Feeding a Homeless Man Rib Eye Steak at 1a.m.

It was a late night after a busy day of working with the gangs. I didn’t get home till 1 a.m. in the morning. I felt like going to bed immediately. As I was getting ready for bed, my stomach was growling and cramping up. It has been a long time since I had something to eat. Then I remember those ribeye steaks that I had in my refrigerator. I decided that I was going to get something to eat before I went to bed. I cut up some potatoes and onions and wrapped them in aluminum foil. I went outside and started the grill.

Normally, I do not have ribeye steaks myself because they are kind of expensive. But when I was eating breakfast with Blue Mustang, he said, “Sonny, God loves it when we support our missionaries. King Soopers has their ribeyes on sale for half price. Do you want some?” I couldn’t turn that offer down. Blue Mustang waited for me so we could go into the store together. I had a brand new Christian song I had to listen to first before we went into the store. The author wanted my opinion before he released it. We then headed to the back of the store where the steaks were. I looked at a three-pack of steaks for $24 and I said, “Yeah, that’s a good price.” Blue Mustang was checking out what I was looking at. He said, “Put it in the basket. I’ll get one just like yours.” We then we went back to the front of the store. Blue Mustang cut over to the fruit isle. He said, “I need to get some oranges. Would you like some?” I love oranges and before I could finish my sentence he had a bag for me.” He then said, “Sonny, I have to get a snack. Let’s get some bananas. I will split a bunch with you.” I was looking forward to eating those bananas going to Denver. So Blue Mustang blessed me with the good food. When I took it home to put the food in the refrigerator, I was thinking about eating all that meat. God said, “Sonny, not all those steaks are for you.” My King did not say anymore so I did not know for sure what he meant.

The grill finally got up to temperature. I started cooking the rib eye steak and the potatoes on the open flame. The smell of the cooking steak started to radiate throughout the plaza at the apartment complex where I live. A homeless guy walking by came closer to watch me cook. He saw my steak cooking and said, “Oh man, it’s been a long time since I had a steak.” I sensed that he was hungry. Now I know what my King meant. I was about ready to give him my whole meal but my King said, “No Sonny, I want you to split your meal with him. I want you to give him the best part of the steak and share my Kingdom with him. I then said, “I would love to share my steak and my potatoes with you.” I split my food up and we sat down together. I began talking to him about Jesus Christ. I said, “My King loves you very much. He wants your heart.” We continued talking about his Kingdom. He soon wanted to give his heart to Jesus Christ.

We talked for approximately three hours. It was almost 4 a.m. I asked, “What do you want out of life?”

He said, “I would love just to be able to have a job and have a place to stay.”

I said, “We need to ask the King to grant you that desire.” I lifted him up in prayer and asked the King to provide him with a job and a place to stay. About the time I finished praying, a vehicle came by. It looks like a construction type vehicle. The guy pulls up and rolls his window down and said, “I had two guys that were supposed to go with me but changed their mind when they found out they had to live on the construction site. Do you know anybody that wants to work?”

I said, “Yeah I do. There’s a guy right here. He wants a job and a place to stay.”

The homeless man said, “I will go. I want this job very much and I am going to be one of your best workers.” My King made sure he quickly got a job. This was his desire from the beginning. I then focused on the driver. I asked, “How is your morning going?”

He sadly said, “It has been a lousy day. I still need two more guys for work.”

I said, “Before I start each day, I asked the King to grant me favor for the day. I would like to do the same for you.” I began praying for him for the organization of his day. Then we prayed for the location of two more workers or if they would show up in some way. About the time I finished praying, his phone rang. A man and his brother said, ” We want work. We also have a friend who wants a job.” He gave them a job description about doing construction, living onsite and food in the refrigerator. They had no problem and he hired them. So my King answered a second prayer that morning all before 5 a.m. The homeless man later called me and told me that his employer took him to Walmart and bought him some clothes to wear for work. He was very grateful for what just happened. He was still grateful that I shared my meal with him. He told me that he was about ready to start checking dumpsters for food. Ashamed, he then said, “You know if I was you, I probably would not have shared my food with you. I’m just so thankful that your love for me allowed you to share your food with me. You even spent your evening sharing God’s love for me.”

I told Blue Mustang what happened to one of his steaks. He said, “Wow, I had no idea that buying meat could bring somebody to Jesus Christ. Sonny, we should get more of those steaks on Labor Day when they’re on sale again. We will then pray over them that somehow these steaks would bring someone else to Jesus Christ.” I then began thinking what would have happened to this man if I told him to get lost. The vision of him crawling through dumpster after dumpster with no hope in his life is heart breaking. Now he knows Jesus and has a purpose in his life. It all started by sharing a meal.

One Reply to “Feeding a Homeless Man Rib Eye Steak at 1a.m.”

  1. I was about ready to go to Denver to meet with some gangs. My king said, “Sonny, go and get your mail before you leave.” I said to myself, “I really should get going to Denver.” My King knew my thoughts and then said, “Do as you are told and get your mail!” I did what my King asked and headed out to my mailbox. As I removed the mail from the box, a white pickup pulled up behind me. Steve, the homeless guy I fed, jumped out of the pickup with his boss. His boss was so grateful what I did for Steve. Steve not only did well on the job, but took the initiative to maintain the yards around the living quarters of the bosses employees on his own. He was allowing the boss to spend more time with his family. Steve went from being homeless to having a good job, nice clothes and a nice trailer to live in. Our King wants us to be thankful every day. Steve has taken it one step further. To show how thankful he is, he used some of his free time to help the boss out. As Christians, should we not be the same as Steve. We should be showing our thankfulness to our King by serving him.

    The boss on the other hand was also thankful. He wanted to personally show his appreciation by blessing me for giving him an awesome employee. The boss and Steve were doing yard work together and they thought it would be cool if they could do something for me. Steve was excited about that. The Holy Spirit told the boss, if you do it now you would find me in Loveland. My King gets the credit for what happened because of a piece of steak. I only did what he asked me to do. That did not matter to the boss. After he found out what I did, he said, “Steve, we need to drive up to Loveland now and repay Sonny for his kindness.” He stopped at a Loveland King Soopers and picked up the same rib eye steaks that Blue Mustang gave me. I must have told Steve or the Holy Spirit did that I loved oranges because I also received a bag of oranges. It goes to show you with my King, you can give up half of your meal and and get three full steaks in return. If I did not obey my King by not going to the mailbox, Steve and I would have missed each other. I would have totally missed out on my King’s blessings.

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