Human Trafficking Busted for Jesus

It is Thursday night and I was getting ready to go to the highway Patrolmen Bible study. My King said, “Sonny, take your best suit and your good shoes with you. Again I did not see the picture my King saw. I should have been excited that my King was going to do something tonight with that was important. Instead, I said to myself, “I don’t wear a suit while doing the Bible studies and ministries on the street. Other than being uncomfortable, people might think it strange seeing me wearing a suit.” I did not question my King’s request anymore. I proceeded put my suit and my good shoes in my pickup and headed off to Denver.

When I started the highway patrol in Bible study, I said, “My King requested me to bring my suit down here tonight. It is in my pickup right now and have not been given reason for bringing it here.” As I kept talking to them, Fourteen undercover cops came into the room. They said, “Sonny, we I need to talk to you privately.”

I said, ” You know these guys in this room. Whatever you can say to me can be said in front of them.”

They then said, “The head guy of the highway patrol recommended you to us. We need a volunteer to play a part in a sting. Your job would be in to deliver a suitcase of cash to the organization that is trying to sell 52 kids. The bust is going down in two hours.” The reason why none of that undercover police wanted to do this was the fact that either they will have to quit their job or they will have to move to another state.  This type of undercover work makes it so you never will be involved in field work again.  You have a good chance of being recognized in future projects.  Earlier in the day, the Holy Spirit revealed to the head man of the highway patrol to ask me to do this job. He knows me really well and has seen me face drug cartels. My King hates the abortion that’s going on in America and human trafficking is next on his list for things he hates. My King gave me permission to do it.

I said, “I will do it.” The highways patrolmen were encouraging me to go for it. I had Steve take over the Bible study for me.

They then said, “This is great but we only have an hour to get you a suit that fits.”

I said, “Don’t worry about that. My King had me put my suit in the pickup.” They all looked at me dumbfounded when I told them I already had my suit with me. One of these days they will not be surprised when my King prepares for an upcoming event that I do not even know about myself. He has been revealing himself to these guys many times through me. They had people there that can make you look like anyone. I needed to look the part. After they finish with me, I looked like one tough dude. They put me in a nice Cadillac and they gave me four men as my body guards. They were all built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. They would be the ones that would be handling the money. We drove the Cadillac to where the bust was to go down on Colfax Avenue. When we stopped, my King had me put my sunglasses on. He was certain that I would become emotional when I saw the kids in the condition that they had them in. With the sunglasses on, I got out of the car with my body guards. I noticed that guns were not drawn on either side. The leader said, “What’s up with the sunglasses?”

I sternly said, “It is none of your business.”

The leader said, “I like to see the eyes of those who I do business with.”

I sternly replied, “My eyes want to see the merchandise before I do business with someone.” My bodyguards held the cash until I signaled for it. The leader waved me towards the kids. There were boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18. Most were kidnapped from the streets but some were homeless. Most of them looked older than then there actual age. Traffickers look for good looking children. They bring a lot more money. They were semi drugged to keep them compliant. I tried to focus on my anger with the traffickers for what they did to these children. Compassion for these children would be a dead give away to them. I was fairly far away from the leader and whispered to the kids to drop when signaled. Somebody undercover in the organization had the kids prepared for this moment. I later found out that all their parents were notified earlier to come get their kids after the bust. I continue to inspect all the kids like I was trying to buy livestock. After I inspected the last kid, I began walking back to the leader. I began to feel like I was being watched and I was about to look up. My King said, “Keep your eyes down.” When I got near the leader, I signaled my body guards to bring the suit case. I then said, “I will take them”. The bodyguards handed over the closed suitcase to the leader. The leader put the suitcase down on the car and opened the suitcase. The minute he did that, 18 undercover cops drop from the ceiling carrying automatic weapons that I have never seen before. We were all told to freeze. No one fired a single shot. My King had everything running smoothly.

All of us were arrested for taking part in this bust. They threw me on the ground and got my suit dirty. They proceeded to put me in handcuffs. They did the same thing to my bodyguards. We had to make sure that no suspicions were aroused. We were put in different vehicles then the other organization. We bumped fists as they locked us up. One of my bodyguards said, “You were just like Al Capone. It is like you have done this before.”

I said, “My King gave me the words to speak. He gets the Glory and Victory.” The bust took place in the building owned by the traffickers. The owner is going to lose everything for what he has done. After the traffickers were hauled off, they released us. They had a greyhound bus come for them. I rode with them to talk with them. I walking back and forth praying with all of them. They were talking about how they felt as they were being rescued. I shared with them who I was and I shared with them that Jesus Christ loved them very much and wanted to get them out of this situation. As I continued praying for them, my King said, “Sonny, make arrangements to baptize them.”

We went to a safe place where the parents were already waiting for them. I immediately told the undercover police that I need a swimming pool to baptize the kids. They immediately located pool for me to use. The children all found there parents and began hugging them. I prayed with the parents also. Both the parents and the kids gave there hearts to Jesus Christ here. I said, “Now we need to get everyone baptized.” My prayer team helped to comfort them and helped me baptize all of them it took about an hour and half. I spent the rest of the night answering questions, praying and comforting people. There was a lot of joyfull crying going on. It was so cool seeing the parents reunite with their kids. I did not get any sleep that night. I left for work and arrived 40 minutes before I was supposed to start. I am running on King energy. This is an experience that I will always remember. I am honored that my King included me in this event. On the outcome of what happened, he gets the Glory and the Victory. I too will never be able to do this again because of my chance of being recognized.

One Reply to “Human Trafficking Busted for Jesus”

  1. It is Friday January 22nd and I was again asked to be involved in a human trafficking bust. The situations were basically the same as the last one I was involved with. There is a total of 31 kids that were in this group. Just like we did last time when I presented the cash, the undercover police grabbed me and they threw me down pretty hard on the ground tearing my suit. I was not hurt but it looked real to those involved in human trafficking. My king hates human trafficking and I want to do anything in my power to help bring these situations down. This organization is now gone forever. The guy that threw me down apologized for tearing my suit. I reminded him about how important it was to make it look real. The captain of the undercover police said we’re going to buy Sonny a new suit. It was worth it what he did today. There is still a lot of human trafficking going on. I feel that this may not be the last time I do this. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

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