Black Mafia Questions Me

It is Friday night and before God had me go out in the streets, I ministered to the undercover police for emotional guidance. They were forced to witness something that should never been allowed to happen. After I finished with these amazing men, my King had me go witness out in the streets. He directed me to a nicer place on Colfax Avenue. Is was about 11 p.m. and he wanted my to talk about Jesus Christ and how much he loves them to a group of prostitutes. As I was sharing the gospel with the prostitutes and praying for them, a Black Mafia guy was watching me. He got out of his car but did not have his weapon drawn as he approached me. The prostitutes immediately lined up behind me. They later told me that they hate these guys and they did not want anything to do with them. He asked, “How can you stay so cool sharing Jesus Christ with them? You could be killed anytime even by one of us.”

I said, “I have prepared my life to be in God’s Kingdom. I know where I am going when I die. As I see you now, I will see him immediately if my King allows me to be killed. You to should be concerned where you are going. Have you ever thought about where you would be going if you would die today? We are never promised tomorrow.”

He said, ” I will probably go to hell with all my friends.” The way he answered the question gave me the impression that he was not too concerned about what hell is like.

I said, ” You do not want to go to hell. There you will not see anybody that you know. All you will hear is the weeping and gnashing of teeth. My King does not want to see anyone perish. This may be the last chance that you may have to accept Jesus Christ into your life. I am here today to help you make that choice. But if you do not do it today, you may never see me again or have the opportunity to see my King.”

He did think about what I said but was not ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. He said, “I will see you later.” I am praying that my King gives him more time to come to Jesus. The prostitutes for sure were glad that he was gone. Soon the prostitutes pimp showed up. He did not approve of me being there. The last time we met I claimed Jesus Christ over him and he ran. There is a lot of power in that name. He only stared at me for a few minutes but ran again.  The prostitutes thanked me for sharing Jesus Christ with them. I gave each one a Ministry card and said call me if you ever want to get out of this situation. It was almost 3AM when I finished on the streets. My King has more plans for me tomorrow.

Resting by University Hospital

Saturday had me witnessing to a gang of 28 guys and 22 girls. This is one of the biggest gangs here in Denver. I took 12 dozen donuts and drinks to them. Out of 50 present 15 (8 Girls and 7 Guys) of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ God gets all the Glory and the Victory.