Greeley Court House and Police Station Saved

After work, I received an interesting call. The undercover cops warned me that the word and on the street was that an evil organization was in to Greeley. Their sole purpose was to damage the courthouse and the police station. Since the George Floyd incident, all kinds of people with hate instilled in them have been rioting with destruction and burning. This organization is one of them. Shortly thereafter, my King said, “Sonny, it is not my desire that this organization to succeed. I want you to walk around both the police station and the courthouse seven times and anoint the buildings and pray over them.” I did as my King requested. I walked around the courthouse first and while I was there I did not notice anything unusual going on. After I finished praying for the courthouse, I went to the police station and did the same thing. Again, I walked around it seven times anointing the building with olive oil. No one came out and asked me any questions even though I knew that people were watching. Eventually, they came out to thank me for doing what I did. Shortly thereafter, Blue Mustang called and asked me about the courthouse situation. I told him what I just did to protect the building because God really didn’t want anything happen to the courthouse. He told me a bunch of men were going about 8 p.m. to pray around the courthouse. I found out later that a larger group of women surrounded the men. They all prayed that my King would protect the courthouse. I was about ready to leave when my King said, “I now want you to pray over this organization.” I did not know where they where but I soon received a call from the undercover police.

They undercover police were having a difficult time locating the organization that was going to do damaged in Greeley. I was told that the individuals would be dressed in black and that they were very evil. The undercover police asked me if I wanted to go along to try and help find these guys. I told them that I would go with them. I entered a van that looked almost like it should be sent to the junk pile. It had graffiti and some dents all over it. But when I entered into the vehicle, it was immaculate inside. It had all kinds of electronics and devices to aid the undercover police in getting info about any situation they were involved with. As we were cruising in Greeley, we did come across a smaller bunch of approximately 19 guys all dressed in black. We knew we were getting warm at this sighting. The informers responded that the organization was a lot larger group than this and they would eventually rondevu somewhere in Greeley. We continued cruising. Eventually, a spotter got word got out that they were in Island Grove Park Fair ground in north Greeley Colorado. I told the undercover police that I need to go back to get my pickup and that I needed to go and pray for these young men as I was commanded by my King. They were trying to keep me from going because they knew the characteristics of these guys and they would be very mean. But I told them as I have said before, “When my King tells me to do something that I need to do it.” They reluctantly took me back to my pickup and I headed off to Greeley Island Grove Park.

When I arrived at 7:12 pm, my King said, “Sonny, drive around these guys seven times.” As I got closer, I counted what appeared to be 15 black vans. They all appeared to be in excellent condition. I began driving around them. The young men were standing there with their pistols drawn and pointing them in my direction as I drove around the vans but nobody shot at me. After I completed my seventh-round, my King said, “Do not drive in towards them, but I want you to back your vehicle into the area.” I found the road that lead to the vans. I put my pickup in reverse. I am sure these guys were wondering what was going on. I carefully got out of my pickup and I was greeted by a bunch of pistols. The leader asked me using vulgar language, “What the heck are you doing here?”

I replied, “My King sent me here to pray for you.”

The leader retorted, “And who is your King?”

I exclaimed, “He is Jesus Christ. He loves you guys very much and he wants me to pray for you.”

The leader furiously said, “You made a big mistake coming here and you are going to die for doing so.”

I said, “Before you do what you want to do let me pray for you.” There was a total of 46 men and three women there at the park.

As I started praying, two guys placed their pistols on my temples. One on each side of my head. They kept their pistols on my temple as I moved from guy to guy it was very difficult to pray under that situation. I finally said, “Why don’t you just put your gun in the front of my head because I need room to lay hands on and to continue to pray for each guy here. They backed off to give me some room to continue praying.

I prayed for each one and God revealed their hearts to me. Almost everyone of them were abandoned as a family because they were assumed to be worthless. Others had alcoholic parents and other issues of rejection where they were forced to leave home early. I handed each one a Ministry card after I finished praying for each person. I prayed for the leader last. I shared with him what the Holy Spirit revealed to what happened to his life. I said, “I know that your father was an alcoholic and abandoned you. It is time that you ask for forgiveness from your dad.”

The leader angrily said,  “Shut up, I do not want to hear anything else from you.” I still handed him one of my Ministry cards that he threw over his shoulders.  One of the young women there, whose name is Katherine, caught the card and stuck it in her pocket. She already had one of my cards. I saw her put in her pocket earlier when I prayed for her. This card went into the same pocket. The Holy Spirit showed me that the women were rebellious at home and left home when they were 16. Two of the parents were Christians when they came here. I then looked the leader into his eyes and said, “I am done praying. You can do with me what you want.”

I am sure the leader was caught off guard. He brashly said, “You can go but you better leave now before I change my mind.” My King then said, “You’re done here. Leave them now and whatever you do, do not look back!” That is the reason why my King had my face my pickup away from them. Looking away, I got in the pickup and drove away. I said to myself, “It looks like no one gave their life to Jesus tonight.”

Then the Holy Spirit revealed to me, “What do you mean? Three people are going to be giving their life to Jesus Christ. I am still working on their hearts.” I found out three days from now when I received a phone call. It was Katherine. She said, “I want to get out of here and when would you be able to come and get us?” All three of the women wanted to leave their situation and give their lives to Jesus Christ. I asked them where they were staying. They gave me the directions to the motel in Denver where they were staying. I decided to ask for help from the undercover cops. They were eager to help. They wanted to send out seven sharpshooters to make sure that nobody got hurt when the three girls left. We all left for the motel. We arrived at 8:30 p.m. The adrenalin was beginning to pump as the plan was coming together. The sun was set but it was not real dark yet. The sharpshooters who got there first started monitoring the windows and exits for any activity. The girls figured out how to get out of their rooms undiscovered. The undercover police found them hiding in the darkness of the alley. When the coast was clear, the undercover police signaled for me to get going. I started driving with my lights off and my engine at an idle. The alley was paved so there was no tire noise. The Holy Spirit put a deep sleep on all the men because there was not a individual to be found. The three women knew my pickup from the Greeley visit and came towards me staying in the shadows as much as they could. They placed their stuff in the box and entered my back seat. We continued to the street in stealth mode. I turned my lights on after I could not see the motel anymore. Not a single shot was fired tonight.

I took them to their homes in southwest Denver. These homes are mansions. They all came from good homes. Their rebellious Spirit made them leave home and join an organization like this. Satan is a master at clouding one’s judgment. When the girls gave their lives to Jesus Christ, Satan’s cloud was lifted. They wondered why they did what did. Some of the parents present weren’t Christians. After their daughter’s gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, four of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ also. As I was getting ready to leave,  I then asked God, “What ever happened to the rest of the men?”

God responded, “I gave them an opportunity to become mine. They have chosen the Lake of Fire.” The undercover police told they have tracked them to Baltimore. My King has not revealed to me what they may be doing in that city now.

Rescue Three Women

I was at work Monday enjoying my job but it was not a typical Monday. My phone rang at 2 pm. I didn’t recognized the number but my King said to answer it. When I answered the phone I said “Hello” just like anyone else. The young woman went directly to the point. The young woman said, “Sonny, this is Kelly from Denver. You told me that if I ever want to get out of this organization that you would come and get me out and take me to my family.” You may be wondering how we made contact in the first place. God, as you see in many of my stories has me speaking to people on the street. I met Kelly on the street one night and told her how much Jesus loves her and prayed for her. Kelly was not ready to give her life to Jesus Christ that night but I planted a seed in her heart. I gave her one of my ministry cards to call me when she was ready to leave this life. Kelly kept my card close by.

I said, “Yes, I remember our conversation very well.” Then I said, “What time do you want me to come and get you out?”

She said, “Can you get me at 8:30 pm Monday night. There will be two more coming with me.”

I said, “Give me the address and I’ll deliver you to a safe place.” My King said, “Sonny, call the informers to help you get them out safely.” I then called my informers and told them what was to be going down. Seven of them came to help me. I shared with them that there is a black van that follows the young women to where they are meeting someone. The sole purpose of the van is to prevent the women from leaving their destination early. This night was going to be different. The cops set undercover vehicles in the area and waited for the van to show. They stealthily moved in around the van and patiently waitied for the 8:30 pm drop off. I set myself behind some bushes to watch the drop off point. As I looked on, Blue Mustang called asking for prayer. The Holy Spirit gave me insight to his situation and I had him read Jeremiah 29:12. I told him what the Holy Spirit said to me and I was giving him details of what is going down minute by minute until the limousine arrived. I then explained, “The limousine is coming. I have to go when the Limousine arrives at the front door. The girls are going in just long enough to allow the limousine to leave. They are going to come back outside. When this happens, the guys in the van are going to try to stop them. They will be stopped by the undercover police nearby. I will take my pickup to the door where they will enter and be taken to a safe place.”

The Limousine pulled up at 8:30 pm. The body guard got out and opened the rear door and the three young women got out the car. The body guard walked them to the front door of the hotel. As soon as the young women walked further into the lobby, the body guard walked back to the Limousine and left the hotel parking lot. When the Limousine turned the street corner, I drove my pickup to the front doors of the hotel. While I was doing this, my informers went straight to the black van to block it so it couldn’t leave. I found out later that they were all arrested. About the time the young women stepped out of the hotel, all the power for the whole block shut down. With the power off, security cameras go offline. I had just enough time to get the women out of there before things start recording again when the backup generators start up. I quickly pulled up to pick up the young women. They jumped into my pickup and we sped off. I kept checking behind me in my rearview mirror and side mirrors. No one appeared to be following us as I was heading to a safe zone. I parked my pickup off the road when I arrived. The next step was to secure the women. I asked them for their phones and I destroyed their cell phone chips. We then got back into the pickup and headed towards Kelly’s home where all their parents were waiting for them. Even the parents knew what was going down. The girls jumped out of my truck and ran to their parents. They hugged their parents and cried for a long time. Then the parents came over to meet and hug me. They thanked me over and over. I told them that it was my King that get all the Glory and the Victory. He gives me the courage and protection to do this.

I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over to me and I’ll pray for all of you.” The three women and two parents came up to me and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I got home at 3:45 am on Tuesday morning. That same day at noon Kelly called me and thanked me again for coming to rescue them. Then she invited me for supper at their home that same night. I welcomed her offer to have supper. I arrived at 5:45 pm at her home. All three girls were there. They were just starting to cook the appetizers. Kelly, Lynette and Rylee asked me to pray for them again. The young women looked totally different after giving themselves to Jesus Christ. Our King had transformed their hearts and brought peace to their lives. Those young women wouldn’t stop hugging me. I was so blessed to be there with them. As the evening progressed, the women shared what my King has put on their hearts. They want to reach other women who live their old life. They also want to be able to share Jesus with other women who are hurting to give them hope. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Revisiting Gang 1 and Gang 2

Two Gangs Revisited

A new weekend is here. God said, “Sonny, you need to meet with the same two gangs you witnessed to last weekend for me. Both of the gangs want the same menus you gave them last time.” A short time later a lady, whose name is Rebekah, called me and asked me if I was coming to the park Saturday. She belonged to the first gang. She was traded for another gang when I first saw her. She was the first one to call me by name. I prayed for her 8 months ago and she gave her heart to Jesus Christ. She took my Anointing oil from me and put it in her pocket. She wanted to witness to the other girls and anoint them when she prayed. She has remained in this gang this long because she is witnessing to the other girls in the gang. She has a heart for the remaining women in the gang.

I headed towards Denver with cold sodas and bottled water in my cooler. When I was in the vicinity of my favorite Cosco, God said, “Sonny, it is time to fill your pickup with gas again.” I looked at my fuel gauge and it was over half full. I really do not need fill up. I have learned that what seems dumb has a purpose when my King wants me to do something. I directed my pickup towards the Cosco fuel pumps. I noticed a guy there already pumping gas. I looked closer and it was Ed McAfree, a retired receiver of the Denver Broncos when John Elway was quarterback. I pulled my vehicle behind his car then I approached him to introduce myself. He is a Christian and loves Jesus Christ. His family is just like him. He shared some details of his NFL career. He told me that when John Elway would throw the ball with intense speed. He remembered one pass he caught that the force on his hand made his middle fingers swell. He did have fun playing ball with John. I then told him what I did. I told him that God directed me here and I feel he wants me to pray for you. Ed was all excited for that. He humbled himself in front of me to allow me pray for him. I lifted him up to God as I prayed for him. He wanted to pray for me and my ministry that was given to me by my King. During our conversation and our prayer time, no one came to fill their gas tank in our line. I have never seen this before. Cosco pumps are always busy on the weekend. God did not want us to be interrupted.

After Ed left, Steve (the Cosco employee I prayed for a month ago) showed up behind me. Just like last week, he ran his Cosco card and payment card to fill my pickup. While the gas flowed into my pickup, he called his wife and told her I was here. She said, “Do not let him go. I am close and I want to meet the man who changed both of our lives.” Steve asked me to wait so I could meet his wife. I did not have to wait very long. She gave me a hug of joy and wanted to share everything that has been going on with Steve and their marriage. I made sure that she recognized that only the Holy Spirit can change one’s life. I just prayed that the Spirit would do that for him. After my gas tank was filled, they both wanted me to go to the parking lot to visit their daughter and her boyfriend. Their son then pulled up and they introduced him to me. I prayed for them all. They decided to rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Now is time to revisit the gangs I met with last week.

For the first gang, my King said, “Sonny, pick up donuts, Double Stuffed Oreo Cookies, milk and orange juice.” I went to King Soopers to pick up the food and headed back to the same park. As I began parking nearby, they started to walk towards my pickup with their pistols holstered. When I exited the pickup, they said, “What’s up Sonny? Did you bring us something to eat?”

I said, “Yes, I did.”

They replied said, “Thanks Sonny for thinking about us.”

I responded, “Your welcome; but first I want to pray for all of you. I prayed for all of them. They mentioned to me that the last time I was here that they actually found a Bible and looked up the scriptures I read them last week. They then asked, “Sonny, do you have any new scriptures for us today? ” I then read the scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Jeremiah 29:11. I explained those verses to them. They asked, “Can God really forgive me of all my sins?”

I said, “Yes, but first you need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins. Then ask him to come into your heart. My King will forgive you and forget all your sins. Then he will transform your hearts for his Kingdom. My King will give you a new purpose for your life.” As I finished talking, God said, “Sonny, pray with them and then walk away. I am having you serve lunch to this gang” After I prayed with them a lot of seeds were planted in their hearts. My King is Faithful he gets all the Glory and the Victory. I began walking away. I looked back and told them that I was going to bring them lunch to them. They were very excited when I mentioned “lunch ” to them.

God said, “Sonny, they are craving cheeseburgers. For lunch, pickup up 36 cheeseburgers for them to eat.” I headed to my favorite McDonald’s restaurant to order my cheeseburgers. At McDonald’s they are always excited to see me. The girls and the Manager always come out to pray for me and to say “Hi!.” The manager also helps me reach the young men. Today he paid for 50% of the burgers and eight that I did not even order. He placed those eight in a separate bag. Does the manager know something that I don’t know?

I headed back to the park to meet them again. When I parked my vehicle, they greeted me with their pistols holstered. They helped me carry the food to the nearby picnic table. I prayed over the food and they began eating. They were excited that they could have more than one burger. They only took one at a time and shared. But they did not touch the burger bag with the eight burgers I had. I assumed they thought they were mine and left them alone. Soon, I was to discover why I received those burgers. If you remember the story about God having me do church in the park, well; eight homeless men who attended recognized me. They were very hungry and walked slowly towards the table. They sheepishly asked if we had anything to eat. The gang invited them to dine with them and wanted to share. This is something gangs do not do. I told them I had a burger for each one of them. They were greatful to receive the food. They became thirsty and quietly asked for something to drink. Again, God had me bring enough pop and water so they could quench their thirst. The Holy Spirit definitely is working here in this gang. I prayed with them again. After I prayed with the last man, my King said, “Sonny, It is time to drive away. It is time to bring a meal to another gang”

God had the 2nd gang I have been witnessing to in mind. He told me to get tacos again. He then said, “No, they are not tired of tacos. They will love them again.” He can read my thoughts did not want me to question his choice. My King’s meal choices either fill the need of the gang and usually are their favorite or they just satisfy a craving. I headed to Taco Bell to get more tacos. When I pulled up to Taco Bell window, the girls and the boys always tell me, “Taking more tacos to the gangs I see, we’re praying for you Sonny. Your a blessing to all of us.” They always treat me like family. After praying for me, I headed to gang 2. I parked near them. Just like the first gang, they kept their guns holstered and helped me carry the taco boxes and drinks to their table. I prayed for the food and them and talked about Jesus to them and his ability to heal hearts. Anthony, one of gang members, was hoping that he could heal lives also. He came up to me and asked, “My mom is in the hospital with a bad stomach blockage and doesn’t have much time to live. Can you go to the hospital to pray for her?”

I said, “I will go and pray for her, but you are going with me. ” I have prayed for people in the hospital before and it is difficult to see non-family patients. I also wanted Anthony to see the power of the Holy Spirit. We left the gang and headed for the hospital. With the covid-19 virus going on, going to the hospital is not an easy task. They do not even want any non-family individuals around. Anthony decided to adopt me as his uncle and that took care of that problem. Now, to prepare ourselves we had to get into our what seemed like hazmat suits. We were told not to bring anything into the room or touch anything. So, with all the garb on, we entered Anthony’s mom’s room. I introduced myself to her and said, “Anthony has asked me to pray for you. Is it OK for me to do that?” She welcomed the offer with open arms. The blockage has been quite painful for her. I learned that she has been praying for Anthony for years to accept Jesus Christ. She was glad to see him in her room. Before I pray, I get my bottle of olive oil out to anoint the person I am praying for. Deep inside my sleeve the bottle was hiding. I worked it down my sleeve until it popped into my hand. Luckily, both of the nurses watching us are Christians. They both understood the power of the oil and gave me thumbs up to continue. I opened it and began anointing her. I began praying for her. Whatever was causing her pain seemed to just pass through. Almost instantly, she felt wonderful. Anthony watched carefully everything that just happened. He noticed how the Holy Spirit healed his mom.  His mom noticed her son’s bewilderment. Her first words to Anthony were, “Isn’t it great how good our God is. Anthony would you like Jesus Christ to be your personal Savior.” Anthony began realized that gang life is not what its cut out to be and Jesus did heal his mom. He wanted what I and his mom had; a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Anthony told her, “I do want to accept Jesus as my personal Savior! ” His mom asked me if I could loan her my bottle of oil. I handed it to her while the nurses were watching. She anointed him with the oil and prayed over him as he accepted Jesus Christ. Anthony now has the peace of Jesus Christ in his life. His mom’s next request was “I want a lemonade to drink.” Even though the nurses advised against it, she threatened to get someone else to do it. They caved and let her have the lemonade. She enjoyed it but had to spend the next hour in the restroom. She was released the next day. God totally cured her. It was great to get out of the hospital and the suits. Anthony has one more thing to do and it is to leave the gang.

At first,  I think he wanted me to tell them but then he said, “Sonny, this is one thing I have to do myself.” I drove him back to the gang to talk with the leader. Anthony went up to him and said, “Loco, I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I want to serve him. I am asking your permission to leave the gang.”

The leader replied, “Loco, it is fine with me. But anytime someone treats you without respect, you still have a home with us. We will keep this spot open for you.” Normally, it is impossible to leave a gang without leaving the state or dying. The hearts of these men are softening but they still have tremendous respect for each other. I am not sure why they call each other “Loco”. Now that Anthony knows that God is real, he is going back to his gang. He is bringing God’s Kingdom with him and more of them will be saved. I went home to end the weekend. God still has plans for me to visit these gangs again.

Memorial Day weekend with the 5th Timers

Saturday morning I picked up 4 dozen donuts to take to gang 1 I have been witnessing to this was the 5th time. I have shared the word of God to them when I met them. I gave them all Bibles. There are 27 individuals in this gang of which fifteen are guys and twelve are girls. One of girls names is Rebecka. I talked about her earlier.  She has stayed with the gang to try and reach the other girls for Jesus Christ. She also has been my inside informer. She has been calling me lately and telling me that she wants to go home. She has been trying to get the other girls to come with her. Rebecka reported to me that during the past week they have been reading the Bible. The whole gang has been showing signs that the Holy Spirit has been working in their hearts more each week.

When I arrived Saturday morning, the leader, his body guards and Rebecka came out to greet me. No one had their pistols drawn when they came to help me carry in all the donuts, milk and orange juice I bought for them. As we all walked inside, the rest of the gang members were excited to see all the food. I noticed the Bible’s everywhere. You could tell that they have been reading them. My King said to read Jeremiah 29:11 to them. When I announced which verse I was about to read, Rebecka said, “That’s my favorite verse because it talks about our future.” She opened her Bible and read Jeremiah 29:11 out loud to all of us. After she was done, the leader said, “Sonny, I’m ready to give my heart to Jesus Christ. Rebecka has been reading the Bible to us and she makes us read the word of God. All of us have learned so much about God’s word. Because of your and Rebecka’s persistence, our hearts will never be the same.”

Then I replied, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over by me and I’ll pray for you.” They all stepped forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Then they called all their parents to go home. The parents came for all of them. The parents that weren’t Christians asked me to pray with them. As I prayed they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Gang 2

You may began asking yourself what happened to Gang 2? Well, Anthony took breakfast to his old gang. He prayed for them and shared what Jesus has been doing in his life. Three of them gave their life to Jesus Christ during their encounter. He may be the one who brings the entire gang to Jesus. I have planted the seed. My King keeps me humble by showing me that he can use other people to bring Salvation to the gangs. I am excited for Anthony and want him to succeed immensely. This does remind me of a time I had this discussion with God. I asked, “God, do you have anyone to replace me as I get older.”

God retorted, “Why do you ask? Are you planning on dying soon. ” It was a foolish question because God probably had a successor lined up for me even before I was chosen. It also told me that my King as more work for me to do.