Black Mafia Rioting Adverted

Last Saturday and I was down to Denver, I crossed paths with the Black Mafia who were carrying clubs, crobars and guns. I found out they were going to join a protest where seven blocks were marked off for these guys to demonstrate. I said to myself, “This can’t be a peaceful demonstration if they’re carrying all this weaponry. It was hard to believe that law enforcement was ordered to set up a route where these guys could go out and destroy property. Jesus did say that in the end times; evil will become good and good will be evil. Only a life under Jesus Christ will change this thinking.” But they were not going to have a chance to complete their mission. My King said, “Sonny, go and pray for those guys. Tell them how much I love them. I want their hearts.” As I got close, some of guys drew their pistols on me. The others readied themselves to give me a beating if necessary. The leader asked, “What do you want?”

I replied, “My King wants me to pray for you guys.”

The leaders said, “Get out of our way. We are too busy right now. I think we will shoot you now.”

I said, “Before you shoot me, give me the opportunity to pray for each one of you.” They let me pray for them. I started praying for all of them. I didn’t realize it but while this was going on, the Latinos were watching me closely from a distance. They still had their pistols drawn towards me but they let me pray for everyone. Nearing the end of praying, the Latinos surrounded us with their Mustangs. They all got out of their cars with their pistols drawn. Lorenzo, the Latino leader, said, “If you guys do anything to hurt Sonny we’re going to shoot you here right now on the spot.” He then looked at me and said, “Sonny, how are you doing?”

I said, “I am fine. I am just witnessing and praying for these guys.” Lorenzo looked away from me and noticed that they were carrying “Black Lives Matter” signs. While he was holding his 9mm Beretta on the black leader, Lorenzo said, “Don’t you guys know that All Lives Matter to God. Let me read John 3:16 to you. It says ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son to everyone.’ Boys, pick up all those Black Lives Matter signs and put them in your cars. We are going to destroy them.” It was interesting to watch him in action. He did not even have a Bible on him but he was reading John 3:16 from memory. I do not think that everyone should witness to people using a 9 mm Beretta. But he was getting that message across to these guys, that what they were doing was wrong. The Black Mafia took their weapons and did a 180 degree turn, leaving the area. They lost interest in partaking in the demonstration. I am sure that they are all looking at each other wondering what just happened. I am praying that I planted a seed in their lives, that they too will come to know Jesus Christ later. I always enjoy it when the Latinos come to assist me.

All because of a haircut, the Latinos have began to turn their lives around. Lorenzo told me the first time we met that in order for me to talk to him I would have to get a haircut that looked like his. So, I found a barber in Denver that would give me a haircut like his. When I showed up with the haircut, he said, “That cut looks good on you. Man, you must have respect for me to do that. I will let you talk to me.” From that time on, I started sharing Jesus Christ with his gang. They do listen to what I say. I can see the change in their lives. They still have not turned their lives over to Jesus Christ. God is still using them to watch over and protect me. Lorenzo and his gang have a special place in my heart. I pray to my King that all his men will not die until they receive Jesus Christ into their hearts and that their names will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

I was about ready to sign them off on this story but I was witnessing to gangs at the park this Saturday, which is Labor Day weekend. The Black Mafia that was chased off last Saturday showed up in their black Cadillacs. They got out of their cars and started coming towards me. The Latinos immediately surrounded them with their Mustangs. They jumped out of their cars with their weapons drawn. Lorenzo said, “If think you are to harm Sonny, we are going to end it all here now.” Two other gangs that wanted to protect me also showed up at the same time.

The Black Mafia said, “No, we do not want any trouble. We want to apologize to Sonny and to say how sorry we are for the way we treated him last week. We were thinking about how powerful his prayers were for us. All of us have decided that we are not going to do any more rioting and we’re going home to our families.” None of the Black Mafia gave their lives to Jesus Christ today but I know the Holy Spirit is working on their hearts. I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear from within the year that they have accepted Jesus Christ. In all the years I’ve been doing this ministry I have never seen the gangs stand up for me to protect me. I feel that my King is using their lives to watch over me. It feels great to see the same gangs that were persecuting me in the beginning now standing up for me. It is an amazing feeling. My King never ceases to amaze me on how many different ways he works in people’s lives.

One Reply to “Black Mafia Rioting Adverted”

  1. As I was witnessing to The Gangs, I met up with the Latinos in one of the parks. I asked Lorenzo if he’s still witnessing to people using his 9 mm. He looked at me and said, “Sonny, get real.” But you are right about my pistol. The boys and I went out shooting at 1 a.m. in the morning to target practice. When you hold your gun sideways, the bullets did jam in my barrel. You are probably wondering how we got on this topic. On that day that Lorenzo was witnessing to the Black Mafia with his 9 mm Beretta, he was holding his pistol sideways. Sure it may look cool but I told him semi-automatic pistols are designed to be held vertically not horizontally when fired. The injection of the bullets into the sideways semi-auto pistols have a tendency to jam because of gravity. I do not condone violence, but I love these guys so much that I do not want them to get in a situation where they would get hurt because of a jammed pistol. And of course he did not listen to me. He continued his bad habit on the range. Sure enough the bullet jammed.

    I then asked, “What would you be shooting at 1 in the morning.”

    Lorenzo said, “We were shooting cantaloupes off the fence.”

    I said, “Cantaloupes! Where did you get cantaloupes?”

    Lorenzo said, “There is a farmer who were selling them in the morning. He had them on a good sale. Normally, we just steal them but you have been rubbing off on us. We did pay for them. We cut some of them up and began eating the cantaloupe. I saw some homeless guys watching us and I waved for them to come over and join us. They came over but they were afraid and did not want to cause us any trouble. I told them that we too have gone through periods where we had plenty and where we had nothing. We just want to share what we have with you. So please sit down and eat with us. ” Lorenzo then said, “We just had way too many cantaloupes to eat and we have no place to store them so we decided to use the rest for target practice.’

    I said to myself, “A gang serving the homeless. Only by the power of my King is something like this possible.” I then asked, “What else have you been up to? ” Lorenzo shared with me something that happened at Pizza Hut.

    Lorenzo said, “The boys and I stopped at Pizza Hut to get some pizza. I saw this white van pull into the parking lot. On its side was my favorite verse John 3:16. I felt compelled to buy their food. So after I ordered our pizzas at the drive-thru, I got out of my car and walked up to the window. I could tell they were nervous because of my pistols. I asked them how much their order was so I could pay for it. Their bill came to $40. I pulled out $50 and said for them to keep the change. I then went back to my car to hang out with my boys eating pizza. The white van pulled up to where we were eating. A youth pastor got out of the van to thank us for what we had done. There were a lot of girls in that van but they seemed to be afraid of us. I guess our pistols were just too intimidating. We were surprised that the youth pastor wasn’t afraid of us. He then asked why we decided to pay for our meal and wondered who we were. I told him I was one of the gangs that hang around in Denver. The youth pastor commented to me that gangs usually don’t do this and wanted to know more about us. I then explained that you Sonny are the reason for me wanting to do this. I told him what you do for the gangs here in the Denver and the United States. He was totally impressed with what I told him about you and Blue Mustang bringing us food. The youth pastor then asked us if he could pray for all of us. Sonny we all know that praying is a good thing so we let him. The manager must have been impressed with what was going on. After the youth pastor prayed for us, the manager rewarded me with $100 gift card so we could come back and eat again.” Lorenzo then said, “You know Sonny, it really is actually more fun to give then to take.”

    There are many wonderful things I have found out about Lorenzo. Even though he is not a Christian, he prays for me and Blue Mustang every night before he goes to bed. His men have confirmed to me that he does pray. He is a very honorable person. During the Denver riots, a mob was getting ready to destroy one of the places that he loves. Lorenzo said, “I protect this area and you guys are not welcome here. I want you to turn around now and leave.” The other leader responded, “What gives you the right?” Before Lorenzo had a time to say anything, his men went up to them and started banging heads and then threw the guys in the dumpster. They were still alive. Lorenzo’s men have a lot of respect for for him. They did not let the mob disrespect their boss. After the men came too, Lorenzo’s boys escorted the men out of town. Next, I am not sure about this but when I go to his barbershop, they say that Sonny is not going to be charged anything when he comes in. I feel like he’s been covering my haircuts. This man is going to be used mightily by my King.

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