Motorhome Rescue

I talk to undercover police on Friday evenings. This Friday my King wanted me to go to Denver earlier. I went home directly from work, got cleaned up and headed towards Denver. My King then told me that I needed to go on the south side of Denver which was far away from where I’m supposed to go. As I was beginning to question God, he said, “Sonny, just go.” So I began my journey. When I approached the south side of Denver, God said, “Sonny, look a big motorhome on the east side of the road.” I continued driving looking for a large motorhome. Soon, I saw one pulled over with its flashers on. God said, “That’s them, go and help them.” I got off on the first exit so I could get to them. As I pulled up behind them, I noticed that there were three guys standing on the outside of the motorhome trying to troubleshoot it. I got out of my pick up and said, “My King sent me here help you guys out. What do you think is the problem?”

They said, “We were just driving along and all the sudden everything just quit. We tried starting it again but it wouldn’t even click.”

I said, “Let’s try jumping it.” I got my pick up closer to hook cables on to the battery. I was messing around with their battery and noticed one of the terminals was real loose. I had some tools in my pickup and I tighten that terminal up. We did not have to do anything else. The motorhome started right up. Then one of the guys looked straight at me. He then paraphrased me and said, “My King told me to stop here and help us.” Then he asked, “What does that mean by ‘my King’?”

I explained, “His name is Jesus Christ.”

He than said, “I am glad that you came because we need to get to a Bible study.”

I said, “That is cool. It is always good when somebody wants to know more about our King.” I then said, “Hey, I can hear talking in the motorhome. How many of you are inside?”

He replied, “There are twenty of us.”

I said, “Let me pray for you guys before you go.” They took me into the motorhome where I prayed and anointed all twenty people in that motorhome. I told them that Jesus loves them all and he wants their hearts. I also reminded them that our days are never promised to us and to make sure that we take advantage of what time we have to be with Jesus Christ. They then gave their lives to Jesus Christ. I then got ready to leave for my Bible study. I said, “God bless all of you guys” as I was leaving the motorhome. I headed back into Denver to meet up with the undercover police. After I get there, I always go in the back of the auditorium to prepare for the night’s event. There was 300 + people present when they started to worship. I walked out along the side isle and joined in the worship of our King. As soon as the worship was over, the announcer introduced me, “You probably already know Sonny but I always introduce him to everybody just in case somebody is new in the room.” He then pointed towards me as I was coming forward. He then said, “This is Sonny. ” Immediately, the twenty men from the motorhome jumped up and exclaimed, “No way, we know that dude. He just rescued us out on the highway.”

Excitedly I replied, “You are the motorhome guys! What’s up with you guys?”

They answered, “We are undercover police from Colorado Springs. We were asked to come up and to listen to this guy who speaks up here every Friday night. We got the meat on the street already. We know you’re the real deal.” All 20 of the men came forward and walked up to the stage and stood by me. They said, “We want to talk about this guy. He’s the real deal. When his King said go to the south side of Denver to rescue us, he obeyed and came out to meet us. He had no idea who we were. He just came out to meet us. Because of his obedience, we are here tonight. If you would not have come, we would still be broke down out there right now. Do you all get this. This guy is real. If you want to hear about Jesus Christ, this is the man right here to listen to. I know what he’s going to tell you, ‘My King gets the Glory and the Victory.’ That’s what he told us out there on the street.” They started to share with the audience what I shared with them in the motorhome. The audience started to tear up as they continue to share what I said to them. Those twenty men took over the night for me and said the message to the audience. I did read Jeremiah 29:11 and talked about that a little bit but the men from the motorhome made the altar call for me. They too mentioned to everybody that we do not know how long that we have on this Earth and now is the time to give your life to Jesus Christ today. They then asked everyone who hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ or needed prayer to come forward. There were so many people that came forward that it got too crowded. We moved out into the parking lot so everyone had enough room to be prayed for. The team leaders and I went up to everybody and started praying for everybody. 37 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ at the end of this Bible study. They called their families after accepting Jesus Christ. Their families also came tonight. I found out that many of them have been praying for these guys for a long time for this moment that just happened.

This is all about being obedient to our King. It’s also a message to keep me humble because my King used these men tonight to speak in my place. My King always comes up with new ways of accomplishing what he wants to get done. My King gets the Victory and the Glory.