Three Gangs Make Pact For Me

It is Saturday morning and I had breakfast with Blue Mustang. We spent an hour talking about the wonders of God in our ministry. I then began my trip back to Denver to speak to some more gangs. On my way there, my King said, “Sonny stop and pick up seven dozen donuts along with some orange juice for the gangs to drink.” I stopped by a Walmart store and went to the bakery section. They had seven boxes of one dozen donuts. Due to the Covid-19 virus, stores do not allow you to pick your own donuts. I had to get the ones they had sorted out for me. I picked those boxes up and continued my trip to Denver. When I arrived at the park, the park was empty. I asked my King, “Where is everybody at?”

My King said, “Sonny, just be patient, they will be coming. Pray for the day until they get here.” I should have said to my King, “What time are they going to get here?” My King would never have me run on a wild goose chase. I set up the donuts on the tailgate of my pickup and I placed the cooler directly underneath my tailgate so that they would have access to the drinks.

Eventually three gangs showed up. They all parked their cars on different sides of me. Today is a different day. The three leaders got out of their vehicles but their guns were not drawn. They all came up to me and addressed me by name. They just asked, “Sonny, is that food for us?”

I said, “Yes, I have donuts here and orange juice in the cooler below my tailgate.” Then they said, “Sonny, our three gangs have made a pact with each other.”

I asked, “What do you mean by making a pact?”

They replied, “We decided that we are going to honor you and we are going to protect you and each other. We have each others phone numbers. If any of us getting into trouble or we see you in trouble, we are going to call each other and come to each other’s rescue.”

I then asked, “How did this come about?” The said, “Lorenzo, the leader of the Latino gang, came up to us and said, ‘If I catch anyone messing with Sonny, I am going to trash them.’ The way he was looking at us, he was meaning us to. We began thinking that we want to do the same thing. We do not want to mess with Lorenzo.” One of the gangs had to leave before I had a chance to talk about Jesus with them.

The Latinos, showed up after the other gang left. They decided help themselves to the donuts. I later found out that the undercover cops were concerned when the Latinos showed up. Their first thought when four different gangs were in the vicinity that my life would be in danger. But they observed that all the guns from all four gangs were never drawn and everyone seemed peaceful. They decided to stay where they were at. But they still continued to watch what was going on. They were ready to come in to get me if I needed help.

I spent most of the morning talking to them on how they could have a true relationship with Jesus Christ. It was almost noon. I asked, “Are you guys hungry?” They said, “Sonny, can we have tacos.”

I said, “We can handle that.” I then asked, “I would like the leaders to come with me and help me carry the food. ” They agreed to come with me. The Latino leader said, “You other guys sit in the backseat. I’m sitting in the front seat with Sonny.” The other leaders had no problem with it. They crunched themselves together in my backseat. We left the park and headed to my favorite Taco Bell. None of the leaders had their weapons drawn but all four leaders had their pistols visible on them. It was no problem seeing them. They all had at least two pistols. One pistol on each side of their body. On the way there, Lorenzo commented, “Sonny, this is a big truck. I really sit up high on the road. It’s just too big for me. I’m going to stick with my 1967 GT500 Mustang automobile to get around in.” We drove up to the window to order food. They were surprised to see people in the pickup with me. They were even more surprised when they noticed all the pistols on each one of the leaders. They kept their cool and asked, “Sonny, what would you like to order today?”

I said, “I would like to have four boxes of tacos and burritos.” All the gang leaders agreed that was enough food and that I didn’t need to get any more. Then my King told me to order 24 more tacos. As usual, they brought out extra food after we were about to leave. They brought out even more burritos to make sure we had enough. We headed back to the park where the gangs were still hanging out waiting for us to get back with the food. As they sat down to eat, I gave thanks to my King for the food. I then started talking about how Jesus can forgive all their sins. But they have to ask for forgiveness of all their sins first. Next, I explained that Jesus Christ came to serve not to be served.

Rico’s gang showed up shortly after I talked about serving. The Latinos invited them to come over and eat food with us. We would not have had enough food for Rico’s gang if my King would have told me to get the extra tacos. He already knew that the employees at Taco Bell would give me the extra burritos. The Latinos put out everything that was left in front of Rico’s gang. After all the gangs finished eating, there was nothing left. The only thing that did not get set out, are the cans of Dr Pepper. He said, “Sonny, that Dr. Pepper is mine. They can drink water or that pop in the 2-liter bottles.” This is serving others in gang style fashion. After the Lorenzo’s gang placed the food in front of Rico’s gang, he sternly said, “You guys don’t eat anything until Sonny blesses it.”

Everything that I was saying to the gangs was having an impact on their lives. I asked, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Come up and stand by me.” The largest gang came first followed by two other gangs. The Latinos still have have not given their life to Jesus Christ. But I do believe my King is using them even now to help other gangs follow him. It is only a matter of time and they also will accept Jesus Christ. The three gangs released their women to go home. They begin to realize it was disrespectful of what they were doing to them. The Latinos already released their women over a year ago. I am going to speak to the girls tomorrow. Now it is time to get some sleep.

It is Sunday morning. I met with all the girls and their families at a big park in Littleton. From 10:45 till 8 PM, I had a chance to meet everyone and pray with all of them. Next, I read John 3:16 and Matthew 6:33 and explained those verses to everyone. I asked, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Come up and stand by me.” A total of 392 came forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ. They celebrated their new lives with Jesus by grilling Ribeye steaks, hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken. It was a feast! Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory.