Birthday Turns Victorio to Jesus

My King wanted me to serve breakfast burritos to three gangs on Saturday. All of the gangs I have met before. Victorio’s gang, that I’ve written about before, has been visited for now close to 2 years. He wanted me to buy the ingredients and make the burritos homemade. Normally, I buy the food already made that I feed the gangs. This menu he gave me last week on Friday. He wanted me to talk to the undercover police about it because he knew that they would volunteer to make the breakfast burritos for me. I bought the ingredients midweek and delivered it to the women who volunteered to make them for me so that they could have them ready for me Saturday morning. The King knew I would be busy and having the menu a week in advance was a big help.

I began my trip to Denver and stopped at a Walmart store. I was walking through the food section getting drinks and cups. My King said, “Sonny, pick up a birthday cake.” That is all that he said. He didn’t tell me who it was for or what to put on it. As I was picking out a Birthday cake, Lisa called and said, “Hey Sonny, are you coming.” Lisa is Victorio’s number one girl. He asked Lisa’s parents if he could marry her. He got their blessing to do so.

I said, “Yes, I’m bringing you guys breakfast burritos. My King also said to pick up a birthday cake.” When Lisa heard this, she started to cry.

Lisa sobbed, “Today is Tony’s birthday. (He goes by Tony but his real name is Victorio.) I’ve been wanting to go and get him a Birthday cake. It is difficult to get away to pick one up because Victorio is always keeping an eye out on me. He does not want a rival gang to hurt me.”

I said, “I’ll get the cake and put his real name on it. What flavor of a cake does he like?”

Lisa said, “He likes a chocolate cakes with the pudding inside.” Lisa then said, “You are such a blessing to us Sonny.”

I said, “It’s our King that’s a blessing. Blue Mustang is also being obedient to our King to be part of this ministry to provide the food for you to eat.” I had the store put “Happy Birthday Victorio” on the cake before I paid for it. Now with everything I need in hand, I headed off to get the breakfast burritos.

I stopped at the place where the women made them for me. I thanked all the women for the homemade burritos. They in turn said they were blessed to do it. They also thanked Blue Mustang for buying everything and blessing the gangs. I went to the homes of two gangs to serve breakfast and pray for them. I waited going to Victorio’s gang last.

When I showed up for the first gang, they came out surprised and asked, “Sonny, what do you want?”

I said, “I brought you homemade breakfast burritos and I came to pray for you.” They were hungry. The gang grabbed the burritos to eat and headed back to the house. They were friendly towards me. I also went inside their home to blessed the food and pray with them. After I finished praying for them, they thanked me for the burritos and complimented me on how good they tasted. But they said that they were busy and they asked me to leave. I left immediately for the second gang. They too were suprised and asked me the same question and I gave them the same response. They looked really tired as though they had a long night. They took the burritos and said thank Blue Mustang for us. I then prayed with them. They too were anxious for me to leave so I headed off to Victorio’s home. I only spent about an hour serving both of these gangs. None of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ but I planted more seed. I quickly left their home and headed off to Victorio’s home.

When I arrived and walked up to their home, they came out and stood on the front porch and started to eat the breakfast burritos I brought them. Victorio asked, “Who made the Burritos?”

I said, “My sisters and Blue Mustang who is a big part of this ministry. He bought everything so my sisters could make them. Victorio said, “Tell him thank you from all of us.” After we ate the breakfast burritos, I prayed with them and read Matthew 6:33 and John 3:16 to them. Victorio said, “Do you think that our King can forgive me of all my sins.”

I said, “Yes, first you have to ask for forgiveness of your sins. That’s when our King will forgive you. Then you must ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

Victorio said, “Is it really that easy?”

I said, “Yes it is that easy.” Then Lisa looked at me and pointed to the pickup. I then said, “I have a surprise for you Victorio. Let me go and get it. As I was walking to the pickup, Victorio began following me. As I opened the door of the pickup, I said, “Victorio, you have to close your eyes. it’s a surprise that you will always remember.”

Victorio shouted, “Keep your on eyes on him. If this is a set up, you guys know what to do.” I lifted the cake out of my pickup and stood in front of Victorio. I said, “Open your eyes.” The second Victorio opened his eyes he almost began crying. To get his composure, Victorio started to walk away from everyone really fast. I took his cake inside the home and put it on the table. About 20 minutes later Victorio came back to the house. He said, “Sonny, can we talk privately.” We went outside to talk. Victorio then said, “The last time someone gave me a cake with my name on it was from my Mom and Dad. That was five years ago. This means so much to me Sonny.” He gave me knuckles.

I said, “Call your family and tell them there’s a party happing on your behalf.”

Victorio responded, “Will you pray for me before I call them?”

I said, “Yes, I would love to do that.” As I began praying for Victorio and his family, Victorio started to cry. He had his eyes closed while I was praying. When I was done praying, Victorio said, “I want my name written in the Lambs Book of Life, Sonny.” As soon as Victorio made this request, three cars pulled up. They all had tinted windows on them. I grabbed Victorio and put him behind me because if they were going to shoot, they would have to shoot me first. Wow! It just was his family. They wanted to surprise him on his birthday. Victorio ran to his Mom and Dad with tears in his eyes. His two brothers and his three sisters all hugged him. Victorio said, “I’m giving my heart to Jesus Christ. I’m done with this gang life. All the gang members stepped forward to give their hearts to Jesus Christ along with Victorio. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

The family members that came all cried and they thanked me for bringing the word of God to Victorio and his gang and never giving up on Victorio the past two years. Only four out of the twelve of his family that came today were Christians. I am praying that this will change. I get to meet the rest of his family next Saturday. Victorio asked me to help him move out of their home Sunday since they have gone back to their parents. They left their rental so clean that landlord gave their damage deposit back and put the house back on the rental market the same day.