Longest Red Light Ever

I prayed with the undercover police on Friday night. After I was finished, my King had me go out and witness on the street. My King has me spending a lot of time doing street ministry on Colfax Avenue. When I reached University and Colfax in Denver, the light changed red. I stopped for the light. There was a guy standing on the street corner. He came running out towards me with a pistol and placed the gun barrel against my window. I noticed that the other people who were stopped at the light just took off and ran the light. He was shouting something but I could not make out what he was saying. I rolled my window down and asked, “What do you need?”

He said, “Get out of your pickup. I want to shoot you.” This is not the first time something like this has happened. Looking back, some guy with a sawed-off shotgun made the same request. I just humored him and noticed the square cut. I said, “Did you cut that barrel off yourself?” He said, “Yes I did. I used a hacksaw.” I said, “Man, you did a good job of cutting it square using just a hacksaw.” In the process of telling on how good a work he did, he kind of lost interest in shooting me. So I am experienced with this kind of behavior on the streets.

I said, “Well, before you shoot me can I pray for you? After I pray for you, then you can shoot me.” I caught him off guard but he did let me pray for him. I began to pray for him and reveal the things that the Holy Spirit shared with me about his life. After I finished praying, I said, “Okay, now you can shoot me.” He just stared at me. Then all the sudden, he just dropped his pistol.

He said, “I can’t shoot you especially after what you just did for me.” He continued to looked at me. He then said, ” I cannot believe how cool you were when I was holding the pistol and threatening your life.”

I said, “My King determines what day I’m going to die. You cannot change that. If he allowed you to kill me, I do know where I’m going and I am going to live in his kingdom. My King brought you to me tonight. He loves you very much and wants your heart” I found out that his name was Luke. Luke has been on the street for three and a half years. He has been robbing and stealing whatever it takes to make any money. I can tell Luke hasn’t been near a shower for a long time because he really did smell bad.

Luke asked, “Do you have anything to drink?” I had stopped at a convenience store to picked up a large Coke for myself earlier.

I said, ” I have a Coke that you can have. I also have a couple of burritos if you are hungry.”

Luke said, “The Coke will be fine and I am hungry. ” As Luke begins eating the burritos and drinking the Coke, he asked, “Do you think my parents would let me come back home?”

I said, “Let’s just call them.” I gave him my cell phone to use so he could dial his parents. His dad answered the phone and Luke said, “This is Luke Dad. I’m wondering if I can come home.” He briefly told his parents what he just done. I could hear his Dad shout to Luke’s Mom that Luke was on the phone. Luke’s parents were ecstatic that their son was coming home. Luke asked me if I would take him home. I agreed that I would. When Luke climbed into my pickup, the light turned green. It gave me the time I needed to witness to Luke. It really smelled bad inside my pickup. My King gave me the endurance to make the trip to his house. Even as Luke left my pickup, my King began deodorizing my pickup. We both went into his home where the parents hugged him. He unloaded his pistol and gave it to his Dad.  His mom immediately went to get a towel for Luke. He smiled and immediately grabbed the towel to take a shower. I talked with the parents about who I was while he was showering. They revealed to me that they were both Christians and that they have been praying fervently for their son Luke to come back. When he came back into the room, I prayed for the family and talked more about how awesome our King is. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory.

Cigarette Burn Becomes Victory for Jesus

It is Friday evening and as usual I meet with the undercover police. One of their biggest concerns is for the people fighting all the wildfires here in Colorado. They wanted to pray for the safety of the fire fighters and for the families of those involved. All my Bible studies this week have involved praying for the firefighters. They all made the request to me to do this. Of course moisture in the mountains is a must in our prayers. This would really help out our firefighters.

After finishing up with the undercover police, I rescued five girls out of a gang and brought them back to their families. After seeing the transformation of their daughters, all their families gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Saturday morning, my King had me rescue five more women from an organization. I also brought them back to their families who all met at one home. I prayed for all of them after the girls greeted their parents. My King then directed me to focus on two gangs. One of them I know but the other one I don’t know. My King had me get tacos for them to eat. They pushed me around at first but when they found out that I was going to feed them tacos they stopped. Today they were very interested in eating because they were hungry. They left me alone except for one guy in the gang that I have met before. He said, “I do not want to hear you say anything about Jesus Christ.” He continued to push me around. His leader sternly said, “Hey, knock it off. Leave Sonny alone. He wants to feed us. He can talk about Jesus.” The guy left the scene for a while and walked around for a few minutes. He then came back towards me with a lit cigarette in his hand. He walked right up to me and stuck the cigarette right on my lip while I was reading the gospel to the gang. It did hurt but I continued reading. The leader was extremely upset with the guy. He ordered his men to grab the guy and tie him up. His men proceeded to haul him off. I’m not sure what they did with him but he was not welcome here in the gang anymore.

Eight guys from the first Gang and four guys from the second gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory

It is now late afternoon and I’m going to witness to another Gang that just showed up here at the park. As I was ready to finish this story the guy who burned me called. He said, “I have been thinking about what you said and I need a new direction in my life and Jesus Christ to become part of it. I hope that you can forgive me for burning you with that cigarette like I did.”

I replied, “I forgave you the day you burned me with it. My King has forgiven me for the bad things I have done. He has taught how important it is to love and forgive others. ” I prayed for him as he accepted Jesus Christ. He wanted to go home and asked me if I could take him there. I acknowledged that I would. When we got there with his family, I prayed with them too. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

At the end of the day, the Latinos call me. They witnessed a police officer getting beaten up by a gang from Mexico. He said, “Normally, if we see someone getting beaten up, we keep on driving.  But we have too much respect for our law enforcement officers.  So we stopped and got out of our cars. We immediately beat the Mexican gang up bad because of their action. When the cops did eventually arrived,  they wanted me to  give a statement.  I said I don’t do statements and I left.”  I always wondered how the Latinos handle themselves so well. I found out that most of them are Golden Glove boxers.

Black Mafia Questions Me

It is Friday night and before God had me go out in the streets, I ministered to the undercover police for emotional guidance. They were forced to witness something that should never been allowed to happen. After I finished with these amazing men, my King had me go witness out in the streets. He directed me to a nicer place on Colfax Avenue. Is was about 11 p.m. and he wanted my to talk about Jesus Christ and how much he loves them to a group of prostitutes. As I was sharing the gospel with the prostitutes and praying for them, a Black Mafia guy was watching me. He got out of his car but did not have his weapon drawn as he approached me. The prostitutes immediately lined up behind me. They later told me that they hate these guys and they did not want anything to do with them. He asked, “How can you stay so cool sharing Jesus Christ with them? You could be killed anytime even by one of us.”

I said, “I have prepared my life to be in God’s Kingdom. I know where I am going when I die. As I see you now, I will see him immediately if my King allows me to be killed. You to should be concerned where you are going. Have you ever thought about where you would be going if you would die today? We are never promised tomorrow.”

He said, ” I will probably go to hell with all my friends.” The way he answered the question gave me the impression that he was not too concerned about what hell is like.

I said, ” You do not want to go to hell. There you will not see anybody that you know. All you will hear is the weeping and gnashing of teeth. My King does not want to see anyone perish. This may be the last chance that you may have to accept Jesus Christ into your life. I am here today to help you make that choice. But if you do not do it today, you may never see me again or have the opportunity to see my King.”

He did think about what I said but was not ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. He said, “I will see you later.” I am praying that my King gives him more time to come to Jesus. The prostitutes for sure were glad that he was gone. Soon the prostitutes pimp showed up. He did not approve of me being there. The last time we met I claimed Jesus Christ over him and he ran. There is a lot of power in that name. He only stared at me for a few minutes but ran again.  The prostitutes thanked me for sharing Jesus Christ with them. I gave each one a Ministry card and said call me if you ever want to get out of this situation. It was almost 3AM when I finished on the streets. My King has more plans for me tomorrow.

Resting by University Hospital

Saturday had me witnessing to a gang of 28 guys and 22 girls. This is one of the biggest gangs here in Denver. I took 12 dozen donuts and drinks to them. Out of 50 present 15 (8 Girls and 7 Guys) of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Brother and Sister are United

My King asked me to see two new gangs in Denver last Saturday. He said, “Sonny, they are going to be hungry. Pickup twelve pizzas and thirty cheeseburgers. Make them with extra mustard on them. Some of the gang members do not like pizza.”

I headed to the park after picking up the cheeseburgers and pizza and started talking to the gangs. These gangs usually fight with each other but they were more curious about me. They had their pistols drawn on me. They always ask the same question, “What are you doing here?” Some of them started pushing me around but they weren’t really bad. I explained to them, “I am here because my King Jesus Christ told me that you are hungry and he wants me to tell you how much he loves you. I brought pizza and cheeseburgers made just the way you like them.”

One leader said, “You made them the way we like it. You don’t even know us.” They checked the pizzas to see what I had. They could not believe it.

I said, “I may not know you but my King knows you very well.” I noticed some checking out the cheeseburgers. I then said, “They all have extra mustard on them. ” I could see that bewildered look on their face, “How did he know what I liked?” It is always spooky to them when my King gives their likes and dislikes. It gives me another avenue of sharing God’s word with them.

Then one gang leader said, “If you’re going to feed us, I will definitely listen to what you have to say about Jesus.”

I said, “Let’s eat.” When I said those two words they all put their pistols away. We then sat down and I prayed for the food. I began praying for each one. All of the sudden a girl, whose name is Sarah, in one gang recognized her brother in the other gang. They have not seen each other in three years. She shouted out his name. He looked toward the other gang to see who was calling his name. As he began to recognize her, he shouted, “Is that you Sarah?”

She shouted back, “Yes, it is me.” She proceeded to go over to meet him. They both began hugging each other. When they realized how much they missed each other, they wanted to accept Jesus Christ into their lives.” Both gangs were poor. After they both accepted Jesus Christ, I noticed the poor condition of the brothers tennis shoes. I usually keep a extra pair of tennis shoes in my pickup just in case my feet get wet and I need to change. My King told me that our shoe sizes are the same and that I should give him that pair of tennis shoes that I had. I went over to my pickup to get my tennis shoes out and I walked over to the brother. I said, “My King wants to give you a pair of tennis shoes for your feet. Here you go.” He put them on and they fit him just fine. I took both of them home to their parents. There I had a chance to pray for them also and for the families as a whole. No other gang member gave their lives to Jesus Christ today. No worries though. I planted seed into their lives. My King will reign victorious.