Feeding Two Gangs For Jesus

It was Saturday morning and my King wanted me to see two gangs that I have seen before. He told me to get 7 dozen donuts, orange juice and milk for the day. I picked up the supplies I needed at King Soopers. From there, I went to the park to meet the gangs. They were not there yet. I went ahead set up my tailgate with food. As I finished up, I saw 14 Black Cadillacs show up right next to me. I said, “Oh no.” I know that this is the Black Mafia. They do not like me because my King wants their work force for his Kingdom. They stopped by me and got out of their car with their pistols drawn. They began eyeing my donuts. They said, “These donuts belong to us.” They proceeded to load them up in their cars and took off with them. I asked if they needed anything to drink and they said, “No, we just want our donuts.” After they were gone, I said, ” I guess I’ll have to go back and get some more donuts.” I left to get more for the gang l was supposed to meet. When I got back, the gang leader Jorge said,” Aren’t you kind of late?”

I said, “The Black Mafia stopped by and took my first batch of donuts. I needed to go back and get some more donuts for you.”

Jorge said, “Oh man, I wish I would have been here. I would have shot them.”

I said, “You don’t need to do that. They’re only donuts.”

Jorge said, “It’s not the donuts I’m worried about. It just the principal of it all. My stomach was hungry and they were interfering with my stomach. So they deserve to be shot.” I kind of laughed at his response. I served them the donuts, orange juice and milk. We had a good time. Then Jorge asked, “In that Ten Commandments movie, Moses brought the Ten Commandments down from the mountain. When he saw the people worshipping the golden calf, Moses threw the tablets on the ground and broke them. Was God mad at him for doing that?”

I said, “Yes, he was mad.”

Jorge said, “You know if I was God I probably would have shot Moses for doing that.”

I said, “My God is a loving God and he just had Moses go back up into the mountains to have the tablets redone.”

Then Jorge asked, “Isn’t that stupid that people would, after seeing God part the Red Sea, would want to worship a statue.” I kind of laughed again and I said, “You are right.” Jorge asked few more questions but then he said, “Sonny, I have to get going.” He turned around and immediately left the park.

That afternoon God had me get Tacos for Raphael’s gang. As I walked up to Raphael, he had his gun drawn on me. He said, “Did you bring us tacos?”

I said, “You know Raphael that water pistol would feel good in this heat. You have my permission to shoot me.”

Raphael said, “No man. I don’t want to get you wet.” To keep from getting me wet, he just shot me in the face. Then he proceeded to shoot at his men. They were all having a good time getting each other wet.

I then said, “I apologize, but I did spill a little bit of gas on my hands. My hands kind of stink.”

Excitedly Rafael said, “We just filled up with gas too. But the strangest thing happend there. There was this old guy who drove a 39 Coupe. He said that he wanted to buy gas for all of our cars. It was weird being there. We had all the pumps to ourselves. He walked in and had the attendant activate all the pumps. We all filled our cars at the same time.”

I asked, “Did this man wear a pinstripe jacket and gangster looking hat?”

Raphael said, “Yeah, that’s the dude.”

I said, “Yep, that’s Noah.”

Raphael said, “After Noah paid for our gas, he said, ‘Boys, Sonny is going to have tacos ready when you get there. You have a blessed day.'” That Noah, he is always helping me out. Then I prayed for the food. As the boys sat down to eat I talked about Jesus to them. It is always easy to talk about my King when their mouths are full. I got off topic and started describing about Blue Mustang giving me sweet corn. Raphael said, “That sounds so good. I remember as a child having grilled sweet corn on summer afternoons.” At that moment, my King said, “Sonny, you need to go get him some sweet corn. I said, “You see that grill over there. You just watch it. I will be back” I was going to get charcoal to put in the grill but Raphael does not like charcoal and would gather wood to make the fire. I went over to King Soopers and picked up three dozen ears of sweet corn. Two of Raphael’s girls walked up and asked me where I was going. They were excited when I told them that I was going to go get sweet corn. I noticed that they were having problems keeping their hair together so I decided I would also pick up some of those hair clips for their hair. I came back and gave the hairclips to the girls. They were excited about getting the clips. Then I took the sweet corn over to the grill that the gang was watching. They went out and cleaned up the whole park getting all the dead wood they could find. We lit the wood on fire and begin roasting sweet corn on the grill. I didn’t realize that there was a fire ban in place. Some of the park rangers came over to chew us out. When they started complaining about our fire, the gang drew their pistols and pointed them at the rangers. They decided that it was now okay for us to continue roasting the corn.

Rico was one of Raphael’s lookout men. He takes his job seriously. He does not say a word and he continuously watches the surroundings for danger. I decided that I would cut some of the corn off the cob and put it on a plate and take some to him so that he would not have to get his hands dirty it just in case he would have to draw his pistol. He took the plate from me and said, “Thanks man.” They all we’re just having a great time eating sweet corn. All three dozen ears were consumed.

That Saturday I witnessed to both Rafeal and Jorge. Both leaders asked me to pray for them before they drove away. I could tell that they were interested on maybe giving their hearts to our King. Some of the gang members had already given their hearts to Jesus Christ. They immediately went back with their families. Saturday night Rafael called me first followed by Jorge. They asked me to meet with them Sunday morning. I went back to the same park to meet them. When I got there, all their families were there with them. They were waiting for me to pray with them. Both leaders introduced me to their families. It was beautiful because some of the family members had their Bibles. You could tell that they were already Christians. They hugged me while they were crying. It was such a beautiful moment. God is so faithful. They began asking me a bunch of questions about the ministry. They thanked me for never giving up on their sons and daughters. They said, “Because of your persistence, they want to give their hearts to the Lord.”

I said, “Our King never gives up on us. So how can I give up on them either.” We began praying. They asked Jesus to forgive them of their sins and to live in their hearts. They all began crying again. Both gangs all gave their lives to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

One Reply to “Feeding Two Gangs For Jesus”

  1. It’s Wednesday night and normally I meet with the highway patrolman women but they had other things scheduled. Rafael and Jorge wanted to meet with me and introduce me to their families. When I arrived at the park where they were going to have the celebration, there was quite a few people there already. It looks like there could have been as many as 200 people here. They said, “Sonny, let’s get on the back of your pickup so we can see over the crowd.” I positioned my pickup where we could visibly see everybody. It has been a two weeks since both Raphael and Jorge received Jesus Christ and they have been out actively seeking other gangs during this time. There was a group of gang members that heard the message of Jesus Christ from Rapheal and Jorge present tonight. Raphael and Jorge asked them to come and join in the celebration of their acceptance of Jesus Christ. They stood fairly close to where we were standing. There were other people there that did not know Jesus Christ personally but that did not matter to these guys. They were excited to share their salvation with everyone there.

    Both Raphael and Jorge gave their testimonies to the crowd. I sat in the corner of my pickup box behind my cab to listen. Raphael started giving his testimony first then Jorge followed up with his. They told everyone about how Jesus forgave them of their sins and that their sins were many. The gang members that were there asked, “Can God really forgive me for all the things I’ve done? I have done a lot of bad things in my life.”

    Raphael said, “Yes he can. I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life also. But Jesus Christ has forgotten my sins and I’m a new creation today.” The crowd was crying and clapping while they were giving their testimonies. After they finished, they wanted me to give my testimony too and tell how I got started in this ministry. I got up and spoke to their family and friends. I finished up with an altar call. The gang members that were standing the closest jumped at the first opportunity to come forward to give their lives to Jesus Christ. It was a joyous moment seeing these men come forward. Listening to the testimonies of Raphael and Jorge was also amazing. My King gets the glory and the victory. After all the excitement, everyone was hungry.

    I brought seven dozen tacos and Raphael and Jorge brought burritos, Mexican rice and pork green chili. They wanted me to say grace over the meal and I prayed over the food. Everyone got there fill. What a way to finish up a Wednesday.

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