Motorhome Rescue

I talk to undercover police on Friday evenings. This Friday my King wanted me to go to Denver earlier. I went home directly from work, got cleaned up and headed towards Denver. My King then told me that I needed to go on the south side of Denver which was far away from where I’m supposed to go. As I was beginning to question God, he said, “Sonny, just go.” So I began my journey. When I approached the south side of Denver, God said, “Sonny, look a big motorhome on the east side of the road.” I continued driving looking for a large motorhome. Soon, I saw one pulled over with its flashers on. God said, “That’s them, go and help them.” I got off on the first exit so I could get to them. As I pulled up behind them, I noticed that there were three guys standing on the outside of the motorhome trying to troubleshoot it. I got out of my pick up and said, “My King sent me here help you guys out. What do you think is the problem?”

They said, “We were just driving along and all the sudden everything just quit. We tried starting it again but it wouldn’t even click.”

I said, “Let’s try jumping it.” I got my pick up closer to hook cables on to the battery. I was messing around with their battery and noticed one of the terminals was real loose. I had some tools in my pickup and I tighten that terminal up. We did not have to do anything else. The motorhome started right up. Then one of the guys looked straight at me. He then paraphrased me and said, “My King told me to stop here and help us.” Then he asked, “What does that mean by ‘my King’?”

I explained, “His name is Jesus Christ.”

He than said, “I am glad that you came because we need to get to a Bible study.”

I said, “That is cool. It is always good when somebody wants to know more about our King.” I then said, “Hey, I can hear talking in the motorhome. How many of you are inside?”

He replied, “There are twenty of us.”

I said, “Let me pray for you guys before you go.” They took me into the motorhome where I prayed and anointed all twenty people in that motorhome. I told them that Jesus loves them all and he wants their hearts. I also reminded them that our days are never promised to us and to make sure that we take advantage of what time we have to be with Jesus Christ. They then gave their lives to Jesus Christ. I then got ready to leave for my Bible study. I said, “God bless all of you guys” as I was leaving the motorhome. I headed back into Denver to meet up with the undercover police. After I get there, I always go in the back of the auditorium to prepare for the night’s event. There was 300 + people present when they started to worship. I walked out along the side isle and joined in the worship of our King. As soon as the worship was over, the announcer introduced me, “You probably already know Sonny but I always introduce him to everybody just in case somebody is new in the room.” He then pointed towards me as I was coming forward. He then said, “This is Sonny. ” Immediately, the twenty men from the motorhome jumped up and exclaimed, “No way, we know that dude. He just rescued us out on the highway.”

Excitedly I replied, “You are the motorhome guys! What’s up with you guys?”

They answered, “We are undercover police from Colorado Springs. We were asked to come up and to listen to this guy who speaks up here every Friday night. We got the meat on the street already. We know you’re the real deal.” All 20 of the men came forward and walked up to the stage and stood by me. They said, “We want to talk about this guy. He’s the real deal. When his King said go to the south side of Denver to rescue us, he obeyed and came out to meet us. He had no idea who we were. He just came out to meet us. Because of his obedience, we are here tonight. If you would not have come, we would still be broke down out there right now. Do you all get this. This guy is real. If you want to hear about Jesus Christ, this is the man right here to listen to. I know what he’s going to tell you, ‘My King gets the Glory and the Victory.’ That’s what he told us out there on the street.” They started to share with the audience what I shared with them in the motorhome. The audience started to tear up as they continue to share what I said to them. Those twenty men took over the night for me and said the message to the audience. I did read Jeremiah 29:11 and talked about that a little bit but the men from the motorhome made the altar call for me. They too mentioned to everybody that we do not know how long that we have on this Earth and now is the time to give your life to Jesus Christ today. They then asked everyone who hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ or needed prayer to come forward. There were so many people that came forward that it got too crowded. We moved out into the parking lot so everyone had enough room to be prayed for. The team leaders and I went up to everybody and started praying for everybody. 37 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ at the end of this Bible study. They called their families after accepting Jesus Christ. Their families also came tonight. I found out that many of them have been praying for these guys for a long time for this moment that just happened.

This is all about being obedient to our King. It’s also a message to keep me humble because my King used these men tonight to speak in my place. My King always comes up with new ways of accomplishing what he wants to get done. My King gets the Victory and the Glory.

Pizza Hut Miracle

I was going to go down to Denver today and take some pizzas to the Latinos. The Latinos are one gang I have a lot of respect for. Normally, I get ten pizzas when I go meet them. When I was getting close to my destination to pick them up at Little Caesars, God said, “Sonny, I want you to go to our Pizza Hut this time and pick up twelve pizzas instead. On the extra two pizzas, make sure one of them is pepperoni and the other one is sausage.”

I said to myself, “Man, I got to turn around and drive back. It’s almost seven miles back the other way. Plus it would be cheaper to get twelve pizzas at Little Caesars.” I was seeing things as a man would see it. I was not using my eyes inside God’s Kingdom to see what he knows. My King made sure that I knew that Pizza Hut was his option not mine. I did as my King requested and turned around. I frequent this Pizza Hut if I do get my pizzas from them. As I pulled into the parking lot, I normally pay attention mostly to what’s in front of me but for some reason today I was looking in my rearview mirror more than usual. I noticed a van behind me heading back behind the building. Anyone could tell it is a dead end and would not go back there unless they were looking for food in the dumpsters. Here in Denver, homeless people or those down on their luck will go into dumpsters to look for food. Now I have figured out what the extra two pizzas are for. I went inside and ordered twelve pizzas. Steve, the manager asked, “Sonny, you usually only order ten pizzas. What’s up?”

I said, “My King wants me to pick up two extra pizzas for the family in the back. They’re going to search your dumpster soon to try to find some food. I need to take them quickly so I can feed them.” I paid for the twelve pizzas and immediately took two of them back there. As I handed them the pizzas, I said, “My King told me that you guys were hungry. He wanted me to serve you two pizzas.” I found out they physically used up all their resources getting here. Rent and to cost to drive here for his new job took everything that the family had. The family began to cry because somebody actually cared enough to do this for them. I said, “Yeah, I know you guys are getting thirsty. Come over to see what I have in my cooler.” I then said, “I have water and several flavors of pop. Take whatever you need.” The kids took what they wanted. The mom looked in there and saw the Dr. Pepper. She said, “I haven’t had Dr. Pepper in ages.” I said, “My King said for me to take extra Dr. Pepper along. I thought it was for the gang I was going to meet. But it is for you and your family. So take what you need.”

As they were eating, I said, “This life is temporary. We are never promised tomorrow. My King, Jesus Christ, loves you very much and wants your hearts today. ” I shared Jeremiah 29:11 with them and explained the meaning of that verse to them. With what my King demonstrated today, it was very easy to convince them to give their lives over to Jesus Christ. Steve was watching me feed and witness to them. When he found out what their situation was, he decided to do something about it. He came out with three $100 gift cards. He said, “I want help you get established. These are for you to help you get through until you get your job gets started. You can eat here at our fine restaurant.” With all the blessings pouring out on this couple, they were starting to cry. Then Rebekah, Steve’s wife, came by and said, “Honey, I hope you don’t get mad at me. God gave me a list of things to buy at the grocery store and I spent $135 on them. I have no idea who they are for.” Then her husband Steve started pointing his finger toward the family standing by him. He said, “This is where they’re supposed to go.” So then he said, “Honey you don’t get upset at me either because I give them $300 worth of gift cards to eat here at Pizza Hut.” She said, “You do whatever God tells you to do.” Both Steve and Rebekah seemed to fall in love with this family. Steve wanted to know the name of the person who owns their rental. The family was payed through September. Steve knew that their job didn’t start for two more weeks and by the time they got paid it would be tough again. He wanted to pay their rent up through October. Rebekah found out that they did not have the money to buy the supplies for their kids to go to school. She responded, “Let me help, let’s go shopping on Saturday.”

This family was thoroughly blessed today. They realized how much my King loves them. They were able to see other people come in and show love for them also. In order to do what they were going to do, they must have been very hopeless. It must be quite an amazing feeling for them today to have hope restored. But if I wouldn’t have listened to my King and gone back to this Pizza Hut, this family might have been totally forgotten and hopeless. I would have also missed an opportunity to bring them to my King. I will continue to share what happens in this family’s life.

My First Undercover Operation

I usually meet every Friday night with the undercover cops in Denver. This Friday was different. When I was getting ready to speak, my King asked, “Sonny, I want you to anoint the four new cops that are here tonight.” I walked up front to speak. I said, “My King wants me to anoint the four new undercover police that are here tonight.” This is a secret organization. Nobody knew how I knew about that unless it came from God. Many people there were surprised. Before I had time to ask them to come forward, Victoria, a long time undercover cop, got up and asked, “I do not mean to test God. Instead of asking them to come forward. Sonny, why don’t you point out the four individuals here tonight.” She wanted everyone here tonight to be able to witness the power of my King. I feel she wanted to let the audience know that my King is limitless.

I said, “I can do that.” I immediately asked my King, “Please show me who these four are.” God said, “Sonny close your eyes for 21 seconds then when you open them up you will see who they are.” I closed my eyes for 21 seconds. I open my eyes and the only people I could see where the four were in the room. It was like everyone else was invisible. I went down and physically touched each one and told them to come forward for anointing. Everybody started crying when they witnessed the power of my King. They knew there was no way that I could have known who they are. I anointed and prayed over them. I then asked them if they had their names in the Lambs Book of Life. Lacey was one who came forward. She said, “I have been running from God for a long time.”

I said, “You have been angry and bitter at your father and you need to ask for forgiveness from him and to forgive him.”

Lacey said, “Do you want me to do that now?”

I said, “Yes. It will release you.” I wasn’t expecting her to go up to the microphone but she did. She called her Dad on her phone. She had the speakerphone on and we could hear them talking. Dad asked how her new job was doing. She wanted to get to the point. She said, “Dad, I just want you to know that I forgive you for those things you did that hurt me. I know that I was a brat and am partially responsible for many things that happened. I ask that you forgive me for the things I did.” Her Dad started to sob. Her Mom thought Lacey was hurt. When her Dad explained what happened, she began to sob also. Lacey was released in Jesus Christ and other things began to happen. Lacey’s cousins have been missing and a spotter called to give the location of the two. Both of them joined the gang out of rebellion. But they did not want to do the evil activities that the gang did. They did make a pact that they would never leave the gang and if they did they would be found and trashed. They have been looking for a way of getting out of the gang. The undercover cops we’re ready to go out and snatch them from the gang. They asked me if I wanted to go undercover with them to go get them. I have never been asked to go undercover with them before. My King gave me permission to go with them. When we got there, they were the gang that was on the east side. I asked him how can you tell which ones they are. You see the boy and the girl on the right. Those are the ones we want to grab. So we were just sitting there watching for 1.5 hours trying to create various scenarios of snatching them without getting a lot of gunfire going. All scenarios that we came up with seemed futile. I finally said, “They don’t know me. Why don’t I walk in there and talk to them.” I then said, “Why don’t we pray first and see what our King has to say.”

I said, “My King told me just to walk in there and get them.” The undercover cops said, “Sonny, it does not work that way.” I said, “With men it doesn’t work but with my King it will work.”

They said, “We know you well enough Sonny. We have seen how when the King gets involved, out of this world things do happen. ”

I started walking around the block so I could come in behind the gang. I walked up to the boy and the girl and said, “My name is Sonny. I have come to take you home to your families. This is the time to leave. They are not going to even notice.” The girl started crying and said, “I want to go home.”

I said, “Just turn around and follow me.”

She said, “They are going to shoot us if we go.”

I said, “They will not notice that you’re gone. We need to leave now. Do not look back.” I turned around and started walking away. I did not look back either. They decided that they were going to follow me. We walk around the corner of one of the buildings in the alley. We started walking a little faster because of the adrenaline rush. She held my hand and started crying because she was getting anxious. I quoted Isaiah 41:10 to her and I told her not to fear. When she was younger, she actually read the Bible and knew that verse was in there but she decided to go other directions. My King brought us safely out of here. I told them they are now free.

The van moved closer. They knew exactly where I was coming out. They opened the doors for us as we came out of the alley. When they got in the van, they begin hugging their aunts and their uncles who are waiting for them in the van. All the undercover cops looked at each other wondering what just happened here. They have just witnessed my King doing the impossible. They have now seen another aspect of my King. The girl turned and looked at me and said, “I thank God that you came when you did. They were about ready to trade me off to other gangs. I would not have been here if you would have came later.”

I asked, “Do you want to be in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

They both said, “For the last month, we have been doing all kinds of evil to be in that gang. We do not want that life. We want the life that Jesus Christ has to offer.” They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King has no limits. My King will want me to talk this gang soon.

Three Gangs Make Pact For Me

It is Saturday morning and I had breakfast with Blue Mustang. We spent an hour talking about the wonders of God in our ministry. I then began my trip back to Denver to speak to some more gangs. On my way there, my King said, “Sonny stop and pick up seven dozen donuts along with some orange juice for the gangs to drink.” I stopped by a Walmart store and went to the bakery section. They had seven boxes of one dozen donuts. Due to the Covid-19 virus, stores do not allow you to pick your own donuts. I had to get the ones they had sorted out for me. I picked those boxes up and continued my trip to Denver. When I arrived at the park, the park was empty. I asked my King, “Where is everybody at?”

My King said, “Sonny, just be patient, they will be coming. Pray for the day until they get here.” I should have said to my King, “What time are they going to get here?” My King would never have me run on a wild goose chase. I set up the donuts on the tailgate of my pickup and I placed the cooler directly underneath my tailgate so that they would have access to the drinks.

Eventually three gangs showed up. They all parked their cars on different sides of me. Today is a different day. The three leaders got out of their vehicles but their guns were not drawn. They all came up to me and addressed me by name. They just asked, “Sonny, is that food for us?”

I said, “Yes, I have donuts here and orange juice in the cooler below my tailgate.” Then they said, “Sonny, our three gangs have made a pact with each other.”

I asked, “What do you mean by making a pact?”

They replied, “We decided that we are going to honor you and we are going to protect you and each other. We have each others phone numbers. If any of us getting into trouble or we see you in trouble, we are going to call each other and come to each other’s rescue.”

I then asked, “How did this come about?” The said, “Lorenzo, the leader of the Latino gang, came up to us and said, ‘If I catch anyone messing with Sonny, I am going to trash them.’ The way he was looking at us, he was meaning us to. We began thinking that we want to do the same thing. We do not want to mess with Lorenzo.” One of the gangs had to leave before I had a chance to talk about Jesus with them.

The Latinos, showed up after the other gang left. They decided help themselves to the donuts. I later found out that the undercover cops were concerned when the Latinos showed up. Their first thought when four different gangs were in the vicinity that my life would be in danger. But they observed that all the guns from all four gangs were never drawn and everyone seemed peaceful. They decided to stay where they were at. But they still continued to watch what was going on. They were ready to come in to get me if I needed help.

I spent most of the morning talking to them on how they could have a true relationship with Jesus Christ. It was almost noon. I asked, “Are you guys hungry?” They said, “Sonny, can we have tacos.”

I said, “We can handle that.” I then asked, “I would like the leaders to come with me and help me carry the food. ” They agreed to come with me. The Latino leader said, “You other guys sit in the backseat. I’m sitting in the front seat with Sonny.” The other leaders had no problem with it. They crunched themselves together in my backseat. We left the park and headed to my favorite Taco Bell. None of the leaders had their weapons drawn but all four leaders had their pistols visible on them. It was no problem seeing them. They all had at least two pistols. One pistol on each side of their body. On the way there, Lorenzo commented, “Sonny, this is a big truck. I really sit up high on the road. It’s just too big for me. I’m going to stick with my 1967 GT500 Mustang automobile to get around in.” We drove up to the window to order food. They were surprised to see people in the pickup with me. They were even more surprised when they noticed all the pistols on each one of the leaders. They kept their cool and asked, “Sonny, what would you like to order today?”

I said, “I would like to have four boxes of tacos and burritos.” All the gang leaders agreed that was enough food and that I didn’t need to get any more. Then my King told me to order 24 more tacos. As usual, they brought out extra food after we were about to leave. They brought out even more burritos to make sure we had enough. We headed back to the park where the gangs were still hanging out waiting for us to get back with the food. As they sat down to eat, I gave thanks to my King for the food. I then started talking about how Jesus can forgive all their sins. But they have to ask for forgiveness of all their sins first. Next, I explained that Jesus Christ came to serve not to be served.

Rico’s gang showed up shortly after I talked about serving. The Latinos invited them to come over and eat food with us. We would not have had enough food for Rico’s gang if my King would have told me to get the extra tacos. He already knew that the employees at Taco Bell would give me the extra burritos. The Latinos put out everything that was left in front of Rico’s gang. After all the gangs finished eating, there was nothing left. The only thing that did not get set out, are the cans of Dr Pepper. He said, “Sonny, that Dr. Pepper is mine. They can drink water or that pop in the 2-liter bottles.” This is serving others in gang style fashion. After the Lorenzo’s gang placed the food in front of Rico’s gang, he sternly said, “You guys don’t eat anything until Sonny blesses it.”

Everything that I was saying to the gangs was having an impact on their lives. I asked, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Come up and stand by me.” The largest gang came first followed by two other gangs. The Latinos still have have not given their life to Jesus Christ. But I do believe my King is using them even now to help other gangs follow him. It is only a matter of time and they also will accept Jesus Christ. The three gangs released their women to go home. They begin to realize it was disrespectful of what they were doing to them. The Latinos already released their women over a year ago. I am going to speak to the girls tomorrow. Now it is time to get some sleep.

It is Sunday morning. I met with all the girls and their families at a big park in Littleton. From 10:45 till 8 PM, I had a chance to meet everyone and pray with all of them. Next, I read John 3:16 and Matthew 6:33 and explained those verses to everyone. I asked, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Come up and stand by me.” A total of 392 came forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ. They celebrated their new lives with Jesus by grilling Ribeye steaks, hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken. It was a feast! Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Saving Four Dallas Gangs

I was told by my Dallas Texas informers that there was a gang looking for me. This is a difficult gang that the Dallas boy’s, Hector and Victor, have been witnessing to for a couple years. The Dallas boys are men I witnessed to a couple years ago in Denver. They went back home to Dallas and wanted to reach the gangs in their city for Jesus Christ. Hector and Victor have not been able to crack these guys. They have continually resisted accepting Jesus Christ. The gang told Hector and Victor that they wanted to meet me so we can put a hurt on him. They did not like what I did to Hector and Victor. Two weeks ago, with my King’s approval, I left for Dallas to meet their meanest gang. Their leader wasn’t there because he was with his sick grandmother. When I walked up to them, they asked, “What are you doing?”

I said, “I came to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you guys. Jesus Christ also wants your hearts. My name is Sonny. I am the person that you guys are looking for.”

They said, “You are going to get hurt here.” They were looking at each other because their leader was gone and he was wanting to personally put a hurt on me. They were wondering if they should wait.

I said, “Let me pray for all of you before you guys hurt me.” As I was praying and putting crosses on them, I asked them if they wanted their names written in the Lambs Book of Life.

They kept saying over and over, “When you put crosses on our necks we couldn’t move while you were praying for us.” The leader, who they call Estevan, arrived while I was praying for his gang. He looked very sad. He just got through visiting with his sick grandma.

He said, “We have heard a lot about you and we have been waiting to meet you.” Then he asked, “Can God really forgive us of all our sins because we have done a lot of bad things? Victor and Hector have been speaking to us and telling us that Jesus Christ loves you guys and wants to transform your hearts.”

While I was talking to Estevan, Hector and Victor showed up. Estevan looked at Hector and Victor. He said, “You guys became Christians now because of Sonny.”

Hector and Victor said, “Yes, that is true.” Then they said, “Just like Sonny, we are here to tell you about Jesus Christ.”

Estevan sternly said, “I told you guys that if Sonny comes around here we are going to hurt him.”

I said, “I’m right here. But before you hurt me, let me pray for you. I have already prayed for all your boys. I just want to pray for you.”

Estevan said, “Go ahead and pray for me.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that his heart used to belong to God when he was 14 but his Dad destroyed it when he packed up one night and drove away without saying goodbye. He never said why he was leaving them. Estevan was 17 when he started his own Gang. Out of anger and bitterness, he made his gang the meanest gang in Dallas. I prayed over Estevan, “Father God you know what Estevan has been through. His Father drove away and he never looked back. Father God bring healing to his heart and his mind. Father I ask that you would show him how much you love him and that you will never leave him nor forsake him. I ask for this in Jesus Christ’s Holy name. Amen.”

As soon as I was finished praying for Estevan, I could see tears coming down his face. He knew that only my King would know his story. Estevan said, “I want to know the God you know. While you were praying for me, I wanted to hurt you so bad but I couldn’t move. Your the only one that has gotten this close to my gang without getting hurt.”

I said, “My King didn’t want you to move so that you would have to hear my entire prayer for you. He loves you very much and wants your heart. The Victory belongs to my King.”

Estevan said, “Can God really forgive me of all my sins?”

I said, “Yes, but first you have to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and ask him to come into your heart.” After Estevan’s 21 men saw what happened to him, they too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I told them God is so Faithful. The Holy Spirit has confirmed that all of your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. My King gets the Victory. They all called their parents and are going home with their parents.

Estevan called his Mom and we had a chance to talk to the Grandmother. Estevan and I took turns praying for his grandmother. Two days later they released her from the hospital. Later Estevan went to visit his family and his Grandparents. Our story is not yet finished.

Before I arrived in Dallas. Hector and Victor we’re wanting to find a place to celebrate when I came and they were at this park to think. They were praying as they were walking around the park. After they completed 7 revolutions, the King stopped them and said, “Stop right here. I want you to prepare a feast before your enemies here.” Both men loudly heard the same thing. They said to each other, “This is the spot.” They scheduled the celebration on the day of my arrival. Estevan’s gang would be here today with us.

When Hector and Victor’s families started to pull up, they had a flat bed trailer loaded with sound equipment. They set up the speakers and hooked up the microphones. Estevan and his boys introduced me to their families. Soon the food started to come out. Everyone was getting ready to eat. My King directed my eyes to the other side of the park. He showed me the two gangs hanging out there. Normally, this park is a war zone. The gangs were curious to see what was going on. They could see and smell all the food cooking. The kids and adults were having fun together. Both gangs were gradually starting to inch towards us to get a closer look. I said, “Hector and Victor, my King wants me to witness to those gangs.”

They asked, “Do you want us to come with you.”

I said, “No, you just keep doing what you are doing. It will be better if I go by myself.”

They replied, “Before you go Sonny, let’s pray for you and the hearts of those gangs.” After they prayed for me, I started to walk towards the gangs. When I started closing in on them, both gangs started to walk towards me. They said, “What do you want?”

I said, ” I am here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you.”

I am not sure if they really heard what I said because their curiosity was just too high. They then asked me, “What is going on over there? What are all these kids doing here? Don’t they know this is a war zone. Those kids are going to get hurt.”

I said, “This is not about fighting. This is a feast. My King is protecting the celebration as I am speaking to you. He asked us to prepare a feast before my enemies.”

I then said, “Come with me because we are having a feast over there but put all your weapons away. There’s children over there and we want to keep them safe.”

At first one gang leader said, “It is a setup to trash us.” The second leader kind of mocked him and said, “Really, women and kids in a party scene in order to trash us. Get real.” Both gangs saw Hector and Victor over there. They knew who they were because they have witnessed to them before. They started asking questions about myself. One gang asked, “Are you a full-time preacher?” I said, “Only when I’m awake. The rest of time I have to sleep.” They switched back to the celebration and asked me what they were all doing. I confirmed with them that there would be good food. There would also be girls to dance with and of course music.

They said, “Essay, we are pretty hungry. We will put our weapons away and we will come with you.” Some of them did keep their knives but the rest of their guns were put away in their vehicles. Both gangs followed me back to the celebration. When Hector and Victor saw that the gangs were following me, they went into action. All of Hector and Victor’s boys and their families started to set up tables for both gangs. After the gangs sat down, they helped serve them. The children walked around the two gangs and kept asking them what they could bring them to drink or anything they could do to serve them.

Estevan and his boys started to stand up. Normally, these gangs shoot and fight with each other but today they’re standing in friendship. I said, “It’s OK. Their weapons are put away.” Everyone began to relax and enjoy the celebration. Then I noticed a third gang that showed up. I told Hector and Victor my King wants to witness to these guys also. I went over and invited them. I shouted back, “You better get more tables.”

I then said, “Come with me because we are having a feast over there but put all your weapons away. There’s children over there and we want to keep them safe.”

At first they said, “Get lost, we do not feel safe going over there without our weapons.”

I said, “That is too bad. I am going back to make myself a big cheeseburger. After that, I’m going to do some dancing and listen to some music.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the gang leader loves cheeseburgers. The smell of the food cooking, the families with their kids having fun, dancing with girls was just too much for them. Then they said, “Okay, we will do it. Essay, there better not be any fighting going on over there.” My King told me just to tell him that I am watching over the celebration and they have nothing to worry about. I said, “My king has the celebration covered. There will not be any fighting over there.” One of the gangs finished eating their food and they gave their table to the third gang. The first thing the leader of the 3rd gang did was order a double cheeseburger.

There are total of four gangs here that usually fight with each other. Everyone continued eating all the good food that was there. Hector, Victor and I were sharing the word of God with all of them. Soon started to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Those men started calling their families to come to the park to join the celebration. Those who hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ yet, saw all the families getting together and they wanted that in their lives. All the gangs had to admit that when Hector and Victor were witnessing to them, they listened to what they said. Even though they did not want anything to do with Jesus Christ then, now all their words they spoke are all becoming real. The words we spoke today, the food and fellowship made the gangs want to change their hearts to something better even more. Hector stopped the music so I could read some more scriptures to everyone. I read John 3:16, Matthew 6:33 and John 14:6. I explained the meaning verses to the gangs. Then I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life to come forward.” Soon the rest of the three gangs came forward. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I spent all night with them sharing the word of God and telling them how much Jesus loves them. I had a chance to talk with all their parents on their phones. They couldn’t stop crying. God is so Faithful.

After the last family arrived, there was over 500 at the celebration. As promised, my King had sentries posted around the celebration and no one could interfere with what happened today.

My King Sits Gang Leader Down

It was Friday morning. I left for Denver and found a gang that was only in existence for seven days. This gang also had seven members. There was a second gang nearby. I walked up to speak to the younger gang. Victorio, the leader, came up to me and took the cross off my neck. He said, “You don’t wear crosses around here. I like this cross, it is mine now.” He probably wanted to flex his muscles to show the other gang how cool he was. I was kind of bummed because that cross has been with me in many places with many gangs. We have anointed many things and people together. I was going to surely miss it. But it’s only an object it’s not the true King. He put it on his neck to see how it would feel. He was about ready to take it off and put it in his pocket. The Holy Spirit said, “That Cross belongs to Sonny. Do not put that Cross in your pocket or it’ll burn inside your pocket. It is meant to be worn on the outside as a symbol of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for you.” He abruptly sat down on the bench nearby. The second gang was watching and listening to what was going on and noticed how hard Victorio sat down. They came over and asked Victorio, “What are you doing?”

Victorio said, ” I cannot get up. Just leave me alone.” He was thoroughly embarrassed and did not know what to do to get out of the situation.

The other gang asked, “What do you mean you cannot get up?”

Victorio looked back at me and nervously said, “I didn’t mean to sit down. Some kind of force just push me down on this bench. No matter what I do, I cannot get up either. What is that voice I just heard? I have never heard anything like this before. What can I do so I can get up?”

I said, “You can give me my cross back and you will be able to get up. That cross is Anointed. Do you see what those three nails are? Each nail represents an area of Jesus Christ’s body that was pierced for us when he went to the cross. Jesus Christ is just like that cross. You cannot just take him. You physically have to ask him to come into your heart. If you would have asked me for that cross, I would have given it to you.” I then said, “My King made you sit down. He wants you to listen to me. We are never promised tomorrow. Even for me, it is not promised. My King wants your heart. He also wants you to go back to your family.” Victorio thought about what I said and replied, “I have been missing my family and would like to go back.”

I then said, “Jesus Christ still wants your heart. You still have too much bitterness and anger that you need to get rid of before you can be effective for him. You need to make a decision now.”

Victorio sheepishly said, “I guess I have nothing to lose.”

I replied, “Your soul is at stake. You have a lot to lose.” This scared Victorio even more. Then I said, “Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and you will be able to get up.” The minute he asked for his sins to be forgivin, the force that was holding him down stopped and he was able to get up. That really scared him.

Victorio said, “I do want to accept Jesus Christ and I want to go home.” Victorio took the cross off of his neck and he said, “This is yours. I am sorry that I took it from you.” Victorio made a complete heart change to Jesus Christ. My King said, “Sonny just let him have the cross.”

I replied, “No, you keep it. It is a gift from me. Always remember me and what I said when you look at it.” His boys then asked, “Are we a gang anymore?” Victorio responded, “No, I am giving my heart to Jesus and going home.” His boys thought about what he said. They too were missing their families and they saw what happened. They looked at me and said, “We want to know the God that you know. We too want to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.”

The other gang came up to Victorio and said, “Why don’t you just hit this guy so he’ll leave you alone? ” Victorio said, “No, he has the answers I have been looking for. His God is my God now. I want to leave this life and go serve his God.” Victorio then said, “Jesus Christ died for me before I was even born. He died to save me from my sins. It is amazing the sacrifice he made for me. I want to serve him.” He started talking to other gang like he was going to preach the word of God to them. I was amazed on how the Holy Spirit was putting words in his mouth as he talked to the other gang. He then said, “I was held down and could not move when I took Sonny’s cross. After I asked for forgiveness of my sins, gave myself to Jesus Christ and offered to give the cross back, I was released. Now I can wear this cross after he gave it to me and I can stand up and move around.”

The 2nd gang said, “You finally earned a spot here in this park. I sent over three of my toughest men and you just trashed them and you’re going to give that all up. You’ve only been a gang for seven days. You haven’t even had a chance to do anything.”

Victorio said, “Yep, I’m going home to my family and I am going to serve Jesus Christ.”

I had a chance to witness to the second gang. I asked them, “Would you like to know about Jesus Christ and his power.”

They asked, “What kind of power?”

I responded, “It’s the Holy Spirit power.” Then Victorio spoke, “Yeah, that is a lot of power. He just threw me down on the bench like there was nothing to it.” The second gang listened to everything that we said. They were not ready to do anything yet so they tried to get off on another subject.

Then they asked, “Are you hungry?” Victorio said, “Yes, we haven’t eaten in awhile.” They said, “We have donuts and orange juice. You are welcome to share with us.” All the other gangs congratulated them and told them that’s cool man but we got to go. So they left to go sit in their cars. Victorio and his gang called their parents. When all their parents arrived, I prayed with them. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was beautiful. The second gang was watching everything from their cars. When they saw all the hugging and love being shown, it was to much for them. They got out of their cars and began walking back. Victorio said, “Hey essay, it looks like they want to give their lives to Jesus Christ.” I replied, “Yes, you are right.” They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They too called their families and they also came.

While this was all going on, a white van pulled up. I noticed it did not have a license plate on it. A guy come out and asked, “Do you guys need some Bibles?” I said, “Yes, everyone here wants one.” He said, “Have everybody make three lines. We have Bibles for everyone. On right side of the van we have pop and water if anybody needs a drink.” At first I thought maybe Noah sent the van but I’m not sure. All I know is they knew the need for Bibles so everybody got one. Victorio keeps talking about the love that Jesus Christ has for us and how he sacrificed his life for us. That has become very important in his life. He now wants to go out and talk to other gangs. He speaks with amazing power. He wants to have a career as being a minister. Right now, he calls me nearly daily to get scriptures for different situations. Just like me, the Holy Spirit will take over and give him the scriptures that he will need. What a powerful morning I had!

I am not sure why my King needed his heart today. There’s a possibility if he continued living his life the way he was, he may have died even tomorrow. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through him. A life without Jesus is a life of eternity in the Lake of Fire. It is not my King’s desire for anybody to go there. He loved Victorio very much and wanted him to spend his eternity with him. We have that free will to decide if we want his gift or not. Please give your life to Jesus Christ today if you have not already. Not everybody will get a warning like Victorio to decide whether he wants to be with Jesus or not. I am going to meet with a another gang this afternoon. My King wants me to feed them because they are going to be hungry.

Later this afternoon, my King asked me to pick up pizzas for another gang. I headed off to my favorite Little Caesars pizza restaurant to get those hot and ready pizzas. I noticed a guy getting out of his van. I saw his wife and many kids inside the van. He went inside and picked up a pepperoni pizza. He had a difficult time paying for it. He was scrounging through what little money he had to find enough to cover it. I said to myself, “That is not enough for his family. I should get them another one and take it out to them.” The staff knows me well at that Little Ceasar Pizza restaurant. The girl there was watching me watch him leave the restaurant. She said, “I know exactly what you are thinking Sonny. You don’t worry about it. I will take care of it.” She handed me the pizza and I took it out to them. I handed the pizza to them. Then I said, “The restaurant wants to bless you.” He was greatful because his family was very hungry and were going to Colorado Springs to start a new job. As he removed the coupons on the box, a fifty dollar bill appeared. Very emotionally he said, “Now I have enough to buy gas to get to our destination.” I explained that the $50 came from the restaurant also. We can always find people in need if we look for it.

Feeding a Homeless Man Rib Eye Steak at 1a.m.

It was a late night after a busy day of working with the gangs. I didn’t get home till 1 a.m. in the morning. I felt like going to bed immediately. As I was getting ready for bed, my stomach was growling and cramping up. It has been a long time since I had something to eat. Then I remember those ribeye steaks that I had in my refrigerator. I decided that I was going to get something to eat before I went to bed. I cut up some potatoes and onions and wrapped them in aluminum foil. I went outside and started the grill.

Normally, I do not have ribeye steaks myself because they are kind of expensive. But when I was eating breakfast with Blue Mustang, he said, “Sonny, God loves it when we support our missionaries. King Soopers has their ribeyes on sale for half price. Do you want some?” I couldn’t turn that offer down. Blue Mustang waited for me so we could go into the store together. I had a brand new Christian song I had to listen to first before we went into the store. The author wanted my opinion before he released it. We then headed to the back of the store where the steaks were. I looked at a three-pack of steaks for $24 and I said, “Yeah, that’s a good price.” Blue Mustang was checking out what I was looking at. He said, “Put it in the basket. I’ll get one just like yours.” We then we went back to the front of the store. Blue Mustang cut over to the fruit isle. He said, “I need to get some oranges. Would you like some?” I love oranges and before I could finish my sentence he had a bag for me.” He then said, “Sonny, I have to get a snack. Let’s get some bananas. I will split a bunch with you.” I was looking forward to eating those bananas going to Denver. So Blue Mustang blessed me with the good food. When I took it home to put the food in the refrigerator, I was thinking about eating all that meat. God said, “Sonny, not all those steaks are for you.” My King did not say anymore so I did not know for sure what he meant.

The grill finally got up to temperature. I started cooking the rib eye steak and the potatoes on the open flame. The smell of the cooking steak started to radiate throughout the plaza at the apartment complex where I live. A homeless guy walking by came closer to watch me cook. He saw my steak cooking and said, “Oh man, it’s been a long time since I had a steak.” I sensed that he was hungry. Now I know what my King meant. I was about ready to give him my whole meal but my King said, “No Sonny, I want you to split your meal with him. I want you to give him the best part of the steak and share my Kingdom with him. I then said, “I would love to share my steak and my potatoes with you.” I split my food up and we sat down together. I began talking to him about Jesus Christ. I said, “My King loves you very much. He wants your heart.” We continued talking about his Kingdom. He soon wanted to give his heart to Jesus Christ.

We talked for approximately three hours. It was almost 4 a.m. I asked, “What do you want out of life?”

He said, “I would love just to be able to have a job and have a place to stay.”

I said, “We need to ask the King to grant you that desire.” I lifted him up in prayer and asked the King to provide him with a job and a place to stay. About the time I finished praying, a vehicle came by. It looks like a construction type vehicle. The guy pulls up and rolls his window down and said, “I had two guys that were supposed to go with me but changed their mind when they found out they had to live on the construction site. Do you know anybody that wants to work?”

I said, “Yeah I do. There’s a guy right here. He wants a job and a place to stay.”

The homeless man said, “I will go. I want this job very much and I am going to be one of your best workers.” My King made sure he quickly got a job. This was his desire from the beginning. I then focused on the driver. I asked, “How is your morning going?”

He sadly said, “It has been a lousy day. I still need two more guys for work.”

I said, “Before I start each day, I asked the King to grant me favor for the day. I would like to do the same for you.” I began praying for him for the organization of his day. Then we prayed for the location of two more workers or if they would show up in some way. About the time I finished praying, his phone rang. A man and his brother said, ” We want work. We also have a friend who wants a job.” He gave them a job description about doing construction, living onsite and food in the refrigerator. They had no problem and he hired them. So my King answered a second prayer that morning all before 5 a.m. The homeless man later called me and told me that his employer took him to Walmart and bought him some clothes to wear for work. He was very grateful for what just happened. He was still grateful that I shared my meal with him. He told me that he was about ready to start checking dumpsters for food. Ashamed, he then said, “You know if I was you, I probably would not have shared my food with you. I’m just so thankful that your love for me allowed you to share your food with me. You even spent your evening sharing God’s love for me.”

I told Blue Mustang what happened to one of his steaks. He said, “Wow, I had no idea that buying meat could bring somebody to Jesus Christ. Sonny, we should get more of those steaks on Labor Day when they’re on sale again. We will then pray over them that somehow these steaks would bring someone else to Jesus Christ.” I then began thinking what would have happened to this man if I told him to get lost. The vision of him crawling through dumpster after dumpster with no hope in his life is heart breaking. Now he knows Jesus and has a purpose in his life. It all started by sharing a meal.

Chicago Gangs Meet Jesus

The Chicago undercover cops called me earlier and asked if I’d be willing to go Chicago and talk to four gangs. One of the gangs belonged to the MS13. These gangs are very violent and they’re always constantly shooting everything around them. It is impossible for anyone else to go in. They know the power of my King from a previous encounter of a MS13 gang. No gang, no matter how strong they are can stand against my King and his Kingdom. They are starting to realize this when they asked for my help. My King gave me thumbs up to go to Chicago. I made arrangements for the undercover police to pick me up in Denver. The jet came for me Saturday morning at the Denver International Airport. Before we took off, God wanted me to pray for the pilots. Both pilots were Christians. One of the pilots rededicated his heart to Jesus Christ. I also prayed with the women that took care of all of us during the flight. While we were in the air, my King started showing me how this gang was going to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. God wanted me to pray for them first and then read John 3:16 to them. As we flew over Chicago, my King said, “My Kingdom has gone before you and with you.” That means he has already cleared a path for me to do his will. This is as awesome as parting the Red Sea.

The pilots yelled, “Hey, Sonny we will be flying over the the houses where the gang members live.” The cameras mounted on the bottom of the jet transmitted images to the big screen TV in the living room. The homes the gangs took over were beautiful mansions at one time. I could see that there must have been a big party. There were passed out people all over the grounds around the homes the pictures. The Holy Spirit showed me a girl siting on the ground in the alley between all the houses. My King said, “She is praying to me right now. She is praying; if you are real can you get me out of here. Sonny, go get a bus and get all the girls.” After we landed, I thanked everyone on the plane and prayed with them again. The undercover police picked me up and they gave me high fives. Then they prayed for me and asked, “Sonny, what do you need?”

I said, “I need a bus. My King wants to take a bus and rescue the girls in that area as soon as possible.”

They replied, “Sonny, it is to dangerous for you to drive through that neighborhood. You will never make it!”

I exclaimed, “Whenever my King gives me a go as he did today, he will send the magnificent seven again that went before me when I witnessed to the MS13 gang the last time. They will clear a path before me again.” They finally gave in because they have seen the power of my King in action before. They dropped me off where a school bus was. They showed me how the bus works before I started my journey. It was weird driving through that neighborhood. The gangs must have quickly taken over the neighborhood. There are skeletons of late model and expensive cars that the gangs torched sitting all along the street. It looked like the residents had to leave very quickly without having a chance to take anything along with them. There also is a lots of visible damage from all the shooting going on. I drove past a large gang carrying automatic weapons. Their heads turned as they watched me drive past their location. Not a single weapon was raised as I passed. They were probably bewildered, wondering what a bus was doing here.

When I was two blocks from the houses, I walked to the alley where the girl was sitting down on the ground in the same spot I observed in the jet. I walked up to her said, “Hi!” She turned around and looked at me. She then said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny.” She responded, “My name is Kara.”

She asked, “What are you doing here?”

I responded, “My King sent me here to rescue you. I’m sorry you are crying.”

Kara said, “It’s ok. I have been praying for a miracle because I wanted to runaway from here. I was praying that God would send someone to help us girls.” Earlier in the day before the party began, she told all the girls to remain sober so that when the men became drunk and abusive that it would be easier to push them off. It looks like somebody already had pushed her. She had leaves all over her hair like somebody threw her into a bush.

I said, “My King showed me when you began praying. He brought me here to rescue all of you girls.” I then said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”

Kara excitedly said, “I’ll go and tell all the girls that we are leaving this place.”

I began praying for her that God would help her and give her the words to speak to all of the girls. My King then told me, “Go and stand by the south east gate near the trees and wait for the girls. As I continued praying for the girls, the south east gate opened and all the girls started walking towards me. I had no idea how many would be coming. As the girls went through the Gate, I counted 78 girls. Kara then closed the gate. As they came near me, I said, “Do not look back. That life is over.” We began walking back to the bus that I hid in a grove of trees. The girls started to cry. Some of them were holding my hands and putting their hands on my back when we got to the bus. Now, all the girls were crying very hard as they sat down on the seats in the bus. When everyone was onboard and the bus started moving, they started to laugh when they realized that it is actually happening. They were excited to go back to their families. They started calling their parents on their phones. You could hear the parents crying and their excitement on the other end of the calls to get their daughters back. I drove past the same gang with automatic weapons.  Their heads turned as I drove past. Again, no weapons were raised against us as I watched in my side mirrors. I bet that my King is working on their hearts right now and he may want me to come back and witness to these guys in the future. As of this writing, he has confirmed that I will be seeing them again.

The undercover police gave me directions to a safe place where all their parents could come and get them. When we arrived, all the girls ran out to greet their parents. Again, they began crying when hugging  their parents. I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come and stand by me. All the girls and their parents came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory and has more plans for me tonight. The undercover cops checked the bus to count the bullet holes. They said, “No way! No one has been able to drive in that area without getting shot up.” They still have a difficult time understanding how powerful my King is. Some of the girls shared that they have been praying for a miracle to get out of here. Others shared that they had my ministry card and almost called me several times. I asked them, “How did you come into possession of my cards in the first place?”

They replied, “We had some girls that came from a MS-13 gang that you witnessed to earlier and brought Jesus Christ to them. They came to share Jesus Christ with us. They handed me your card and told me that you were from Colorado but that didn’t matter. Just call the number on this card if you need help.” Isn’t it cool how the Holy Spirit uses people you share Jesus Christ with to do the same thing. Those obedient girls helped prepare the girls to be ready for just what happened now.

Saturday night, after all the Girls had gone home with their parents, God said, “Sonny, I want you to get up at 1 a.m.  Go anoint the front of the gangs homes and their sidewalks. Finish up by anointing the streets all the way back to the undercover police car that is waiting for you.” I called the undercover police and told them what my King’s plans were.  They made arrangements to pick me up at that time. The undercover police dropped me off two blocks away. As I started walking, it felt like I was walking in the Valley of Death. It was silent while I was praying but as soon as I stopped, the shooting started up again around the surrounding areas. All of the homes had security fences and gates that surrounded the homes. Kara knew the code to all the gates so that I could walk inside and anoint the homes. All the gates used the same code. I did as my King asked without any interruptions then went back to my room. Early Sunday morning, my King said, “Sonny, at 7 a.m. anoint all the Bible’s and the Crosses. Put the Bible’s and Crosses on the trays and set them up on tables in front of all the homes you anointed earlier.” Then my King said, “Walk away and go pray for the day.” My King had me come back at 10 a.m. All the tables and trays were exactly as I left them. Nothing was taken or touched. I stood in front of all the homes. All the guys started walking out and began yelling, “You made a big mistake standing in front of us.” As I looked them over, my King started showing me their broken hearts. I could see their lips moving but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. They kept looking at all the trays with the Bible’s and the Crosses on them but never went by them. All of them had their pistols aimed at me. All four gang leaders walked up to me and said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I was sent to you guys by my King.”

They asked, “Who’s your King?”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ.” Then two of the leaders recognized me. One said, “Your the one that tells gang members about Jesus Christ. I stabbed you two years ago.”

I said, “Yes it’s me and I have forgiven you like my King has forgiven me.”

One of the other leaders said, “You are not walking away from here. You are going to die here today.” This is a common phrase I hear all the time. I have learned that when an obstacle this serious occurs, always pray for it or someone. It is no different this time. I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me read a verse that my King wants you to hear. Then I’ll pray with all of you and ask if there’s any of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I will pray again with those guys and then you can shoot me.” I began by reading John 3:16 and I John 14:6 to them. I explained those verses to them. I could see some of them had tears in their eyes. Just before I was going to pray with them, my King said to also read Matthew 6:33 to them. I continued by praying for all of them. Then I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come and stand by me. ” As I stood there with my Bible, my King said, “Sonny, raise the word of God to them and tell them that I love them and want them to go back to their families.”  After I did what my King asked,  the leaders came first and stood by me. They put their weapons away and said, “We want a new life and a new purpose.” Then the rest of the gang members came to me. They too, came forward to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I had a chance to pray for each one. When the first one started to cry, that’s when they all started crying and asked, “Can God really forgive us of all our sins like you said Sonny?”

I said, “Yes and he will forget all your sins. You just need to ask Jesus into your hears.” I then said, “The Crosses and the Bible’s are for all of you who accept Jesus Christ. Do not take anything if you don’t want Jesus Christ to be part of your life. ” All 72 men accepted Jesus Christ that morning. They all called their parents who immediately came for them. The ones that needed a ride entered the bus I brought to get to the safe place. I had a chance to meet all their parents and families. They too all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. The guys thanked me for being bold and telling us about Jesus Christ. They said, “No one has ever come to tell us that Jesus Christ loves us. Thank you for being brave.”

I said, “Someone came to me and told me that Jesus Christ loves me too. It’s about obedience to our King.” The story is not over. Before I had a chance to even write anything down. One of the gang leaders went to his grandfather who is sick in the hospital. He took his Bible and went up to pray for his grandfather. His grandfather knew Jesus Christ but was surprised to see the Bible in his hand. The gang leader shared about what happened. He then started praying for his grandfather. A doctor, who is a Christian, was listening. He commented to the gang leader about what a powerful testimony that was to his grandfather.

Bean Bags Save Girls Life

I had a few moments to take a breather and I was thinking about some of the unusual things that God has done in my life. I remembered an event that occurred last summer around 6 pm. That evening I was tired and went to bed early to catch up on my sleep. I was almost asleep when my King said, “Sonny, I need you to get a pickup load of bean bags and take them to I-25 and 144th in Denver.” You can imagine the thoughts running through my head why my King may want with bean bags. Plus, he never gave me an idea where I might find some. I was clueless and began to wonder where I could get bean bags. My first thought was to see the undercover police down in Denver. I asked, “Do you know where I can get some bean bags?”

With a puzzled look on his face, he asked, “Who do you want to hit?”

I said, “I have no idea what I am going to do with them. All my King said is to fill the back of my pickup with bean bags and park under the bridge on 144th.”

He then said, “Yeah, we have all kinds of rooms full of them. We use them to throw at each other to release stress and just to have some fun. We have all sizes of them here. Back up to the double doors and we will load you up.” The filled my pickup box to the brim. I then drove to 144th on I-25. As I began to slow down in the far right lane, my King told to stop just past the overpass. As I came to a complete stop, my King said, “You went to far. Back up five feet and stop. Now, I want you to get out of the pickup and witness my power.” So I got out of my pickup but I was focusing on the bean bags. My King then said, “No Sonny, look up.” As I turned my head upward, suddenly this girl comes flying off the overpass. It appeared that she was thrown because I saw the set of hands supporting here body at the top of the overpass. As she comes down, she rotated her body mid-air and landed on her back, dead center in the back of my pickup. The bean bags cushioned her fall saving her life. Being a gymnast, her quick reflexes enabled her body to spin around and position her body so she landed on the bean bags perfectly. My King loved this girl so much that he did not want her killed. He has other plans for her life. Dazzed, she sat up and looked at me and said, “You saved my life.” She got up and gave me a hug. I am sure she was wondering why anyone would be parked under an overpass with a pickup filled with bean bags. I said, “My name is Sonny. My King sent me here with a pickup load of bean bags. He told me to park in this exact spot. I had no idea what why I was here. Then my King wanted me to see how powerful he is. He told me to look up and I saw how he made sure that you would have a safe place to land.” I then asked her some questions about why they might have done that to her. She replied, “I was thrown over the overpass because I wasn’t doing what they wanted me to do. At first, I ran away from them and that made them angry. They finally found me and they wanted to make an example of me of what happens to people when you leave the gang.” After all that happened to her and witnessing the power of my King she was ready to make a life change. She decided then and now to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. I prayed for her for a fresh renewal of her life with Jesus Christ. After we finished praying, I took her to the parent’s home.

While this was all going on, the undercover cops happened to be videotaping another event at this location and they caught the whole thing on video. They had enough evidence to charge the gang members. Even though the gang members think she is dead, they still have to changed her identity. This will protect her from future attacks just in case they would find her again. It is great that no matter what we may have done in our past, our King will take us back if we are willing to change our lives for him. I just wonder how many other people who have done what the King asks to bring someone back to the King’s home. I know you are out there and I too want to thank you for being obedient to our King and bringing his children home. It is very gratifying to be able to serve the King in this manner.

I then took the bean bags back where I got them. I asked, “What do you want me to do with all the bean bags?” An undercover cop replied, “Let’s unload them in the same spot you picked them up.” I backed my pickup up to the door. As I was getting ready to unload them, a couple guys came out to help. It was starting to get dark and the undercover police were having a short meeting before they went to work. The weather was nice so the meeting was held outside. The one guy looked at the other and said, “Are you ready to have some fun?” The other guy said, “Yeah! ” We all followed him carrying the bean bags to a room on the second floor. The windows happened to be facing the meeting tables. They both opened all the facing windows. The guys looked at me and said, “Get ready to launch!” They got me to join in. We started launching bean bags outside from our vantage point. Some of them knocked the coffee cups completely off the table. The guys below picked up the bags on the ground and threw them back at us. We had a full-fledged bean bag war going on. Everybody was laughing and having a good time. They eventually asked what happened and intently listened to my story of what happened. They too were awed by the power of my King. Now they blame me for what happened that night. Every time I now come into the building, I get popped by a bean bag. This definitely was an exciting and fun day. As I finish writing this story, my King has told me that it is time to bring his Kingdom to this gang.

Can Animals Sense the Holy Spirit?

Jesus told his disciples after he would rise from the dead and he would ascend into heaven that he would send the comforter or the Holy Spirit to be with them and even for us. The Holy Spirit of course we know is a figure of peace and security. He usually speaks softly and he’s what is considered a pleasant personality. Of course don’t get me wrong he can move with extreme power while speaking softly. I know the kids can sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. Many times I go into stores to buy food for the gangs and I’m always having young kids, especially those from Christian homes, come up to me and say, “Could I please have a hug?” It almost happens every time I’m in a store. The most gratifying moment was in a Walmart store. This kid comes up to me while his mom is nearby. He points to me and he says, “Mom, that’s the guy that’s supposed to pray for us.”

Looking bewildered she asked, “Do you know this guy?” The little boy responds, “No, but I know he is the one to pray for us.” She looked at me and asked, “Do you know my son?”

I said, “This is the first time I’ve ever met your son.” I continue talking to her until her husband came around the corner with a case of beer. We informed him on everything that just happened. I began praying for the family. As I was praying, the Holy Spirit began convicting the man’s heart. I gave them one of my ministry cards after I finished praying. The husband immediately took the beer and put it back on the shelf. She called me later and said, “My husband went home and got rid of all the liquor. He has given up drinking. Thank you so much for praying for us that day.” Her son, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and wanting prayer, changed the lives of the entire family.

Can an animal sense the Holy Spirit? We, of course, all know the story of Balaam and the donkey in the Old Testament. When the donkey spoke to him, we know it is possible for the Spirit to use animals to get a point across. But can they sense the Holy Spirit in someone else? I believe they can.

I was witnessing to a gang in one of the parks. As I was talking to them, I noticed a animal about 2/3 of a mile away that started running towards my direction and I couldn’t tell for sure what it was. The Holy Spirit said it was going to be a dog. I told the guys, “There is a dog coming toward us. Please don’t shoot the dog?” They all looked in the direction I was looking and noticed the dog coming towards them. The dog kept running towards us until it got near me. Panting heavily, he sat down right by my feet and just waited. The gang members were cool about the situation.  The were amazed on how a dog I did not know would come directly to me and lay down by my feet. They did not draw their weapons on the dog to shoot it. After the dog cooled off a little bit, I got a bottle of water and gave him something to drink. I found out later that the dogs owner was watching her dog take off. But because of fear of the gangs in the park, she was hesitant about coming towards us to pick the dog up. She continued watching everything that I did and she was so pleased that I stopped and took care of her dog by giving it a bottle of water. Up until that moment, she was not sure what might possibly could happen to her dog. This action of mine gave her the courage to come forward to pick her dog up. You can say it’s coincidence but the Holy Spirit in my life is the only way I can reach the gangs. Without his strong presence, I could not reach them. The dog picked me out of the crowd of people because it sensed what the Holy Spirit offers – security and peace. I am sure that there may have been another people in this park who also had the power of the Holy Spirit present but that dog could be a teaching tool for the gang members and that too may be a reason why the dog picked me over anyone else.