Brother and Sister are United

My King asked me to see two new gangs in Denver last Saturday. He said, “Sonny, they are going to be hungry. Pickup twelve pizzas and thirty cheeseburgers. Make them with extra mustard on them. Some of the gang members do not like pizza.”

I headed to the park after picking up the cheeseburgers and pizza and started talking to the gangs. These gangs usually fight with each other but they were more curious about me. They had their pistols drawn on me. They always ask the same question, “What are you doing here?” Some of them started pushing me around but they weren’t really bad. I explained to them, “I am here because my King Jesus Christ told me that you are hungry and he wants me to tell you how much he loves you. I brought pizza and cheeseburgers made just the way you like them.”

One leader said, “You made them the way we like it. You don’t even know us.” They checked the pizzas to see what I had. They could not believe it.

I said, “I may not know you but my King knows you very well.” I noticed some checking out the cheeseburgers. I then said, “They all have extra mustard on them. ” I could see that bewildered look on their face, “How did he know what I liked?” It is always spooky to them when my King gives their likes and dislikes. It gives me another avenue of sharing God’s word with them.

Then one gang leader said, “If you’re going to feed us, I will definitely listen to what you have to say about Jesus.”

I said, “Let’s eat.” When I said those two words they all put their pistols away. We then sat down and I prayed for the food. I began praying for each one. All of the sudden a girl, whose name is Sarah, in one gang recognized her brother in the other gang. They have not seen each other in three years. She shouted out his name. He looked toward the other gang to see who was calling his name. As he began to recognize her, he shouted, “Is that you Sarah?”

She shouted back, “Yes, it is me.” She proceeded to go over to meet him. They both began hugging each other. When they realized how much they missed each other, they wanted to accept Jesus Christ into their lives.” Both gangs were poor. After they both accepted Jesus Christ, I noticed the poor condition of the brothers tennis shoes. I usually keep a extra pair of tennis shoes in my pickup just in case my feet get wet and I need to change. My King told me that our shoe sizes are the same and that I should give him that pair of tennis shoes that I had. I went over to my pickup to get my tennis shoes out and I walked over to the brother. I said, “My King wants to give you a pair of tennis shoes for your feet. Here you go.” He put them on and they fit him just fine. I took both of them home to their parents. There I had a chance to pray for them also and for the families as a whole. No other gang member gave their lives to Jesus Christ today. No worries though. I planted seed into their lives. My King will reign victorious.