My First Undercover Operation

I usually meet every Friday night with the undercover cops in Denver. This Friday was different. When I was getting ready to speak, my King asked, “Sonny, I want you to anoint the four new cops that are here tonight.” I walked up front to speak. I said, “My King wants me to anoint the four new undercover police that are here tonight.” This is a secret organization. Nobody knew how I knew about that unless it came from God. Many people there were surprised. Before I had time to ask them to come forward, Victoria, a long time undercover cop, got up and asked, “I do not mean to test God. Instead of asking them to come forward. Sonny, why don’t you point out the four individuals here tonight.” She wanted everyone here tonight to be able to witness the power of my King. I feel she wanted to let the audience know that my King is limitless.

I said, “I can do that.” I immediately asked my King, “Please show me who these four are.” God said, “Sonny close your eyes for 21 seconds then when you open them up you will see who they are.” I closed my eyes for 21 seconds. I open my eyes and the only people I could see where the four were in the room. It was like everyone else was invisible. I went down and physically touched each one and told them to come forward for anointing. Everybody started crying when they witnessed the power of my King. They knew there was no way that I could have known who they are. I anointed and prayed over them. I then asked them if they had their names in the Lambs Book of Life. Lacey was one who came forward. She said, “I have been running from God for a long time.”

I said, “You have been angry and bitter at your father and you need to ask for forgiveness from him and to forgive him.”

Lacey said, “Do you want me to do that now?”

I said, “Yes. It will release you.” I wasn’t expecting her to go up to the microphone but she did. She called her Dad on her phone. She had the speakerphone on and we could hear them talking. Dad asked how her new job was doing. She wanted to get to the point. She said, “Dad, I just want you to know that I forgive you for those things you did that hurt me. I know that I was a brat and am partially responsible for many things that happened. I ask that you forgive me for the things I did.” Her Dad started to sob. Her Mom thought Lacey was hurt. When her Dad explained what happened, she began to sob also. Lacey was released in Jesus Christ and other things began to happen. Lacey’s cousins have been missing and a spotter called to give the location of the two. Both of them joined the gang out of rebellion. But they did not want to do the evil activities that the gang did. They did make a pact that they would never leave the gang and if they did they would be found and trashed. They have been looking for a way of getting out of the gang. The undercover cops we’re ready to go out and snatch them from the gang. They asked me if I wanted to go undercover with them to go get them. I have never been asked to go undercover with them before. My King gave me permission to go with them. When we got there, they were the gang that was on the east side. I asked him how can you tell which ones they are. You see the boy and the girl on the right. Those are the ones we want to grab. So we were just sitting there watching for 1.5 hours trying to create various scenarios of snatching them without getting a lot of gunfire going. All scenarios that we came up with seemed futile. I finally said, “They don’t know me. Why don’t I walk in there and talk to them.” I then said, “Why don’t we pray first and see what our King has to say.”

I said, “My King told me just to walk in there and get them.” The undercover cops said, “Sonny, it does not work that way.” I said, “With men it doesn’t work but with my King it will work.”

They said, “We know you well enough Sonny. We have seen how when the King gets involved, out of this world things do happen. ”

I started walking around the block so I could come in behind the gang. I walked up to the boy and the girl and said, “My name is Sonny. I have come to take you home to your families. This is the time to leave. They are not going to even notice.” The girl started crying and said, “I want to go home.”

I said, “Just turn around and follow me.”

She said, “They are going to shoot us if we go.”

I said, “They will not notice that you’re gone. We need to leave now. Do not look back.” I turned around and started walking away. I did not look back either. They decided that they were going to follow me. We walk around the corner of one of the buildings in the alley. We started walking a little faster because of the adrenaline rush. She held my hand and started crying because she was getting anxious. I quoted Isaiah 41:10 to her and I told her not to fear. When she was younger, she actually read the Bible and knew that verse was in there but she decided to go other directions. My King brought us safely out of here. I told them they are now free.

The van moved closer. They knew exactly where I was coming out. They opened the doors for us as we came out of the alley. When they got in the van, they begin hugging their aunts and their uncles who are waiting for them in the van. All the undercover cops looked at each other wondering what just happened here. They have just witnessed my King doing the impossible. They have now seen another aspect of my King. The girl turned and looked at me and said, “I thank God that you came when you did. They were about ready to trade me off to other gangs. I would not have been here if you would have came later.”

I asked, “Do you want to be in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

They both said, “For the last month, we have been doing all kinds of evil to be in that gang. We do not want that life. We want the life that Jesus Christ has to offer.” They both gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King has no limits. My King will want me to talk this gang soon.