Fort Collins Spiritual Healing

The man Terry who had a vision to heal Fort Collins from the coronavirus also had a vision from God to pray for the Fort Collin’s government buildings for spiritual healing. My King had me go two weeks later to the courthouse to pray over that building. While I was praying, two men walked out of the courthouse. My King said, ” Sonny, I want you to pray for those men. Don’t ask if they want prayer but tell them I am here to pray for you.” I told them what my King said. They asked, “Who are you and why are you doing this?”

I said, “My name is Sonny, I am here representing God’s Kingdom.” The minute I mentioned the phrase “God’s Kingdom” one of the men started crying. The other guy looked at him and asked, “Why are you crying?”

He replied, “When he said that he was from God’s kingdom, it was like a spear piercing my heart. I am tired of all the lying I do at work and running from God. I want to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been living in my little box and no one even knows that I’m a Christian. I’m about to change that.” He rededicated his life to Jesus Christ. I prayed with both men. The one who rededicated his life to Jesus Christ, called his wife and wanted her to come and meet me. She came and asked what happened. Her husband excitedly explained to her just what happened. She cried, “My husband has been like a closet Christian.  He goes to church with me but that’s it. Now, he wants to step out and acknowledge Jesus Christ before men. I have been praying a long time for that to happen. Thanks for reaching out to him.”

I said, “I was just being obedient to my King. The Holy Spirit changes the heart. I am only God’s messenger. He gets the Glory and the Victory.” Fort Collins is not done yet. I am sure my King has more things for me to do here.