Happy Meals Requested by the King

It was Friday night and my King said, “Sonny, I want you to leave for Denver now.” It was more than two hours earlier than I usually leave. I did what he asked and hit the road. I did not have time to make supper so I stopped at Chick-Fil-A. I purchased two chicken sandwiches and two lemonades. I was preparing for a long evening and I was going to eat the extra sandwich and lemonade later. I continue driving towards Denver. As I was nearing a McDonalds, my King said, “Sonny, stop by McDonalds and pick up three happy meals, three large fries and three large Cokes. I said to myself, “It looks like there is a family stranded with kids.” I was about to find out that I was wrong.

I continued heading towards Denver and noticed three girls walking alone along side of the road. They appeared to be crying. My King said, “They are the ones that the food is for.” I started breaking but I had enough speed that when I finally stopped I was slightly ahead of them. I climbed out of my pickup and introduced myself and said, “My King told me to pick up 3 happy meals, three large fries and three Cokes. He knew that you were hungry and needed help.” They were uncomfortable when a stranger pulled up in front of them like I did but when I told them what I brought for them to eat they knew that I really was from God. They had already been walking on the road 45 minutes and they began praying that God would send someone to help them. Two of the girls were Christians and when they realize I brought their favorite food from McDonalds it gave them peace. They looked at me and said, “That’s exactly what we order all the time at McDonalds. We weren’t sure what was going on when you pulled over. Before you came, we were crying out to God for somebody to come and get us.  We were really hungry and requested that person would bring us food also.” They then explained to me how they got here in the first place. One of the girls exclaimed, “We were with our boyfriends making out but they started doing inappropriate things to us. I demanded to be let out of the car. The rest of us were feeling uneasy also and wanted to leave with me. They just dumped us in the middle of nowhere. We were walking home because two of us forgot our phones and the one we did have had a dead battery.” When they began eating, they quit crying and became more joyful. They ate all the food I brought them plus they ate the other chicken sandwich and drank the lemonade I brought. The girls were famished. They were getting cold during their walk and I let them warm up in my pickup while they ate.

I made arrangements to call their parents. We were to meet on University near the hospital. While driving there, I talked to them about Jesus Christ. After we arrived, they went over to their parents and shared what just happened. One of the moms came over to me and said, “I am so glad you listened to what God said to you. I have my daughter now because of your obedience.” I told them I was not proud of what the boys did to their daughters. Even though the girls were probably going further than they should have, a man does not treat a lady like they did. I requested that the parents go and talk to each man that took the girls out. They did as I requested and the boys were severely grounded for what they did. The girls want nothing to do with them either.

The daughter that was not a Christian realized how much our King loved her by coming and getting her out of their predicament gave her heart to Jesus Christ. Two the dad’s rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit told me that one of the dads had an addiction for alcohol. Then Lisa, the wife of that dad, asked me to pray for him. I did as she asked. I laid hands on him and asked the Holy Spirit to rebuke his addiction to alcohol. The dad was delivered from his drinking addiction this very same day. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to witness his awesome power.

God is totally amazing he gave me just enough time to complete this unexpected mission. I arrived to talk to the undercover cops at the time I normally get there. Only my King could do this.