Saving Four Dallas Gangs

I was told by my Dallas Texas informers that there was a gang looking for me. This is a difficult gang that the Dallas boy’s, Hector and Victor, have been witnessing to for a couple years. The Dallas boys are men I witnessed to a couple years ago in Denver. They went back home to Dallas and wanted to reach the gangs in their city for Jesus Christ. Hector and Victor have not been able to crack these guys. They have continually resisted accepting Jesus Christ. The gang told Hector and Victor that they wanted to meet me so we can put a hurt on him. They did not like what I did to Hector and Victor. Two weeks ago, with my King’s approval, I left for Dallas to meet their meanest gang. Their leader wasn’t there because he was with his sick grandmother. When I walked up to them, they asked, “What are you doing?”

I said, “I came to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you guys. Jesus Christ also wants your hearts. My name is Sonny. I am the person that you guys are looking for.”

They said, “You are going to get hurt here.” They were looking at each other because their leader was gone and he was wanting to personally put a hurt on me. They were wondering if they should wait.

I said, “Let me pray for all of you before you guys hurt me.” As I was praying and putting crosses on them, I asked them if they wanted their names written in the Lambs Book of Life.

They kept saying over and over, “When you put crosses on our necks we couldn’t move while you were praying for us.” The leader, who they call Estevan, arrived while I was praying for his gang. He looked very sad. He just got through visiting with his sick grandma.

He said, “We have heard a lot about you and we have been waiting to meet you.” Then he asked, “Can God really forgive us of all our sins because we have done a lot of bad things? Victor and Hector have been speaking to us and telling us that Jesus Christ loves you guys and wants to transform your hearts.”

While I was talking to Estevan, Hector and Victor showed up. Estevan looked at Hector and Victor. He said, “You guys became Christians now because of Sonny.”

Hector and Victor said, “Yes, that is true.” Then they said, “Just like Sonny, we are here to tell you about Jesus Christ.”

Estevan sternly said, “I told you guys that if Sonny comes around here we are going to hurt him.”

I said, “I’m right here. But before you hurt me, let me pray for you. I have already prayed for all your boys. I just want to pray for you.”

Estevan said, “Go ahead and pray for me.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that his heart used to belong to God when he was 14 but his Dad destroyed it when he packed up one night and drove away without saying goodbye. He never said why he was leaving them. Estevan was 17 when he started his own Gang. Out of anger and bitterness, he made his gang the meanest gang in Dallas. I prayed over Estevan, “Father God you know what Estevan has been through. His Father drove away and he never looked back. Father God bring healing to his heart and his mind. Father I ask that you would show him how much you love him and that you will never leave him nor forsake him. I ask for this in Jesus Christ’s Holy name. Amen.”

As soon as I was finished praying for Estevan, I could see tears coming down his face. He knew that only my King would know his story. Estevan said, “I want to know the God you know. While you were praying for me, I wanted to hurt you so bad but I couldn’t move. Your the only one that has gotten this close to my gang without getting hurt.”

I said, “My King didn’t want you to move so that you would have to hear my entire prayer for you. He loves you very much and wants your heart. The Victory belongs to my King.”

Estevan said, “Can God really forgive me of all my sins?”

I said, “Yes, but first you have to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and ask him to come into your heart.” After Estevan’s 21 men saw what happened to him, they too gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I told them God is so Faithful. The Holy Spirit has confirmed that all of your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. My King gets the Victory. They all called their parents and are going home with their parents.

Estevan called his Mom and we had a chance to talk to the Grandmother. Estevan and I took turns praying for his grandmother. Two days later they released her from the hospital. Later Estevan went to visit his family and his Grandparents. Our story is not yet finished.

Before I arrived in Dallas. Hector and Victor we’re wanting to find a place to celebrate when I came and they were at this park to think. They were praying as they were walking around the park. After they completed 7 revolutions, the King stopped them and said, “Stop right here. I want you to prepare a feast before your enemies here.” Both men loudly heard the same thing. They said to each other, “This is the spot.” They scheduled the celebration on the day of my arrival. Estevan’s gang would be here today with us.

When Hector and Victor’s families started to pull up, they had a flat bed trailer loaded with sound equipment. They set up the speakers and hooked up the microphones. Estevan and his boys introduced me to their families. Soon the food started to come out. Everyone was getting ready to eat. My King directed my eyes to the other side of the park. He showed me the two gangs hanging out there. Normally, this park is a war zone. The gangs were curious to see what was going on. They could see and smell all the food cooking. The kids and adults were having fun together. Both gangs were gradually starting to inch towards us to get a closer look. I said, “Hector and Victor, my King wants me to witness to those gangs.”

They asked, “Do you want us to come with you.”

I said, “No, you just keep doing what you are doing. It will be better if I go by myself.”

They replied, “Before you go Sonny, let’s pray for you and the hearts of those gangs.” After they prayed for me, I started to walk towards the gangs. When I started closing in on them, both gangs started to walk towards me. They said, “What do you want?”

I said, ” I am here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you.”

I am not sure if they really heard what I said because their curiosity was just too high. They then asked me, “What is going on over there? What are all these kids doing here? Don’t they know this is a war zone. Those kids are going to get hurt.”

I said, “This is not about fighting. This is a feast. My King is protecting the celebration as I am speaking to you. He asked us to prepare a feast before my enemies.”

I then said, “Come with me because we are having a feast over there but put all your weapons away. There’s children over there and we want to keep them safe.”

At first one gang leader said, “It is a setup to trash us.” The second leader kind of mocked him and said, “Really, women and kids in a party scene in order to trash us. Get real.” Both gangs saw Hector and Victor over there. They knew who they were because they have witnessed to them before. They started asking questions about myself. One gang asked, “Are you a full-time preacher?” I said, “Only when I’m awake. The rest of time I have to sleep.” They switched back to the celebration and asked me what they were all doing. I confirmed with them that there would be good food. There would also be girls to dance with and of course music.

They said, “Essay, we are pretty hungry. We will put our weapons away and we will come with you.” Some of them did keep their knives but the rest of their guns were put away in their vehicles. Both gangs followed me back to the celebration. When Hector and Victor saw that the gangs were following me, they went into action. All of Hector and Victor’s boys and their families started to set up tables for both gangs. After the gangs sat down, they helped serve them. The children walked around the two gangs and kept asking them what they could bring them to drink or anything they could do to serve them.

Estevan and his boys started to stand up. Normally, these gangs shoot and fight with each other but today they’re standing in friendship. I said, “It’s OK. Their weapons are put away.” Everyone began to relax and enjoy the celebration. Then I noticed a third gang that showed up. I told Hector and Victor my King wants to witness to these guys also. I went over and invited them. I shouted back, “You better get more tables.”

I then said, “Come with me because we are having a feast over there but put all your weapons away. There’s children over there and we want to keep them safe.”

At first they said, “Get lost, we do not feel safe going over there without our weapons.”

I said, “That is too bad. I am going back to make myself a big cheeseburger. After that, I’m going to do some dancing and listen to some music.” The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the gang leader loves cheeseburgers. The smell of the food cooking, the families with their kids having fun, dancing with girls was just too much for them. Then they said, “Okay, we will do it. Essay, there better not be any fighting going on over there.” My King told me just to tell him that I am watching over the celebration and they have nothing to worry about. I said, “My king has the celebration covered. There will not be any fighting over there.” One of the gangs finished eating their food and they gave their table to the third gang. The first thing the leader of the 3rd gang did was order a double cheeseburger.

There are total of four gangs here that usually fight with each other. Everyone continued eating all the good food that was there. Hector, Victor and I were sharing the word of God with all of them. Soon started to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Those men started calling their families to come to the park to join the celebration. Those who hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ yet, saw all the families getting together and they wanted that in their lives. All the gangs had to admit that when Hector and Victor were witnessing to them, they listened to what they said. Even though they did not want anything to do with Jesus Christ then, now all their words they spoke are all becoming real. The words we spoke today, the food and fellowship made the gangs want to change their hearts to something better even more. Hector stopped the music so I could read some more scriptures to everyone. I read John 3:16, Matthew 6:33 and John 14:6. I explained the meaning verses to the gangs. Then I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life to come forward.” Soon the rest of the three gangs came forward. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. I spent all night with them sharing the word of God and telling them how much Jesus loves them. I had a chance to talk with all their parents on their phones. They couldn’t stop crying. God is so Faithful.

After the last family arrived, there was over 500 at the celebration. As promised, my King had sentries posted around the celebration and no one could interfere with what happened today.