Black Mafia and Black Nights Accept Jesus Christ

I was at a one of the parks in Denver praying and seeking our King for what to do next. Shortly I received a call from my informers. They told me that one of the Drug Cartels, who I found out were the Black Nights a cartel I have already shared Christ with them earlier,  and the Black Mafia were meeting around 10 a.m. the next day. They asked me if I wanted the address of the meeting. My King immediately said, “Sonny, take them my Kingdom. Pick up a Cross for each man.  There will be a total of 77. There will be 33 members from the drug cartel and 44 members from the Black Mafia that will be present.”

I responded, “My King said for me to pray and take his Kingdom to them. So please give me the address.”  I looked at the address and it was here in Denver.  My King than gave more intel on these organizations and the fact that they have been looking for me. I was anxious to meet these guys but I would have to wait till tomorrow so I went home after finishing my day with other gangs.

I got up early the next day to meet them.  My King said,  “Sonny,  I  want you to take some string with you before leave.”  You are right it seemed to be a strange request to me also. But I have learned my King has a purpose for everything. I really did not have any string around the house but I had some leather laces that were quite long that I used for string.  I then headed to my pickup and drove to the address they gave me. On the way there, my King instructed me on what to do with the string.  He said, “Sonny, take the string and push it through the tiny loop on top of one of the crosses you bought for them. Then I want you to tie the ends together. You will make a circle that you will be laying on the ground when you get there.” Then my King said, “When you arrive,  I want you to drive between both organizations then stop. They will be on opposite sides of the street of each other.”  When I arrived it was just as my King said. Both sides had their pistols drawn. These organization do not trust each other because of all the money that is involved selling drugs.  I proceeded to drive between them and park my pickup. Before I got out of my pickup,  I put the 77 crosses on my neck and grabbed my Bible and the string.

Seven men from the Black Mafia started to walk towards me and one of them asked me,  “What do you want?”

I responded,  “I’m here to pray with all of you.”

One of the men who was looking me over asked,  “What’s the Bible for?”

I replied,  “I brought God’s Kingdom with me.”

He retorted, “You made a big mistake coming here.” Some of the Black Mafia started pushing me around. The Black Nights have been silent up to this point because they have dealt with the power of the Holy Spirit in the past meeting I had with them. They all of the sudden stood up for me. They said, “Guys, leave him alone. All he wants to do is talk about Jesus Christ. He is totally safe.” Then the Black Mafia backed off a little bit after their request.

I said, “My King brought me here to bring healing to all of you.” As they were looking at me, I created a big circle with the leather strings that had the cross attach to it. I then stepped inside the circle as instructed by my King. I then took the crosses off my neck and split them between both arms.  The Black Nights became scared. They asked me, “Are you going to put a curse on us Sonny?” They remember the power of the Holy Spirit gave me on our last visit.

I said,  “No, this circle is for my protection. My King has not told me what would happen if anyone would come inside this circle. All I know is it would not be good.” The Black Nights backed up even further away from me after I said that. The Black Mafia proceeded to backup likewise.

Jerome, the leader of the Black Mafia taunted, “Do you really think that circle can protect you?”

I said  “Yes, I serve a powerful King.  He protects me all the time and it will protect you.”

Then Jerome noticed the Bible and asked, “Are going to preach to us?”

I said, “My King brought me here to pray for all of you.”

Jerome asked, “What are the crosses for?”

I said, “They are a gift for you.”

Then Jerome asked,  “What’s your name?”

I replied, “My name is Sonny. I am the one you have been looking for. I have come to ask you if you want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life.” Fadell, the leader of the Black Nights asked,  “Sonny, do you know that you have a price on your head. do you know that your getting shot here tonight.”

I asked,  “Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you first.  Then I’ll read the word of God to all of you because God wants to bring healing to all your hearts.” Because I was standing inside the circle,  I prayed one prayer for all of those under their leaders.  Then I prayed for the leaders themselves.  I then said,  “My King will not allow me to leave the circle. I would like someone to help me pass these crosses out to everyone.”  Someone from both organizations came forward to get some crosses to pass out. They were careful not to step inside of the circle where I was at.

After everyone received a cross,  I began reading John 3:16 followed by Jeremiah 29:11.  I then said,  “My King has a better purpose for all of you then what your doing now.”  I looked down in my Bible and began reading Mathew 6:33 followed by Psalms 91. I read the whole chapter outloud to them.  Jerome asked,  “What does seek first the Kingdom of God mean?”

I said, “That means you have to seek my King’s heart first above all else and that’s when you will start hearing my King’s heart.”

Fadell then asked,  “You said in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.”

I said, “Yes and his name is Jesus Christ.” Then I said, “The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. So all of you must repent. You must ask for forgiveness. Accept him as your Lord and Savior.”  For 2 hours they continued asking a lot more questions about my King and Jesus Christ. It was hot outside as I continued to stand in the circle and answer their questions.  They never got within 21 steps of the circle except when the two came forward to pick up the crosses.  Then out of nowhere, an old man dressed in 1930s garb walked up to me and gave me my favorite sweet drink, a Route 44 cherry limeade from Sonic.  He said,  “Sonny,  I know that you are thirsty.  I have something to quench your thirst.” This is the fifth time I have seen this guy, whose name is Noah. The first time I met him was in New York City. After he had handed me the drink,  he looked at me and encouraged me to continue bringing God’s Kingdom to them while he was starting to walk away. Both sides were watching what was going on but neither side never uttered a word.  Noah seemed to come from nowhere and seemed to just disappear as he went around the tree.  In fact, they continued asking questions right where they left off and never asked me what that was all about or where did he go. I remained standing inside the circle and continued to answer their questions for another 1.5 hours. After 3.5 hours with their pistols aimed at me, all of them put their weapons down. It was now time for them to make a decision.

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come and let me pray with you.” Eleven of the Black Mafia stepped forward and wanted to accept Jesus Christ and nine of the Black Nights came over to me.  One of them said,  “I’m tired of running from God.” Neither one of the leaders gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on my first encounter.  I know that a seed has been planted.

The gang leaders then did the unexpected.  Jerome signed over the titles to the almost new black Cadillacs they drove to each man that gave his life to Christ.  Fadell asked his boys if they are sure they wanted to do this as they nodded their head. Fadell walked to his car to get something.  I started praying that it would not be a weapon.  Nope he pulled out a suit case and brought out wads of cash to give to each man. It looked like $100 bills in a 2 inch stack. He asked the question again then and said no hard feelings as he gave a wad to each man. Most of the time it is impossible to leave a gang but the leaders had so much respect for his men and I am sure the Holy Spirts heart softening helped very much.

My next encounter was on July 18th as I was heading down to talk to some other gang. My King said, “Hey Sonny, I want you to pull over here in this Walmart parking lot. There you will find two rocks that I want you to get.”  I went into the parking lot and there were two smooth rocks laying next to each other in one of the parking spaces.  They were both approximately the same size. Then my King said, “Sonny pick up the two rocks.  I want you to write Isaiah 41:10 on one rock to give to Jerome and I want you to write Jeremiah 29:11 on the other rock to give Fadell.” I then asked the undercover police where I could find the Black Mafia and the Black Nights. They asked,  “What do you want to see them for?”

I replied, “My king wants me to take some rocks to the leaders. The undercover police weren’t sure what they just heard and asked, “Are you taking these guys cocaine?”

I then said,  “No, I’m just taking two rocks to them.” I could see them snicker from my response.  When they made arrangements to get cops to cover me, they always ask what I am up to. The cop humorously said, “Ah,  Sonny wants to take two rocks to the Black Mafia and Black Nights organizations.” I could tell that the cops on the other end of the line asked the question again to make sure what they heard was correct. The cop on my end gave them the answer again. You could hear them snickering in the background. I was wondering if they thought maybe I lost it.

When I found them at the location I was given, they were alone and talking to each other. As I began approaching them they both drew their pistols on me. I continued walking up to them with the rocks in each hand and gave one rock to each of them and began walking away. My King earlier told me to leave immediately after I gave them the rocks.  They asked me, “Hey Sonny,  why are you leaving in such a hurry?”

I said “My King said for me to leave immediately after giving you the rocks.”

Jerome replied,  “Sonny,  we have been thinking about everything you have told us. We will look up the verses later.” Jerome then threw his rock in the back seat of his black Cadillac and Fadell put his rock in his pocket. My King has not revealed his plan for the next step to me but how he does I am sure it will be interesting.  In a few days I was about to find out.

My 3rd encounter was started when Fadell called me. He asked if we could meet. Seven hours after Fadell called,  Jerome called and asked the same question. The Holy Spirit has completed changing their hearts.  They are ready to give their lives over to Jesus Christ.  I made arrangements to meet with both of them at the same time. When that day came for us to meet everyone from both sides was there. Everyone had their pistols but this time they were in their holsters not pointing in my direction. Even those that gave their lives to Jesus Christ the first day wanted to be there to see what was going to happen.

The leader Fadell asked, “How can God forgive me of all my sins?”

I replied, “God will forgive you of all your sins but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

Then Fadell said, “I’m taking the price off your head.  I want a new life with Jesus Christ.”  Jerome, who had his own questions,  asked me, “Is it really that easy?”

I said, “Yes, God created all of you for his purpose not for your own.”  The leader Jerome came up and he turned around and said,  “I’m giving my life to Jesus Christ. I’m done with this life I want a new purpose for my life. All of you that came forward and are giving your hearts to Jesus Christ you are free to go back to your families.” During the last half hour, those that gave their lives to Jesus Christ called their parents. Jerome signed the titles to the rest of the Cadillac to his men and Fedall split the rest of the cash with his men for there new start in life. There was a lot of crying going on and the men were asking for forgiveness for the things they had done to each other. The Holy Spirit is moving mightily among these men.

God is Faithful God gets all the Glory and the Victory. God is still not finished with these organization.

Giving My Testimony to Highway Patrolmen

One of the coolest things my King has allowed me to do is honor our highway patrolmen with a weekly Bible study. It all started a few months back when one night a highway patrolman pulled me over because my tail light was out. The minute he walked up to me my King showed me that his Dad was sick and that I had to pray for him. The patrolmen asked for my license and registration. When I gave it to him, I also gave him my ministry card. He asked, “Are you the Sonny that ministers to the Gangs here in Denver and the United States?”

I said, “Yes I am.”

He said, the reason I pulled you over is because of your tail light.” He then said, “I’ll be right back.” He left and went back to his car. I waited a little while and he came back. He then asked, “Could you pray for my Dad because he’s really sick?”

I said, “Let’s pray right now.” After I prayed for his Dad, him and his family, I asked, “Give me your Dad’s room number and I’ll go and pray with him.” After he gave me the room number, I went to the hospital and introduced myself. His Dad said, “My son called me and said you would be coming.” A few days later he’s Dad was healed and released from the hospital. After the miracle happened to his Dad, he asked me if I would be willing to meet with his friends that are highway patrolmen and have a Bible study with them. My King gave me the go. He said, “Sonny, so many have broken lives. They need to be restored.” My schedule is getting full and the only nights I had open were Wednesday and Thursday nights. We picked Thursday nights to meet. The Captain found an auditorium for us to meet in Aurora. There were only thirty who showed the first time. Then it kept growing until over 300 Highway Patrolmen show up. The wives began seeing such a dramatic change in their men and they wanted what their husbands had. My King also gave his approval for the ladies. I meet with them on Wednesday nights.

When I was preparing to leave for the coming Thursday BIBLE study, I received a call that we were meeting at a different location. I drove to the address they sent me. I noticed it was a football stadium and began looking for a place to park. The parking lot was loaded with vehicles. Definitely more cars than people who come to the Bible study. I checked the address to make sure I was at the right place. I was at the right location and had to park towards the outside edge of the parkinglot. After I made the trek to the stadium entrance, a young man approached me to introduce himself. He said, “Hi, Mr Sonny. My name is Jonathan and I’ll show you where need to go and get ready.” As we walked under the bleachers, I could hear everyone talking and laughing. It sounded like a big crowd was present. I began to realize something is up. I asked, “What is going on?”

He explained, “The Captain sent out memos to all the patrolmen to bring out their families and close friends for the next meeting. We want to hear your testimony on how God has been using you to do what you do. We were afraid you might get nervous if we told you up front.” I later found out the Captain did this by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I was taken to a room by the locker rooms so I could pray and prepare for tonight’s event. I never have spoken in front of such a large audience before. I nervously asked the King what to say to the crowd. My King responded, “Sonny, just speak from your heart. They want to hear the truth about my Kingdom.” I then heard someone coming.

It was Jonathan. He asked, “What song do you want to start with?”

I replied, “Amazing Grace!” then I asked, “Play an old hymn called When the Role Is Called Up Younder when we finish worshiping.” Jonathan was instrumental in getting things set up for today’s event. His Dad, a highway patrolmen talked about the ministry to him quite often and he felt it was time to quit running from God and turn his life over to Jesus Christ. He jumped at the opportunity to be the sound guy for the event. It is now time to meet everyone. They started out playing the music. It was exciting to see everyone with their hands in the air worshipping my King. The worship lasted nearly half an hour. Now was my time to go on stage.

As I stood on the platform I was seeing lions in the crowd. I asked my King, “Why do I keep seeing all the lions?”

My King replied, “Sonny, you are seeing these men through the eyes of the people on the street. I want you to close your eyes for 21 seconds then you will see them as I see them.” I did as my King asked and when I opened my eyes, I only saw men of integrity not lions. I also observed the expression on everyones face as I opened my eyes. They probably were wondering what I was up to. I started speaking by thanking everyone for coming. I then said, “I was not expecting to see this many people here today. But, Praise God, I would like to pray for all the Highway Patrolmen that are here tonight. can you please all stand.” We estimated that 307 patrolmen stood up. I then said, “Take a good look at them. I know you see men and women that are risking their life’s for us but the people that are on the streets see them as lions and they want to destroy them but my King sees them as mighty warriors of the highways. If there’s a man or woman standing by you, lay hands on them and pray for them.” I prayed out loud closing my prayer that our King will protect them and continue to show them how much he loves them.

I than began my testimony by sharing everything that was in my heart and I wanted to be honest with everybody. I told them that before I got started in this ministry how my life was deteriorating. I had a failed marriage. I was abandoned and felt all alone. My King was always there for me and had to break me in order for me to bring his Kingdom to anyone. I was definitely at the low point in my life. I cried out to God, “Give me some ministry that nobody else wants. I am ready to take on the challenge.” So God gave me this ministry that I’m going to tell you about. As I began speaking and sharing everything about the King’s ministry, everybody was silent. Not a single cell phone was visible. Everyone was looking forward. As I continue talking, many of people became emotional as the Holy Spirit began to move. Nearly an hour had passed as I finished giving my testimony. What came next was totally unexpected.

A bunch of highway patrolman came in late and asked if I could re-cap a short version of my testimony because they were called out on a serious accident and many of them we’re out directing traffic and were disappointed they could not be here. The Captain stood up and said, “Hey Sonny, why don’t you just go ahead and give them the whole version of your testimony. I am sure no one will mind plus it will be good for them to hear your complete testimony.” I saw from the crowd that they were ready to hear it again. I began to give my testimony all over again. I’m sure I shared things I didn’t share the first time. The crowd made sure I did not forget anything. As I was going on, some of the crowd shouted, “Don’t forget to tell us about Blue Mustang.” I completed my testimony again. I noticed many people who were emotional the first time were still emotional during the second time. There were not very many dry eyes in the crowd. The moving of Holy Spirit was extremely strong during both testimonies. It was now time to ask the crowd about their salvation.

I asked, “I’m going to be honest and tell all of you what my King shows me. God is showing me that a lot of you love God but some of you look like you have no life inside of you. It’s because your running from my King. Today is the day of Salvation because tomorrow is never promised not even for me. My King is knocking at your heart and wants to restore the joy that you had when you accepted Jesus Christ in your hearts the first time.” I then said, “My King has shown me who you are. Those of you that feel dead inside and want a fresh Anointing from my King, I want to rededicate your hearts to Jesus Christ. I want you to come so we can pray for you.” Over 360 came forward and asked Jesus Christ to forgive them and they asked our King for a fresh Anointing from God’s Kingdom upon them. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Over three hours have passed by the time I finished praying for everyone who came forward. One message I would like to say is, “Be obedient to God and use Jesus Christ as an example on how to live your life. The Bible shows the life of Jesus Christ well. Even if you have moments of failure, do not give up. People will see what you have and will want what you have. Your life can be a testimony to someone else.” Another cool miracle happened today.  It has been threatening to rain during the time of this event. Nothing happened until I finished praying for the grounds keeper who approached me at the very end when most everyone was gone. We both got into our vehicles and the rain began pouring down.

The Holy Spirit did change lives during my testimony.  Fifteen minutes after the meeting was over Jonathan approached me and asked, “Sonny,  could you talk to us teenagers on how we can become better servants for Jesus Christ.” My King and I jumped at the opportunity to do this. we scheduled a meeting two days later at a safe, quiet place where there were some trees to keep things cool for people to gather. We met in the parking lot first. After everyone arrived we headed in the back of the building where the trees were at. I did not know this until the end but the parents and sisters of many of the teenagers went on the top floor of the building to observe and pray that their sons could have that deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, I told the boys they need to find out who God is by reading his word. His word defines who he is. The next thing is to model your lives like Jesus Christ was as a man. We talked about how to treat women as a Godly man would. When I got to the topic of honoring your parents as shown in the New Testament, it really hit home. I had boys coming forward while I was speaking who were convicted. They knew that they have been very disrespectful to their parents. I asked them to call their parents to ask for forgiveness. It was fun to watch brothers call. One would call one parents and the other the other parent. When they apologized to that parent, they would swap phones so the other could apologize to the other parent. I think the parents were more emotional than the boys. As this was going on, the rest came forward after they began thinking that they too have not been honoring their parents as much as they could. Our culture tells us that us many things contrary to what our King wants. These young men have said, “I am taking my life to serve Jesus Christ better.” Jonathan did a head count and estimated 325 teenage boys present.

Independent of the boys, four of the teenage girls also wanted me to speak with them without their parents or brothers. Some could not make the first meeting or had friends who needed to hear my testimony. I also asked them what was important to them. The number one thing they said was to stay pure until they got married. They too had issues with honoring their parents. They too came forward to change their lives for our King.  They then called their parents to apologize for their behavior.  The parents of the girls were close enough to observe them as they dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ. I estimate that 370 girls came to tonight.

As I finish this story, Jonathan has shown his commitment to Jesus Christ. He is president of the student council. The school principal wanted to meet with him and some of the students about the coming school year. He began talking about the fears of the Covid 19 virus that we had to live with for the coming year. Jonathan would no accept this and quoted Isaiah 41 :10,  Jeremiah 29:11 Philippians 4:6-7 to him. The principal saw a new boldness in Jonathan and commented on it. The principal has been avoiding talking about Jesus Christ in school because of political correctness. Jonathan said, “I want to be proud about Jesus Christ. Jesus did say, if you deny me before men, I will deny you before the Father.” These words convicted the principal. The principal than said, “You will see some changes from me this coming school year. ” It is so cool to see the Holy Spirit working in Jonathan so quickly. I feel all the teenagers I met with are going to have an impact on the other students this coming school year. Thank you Jesus Christ for calling us yours.

The principal met with Jonathan today in a private meeting. He said, “Jonathan,  from now on I’m going to carry my Bible to school, wear a cross around my neck and I am not going to be afraid to talk about Jesus Christ to others. I may get fired me for sharing Jesus Christ in school but it is better than living in this box I created for myself all these years.