Buying Gas for Katie

As I was going to go out to witness to gangs, my King said, “Sonny, you need to go down to a gas station here Loveland and wait there. He said Katie, a girl you gave a ministry card to at a Loveland High School speaking engagement, is going to be calling you.” I went to that gas station that my King directed me to go to. It was close to her home and she regularly filled there. Soon my phone rang and I answered. Sure enough, it was Katie. She asked, “Sonny, I do not know what to do. Because of Covid, both of my parents have been laid off and are out of work. Being in college, I have applications out to get a job but I have no cash flow presently. My cars tank is almost out of gas. I need help.”

I said, “My King already has me waiting at your gas station to fill your car.” Katie started to cry. She was amazed that I was ready to help her before she even asked. Katie lost no time getting there. I began filling her car with gas. While I was pumping, my King gave me a vision of her Dad. He showed me her Dad reading these papers. I could not read the writing. So I asked, “What do the papers say?”

My King said, “Sonny, the only thing you need to know is that it is going to ruin his family and cost him his salvation.” After this vision occurred, Katie said, “Could you come and pray for my family?”

I said, “I would love to. You lead the way.” We headed off to her home. I introduced myself to the family. Her brother was gone for a long time and nobody knew where he was. Even my King was silent on the matter.  I prayed over her Mother then I went to her Dad. I pulled her Dad aside and said, “My King has shown me you are reading something that is going to destroy this family and it will destroy your salvation. We are never promised tomorrow. You need to fix this problem today for you may die tomorrow. My King has revealed that you have been hiding it in your garage.” Her Dad turned towards the garage and headed there. I followed him there with the rest of the family. I then said, “They are locked up in that drawer.” He then unlocked the drawer and pulled out a stash of Playboy magazines. He knew exactly what I was talking about and the Holy Spirit began convicting his heart. Her Dad said, “Since I was 16 years old, I’ve been reading Playboy magazines and I always have them stashed in the house under lock and key. I know what I have been doing is wrong and I want to change now.” He continued cleaning out the drawer until everything was thrown in the trash. When he finished throwing the last magazine away, the family begin to cry when they realized that he really was going to quit reading that type of material. Katie’s Dad got together with her Mother and they went online to cancel the subscription. My King delivered Katie’s dad from his addiction to pornography today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

I had breakfast with Blue Mustang on Saturday and I was telling him about Katie. When I mentioned that I was going to go to the bank and gets some money to bless her, he had me stop. He has been having a desire in his heart to go out and help somebody but he was never sure about who really needed help. But today he said, “Sonny don’t bother, this is my opportunity to bless somebody because God has blessed me so much.” He went ahead and reimburse me for the gas money that I spent on her and he gave me the money that I was going to give Katie today. When I handed Katie the money and told her who gave it to her, she said, “He does not even know me and yet he gave money to bless me. That is amazing.” This kind love made her cry because now she can get the things she needs. As Christians we have to make sure that we are real to people around us. We want to mimic Jesus Christ in our lives as much as possible by showing love for others. That includes helping other people out financially, if necessary. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and everything that is mine is his.