Pizza Hut Miracle

I was going to go down to Denver today and take some pizzas to the Latinos. The Latinos are one gang I have a lot of respect for. Normally, I get ten pizzas when I go meet them. When I was getting close to my destination to pick them up at Little Caesars, God said, “Sonny, I want you to go to our Pizza Hut this time and pick up twelve pizzas instead. On the extra two pizzas, make sure one of them is pepperoni and the other one is sausage.”

I said to myself, “Man, I got to turn around and drive back. It’s almost seven miles back the other way. Plus it would be cheaper to get twelve pizzas at Little Caesars.” I was seeing things as a man would see it. I was not using my eyes inside God’s Kingdom to see what he knows. My King made sure that I knew that Pizza Hut was his option not mine. I did as my King requested and turned around. I frequent this Pizza Hut if I do get my pizzas from them. As I pulled into the parking lot, I normally pay attention mostly to what’s in front of me but for some reason today I was looking in my rearview mirror more than usual. I noticed a van behind me heading back behind the building. Anyone could tell it is a dead end and would not go back there unless they were looking for food in the dumpsters. Here in Denver, homeless people or those down on their luck will go into dumpsters to look for food. Now I have figured out what the extra two pizzas are for. I went inside and ordered twelve pizzas. Steve, the manager asked, “Sonny, you usually only order ten pizzas. What’s up?”

I said, “My King wants me to pick up two extra pizzas for the family in the back. They’re going to search your dumpster soon to try to find some food. I need to take them quickly so I can feed them.” I paid for the twelve pizzas and immediately took two of them back there. As I handed them the pizzas, I said, “My King told me that you guys were hungry. He wanted me to serve you two pizzas.” I found out they physically used up all their resources getting here. Rent and to cost to drive here for his new job took everything that the family had. The family began to cry because somebody actually cared enough to do this for them. I said, “Yeah, I know you guys are getting thirsty. Come over to see what I have in my cooler.” I then said, “I have water and several flavors of pop. Take whatever you need.” The kids took what they wanted. The mom looked in there and saw the Dr. Pepper. She said, “I haven’t had Dr. Pepper in ages.” I said, “My King said for me to take extra Dr. Pepper along. I thought it was for the gang I was going to meet. But it is for you and your family. So take what you need.”

As they were eating, I said, “This life is temporary. We are never promised tomorrow. My King, Jesus Christ, loves you very much and wants your hearts today. ” I shared Jeremiah 29:11 with them and explained the meaning of that verse to them. With what my King demonstrated today, it was very easy to convince them to give their lives over to Jesus Christ. Steve was watching me feed and witness to them. When he found out what their situation was, he decided to do something about it. He came out with three $100 gift cards. He said, “I want help you get established. These are for you to help you get through until you get your job gets started. You can eat here at our fine restaurant.” With all the blessings pouring out on this couple, they were starting to cry. Then Rebekah, Steve’s wife, came by and said, “Honey, I hope you don’t get mad at me. God gave me a list of things to buy at the grocery store and I spent $135 on them. I have no idea who they are for.” Then her husband Steve started pointing his finger toward the family standing by him. He said, “This is where they’re supposed to go.” So then he said, “Honey you don’t get upset at me either because I give them $300 worth of gift cards to eat here at Pizza Hut.” She said, “You do whatever God tells you to do.” Both Steve and Rebekah seemed to fall in love with this family. Steve wanted to know the name of the person who owns their rental. The family was payed through September. Steve knew that their job didn’t start for two more weeks and by the time they got paid it would be tough again. He wanted to pay their rent up through October. Rebekah found out that they did not have the money to buy the supplies for their kids to go to school. She responded, “Let me help, let’s go shopping on Saturday.”

This family was thoroughly blessed today. They realized how much my King loves them. They were able to see other people come in and show love for them also. In order to do what they were going to do, they must have been very hopeless. It must be quite an amazing feeling for them today to have hope restored. But if I wouldn’t have listened to my King and gone back to this Pizza Hut, this family might have been totally forgotten and hopeless. I would have also missed an opportunity to bring them to my King. I will continue to share what happens in this family’s life.