Highway Patrol Teenagers Serving Jesus

I met with the teenagers of the highway patrol on Wednesday night. Normally, I meet with them on Sunday but with all the sports practices being moved around because of the covid-19. A practice was going on at the place we usually meet. The women of the highway patrol gave up their spot. They said they would rather have you speak to our teenagers. We will give our spot up for for them. So we scheduled the youth meeting during the highway patrolman’s Women’s Bible study time.

When the teenagers came, they brought their friends and/ or their cousins. When I arrived, the parking lot was full. I thanked my King for the ability for me to be able to speak to this large number students. I then asked him to guide me on what subject matter he wanted me to speak to them tonight. God then said, “Tell them that I love them and I have plans for their future” That sure sounds like Jeremiah 29:11. So I opened up the meeting with prayer then I read Jeremiah 29:11 to them. Many started crying after I finished that verse. I asked God, “Do you want me to give an altar call now?”

God said, “No, you just tell them what they’re worth now in My Kingdom. Then tell them to seek after my heart.” So I read to them Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. After I read this verse, many of them started crying and they started coming forward on their own. I never said a word to anyone. They just automatically started coming forward. Jonathan, who runs the sound boards, saw what was happening and started playing the music “Just As I Am” the song Billy Graham played at his altar calls. When that song came on, I began crying because that song brought a lot of memories when I accepted the Lord back in the past. It brought back a lot of good memories of my King.

They kept coming forward. One of the girls, whose name is Sarah and loves the Lord, looked at the girls and asked, “How many of you girls want to stay pure until you get married? Everyone who wants to stay pure, raise your hand.” All of the girls raise their hands. Jonathan then stepped in and ask the guys this question, “You guys know who I am. You even laughed at me when I said that I was going to stay pure until I got married. How many of you guys want to remain Noble to the kingdom of God? All of you men who want to remain Noble, come forward and stand on this side.” The guys starting coming forward. Many of those who came forward started cry as the Holy Spirit was touching their hearts. One of the young men looked at me and said, “I was trying to pressure my young girlfriend into doing things that she shouldn’t do. I’m going to ask her for forgiveness. Then I’m going to go to her parents and ask for forgiveness from them also.” This young man definitely wants to be Noble in God’s kingdom. It takes a lot of courage to be able to go up to her parents and ask for their forgiveness. But when he does, God is going to honor him for that. It was amazing to see the heart change in these young people.

Many called home to their parents and told them what they did here tonight in order to honor the King of kings. You could hear a lot of crying over the phones from the parents as they shared what they did. We prayed together for most of the evening. Others started sharing things going on in their lives. Gail was one of the ladies who shared her heart. Gail said, “For those of you who need to hear this, I have lost many friends because of my desire to stay pure. My friends wanted to go out in the evening and mess around with college boys. They have decided they would rather hang out with people who do things that do not honor God. I would rather lose all my friends then give up my chance to enter God’s Kingdom. God sees everything that I do. I am going to stand before him some day. Not my best friends but him. I am going to have to be accountable for the life he has given me.” Then she said, “If we are going to lose friends, be a lighthouse. A lighthouse gives light to get ships through a storm. But a lighthouse also gives light on calm nights also guiding ships. Lighthouse is always a lighthouse even during the day. It still marks the shoreline. But just has a lighthouse gives off light, we need to give off the light of Jesus Christ to all of those around us. Stay focused on who he is and share him with everyone who needs him. Even if you lose friends, continue to pray for them that they too may come to accept Jesus Christ.”

After she said all this, she came and prayed with all of us. We had to close at 9 PM because the students had to get back home to get ready for school the next day. Sarah wanted to pray for us before everybody left. She thanked Jesus Christ for coming for us and covering our sins. She prayed for me and for blue Mustang. Then she prayed to that God will put the armor around our entire families. I have never heard anyone ever pray that before. I have heard about putting on the armor of God. But never putting the armor of God around an entire family. The boys and girls hear tonight are some amazing people here representing our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, there was close to 500 students here. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

You should see the highschool that these kids go to. Because of Jonathan, their principal is becoming bold for Jesus Christ. He suggested that the students start praying around the school’s flagpole in the morning. A large number students gather around that pole to pray for the day and the school. He’s had some parents complain about all the students going around the flagpole every morning praying. The parents said, “If you don’t stop this, we are going to move our kids to a different school.” The principal said, “No problem, I have the paperwork right here. You can just sign it and it will allow you take your student from here.” None of them really wanted to leave. The parents said,” No, No, No, we don’t want to leave.” With all the students glowing with Jesus Christ in their lives, it’s making it a very safe High School. They don’t want to give that up. People don’t realize that when Jesus Christ is controlling your life, there is safety and peace. I am anxious to see the wonders that is going to be happening at this High School with all the students getting fired up for Jesus Christ.