Bean Bags Save Girls Life

I had a few moments to take a breather and I was thinking about some of the unusual things that God has done in my life. I remembered an event that occurred last summer around 6 pm. That evening I was tired and went to bed early to catch up on my sleep. I was almost asleep when my King said, “Sonny, I need you to get a pickup load of bean bags and take them to I-25 and 144th in Denver.” You can imagine the thoughts running through my head why my King may want with bean bags. Plus, he never gave me an idea where I might find some. I was clueless and began to wonder where I could get bean bags. My first thought was to see the undercover police down in Denver. I asked, “Do you know where I can get some bean bags?”

With a puzzled look on his face, he asked, “Who do you want to hit?”

I said, “I have no idea what I am going to do with them. All my King said is to fill the back of my pickup with bean bags and park under the bridge on 144th.”

He then said, “Yeah, we have all kinds of rooms full of them. We use them to throw at each other to release stress and just to have some fun. We have all sizes of them here. Back up to the double doors and we will load you up.” The filled my pickup box to the brim. I then drove to 144th on I-25. As I began to slow down in the far right lane, my King told to stop just past the overpass. As I came to a complete stop, my King said, “You went to far. Back up five feet and stop. Now, I want you to get out of the pickup and witness my power.” So I got out of my pickup but I was focusing on the bean bags. My King then said, “No Sonny, look up.” As I turned my head upward, suddenly this girl comes flying off the overpass. It appeared that she was thrown because I saw the set of hands supporting here body at the top of the overpass. As she comes down, she rotated her body mid-air and landed on her back, dead center in the back of my pickup. The bean bags cushioned her fall saving her life. Being a gymnast, her quick reflexes enabled her body to spin around and position her body so she landed on the bean bags perfectly. My King loved this girl so much that he did not want her killed. He has other plans for her life. Dazzed, she sat up and looked at me and said, “You saved my life.” She got up and gave me a hug. I am sure she was wondering why anyone would be parked under an overpass with a pickup filled with bean bags. I said, “My name is Sonny. My King sent me here with a pickup load of bean bags. He told me to park in this exact spot. I had no idea what why I was here. Then my King wanted me to see how powerful he is. He told me to look up and I saw how he made sure that you would have a safe place to land.” I then asked her some questions about why they might have done that to her. She replied, “I was thrown over the overpass because I wasn’t doing what they wanted me to do. At first, I ran away from them and that made them angry. They finally found me and they wanted to make an example of me of what happens to people when you leave the gang.” After all that happened to her and witnessing the power of my King she was ready to make a life change. She decided then and now to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. I prayed for her for a fresh renewal of her life with Jesus Christ. After we finished praying, I took her to the parent’s home.

While this was all going on, the undercover cops happened to be videotaping another event at this location and they caught the whole thing on video. They had enough evidence to charge the gang members. Even though the gang members think she is dead, they still have to changed her identity. This will protect her from future attacks just in case they would find her again. It is great that no matter what we may have done in our past, our King will take us back if we are willing to change our lives for him. I just wonder how many other people who have done what the King asks to bring someone back to the King’s home. I know you are out there and I too want to thank you for being obedient to our King and bringing his children home. It is very gratifying to be able to serve the King in this manner.

I then took the bean bags back where I got them. I asked, “What do you want me to do with all the bean bags?” An undercover cop replied, “Let’s unload them in the same spot you picked them up.” I backed my pickup up to the door. As I was getting ready to unload them, a couple guys came out to help. It was starting to get dark and the undercover police were having a short meeting before they went to work. The weather was nice so the meeting was held outside. The one guy looked at the other and said, “Are you ready to have some fun?” The other guy said, “Yeah! ” We all followed him carrying the bean bags to a room on the second floor. The windows happened to be facing the meeting tables. They both opened all the facing windows. The guys looked at me and said, “Get ready to launch!” They got me to join in. We started launching bean bags outside from our vantage point. Some of them knocked the coffee cups completely off the table. The guys below picked up the bags on the ground and threw them back at us. We had a full-fledged bean bag war going on. Everybody was laughing and having a good time. They eventually asked what happened and intently listened to my story of what happened. They too were awed by the power of my King. Now they blame me for what happened that night. Every time I now come into the building, I get popped by a bean bag. This definitely was an exciting and fun day. As I finish writing this story, my King has told me that it is time to bring his Kingdom to this gang.

One Reply to “Bean Bags Save Girls Life”

  1. The girl I rescued from the overpass called me the other day. She wanted me to pray for her. She said, “I found a man I want to marry. Please pray that it would be a Godly marriage.”

    I asked, “How did you meet?”

    She said, “It was kind of an unusual day. Mom and I were at King Soopers shopping. This guy come up to me and said, ‘This might sound kind of strange but the Holy Spirit just revealed to me that you are the right girl for me.’ How he presented himself and the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life, I was comfortable with him. I gave him a hug. Mom on other hand wants to test him first. She doesn’t want any short wedding. I have been dating him and I also think he’s the one.” I prayed for both of them and that their marriage can be an honor to the King.

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