Serving Thanksgiving to Seven Gangs

It was a week before Thanksgiving and my King said, “Sonny, let us do something for the gangs. Last year we did it before Thanksgiving but I want to do it on Thanksgiving. That day has many special memories for many of the gang members. I have seven different gangs that I want you to bring meals to. You will go to each gangs home to serve them.” I told the undercover police what my King said and you should have seen all the volunteers that’s stepped up to help me make meals. I probably would have bought turkey meals at Kentucky Fried Chicken but they all said “No.This one is going to be on us. We don’t want Blue Mustang to have to spend anything on these meals.” Almost all the gangs have 25 or more people in them. So it required two turkeys, lots of stuffing, mashed potatoes and the works. Based upon the nationality of some of the undercover police, there were variations added. There was an African American Girl who wanted to make cornbread. Somebody from an Italian background wanted to use French bread with garlic to serve with the meals. So there were many variations for these gangs to have with their meals.

Since I only had a couple hours to serve all seven gangs, we used vans to haul food from each home to my pickup. We had a time schedule that we kept so when I got ready to go to the next gang the next van was all loaded with food. All I had to do was transfer it to my pickup and head to the next gang. The gang’s all know my pickup truck and they do not tolerate any strange vehicles coming into their vicinity. It was important to have the food in a vehicle they recognized. The first three gangs that I went to knew me the best. I did not spend a lot of time with any of them. When I showed up to their homes, my King always had me be quiet about the food. He asked me to tell them that Jesus loves them and to pray for them. Then after you finish praying for them, let them know that you have a Thanksgiving feast out in your pickup. It was amazing that when I mentioned food, the guns went down immediately. Their leaders said go out and help Sonny bring the food in. The first three gangs knew me pretty well so they treated me kindly as I came to pray for them and then surprise them with the food. The fourth and fifth gang had weapons on me and pushed me around. I told them that Jesus Christ loved them and prayed for the gang and finished up telling them I have a Thanksgiving meal for them.

The sixth gang greeted me with shotguns at the door. Like all the gangs, they always said, “Sonny, we don’t want to hear anything about Jesus Christ. If you do say anything about him, we’re going to shoot you now.” My response is always, “Before you shoot me please let me pray for you before you do.” They always allow me to pray for them. This is because my King has already prepared their hearts for me before I ever get there. After I finished up praying, I said, “Today is Thanksgiving and I have a meal out in my pickup to feed you guys.” Of course, when I mentioned food for them, they too lost interest in shooting me and put their weapons down. Their leader told the gang to get out there and help him bring that food in. The last gang was really different. All of their men were carrying automatic weapons. The last two gangs were considered the meanest gangs in Denver but as I was about to find out that the last two gangs would become more acceptable to the message of Jesus Christ. My King was having me return to all of them tomorrow.

My King used Thanksgiving day to plant seed in the lives of these seven gangs. I could see it while I was serving Thanksgiving dinner. I could see gang members cry as I served them. They were thinking about that time that they had with their families in past Thanksgivings. Friday, my King had me talk to all seven gangs again. I went in the same order as I did on Thanksgiving day. He told me to bring donuts to feed the gangs. I spent approximately two hours with each gang to talk more about Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was working in their hearts during the Thanksgiving feast to prepare them for today. 42 gang members from seven gangs gave their life to Jesus Christ. Many of those that gave their life to Jesus Christ Friday were those that were crying during the Thanksgiving celebration the day before. My King is not satisfied with that number so he had me go back again on Saturday.

Saturday morning my King had me get more breakfast food for the first three gangs. I served them breakfast again and talked more about the Jesus Christ with them. When it came time meet the fourth and fifth gangs it was getting closer to lunch time. My King told me to feed tacos to gangs four and five. I was driving off to Taco Bell to get the tacos. As I was driving by one of those taco trucks, my King said, “I want you to stop and get forty tacos from that taco truck.” I slowed down and approached the truck. The guy in the truck noticed my sweatshirt talking about Jesus and gangs. He asked me what it meant. I said, ” It represents my ministry. My mission is to reach gangs here in Denver and cities across the United States where my King sends me. I tell them about the love of Jesus Christ that he has for them and pray for their salvation.” I then introduced myself to him.

He replied, “I too was once a gang member, a long time ago. Somebody like you came to me when I lived in California and shared the love of Jesus Christ to me. I then gave my heart to Jesus Christ. God had me start this taco business.” He proceeded to show me the inside of his van. I walked with him towards the back where the cooking area was. I looked at the back wall and noticed that there were three crosses hanging on it. It was pretty cool how he had things set up. Pedro and Maria were the husband and wife that owned the van. Pedro called it the “Taco Van” but his wife called it the “Taco’s for Heaven Van”. They go into some pretty dark areas to feed people. They only charge $1 for a huge taco. His relatives pay for all the supplies in the van to enable him to do this ministry. He feeds people who do not have a lot of money. He likes to be able to share Jesus Christ with these people while feeding them. I then ordered 40 tacos from him. I asked, “How much do I owe you for the tacos?”

He said, “Sonny, since you are honoring our King by bringing Jesus Christ to gangs, there is no charge. I remember what it was like before I was saved. I want to help bring Jesus Christ to them.” I put the tacos in warmers to keep them hot for both gangs. I wanted to go to Taco Bell to save money but my King took me to a place where the owner wanted served Jesus Christ by furnishing the tacos. They were like eating homemade tacos. He made them the way the gangs liked them. I have been noticing lately that my King is wanting to serve more homemade foods to the gangs and people, like Pedro, are providing home cooked food out of their budget. That shows how much my King and people love them by wanting to give them the best. I prayed with him and thanked him for the tacos. 

I then went to serve gang four. They welcomed the food but my King still needs to do more work on their hearts. I have planted more seeds into their hearts today on top of the ones I planted yesterday.  They were still not ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. From here, I left to serve gang five.

With all the love my King has shown gang five up till this moment and their missing out on family this holiday, it was to much for them. The whole gang wanted to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. They asked Jesus Christ to forgive them all their sins from all the things they have done. They then asked him to come into their hearts. I prayed for them while they called home to rejoin their families. It was fantastic to see this whole gang turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Until they all went home, they continued to talk about their new found freedom and asked questions about Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory in the Victory.

My King knew that I was late in the afternoon when I was done sharing with gang five. He told me the last two gangs would rather have snacks. I still had lots of water and pop with me. I proceeded to Cosco to get chips, granola bars and candy bars to take to them. I headed off to meet with the leader of the sixth gang. They enjoyed the stacks that I brought and thoroughly enjoyed to them. I again prayed for them and told them about how much Jesus Christ love them but they were still not ready to give their lives up for Jesus Christ, yet. I then went to the serve gang seven. The snacks I brought them they thoroughly enjoyed. But the Holy Spirit had their hearts ready for me. After they finish their snacks, they said, “Sonny, we want to give our lives over to Jesus Christ,. They too asked for Jesus to forgive them of all the bad things they’ve done in their past. They then asked for Jesus to come into their hearts. Both gangs five and seven gave all their hearts to Jesus Christ that Saturday. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I was about to hear from gang six this evening.

The leader of the sixth gang called me later that night and had questions about Jesus Christ but did not want to discuss it over the phone. I told him I would be there. I was not sure if it was a test because he did not want to speak over the phone or if he thought it was bugged. It did not matter to me. The most important thing was to make sure that his name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I made it arrangements to meet him on Sunday.

I left for Denver on Sunday morning to go to the gang leaders home. The leader invited me inside. I found out why he wanted to speak to me in person. The whole gang was there and they were all wanting to ask questions about Jesus Christ. I spent several hours answering their questions and praying for them. As the discussion ensued, I noticed family members starting to come in. They were already planning to give their hearts to Jesus Christ but this moment was so special for them that they wanted to share it in front of their families. I then asked those who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ to come over to me to pray for them. They all came over to me and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

I got to think about how sad it is that we do not enjoy coming to Jesus Christ like this gang did. When Jesus comes into our life he releases us from bondage of sin where we discover that New Freedom in Christ. Shouldn’t we be as excited about what Jesus did for us as this gang discovered. Jesus is the groom and we are his bride and coming together should be as exciting a man and a woman coming together in a marriage ceremony. He should be treated in the same manner because he has done much more than any groom can do for his bride. Let living for Jesus Christ be an exciting time of our lives.

I spent my whole Thanksgiving weekend with these guys and I loved every minute of it. I would give up my Thanksgiving weekend again to be able to serve my King and to make a difference in other gangs that he would send to me next year. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory.

Buying Gas for Katie

As I was going to go out to witness to gangs, my King said, “Sonny, you need to go down to a gas station here Loveland and wait there. He said Katie, a girl you gave a ministry card to at a Loveland High School speaking engagement, is going to be calling you.” I went to that gas station that my King directed me to go to. It was close to her home and she regularly filled there. Soon my phone rang and I answered. Sure enough, it was Katie. She asked, “Sonny, I do not know what to do. Because of Covid, both of my parents have been laid off and are out of work. Being in college, I have applications out to get a job but I have no cash flow presently. My cars tank is almost out of gas. I need help.”

I said, “My King already has me waiting at your gas station to fill your car.” Katie started to cry. She was amazed that I was ready to help her before she even asked. Katie lost no time getting there. I began filling her car with gas. While I was pumping, my King gave me a vision of her Dad. He showed me her Dad reading these papers. I could not read the writing. So I asked, “What do the papers say?”

My King said, “Sonny, the only thing you need to know is that it is going to ruin his family and cost him his salvation.” After this vision occurred, Katie said, “Could you come and pray for my family?”

I said, “I would love to. You lead the way.” We headed off to her home. I introduced myself to the family. Her brother was gone for a long time and nobody knew where he was. Even my King was silent on the matter.  I prayed over her Mother then I went to her Dad. I pulled her Dad aside and said, “My King has shown me you are reading something that is going to destroy this family and it will destroy your salvation. We are never promised tomorrow. You need to fix this problem today for you may die tomorrow. My King has revealed that you have been hiding it in your garage.” Her Dad turned towards the garage and headed there. I followed him there with the rest of the family. I then said, “They are locked up in that drawer.” He then unlocked the drawer and pulled out a stash of Playboy magazines. He knew exactly what I was talking about and the Holy Spirit began convicting his heart. Her Dad said, “Since I was 16 years old, I’ve been reading Playboy magazines and I always have them stashed in the house under lock and key. I know what I have been doing is wrong and I want to change now.” He continued cleaning out the drawer until everything was thrown in the trash. When he finished throwing the last magazine away, the family begin to cry when they realized that he really was going to quit reading that type of material. Katie’s Dad got together with her Mother and they went online to cancel the subscription. My King delivered Katie’s dad from his addiction to pornography today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

I had breakfast with Blue Mustang on Saturday and I was telling him about Katie. When I mentioned that I was going to go to the bank and gets some money to bless her, he had me stop. He has been having a desire in his heart to go out and help somebody but he was never sure about who really needed help. But today he said, “Sonny don’t bother, this is my opportunity to bless somebody because God has blessed me so much.” He went ahead and reimburse me for the gas money that I spent on her and he gave me the money that I was going to give Katie today. When I handed Katie the money and told her who gave it to her, she said, “He does not even know me and yet he gave money to bless me. That is amazing.” This kind love made her cry because now she can get the things she needs. As Christians we have to make sure that we are real to people around us. We want to mimic Jesus Christ in our lives as much as possible by showing love for others. That includes helping other people out financially, if necessary. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and everything that is mine is his.

Tony Gets a New Life in Jesus

My King has given me a compassion for the homeless people. I always try to make sure that they have water in the park in the summer time. Lots of times, I’ll bring a case of cold water and set it on a table for them to drink. There is one special homeless guy, whose name is Tony, that I want to talk to you about. I first met Tony two years ago. We were at a park where I was witnessing to a gang. That gang beat me up bad. It was so bad that blood was coming out of my mouth. While the rest of the homeless people stayed away, he came up and tried to comfort me. I was laying on the ground and I could not get up. Tony tried to lift my head and support it with his hand. He grabbed one of the bottles of water that I brought with his other hand. He asked me to take a drink of some water so I would feel better. The minute I started drinking the water, the blood stopped coming out of my mouth. Suddenly, it all changed. It then became water flowing out of my mouth when my King started healing me. Tony was totally amazed at what he saw and when I got up like nothing happened. Tony knew that I was a witness to the gangs. He said, “I want to know the God that you know.” I prayed for Tony as he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Tony’s street life came early in his life. His dad was an alcoholic and Tony became an alcoholic at an early age because he role modeled his dad. When he was in high school, all he wanted to do is party and get drunk. He would never do any work or get a job. His parents kicked him out on the street because he refused to work and was very disrespectful to them. After five years on the street, Tony became sober because he was too poor to buy liquor. We continue to see each other most every weekend.

Tony loves subway sandwiches. When I am in the area, I try to bring him one with something to drink. I would pray for him asking God to use him for his Kingdom. When the Covid shut down the churches, my King said, “Sonny, I want you to take church to the park. People have to be told about me.” At every Sunday service, he was usually there with the other homeless people. As I was sharing incredible things Jesus Christ does for us, Tony would confirm what I said to everyone, “God is real.” We have become good friends but he was still homeless. This was about to change.

Just last Saturday, Tony came up to me and said, “I really like your haircut. I would like one for myself.” Tony’s hair, if you could have seen it, was long and all matted and messed up and he had a long beard. I said, “I know where we can go to get you a haircut.” Tony did smell bad. It did not matter to me or my King who deodorizes my pickup. But I did have a clean shirt and deodorant to clean up for the barber. After changing his shirt, we headed off to my barber that gives me my haircut. When we got there, the owner who loves Jesus, asked, “Sonny, why are you here? Your hair still looks great.”

I said, ” I am here for my friend. I want to give my friend here a haircut like mine.”

The owner said, “Anybody who is friend to you is a friend of mine.” He’s motioned for Tony to sit down on the empty chair by the sink. He started washing his hair and began the process of getting Tony all cleaned up. It felt so good that Tony fell asleep in the chair. After he finished blow drying his long hair asked, “Are you sure you want me to cut this much hair off?”

Tony said, “Yes, I want my hair to look just like Sonny’s.” So he begin cutting all the excess hair off to make it look like my haircut. Next, he gave him a shave to finish cleaning him up. The owner handed Tony a mirror to get a close look of himself. Tony couldn’t believe what he saw. I haven’t seen myself in 10 years. That’s how long that Tony has been on the street. I asked the owner how much was going to cost but the owner said, “Anybody that comes in with you Sonny, there is no charge. You’re out there on the street witnessing to the gangs and bringing them to Jesus Christ. This is my way of saying how much I appreciate what you’re doing.” I appreciated that but was not expecting what happened next, the owner turns his head towards Tony and asked, “Tony do you wanted a job.” The Holy Spirit must have convinced the owner to give Tony a chance with a job.

Tony said, “Yes, it would be great to have work.”

The owner said, “I will pay you $695 a month to clean up the shop and the bathrooms. I also expect you to clean up around the shop’s yard and parking lot. You can have this job as long as you need it; but if you don’t show up, I will have to let you go.” Tony agreed to those conditions but the owner had more to offer Tony. He then said, “I have a place where you can stay. I’ll only charge you $100 a month. You need to be taking good care of the home and the yard around it as a condition for staying there ” We went about eight blocks away where are the small building next to the owners home we went inside and it was beautiful. The home had a washing machine, dryer, bed and everything that Tony would need.

I decided that Tony was ready for the next step. I took him to Walmart to get new clothes. He is now ready to face the world. I noticed that something was still bothering him. He looked at me and asked, “I wonder if it is a good idea to try to call my parents?”

I said, “You should call them.” I handed my phone to him and he called them. His Dad answered the phone. His Dad started to cry when he said who he was. His Mom came over to find out what was going on. She to started to cry also. Tony’s mother kept the landline just for Tony because that was the only phone number he knew. Tony then said, “Dad I have totally given my life to Jesus Christ. I would love to come home but I will only do so if you give up drinking.”

The Dad said, “Son, I gave up drinking soon after you left home. It tore my heart up the day I realized you may be gone forever.”

Tony said, “Let’s serve God’s Kingdom together as one.” His Dad thought that was a great idea. I then drove Tony back to his home. There was a big moment of hugging and crying as their family became united again. I prayed for everybody in their family that God would bless them. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to witness his greatness.