Rescue Three Women

I was at work Monday enjoying my job but it was not a typical Monday. My phone rang at 2 pm. I didn’t recognized the number but my King said to answer it. When I answered the phone I said “Hello” just like anyone else. The young woman went directly to the point. The young woman said, “Sonny, this is Kelly from Denver. You told me that if I ever want to get out of this organization that you would come and get me out and take me to my family.” You may be wondering how we made contact in the first place. God, as you see in many of my stories has me speaking to people on the street. I met Kelly on the street one night and told her how much Jesus loves her and prayed for her. Kelly was not ready to give her life to Jesus Christ that night but I planted a seed in her heart. I gave her one of my ministry cards to call me when she was ready to leave this life. Kelly kept my card close by.

I said, “Yes, I remember our conversation very well.” Then I said, “What time do you want me to come and get you out?”

She said, “Can you get me at 8:30 pm Monday night. There will be two more coming with me.”

I said, “Give me the address and I’ll deliver you to a safe place.” My King said, “Sonny, call the informers to help you get them out safely.” I then called my informers and told them what was to be going down. Seven of them came to help me. I shared with them that there is a black van that follows the young women to where they are meeting someone. The sole purpose of the van is to prevent the women from leaving their destination early. This night was going to be different. The cops set undercover vehicles in the area and waited for the van to show. They stealthily moved in around the van and patiently waitied for the 8:30 pm drop off. I set myself behind some bushes to watch the drop off point. As I looked on, Blue Mustang called asking for prayer. The Holy Spirit gave me insight to his situation and I had him read Jeremiah 29:12. I told him what the Holy Spirit said to me and I was giving him details of what is going down minute by minute until the limousine arrived. I then explained, “The limousine is coming. I have to go when the Limousine arrives at the front door. The girls are going in just long enough to allow the limousine to leave. They are going to come back outside. When this happens, the guys in the van are going to try to stop them. They will be stopped by the undercover police nearby. I will take my pickup to the door where they will enter and be taken to a safe place.”

The Limousine pulled up at 8:30 pm. The body guard got out and opened the rear door and the three young women got out the car. The body guard walked them to the front door of the hotel. As soon as the young women walked further into the lobby, the body guard walked back to the Limousine and left the hotel parking lot. When the Limousine turned the street corner, I drove my pickup to the front doors of the hotel. While I was doing this, my informers went straight to the black van to block it so it couldn’t leave. I found out later that they were all arrested. About the time the young women stepped out of the hotel, all the power for the whole block shut down. With the power off, security cameras go offline. I had just enough time to get the women out of there before things start recording again when the backup generators start up. I quickly pulled up to pick up the young women. They jumped into my pickup and we sped off. I kept checking behind me in my rearview mirror and side mirrors. No one appeared to be following us as I was heading to a safe zone. I parked my pickup off the road when I arrived. The next step was to secure the women. I asked them for their phones and I destroyed their cell phone chips. We then got back into the pickup and headed towards Kelly’s home where all their parents were waiting for them. Even the parents knew what was going down. The girls jumped out of my truck and ran to their parents. They hugged their parents and cried for a long time. Then the parents came over to meet and hug me. They thanked me over and over. I told them that it was my King that get all the Glory and the Victory. He gives me the courage and protection to do this.

I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over to me and I’ll pray for all of you.” The three women and two parents came up to me and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I got home at 3:45 am on Tuesday morning. That same day at noon Kelly called me and thanked me again for coming to rescue them. Then she invited me for supper at their home that same night. I welcomed her offer to have supper. I arrived at 5:45 pm at her home. All three girls were there. They were just starting to cook the appetizers. Kelly, Lynette and Rylee asked me to pray for them again. The young women looked totally different after giving themselves to Jesus Christ. Our King had transformed their hearts and brought peace to their lives. Those young women wouldn’t stop hugging me. I was so blessed to be there with them. As the evening progressed, the women shared what my King has put on their hearts. They want to reach other women who live their old life. They also want to be able to share Jesus with other women who are hurting to give them hope. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.