Just as my King said, I found the alley. It was very dark as I proceeded down the route. God prompted, “Look to your right.” I turned my head and I saw the young men hiding in the shadows. I drove my pickup next to them. They asked, “What do you want?”

I replied, “My King wants your hearts.” One by one they began to cry. One of them walked up to me and he started to cry as the peace from the Holy Spirit settled on him. They all began walking towards me after they started to cry. They all gave their heart to Jesus Christ. One commented, “Sonny, you are like David Wilkerson.”

I was curious and asked, “How do you know about David Wilkerson?”

He responded, “When I was in school, my teacher showed us the movie “Cross and the Switch Blade” in school. I see him in you.” I thought that was pretty cool and got an idea to show them a video relating to David Wilkerson. I said, “We better get out of here. It is not safe to be here.” All seven climbed into my pickup and we drove out of there as quickly as we could. As I was taking them to a safe place, I told the young men to call their parents to tell them where to meet us. After we parked, they ate their Big Mac meals I bought them. I had them watch a movie about the testimony of Nicky Cruz while we were waiting for the parents to come. After they finished Nicky Cruz’s testimony, they cried again because his testimony hit them right in the heart.

The next weekend one of young men invited my to a family barbecue at his home. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. They invited me this afternoon for another cookout. They wanted me to meet more of their families. I got to pray with all of them. The families all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory.