Longest Red Light Ever

I prayed with the undercover police on Friday night. After I was finished, my King had me go out and witness on the street. My King has me spending a lot of time doing street ministry on Colfax Avenue. When I reached University and Colfax in Denver, the light changed red. I stopped for the light. There was a guy standing on the street corner. He came running out towards me with a pistol and placed the gun barrel against my window. I noticed that the other people who were stopped at the light just took off and ran the light. He was shouting something but I could not make out what he was saying. I rolled my window down and asked, “What do you need?”

He said, “Get out of your pickup. I want to shoot you.” This is not the first time something like this has happened. Looking back, some guy with a sawed-off shotgun made the same request. I just humored him and noticed the square cut. I said, “Did you cut that barrel off yourself?” He said, “Yes I did. I used a hacksaw.” I said, “Man, you did a good job of cutting it square using just a hacksaw.” In the process of telling on how good a work he did, he kind of lost interest in shooting me. So I am experienced with this kind of behavior on the streets.

I said, “Well, before you shoot me can I pray for you? After I pray for you, then you can shoot me.” I caught him off guard but he did let me pray for him. I began to pray for him and reveal the things that the Holy Spirit shared with me about his life. After I finished praying, I said, “Okay, now you can shoot me.” He just stared at me. Then all the sudden, he just dropped his pistol.

He said, “I can’t shoot you especially after what you just did for me.” He continued to looked at me. He then said, ” I cannot believe how cool you were when I was holding the pistol and threatening your life.”

I said, “My King determines what day I’m going to die. You cannot change that. If he allowed you to kill me, I do know where I’m going and I am going to live in his kingdom. My King brought you to me tonight. He loves you very much and wants your heart” I found out that his name was Luke. Luke has been on the street for three and a half years. He has been robbing and stealing whatever it takes to make any money. I can tell Luke hasn’t been near a shower for a long time because he really did smell bad.

Luke asked, “Do you have anything to drink?” I had stopped at a convenience store to picked up a large Coke for myself earlier.

I said, ” I have a Coke that you can have. I also have a couple of burritos if you are hungry.”

Luke said, “The Coke will be fine and I am hungry. ” As Luke begins eating the burritos and drinking the Coke, he asked, “Do you think my parents would let me come back home?”

I said, “Let’s just call them.” I gave him my cell phone to use so he could dial his parents. His dad answered the phone and Luke said, “This is Luke Dad. I’m wondering if I can come home.” He briefly told his parents what he just done. I could hear his Dad shout to Luke’s Mom that Luke was on the phone. Luke’s parents were ecstatic that their son was coming home. Luke asked me if I would take him home. I agreed that I would. When Luke climbed into my pickup, the light turned green. It gave me the time I needed to witness to Luke. It really smelled bad inside my pickup. My King gave me the endurance to make the trip to his house. Even as Luke left my pickup, my King began deodorizing my pickup. We both went into his home where the parents hugged him. He unloaded his pistol and gave it to his Dad.  His mom immediately went to get a towel for Luke. He smiled and immediately grabbed the towel to take a shower. I talked with the parents about who I was while he was showering. They revealed to me that they were both Christians and that they have been praying fervently for their son Luke to come back. When he came back into the room, I prayed for the family and talked more about how awesome our King is. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory.