Confronting Priests

I had a long day of witnessing to gangs and it was about four in the afternoon. I stopped by a sub sandwich place to get a sandwich and picked up a big gulp at 7-Eleven. I stopped by a park to rest and eat my sandwich. As I was about to sit down on a picnic table, my King said, “Sonny, look over to the right. I want you to pray for those nuns over there.” I really was tired and I was wanting to eat my meal first then go over and do that . Then my King said, “Stop looking at your food and go over there and pray for those nuns.” I left everything on the table and I went over to prayed for them. They were standing in a circle holding hands like they were already praying. I found an opening in their group and I went inside and laid hands on each one. The Holy Spirit revealed things about each one of the nuns to me as I prayed for each one of the 12 nuns. They almost appeared to me like they were part of a cult then a church. The oldest one there was 24 years old. None of them had freedom in Jesus Christ. I gave them a copy of my ministry cards and told them to call me when they are ready to have Jesus Christ set them free.

I went back to the table to eat the food I left on it. Before I got back, a homeless couple came by and noticed the food sitting there. The sandwich was still wrapped and the drink had the straw in it. I had taken one sip before I left it. They were extremely hungry and they probably checked to see if it was anybody’s meal but nobody was around. They did not want it to go to waste so they decided they would eat it. They were not concerned that somebody might have drank off the cup. When I came back, I found them eating it. I do understand now why God wanted me to leave right away because he knew this homeless couple was hungry. It blessed them very much that they were able to eat my sandwich. I said, “My King asked me to leave it for you because he knew you would be coming.” I introduced myself and shared more things about Jesus Christ with them. It is amazing how often when I’m off doing one thing for the Kingdom of God over here, my King is blessing people where I was. I may never know completely until I meet him on how much of this that goes on.

It was to become amazing. Late that night, all the nuns started calling one by one to give their lives to Jesus Christ. I prayed over the phone with each one as they were giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. Soon the next one would call and I would do the same thing until I reached all of them. After receiving Jesus Christ into their lives, they all went home to their parents to begin their new lives in Christ. This transition was not going to be easy.

The nuns called me again and told me their priests have been calling them up and threatening them to return. The priests lied to them and told them that they are going to go to hell if they don’t come back. They also told me that the priests had been touching them inappropriately. This infuriated me with what they were doing to them. I found out where the priests meet and I went there personally to speak with them. I went into the Catholic church and was directed into a room where they were meeting. I think that they were burning something in the room but it smelled like infected feet and body odor. I said, “I need to talk to you but it smells bad in here.”

They responded, “We are burning incense to God.”

I said, “My King also thinks it stinks and does not like it either.” They did get up and walk out of the room with me and we to another part of the church. One of the priests spoke up, “What can we do for you my Son?”

I sternly said, “I am not your Son just as you are not my Father. Mathew 23:9 says And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. I also notice that you show Jesus hanging on the Cross. That Cross has been empty a long time because our King is alive. We can come to him anytime. He is our high priest capable of forgiving our sins and meditating for us to the Father. The Virgin Mary and Saint Peter are dead and cannot hear anything one has to say to them. They both are in heaven with our King like the other apostles.” The priest looked at me bewildered. I then said, “Do you guys even know if your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? ” Again they looked at me bewildered. I then continued and asked, “Are you guys good swimmers?”

The did answer this question and said, “We are good swimmers.”

I said, “Until you give your hearts over to Jesus Christ, you are going to be spending a lot of time swimming in the Lake of Fire.” All the priests left to report me to the Bishops except for one. He introduced himself as “Paul”. He then confided, “I feel what you are saying is true. The Catholic Bible doesn’t give us the whole picture who God is. I feel it is important that I give my life over to Jesus Christ.” I began praying over Paul for his salvation. Meanwhile 11 Bishops came out of their meeting room and stood around us while I was praying over Paul’s salvation. They were getting angry with me and said, “If you do not leave, we are going to call the cops on you.”

I said, “You do that. I know all the cops.” I then looked towards Paul and looked back at them and said, “Paul’s name is now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Do you know if any of your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” They then asked, “What do you mean about are our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

I said, “If you don’t know what I am talking about, then they probably are not. You then also need to turn your lives over to Jesus Christ.” Anger flared up in me and I said, “If you and the priests don’t leave those girls who left you alone, I am going to come into your church during one of your services. I’m going to stand up and I’m going to tell the truth about my King to your whole congregation.” The bishops turned around and got away from me as quickly as he could.

You would think that being priests that they would already know Jesus Christ but there are so many pastors and churches that don’t promote a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many do not acknowledge him at all. This is sad that this is going on. I have heard from people who God gave them a chance to see hell. They have reported seeing former pastors there. Just as bad is that when Christ returns he will be leaving many pastors behind. At least they will have time to think about it and change but they will have to endure the wrath of the tribulation. Jesus Christ said that he is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through him. He also said for those who are embarrassed or deny me on Earth, I will be embarrassed or deny them in front of the Father. Jesus gave us an amazing gift when he died on the cross for us. Let us gladly accept his gift and put value in that gift by being obedient to him.

This story does have a happy ending. The nuns are on fire for Jesus Christ and are taking the truth to other nuns. Paul has found new energy in Christ and his testimony is only going to make the church better for our King. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory.