Anointing Mustangs

It was Friday night and I was out witnessing on the streets. Lorenzo, of the Latino gang, came up to me and said, “Sonny, you have to anoint our cars again. We were sitting there minding our business and suddenly a car drove by that was shooting at us. We could see them shooting and hear all the shots going off but we did not hear any bullets whiz by us. After they left, we went and inspected our Mustangs and none of them received bullet holes in them.” A while back I anointed their Mustangs. They always keep their cars in mint condition as though they are going to be taking them to a car show. At first, they did not want me to put that oil on their cars but I told them this will protect you and your automobiles in case somebody would want to harm you. Lorenzo finally gave in but he highly doubted that would work. He said, “I will believe it when I see it.”

A few weeks later, they had a chance to witness the awesome power of my King. I saw their vehicles parked in area of the park I was going to witness at. I was about to stop and talk to them but my King said, “Sonny, do not park here or you will die. Go to the other side of the park.” Like I sometimes do, I questioned God saying, “The Latinos are here and they would not allow anything to happen to me.” I never went further than this thought so I did as my King asked me to. As I got parked, I turned my stereo on and played some “Kingdom Music”. The Latinos could hear my music playing. Lorenzo said to his boys, “Sonny did not stop and talk to us. I wonder if anything is wrong. Let’s let’s go over and talk to him and see what’s up.” They all got into their Mustangs and drove over to where I was parked. Lorenzo said, “Sonny, we heard your music playing. Normally, you stop and talk to us when you are in the area. We were concerned about you and came over here to find out what was going on.”

I said, “My King told me not to park over there but to come over here. He said that I was in great danger and I would die if I stopped in that section of the park.” After I explained to Lorenzo what my King said, there was massive amount of gunfire going on in the location where I was going to park. Lorenzo said, “Sonny, if we would have stayed over there we would have been caught in their crossfire. Look there are three cars on one side and four cars on the other side and they’re shooting right where we were standing.” Soon the police sirens started going off with all that commotion. The two opposing factions left the park quickly. Later, we had some investigators come over and ask us some questions. A policeman almost revealed my name because he knew me. He realized that because gangs don’t like police officers very much that it’s never a good idea to show how much you know about an individual. It could mean their life or mine may end. I talked to the police officer and told him that we couldn’t see what happened because we were too far away. The gang remained silent. This was the first time that my King saved their lives because I was being obedient him and I came over to this side of the park.

This incident that just happened is the second time that they were saved by King. By being obedient to him and anointing their cars it saved them. I was about to tell them that their cars were still anointed and that we don’t need to do it again but my King said, “Just be quiet and anoint their cars anyway.” When I was ready to start anointing, Lorenzo said, “Boys, when Sonny starts praying, I want all of you to make a circle around the cars facing outward and watch so Sonny does not get disturbed. I don’t want any of you to say a word.” They began facing away from me. Lorenzo was curious and was hanging with me as I started praying and anointed the cars. Then Lorenzo said, “Sonny, make sure you don’t forget the tires.” I went around and said a prayer and anointing each car and its tires. After I finished doing the anointing, Lorenzo said, “You know after you do that anointing, I just feel like I’m invincible.” I know my King is having as much fun as I am working with these guys. I give the Glory and the Victory to him.