Greeley Court House and Police Station Saved

After work, I received an interesting call. The undercover cops warned me that the word and on the street was that an evil organization was in to Greeley. Their sole purpose was to damage the courthouse and the police station. Since the George Floyd incident, all kinds of people with hate instilled in them have been rioting with destruction and burning. This organization is one of them. Shortly thereafter, my King said, “Sonny, it is not my desire that this organization to succeed. I want you to walk around both the police station and the courthouse seven times and anoint the buildings and pray over them.” I did as my King requested. I walked around the courthouse first and while I was there I did not notice anything unusual going on. After I finished praying for the courthouse, I went to the police station and did the same thing. Again, I walked around it seven times anointing the building with olive oil. No one came out and asked me any questions even though I knew that people were watching. Eventually, they came out to thank me for doing what I did. Shortly thereafter, Blue Mustang called and asked me about the courthouse situation. I told him what I just did to protect the building because God really didn’t want anything happen to the courthouse. He told me a bunch of men were going about 8 p.m. to pray around the courthouse. I found out later that a larger group of women surrounded the men. They all prayed that my King would protect the courthouse. I was about ready to leave when my King said, “I now want you to pray over this organization.” I did not know where they where but I soon received a call from the undercover police.

They undercover police were having a difficult time locating the organization that was going to do damaged in Greeley. I was told that the individuals would be dressed in black and that they were very evil. The undercover police asked me if I wanted to go along to try and help find these guys. I told them that I would go with them. I entered a van that looked almost like it should be sent to the junk pile. It had graffiti and some dents all over it. But when I entered into the vehicle, it was immaculate inside. It had all kinds of electronics and devices to aid the undercover police in getting info about any situation they were involved with. As we were cruising in Greeley, we did come across a smaller bunch of approximately 19 guys all dressed in black. We knew we were getting warm at this sighting. The informers responded that the organization was a lot larger group than this and they would eventually rondevu somewhere in Greeley. We continued cruising. Eventually, a spotter got word got out that they were in Island Grove Park Fair ground in north Greeley Colorado. I told the undercover police that I need to go back to get my pickup and that I needed to go and pray for these young men as I was commanded by my King. They were trying to keep me from going because they knew the characteristics of these guys and they would be very mean. But I told them as I have said before, “When my King tells me to do something that I need to do it.” They reluctantly took me back to my pickup and I headed off to Greeley Island Grove Park.

When I arrived at 7:12 pm, my King said, “Sonny, drive around these guys seven times.” As I got closer, I counted what appeared to be 15 black vans. They all appeared to be in excellent condition. I began driving around them. The young men were standing there with their pistols drawn and pointing them in my direction as I drove around the vans but nobody shot at me. After I completed my seventh-round, my King said, “Do not drive in towards them, but I want you to back your vehicle into the area.” I found the road that lead to the vans. I put my pickup in reverse. I am sure these guys were wondering what was going on. I carefully got out of my pickup and I was greeted by a bunch of pistols. The leader asked me using vulgar language, “What the heck are you doing here?”

I replied, “My King sent me here to pray for you.”

The leader retorted, “And who is your King?”

I exclaimed, “He is Jesus Christ. He loves you guys very much and he wants me to pray for you.”

The leader furiously said, “You made a big mistake coming here and you are going to die for doing so.”

I said, “Before you do what you want to do let me pray for you.” There was a total of 46 men and three women there at the park.

As I started praying, two guys placed their pistols on my temples. One on each side of my head. They kept their pistols on my temple as I moved from guy to guy it was very difficult to pray under that situation. I finally said, “Why don’t you just put your gun in the front of my head because I need room to lay hands on and to continue to pray for each guy here. They backed off to give me some room to continue praying.

I prayed for each one and God revealed their hearts to me. Almost everyone of them were abandoned as a family because they were assumed to be worthless. Others had alcoholic parents and other issues of rejection where they were forced to leave home early. I handed each one a Ministry card after I finished praying for each person. I prayed for the leader last. I shared with him what the Holy Spirit revealed to what happened to his life. I said, “I know that your father was an alcoholic and abandoned you. It is time that you ask for forgiveness from your dad.”

The leader angrily said,  “Shut up, I do not want to hear anything else from you.” I still handed him one of my Ministry cards that he threw over his shoulders.  One of the young women there, whose name is Katherine, caught the card and stuck it in her pocket. She already had one of my cards. I saw her put in her pocket earlier when I prayed for her. This card went into the same pocket. The Holy Spirit showed me that the women were rebellious at home and left home when they were 16. Two of the parents were Christians when they came here. I then looked the leader into his eyes and said, “I am done praying. You can do with me what you want.”

I am sure the leader was caught off guard. He brashly said, “You can go but you better leave now before I change my mind.” My King then said, “You’re done here. Leave them now and whatever you do, do not look back!” That is the reason why my King had my face my pickup away from them. Looking away, I got in the pickup and drove away. I said to myself, “It looks like no one gave their life to Jesus tonight.”

Then the Holy Spirit revealed to me, “What do you mean? Three people are going to be giving their life to Jesus Christ. I am still working on their hearts.” I found out three days from now when I received a phone call. It was Katherine. She said, “I want to get out of here and when would you be able to come and get us?” All three of the women wanted to leave their situation and give their lives to Jesus Christ. I asked them where they were staying. They gave me the directions to the motel in Denver where they were staying. I decided to ask for help from the undercover cops. They were eager to help. They wanted to send out seven sharpshooters to make sure that nobody got hurt when the three girls left. We all left for the motel. We arrived at 8:30 p.m. The adrenalin was beginning to pump as the plan was coming together. The sun was set but it was not real dark yet. The sharpshooters who got there first started monitoring the windows and exits for any activity. The girls figured out how to get out of their rooms undiscovered. The undercover police found them hiding in the darkness of the alley. When the coast was clear, the undercover police signaled for me to get going. I started driving with my lights off and my engine at an idle. The alley was paved so there was no tire noise. The Holy Spirit put a deep sleep on all the men because there was not a individual to be found. The three women knew my pickup from the Greeley visit and came towards me staying in the shadows as much as they could. They placed their stuff in the box and entered my back seat. We continued to the street in stealth mode. I turned my lights on after I could not see the motel anymore. Not a single shot was fired tonight.

I took them to their homes in southwest Denver. These homes are mansions. They all came from good homes. Their rebellious Spirit made them leave home and join an organization like this. Satan is a master at clouding one’s judgment. When the girls gave their lives to Jesus Christ, Satan’s cloud was lifted. They wondered why they did what did. Some of the parents present weren’t Christians. After their daughter’s gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, four of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ also. As I was getting ready to leave,  I then asked God, “What ever happened to the rest of the men?”

God responded, “I gave them an opportunity to become mine. They have chosen the Lake of Fire.” The undercover police told they have tracked them to Baltimore. My King has not revealed to me what they may be doing in that city now.

2 Replies to “Greeley Court House and Police Station Saved”

  1. I give out Ministry cards whenever I go out and meet people. One of the girls that was part of the gang that was going to attack Greeley called me one night. She told me that she decided to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. She shared with me some of the things that happened that night when I came and shared Jesus with the whole group. She said, “That day when we arrived at the Island Grove Park in Greeley, lots of strange things began to happen. I got out of the van and felt like there was a heavy pressure outside the vehicle that was trying to push me against the van. I really felt uneasy about being there. I talked to the other guys that were with me and they too had an uneasy feeling about them. After you showed up and talked and prayed with them, they decided this place was not for them.”

    I asked, “What were your plans for being there that night?”

    She said, “We have guns that only the military have. We were going to shoot up the police station and the courthouse. We were planning on killing anybody that was outside of those buildings too when we drove by.”

    This all happened or did not happen just because of those called by my King to go and pray for the courthouse and the police station. They were obedient and went to pray immediately. That gang was feeling the power of many simultaneous prayers. Weld County still has many roots that are honoring to God. The Holy Spirit did not want this town to be ravaged either so he sent them off on their way in another direction.

  2. Three days later the leader of the organization called me. He said, “I have been thinking about what you said about Jesus and my life.” But before he said another word I heard his phone go silent and our phones disconnected. I tried calling back on the number that I received on my caller ID but no one would answer. I was wondering what might have happened. Was he interrupted by someone in the organization? Are the pleasures of the world too great for him to really want to change? The Holy Spirit has not shared anything new with me about what might have happened.

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