Hostage Situation

Friday turned out to be a very interesting day. After I get off work, I usually head down and have a meeting with the captains of the undercover police before I go to the undercover Bible study. Tonight, they gave me a different address where they were meeting at. I drove there and noticed all the flashing emergency lights. I parked on an adjoining street and walked over to where they told me they were going to be meeting. The captain said, “Sonny, we have a hostage situation going on. One of my men has been taken hostage.” I looked over and I could see that the guy that they were holding at gunpoint was one of my friends. He was dressed as a homeless man and his kidnappers did not know who he was. I instantly began to visualize his wife and his kids. Saving this man became very important to me also. The captain further explained that he was involved in bringing down a drug bust. He broke the rules by getting to close to the door. As the drug dealers were trying to escape from us carrying the drugs and the cash, they grabbed him at gun point. The manager of the building saw what was happening and locked the door behind them so they could not get back inside. The captain then said, “Sonny we’re busy right now and don’t have time to talk very much right now.” I think that they wanted me here to pray for the situation. I said, “I am going to go on a walk and pray.” They all looked back towards the hostage and ignored me.

As I was praying, my King said, “Sonny, I want you to go and pray over those men.” My King began directing me on how to circle around the building. Meanwhile, the SWAT boys were watching me. They knew who I was because we meet on Monday night for a Bible study. As they were talking to each other, they said, “Does Sonny know what kind situation he’s getting himself into? Do you think we need to take the guys out right now.” Even though it was tempting to do so, they didn’t receive any orders so they held their position and continued to watch. As I got closer to the hostage situation, they didn’t notice me coming. I was holding my Bible in my hand as I was walked right up to them. I noticed that the hostage has been crying throughout this ordeal. I just played dumb and asked, “What’s happening here?” Two of the three guys spun around with their pistols now pointing at me and said, ” You sure picked a bad day to take a walk. You don’t know what kind of situation you got yourself into. Now we are going to have to shoot you and this guy. ” Even though it is still uncomfortable to have pistols pointing at me, I knew I was where my King wanted me to be. But if you looked across the street, I could see the main captain holding his hand over his face. I know what he was thinking, “Look at the mess that Sonny just made of this situation. Now there are two hostages instead of one.” I later found out that one of the other captains consoled the main captain by saying, “Sonny, does not do anything until his King tells him to do it. You just watch what happens. This is going to be interesting. ”

I looked back at my captors and said, “Before you shoot us, let me pray for you.” This really caught them off guard so they let me pray over them. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the things about there lives that brought them here. One man was abused by his dad and was abandoned at age 7. His grandparents brought him up but when he became of age he left home to take on this life. I told him that he needed to forgive his Dad to be set free. The second man with the pistols came from a broken family. The third man was more passive. He was here because of the gangster intrigue. At the end of praying, I said, “You all have wonderful families now. Do you want them to know what you are doing? Do you want your kids and grandchildren to remember you like this. Tomorrow is never promised. You may cease to exist for them. Presently, your course is taking you to the Lake of Fire. It would be wise to give your hearts to Jesus Christ.” One of the men threw is gun on the street. The other man asked, “What are you doing?”

The other man replied, “This is over for me. I have had enough.” The other guy began thinking about what he said and decided to throw his gun out on the street also. They all surrendered. The hostage gave me a big hug for saving his life but he felt I was taking dangerous risks. I said, “I saw your kids without out a dad. When my King said to go, I did not hesitate one bit” The captain also came over and asked, “What were you thinking Sonny?” I said, “I did not have to think. My King directed me on every step. He knew my mission would be successful. ” It was extremely difficult for anyone to believe in what just happened. What I did was impossible for any man to do on his own accord but I had our King on my side. You cannot lose on a deal like that. I was going to ask the captain if I could pray with them some more but my King said, “They will have someone in prison that will witness to them. They will remember what you said today.” I let it go. The captain then said, “You know that there will be reports to fill out.”

I said, “I have a Bible study to go to. You never saw me.” I immediately left the scene and headed to our meeting place. When I got there, I discovered that the rest of the undercover police were monitoring the event and knew that I was involved. They too thought I was crazy for doing what I did. I keep telling them, “It wasn’t me who did it. It was God. He gets the Glory & the Victory. This is something to think about.  If the undercover policeman stayed further away like he was supposed to, there was a good chance they would have been taken out by SWAT. Now God can use his mistake to reach them in prison. Jesus never wastes an opportunity to reach us. This is my first hostage situation and it definitely had the adrenaline pumping. I am excited to see how these men will be used in God’s Kingdom.

Banana Power

It is Thursday afternoon and while I was driving home from work I was having an extreme craving for some bananas. I pulled over into a King Soopers parking lot and picked out some nice bunch of bananas from the produce section. I went to the checkout line. As I was standing there waiting my turn, a family pulled up behind me. I looked in their cart and I noticed that they only had a package of Bologna, bread, some cheese and a small bag of chips. The Holy Spirit revealed, “Sonny, that is all they can afford.” I could see the disappointment on their faces having to eat just Bologna but they were not bitter. I was wondering what I should say to break the ice. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the answer “Ask them if they are going on a picnic.” I asked, “Are you going on a picnic?”

They said, “No, this is going to be our supper tonight. This is all we can afford.” I always try to keep $50 in my wallet for emergencies. My King said, “Sonny, give the $50 to the family.” He then said, “I want you to fill their car with gas also.”

I asked, “Would you mind if someone gave you $50.” They said, “We would be extremely grateful if someone would do that.” I reached for my wallet and pulled the $50 bill out and gave it to them. I then said, “My King wants me to fill your car with gas before you go home.” I began scanning my bananas to check out. After I paid for my groceries, I looked back at the family. They excitedly said, “Someone who was listening to us talk in one of the other checkout lines gave us $100.” I was beginning to realize that my King gave me the craving for the bananas so I could be here for this family. As we walked to their car, I shared the wonders of Jesus Christ in our ministry with them. I then directed them to the gas pumps to fill their car. The family loves our King very much. I prayed for them to have a safe journey to Colorado Springs.

I went to the highway patrol Bible study after fueling their car. After I finished teaching, I went back to my pickup and noticed a man walking around my pickup. As I got closer, I begin to recognize who it was. It was Charlie. He is a homeless man who is a born again Christian that I met early in my ministry. He was reading Psalm 91 as he walked around my pickup. My King said, “Leave him alone. Let him finish reading over your pickup.” So I stood back and watched as he continued reading Psalm 91. He walked around my pickup many times because that is a long chapter. After he finished, I went over and said, “Hi Charlie. What up?” We talked a little bit about what just happened. He said that God told him to read Psalm 91 over your pickup. I greatly appreciated that he did that for me. I then asked, “Charlie, are you hungry?”

He replied, “I am very hungry.”

I said, “I bought some bananas at the store today. I also have some drinks here in my cooler that you are welcome to have. Oh, I even have some burritos for you.” Charlie is amazing man of God. Some of his buddies were nearby. He took the food and immediately went over to them and started sharing everything with them.” Isn’t it amazing how God used my bananas to bless multiple people today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. No way would I have my King ever change a thing.

Our Success

The success of God’s ministry was made great by many groups of people in this nation. They all should be recognized.

In 1600’s the Pilgrims came to America. They came from England where worship was being controlled by the government. There was no freedom of worship. They came here to America to have religious freedom. It was a lot of work for them to get here. When they landed on our soil, they held the dirt up to God and said, “We are going to create a colony based upon biblical principles.” The pilgrims made a covenant with God on that day which in 2021 he still has not forgotten about. I wish I could go back and thank those Pilgrims for doing that for me. Even though I cannot go to them, I can thank God that he made that covenant with them. Even President Donald Trump values covenants when he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

The United States military has kept America free. God’s ministry does not have to go underground to reach souls for Jesus Christ. Many died to ensure that we can spread God’s word freely. President Donald Trump recognized the benefits of a strong military. Thank you Mr President for restoring the military to a greatness never seen before that the Dems wanted to destroy.

Another group of people that I want to congratulate are all the remnant of Christians in this country who have been praying and fasting that God restores America back to its former glory. You are to be congratulated for doing this amazing thing believing that God would answer this prayer for America. I know that our President Donald Trump was also lifting our nation up to our King. He was also praying for the American people. Even though we speak vicious things about our President, he has remained faithful to making America Great Again. Many churches today do not speak the truth today because the love of man is greater than the love of God. Many of those same people in the church have voted to install a demonic platform to run America today. Those who understand and know God have voted for the platform that brings life. We need to stay away from fake news and listen to those who speak the truth. God’s Word will identify the truth if you have a hard time telling the difference.

President Donald Trump has done a lot to encourage our churches by calling us essential. He has pushed our freedom to meet together and worship our King as important. He is now our past president. The last sentence I wrote is fake news. I just had to see what it was like to write garbage like the main stream media does.

Meeting Denver Drug Cartel

One month ago on Friday night I was witnessing on Colfax Avenue in Denver. I was topic talking to a group of prostitutes . All of the sudden a bunch of Cadillacs pulled up. The minute these cars showed up, the prostitutes wanted to leave because they knew they were a drug cartel. I happened to be standing near what appeared to be homeless guys. They knew who I was because they were undercover cops. They said, “These guys are looking for you and they have a $50,000 hit on your head.”

This piece of information did not bother my King at all and he told me that I need to witness to them. I said, “My King wants me to witness to them. I need to have their address.” I am sure that they thought I was crazy. My King is leaving a track record of his Ministry in their lives. So they don’t try to stop me.

They said, “We don’t have their address now but we can give it to you later.” They must not have seen me because the Cadillacs began leave. I continued witnessing on the street as my King instructed me to do. It was the following Friday when I was talking to undercover cops that they gave me the address of the drug cartel. Before they handed me the address, they said, “Sonny, you should not see these guys because of the hit they have out on your life.”

I said, “This is not the first time someone has a hit on my life. My King has always protected me from whatever harm they might do.”

They replied, “This can’t last forever. One of these days it will change.”

I fired back, “My King is the same today as he was yesterday. I serve an unchanging God. He will protect me today just as he did last time.” I won that argument and they handed the address over to me. But my King is still not ready for me to talk to them tonight. One week later, he spoke to me. My King said, “Sonny, it is time to see that drug cartel. They would like some homemade burritos.” So I bought the ingredients and delivered them to my favorite undercover women to prepare them. They always create a bunch of amazing burritos for me. The day that I was to meet with the drug cartel, they had them all ready for me to pick up. I drove them to the address given me. It was a good looking building with ample parking. There are no meter poles on the street so I parked in front of the building right on the street. I then walked up to the front door which was locked and rang the doorbell. When they open the door they had pistols aimed at me. Most of the time when I’m greeted with pistols, they threaten me right off the bat but they were more inquisitive about who I was. The leader, whose name is Antonio, was in the room with his men. I told them who I was and told them that Jesus Christ loves them and wants me to pray for them. I then told them I brought breakfast burritos for them. When I told them who furnished the burritos, Antonio asked, “Blue Mustang!” He was puzzled by that phrase.

I said, “The Latinos gave him that name. He loves Jesus also and wants to show love to you guys by providing you with food.”

Antonio replied, “He does not even know us yet he brings food for us.”

I said, “Yes, he understands his calling in God’s Kingdom to do this for you.” This was more than he could comprehend so he felt somehow that this is not possible that someone would do this for him. I could tell from the expressions on their faces that they were wondering why we were even talking to this guy and why we haven’t shot him already. Antonio then said, “I am going to shoot you now.”

I said, “Before you do, let me serve you burritos and pray for everyone.” Anthony gave me permission to do so. I prayed over the food so Anthony’s men could start eating. I then started praying for each one of his men. I payed for Antonio last. The Holy Spirit revealed things about each man as I prayed. While I was praying, the Holy Spirit touched eight of the men. They came to me to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I can tell that the Holy Spirit was working on the leaders heart even before I got there. He held no animosity towards his men who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. He went into his office where he had a beautiful African mahogany desk that had all the titles to the Cadillacs that his men drive. He selected those titles that belong to each man’s car and signed the titles over to them. The leader changed his mind about shooting me and just asked me to leave. I left with the eight men from the building. They escorted us out with pistols drawn. This will not be the last time that I will meet these guys. I am sure my King will have me meet with them again.

A week later on Sunday my King wanted me to witness to the drug cartel a second time. This time he asked me to pick up donuts, orange juice and milk for them. I parked and walked up to the buildings front door. It snowed yesterday and everything was white as I walked to the door. The door was locked again so I rang the doorbell. They knew who it was. The minute the door opened they asked, “Sonny, did you bring us burritos again?”

I said, “No, I didn’t bring any burritos but I did bring donuts, milk and orange juice.” I was pulling everything up to the door in a red wagon. They looked over what was in my wagon, then looked at me and said, “That will do.” Antonio’s men escorted me under gun point to the elevator to take me up to where Antonio was sitting. Even with the $50,000 on my head, no one tried to take me out today either. I prayed over the food. I told them again about how much Jesus loves them. This time they didn’t threaten to shoot me and let me pray for them again. After I prayed for them, they told me thanks for praying for them but I needed to leave now. They walked me to the elevator under gun point and forced me to leave my red wagon. Antonio’s men continue to walk me to my pickup under gunpoint. It was interesting to watch the people out on the street when they saw the pistols drawn on me. Everyone walked way out in the street and kept walking. They curved back to the sidewalk after they deemed that they were far enough away from getting shot. No one even cared that they were holding pistols on me. None of the cartel accepted Jesus Christ today but I planted lots of seeds.

Nearly a week has past since my last meeting with the cartel. It is Friday night and I received a call from the leader Antonio. He wanted to meet me at his buildings park parking lot at 9:45 pm. My King confirmed my meeting with him. I told the undercover police that I was going to meet with the drug cartels leader after our weekly Bible study. They were concerned for me and wanted to send sharpshooters in the background with me in to make sure that it wasn’t a trap. I went to meet with Antonio after I finished the undercover police Bible study. I arrived before 9:45 pm and Antonio was already there. The Cadillacs of all his men surrounded his car leaving an opening for me to drive into so I could talk to their leader. I pulled along side of Antonio’s car and rolled my window down. I said, “What’s up?” I could see that something was troubling him. He responded, “My mom is deathly sick and I wanted to talk to you.” He then asked, “Could you could pray for her? I am taking the hit off your life that I have on you.”

I said, “Yes, let’s go to your Mom and pray for her now.” His mom lived in Parker Colorado. We left as a caravan. Antonio had four guys lead in front of him. He had me follow directly behind him. I had three of his men following directly behind me. We made good time getting to Parker. When I arrived at the house, I was impressed on how big and beautiful it was. It was one of the many multimillion-dollar homes In that area. Being that it was already getting late, I expected the house to be dark. This was not the case. I could see several cars parked around the home. It appeared that several family members were also present. Antonio walked me to the door. The three guys that drove behind me stayed in the driveway while the rest of his men went home. When I entered the home, Antonio’s Dad sternly asked, “What do you want?” Antonio stepped in and said, “This is Sonny. I have invited him here to pray for Mom.” His Dad looked at him and said, “You’ve actually been talking to a preacher!” His Dad was shocked. Antonio said, “He’s just here to pray. That’s it.”

I said, “Let’s go to your mom and pray for her.” I was expecting just me, Antonio and the Dad to go into the room but the whole family followed. I looked at Antonio’s Mom and she did look like she wasn’t feeling very well. She was an beautiful Italian woman. The next thing I noticed was her open Bible that she was reading as I entered the room. She felt like she was going to die any minute. I found out she has been in this bed now for over a week. Antonio then introduced me to his Mom. She looked at me and asked, “Did he beat you?”

I said, “No, he did push me around a little bit at first but has not harmed me since.” The Holy Spirit began showing me what was happening to her. I said, “God has revealed to me that you have a broken heart because of what your son Antonio has been doing. It has been driving you crazy because you feel like you have run out of options.” I then said, “You need to give your heart to Jesus Christ so he can fix your heart and restore peace into your life.” The whole family was listening to me as I was telling what her problem is. She shared, “I have been praying for my son that he would give up what he is doing. At one time, when I was a teenager, I loved God and I still do. When I got married, my husband never wanted to go to church with me and I basically did what he did. Soon Jesus was put on the back shelf. Now I do not want to live for myself. I want to rededicate my life to Jesus Christ.” Her husband watched as she gave her life back to Jesus Christ and said, “I need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to give my heart to him today.” He to was thinking about how his family is falling apart. By now everyone in the room started crying. Everyone except Antonio who was emotionless. There is battle going on in is heart right now. He feels in order to get respect from his Dad that he needs to make it big in life like his Dad. He figured selling drugs would get him there rapidly. I told him getting a legal job and turning it over to our King while blessing others is the best way to get money. You cannot out give God especially while blessing those in need. God is looking for those people with this kind of heart. The brothers and the sisters were next. They asked for prayer to accept Jesus Christ also. One brother shared, “I have it all. If I want something, I just go and buy it. I still feel so empty inside after having anything I want. Jesus has filled that emptiness. It feels so good.” I continued praying and handing out my ministry cards to the family as Antonio watched.

Antonio’s sisters loved him very much. After they accepted Christ into their hearts, they went over and layed hands on Antonio and began praying for him. The Holy Spirit began moving in the room as things progressed. I was excited to be there but as the family began talking amongst themselves about what just happened, the Holy Spirit prompted me to leave. He said, “Sonny, they need private time to talk. You need to go.” The family was still praying for Antonio as I left the home.

The three guys that stayed in the driveway were still there. When I came out of the home, they said, “Sonny, you are the first person that Antonio has never beaten up. We have been thinking about what you were talking about. We want to know the God that you know.” They paused for a minute and said, “This is not the right time for us to do this. We need to leave now.” They immediately left in their cars. Remember that we are never promised tomorrow. You could die and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire if you have not turned your life over to Jesus Christ. Do not wait any longer. After his men were out of sight, I proceeded to go home for the night.

Antonio’s Mom has called me several times during the week. She has told me that she is feeling much better since Jesus Christ released her. She says even my son has been coming at least every other day. He brings me food and has been talking to me which has been a real change. He has never done that for me. She believes that Jesus Christ will become part of his life very soon. I too feel Antonio is going to give his heart to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory & the Victory. I will keep you informed on what he does.

Meeting SWAT

My King has a great love for all those who serve to protect our country. That includes our military, our highway patrolman, the undercover police and even our SWAT. I pray that someday our all of our government leaders will love those who serve us as much as President Trump does. My King now wants me to minister to our SWAT. Monday, I was asked to go down and talk to the Denver SWAT. There were 78 people who showed up when I arrived.

This group that I met is just one of the many shifts of SWAT. They are like a big family. Many times they have barbecues together, go hunting and fishing together and go on vacation trips together like one big family. They all know about Jesus Christ but most of them do not have a personal relationship with him. Because of this, they have moments of jealousy and marriage problems. My King wanted me to go to talk to them so he could renew their hearts to have that personal relationship with him that they are missing.

I had no set agenda planned. After I prayed over the meeting, they started asking questions. One of the biggest questions was on forgiveness. They know about how much I forgive other people that have beaten me. I did not want it to be about me so I took their thoughts when our King was beaten. I said, “When they arrested Jesus, they took him to a place where a Roman guard beat him with a whip that had bones in the tip which was physically ripping skin out of his back as they beat him. Even after 39 times, our King was praying to the Father to forgive for the people for what they were doing to him.” I then said, “After this treatment, they demanded that he carry his Cross for his own crucifixion. He lost so much blood and the pain of the weight of the Cross on his wounds made him drop to his knees. Simon had to finish the job of carrying his Cross. Still, Jesus had no animosity towards anyone. I am sure he was still praying for those around him.” I then looked around the room see many eyes tearing up. I continued, “They then nailed his hands and feet to that Cross where they continued to mock him until he was ready to release his Spirit. At the end, Jesus pleaded with the Father to forgive everyone there because they did not realize what they were doing.” At this time he was taking on the sins of the world and our Father had left Jesus to be away from all that sin he took on himself. This was the first time Jesus experienced the pain of being away from the Father. No man has ever been totally away from the Father except those who have choose the Lake of Fire.” They were beginning to understand what true forgiveness was about.

They began asking about the Holy Spirit and doing God’s will. I held my Bible up and said, “Read and study this book. It will tell what God’s will is in your life.” One of the men who had more knowledge of the Holy Spirit began asking me questions that he knew other people were thinking. I answered all his questions about the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the others. This opened up a slew of questions.

One question was, “Why did Jesus say ‘Take this cup from me.'”? I said, “Jesus came as a man and like us he would rather take an easier and less painful path. But because of the love for our Father in heaven he chose the Father’s will over his.”

Another question was, “How did the thief on the Cross get baptized?” I said, “When Jesus died on the Cross it rained on the thief and washed him. The act of baptism is to show your surrender of you life to Christ. The water represents the washing away of our sins. There can be Salvation without baptism. Many have given their lives to Jesus on their death bed and water was not present.”

The last question asked was, “What is it to give your heart to Jesus Christ?” I said, “To truly give your heart to Jesus Christ you need to ask him to forgive you of all your sins first. After you do that, just ask him to come into your heart. You will want him to become the ruler of your life. From now on you will want to serve and please him. After you turn your life over to him, you will experience what true freedom is Jesus Christ is all about.”

The Holy Spirit has been working the crowd while I have been speaking. Most everyone was becoming teary-eyed. This was basically the last time I said anything. From now on, the SWAT members took over the conversation. One women stood up and said, “I have been a jerk to my husband I want him to forgive me for what I have done to him. I also want a true relationship with Jesus Christ. I am tired of being a weekend Christian.” Her husband tearfully responded, “I too ask my wife to forgive me for all the things that I have done to her. ” This started a chain reaction and soon 60 couples beginning to ask for forgiveness from their spouses. There were some very personal things that were being said that they wanted to be forgiven from. Others were jealous because some were better at something then they were. Our King gives each man certain skills. The enemy wants us to desire another man’s talents over what God gave us. God is pleased if we are greatful for the talents we have and use them to do his will. Besides, Isn’t God really the only one who we need to please with our talents. They continue to confess their sins to our high priest Jesus Christ to release them from this bondage. Towards the end, they ask me one more question.

The asked, “Sonny, how do you forgive others?”

I said, “Once you see people the way God sees them, it is easy.” Before I could say anything else, one of the men there who knew me pretty well stepped in and and said, “Sonny used to see gang members as a lions when he first witnessed to the gangs. Now he sees them as young boys who are looking for the Father.” This was the last question they asked me. They started praying for each other. Then they wanted to pray for me. A lot of emotion was shown even among the macho men as the Holy Spirit was moving in the room. It was midnight as we finished praying for each other. They all rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ tonight. I arrived at my apartment at 1AM. My King wanted me to see some of the Captains tomorrow night.

It was Tuesday evening and I headed down to where the captains were supposed to meet me. I was told that I would be meeting five captains but when I arrived there ended up being 12 captains. As I introduced myself to them, their wives showed up 20 minutes later. That was not expected either. I found out the wives of the captains had conversations with the SWAT wives the night before. Their testimonies were so powerful that they convicted the wives of the captains. They just had to meet with their husbands to ask them for forgiveness. They lined up along the wall and began confessing things that needed to be forgiven in front of everyone. Boy, did that ever bring tears to the eyes of the men. The confession of their wives convicted them. They realized they needed to do the same. The men also lined up along the same wall and begin confessing things to their wives in front of everyone. Soon everybody was crying. Up to this point, I have been silent. The men and their wives physically took over the meeting with their confessions to each other. I can feel the freedom they were experiencing after they confessed to each other.

The most serious question they asked was, “What if I cannot forgive someone one?”. My King gave me the answer even before he asked the question. When I arrived my King said, “Sonny, pick up those three stones that are laying on the sidewalk.” I was clueless about why he asked me to do this but I know now they were for a demonstration. I picked the stones up and placed them in my pocket and proceeded to walk inside. Immediately, when he asked that question, I knew what the stones were for. I remember in the Bible when Jesus who was to be trapped and turned it to challenged those there about forgiveness. I quoted:

{At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”}

I pulled the stones out that God had me put in my pocket. I laid them on the table and said, “Those of you without sin throw the first stone against those who you cannot forgive.” When we begin to realize that we are not sin free ourselves and God does not rate sin like humans do. We want to rate sin to make ourselves superior to those who we say commit worse sins. Our King looks down on all sin and he wants us to see sin the way he does.

Everyone in the room understood the Kings message and were silent. I said, “Not only do we need to forgive those who have sinned against us, we need to leave our own life of sin.” I then said, “Both the men and the women have asked for forgiveness with each other. We should now ask God to forgive our sins against him.” The men started first to ask God for forgiveness followed by the women. After they were done they all wanted to rededicate their lives to Jesus Christ to become the men and women that he wants. This is something that my King wanted to have happen in their lives. My King gets the Glory in the Victory.

Monday, I had a chance to meet with the SWAT again. My King has transferred their lives immensely since last week. It was an awesome blessing to be able to serve our SWAT. My King wants me to continue to meet with SWAT on a regular basis.

Christmas in Nevada

My sister and brother-in-law, living in Reno Nevada, wanted me to celebrate the Christmas holiday with them. She said, “Sonny, you need to take a vacation. I have sent airplane tickets for you to come and stay with us.” My King thought this time to refresh myself would be good for me. I arrived early at the airport in Denver. I went through security at Southwest Airlines quickly and used the extra time to read my Bible. A lady noticed the writing on my hoodie and me reading my Bible. She asked me to pray for her. I gladly prayed over her situation. The two pilots that were flying the plane also observed what was going on. As I finished praying for her, they came up to me and asked, “We saw reading your Bible and praying for that woman. Would you pray with us to have a safe journey to Nevada?” Both men were Christians and knew about the power of prayer.

I said, “Of course I will.” So I prayed for safe trip and for their families. It was awesome. God is so faithful. It still was not time to board the jet so I continued reading. Two airline stewardess came up to me and asked me if I would pray with them. They also were part of the flight to Nevada. They asked if I would pray for their families because they were going through some tough circumstances. God just kept sending people to me so I could pray for them at the Denver airport. God loves us too much to lose an opportunity to reach or encourage us. Even on vacation, let us never get so selfish that we don’t use the opportunities God gives you to witness to people. Because we’re here to pray for those that are lost or brokenhearted. The loudspeaker finally called me to board the plane. I had a chance to sit in the front row where there is a lot of leg room. As I was sitting, a little eight year old boy, whose name is Carlton, sat by me. He was from a Wyoming ranch. He dressed the part with the cowboy hat and cowboy boots. He was going to visit his mom in Nevada. He saw me reading my Bible and asked, “Are you a Pastor.”

I replied, “God has given me a ministry to witness to gangs all over the United States. I minister a lot on the streets on Colfax in Denver.”

Carlton then asked, “What does it mean to be born again.? I have heard my Dad talk about being born again. ” I explained to him about being born again. I said, “You first ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins. This is followed by asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart. The Holy Spirit then transforms your heart. At this point you are now a new creation under Jesus Christ. This is what being born again means.”

The little boy paused then said, “I want Jesus Christ to come into my heart.” I prayed for Colton and he accepted Jesus Christ into his heart. He began crying and thanked me for for telling him how simple it was to be born again. He couldn’t wait to get to Nevada to tell his mom what he just did. After we landed in Nevada, the airline stewardess came over and thanked me for sitting with Colton. She also prayed for me before escorting Colton to his Mom. Both my sister and brother-in-law picked me up at the airport. They introduced me to some people that needed prayer. The Holy Spirit touched their iives as he gave me the words to pray with them. They all re-dedicated their hearts to God. It was so beautiful to see the Holy Spirit in action.
God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

The next day my sister took me to a restaurant to eat breakfast. As we began eating breakfast, my sister noticed that there was a girl crying in the restaurant. She said, “There is a girl in the corner booth crying.” Immediately God said, “Sonny, go and pray for her.” I got up and walked over to the table where she was sitting. My sister was amazed when I went to her but was not surprised. I stood by her table and said, “My sister noticed that you were crying and my King sent me here to pray for you. You are never alone. God loves you and wants to bring healing to you.” As I prayed with her and her mom, they both began crying. As I finished praying, they both wanted to rededicate their hearts to Jesus Christ. They then said, “It is so beautiful that you would come and take the time to pray with us.” The Holy Spirit showed me that their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

The next day we went shopping. As we came out of the store, a man stopped me near the door. He reacked of alcohol. He noticed the writing on my hoodie and asked, “Are you a preacher? ”

I said, “I am more of an evangelist. I reach gangs in Colorado.”

He the said, “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be working?” He began trashing me some more so God locked his lips so he could not speak.

I replied, “Even Jesus got away from it all to re-energize his Spirit to become more effective for the Kingdom of God.” I the notice he carried a locked Bible. I then said, “You have a lock on your Bible. Don’t you realize God’s word is to be kept free. Any Bible should be available to read by anyone. Are you trying to prevent people from finding out the truth about my King. I know you are hiding truth about what you are doing. You cannot hide anything from God. You know it is wrong to use God’s word to scam people for money so you can go to the liquor store. Your soul is at stake. You need to repent now. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.” I could see the panic on his face when he could not utter a word. I then said, “When you get one block away from me, God will restore your voice. ” He left as quickly as he could. I am sure that he is going to make changes in his life as he ran away.

Every day that I was in Nevada, I came into contact with somebody who needed prayer of some kind or encouragement. I had a blessed time with my sister and my brother-in-law. Now it is time to go home. When I arrived at the airport, God kept sending people to me for prayer. The weather in Colorado was supposed to be bad when our flight would arrive. The two stewardesses asked me to pray for a safe trip back to Colorado. I then boarded the jet and sat down in my seat. Two girls sat by me on the plane. They saw my Bible and asked me if I would pray with them. As I prayed a prayer of salvation with them, they asked, “Is it really that easy to accept Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Yes it is.”

They both said, “We are sisters and we both have been running from God. We both are tired of running. We would like to rededicate our hearts to Jesus Christ.” Our King gets all the Glory and the Victory. Never forget that if you go on vacation, always look for opportunities to talk to people about Jesus Christ. When I got back home I was thoroughly refreshed. It is time again to be part of God’s great revival that is coming to America. I want to be on the front lines with him when he starts moving.

Afternoon at the Cemetery

My King had me go out New Years day to witness to two gangs in east Denver. One of the gangs was a new gang. It was cold so no one was outside. I walked to their cars and talked to them about Jesus Christ through their windows. I physically went from car-to-car to talk to each of them. Many of them asked questions but when I got to the leader’s car he listen to me for a minute but soon rolled his window up to cut me off. I continued to do this with both gangs. After witnessing to both gangs, I was starting to get tired. Normally, I’d go to another place nearby to rest when I am at this park. But for some reason God had me stop by another nearby parking lot to rest. A cemetery was next to where I parked.

As I was laying back to rest, I was looking towards the cemetery. I noticed a hearse unloading a casket. It looked odd to have a funeral but no family members present. As this thought crossed my mind, God said, “Sonny, go over there and pray and read John 3:16 over the casket. I said, “Lord, why do you want me to pray over a dead body?” My King does not need to justify anything thay he does and said, “Sonny just go over and do it.” I was in what they call a protest mode. Because I felt that it could be so foolish praying to a corpse. But I did what my King asked. I walked over to the grave site. As I approached the men, one of the five guys present asked, “Do you know John.”

I said, “No, but I said my King told me to come here to read John 3:16 and pray over him.” As they listened, I began by reading John 3:16 over the casket. I wasn’t sure what to pray but I said, “Holy Spirit, you take over and give me the words to pray.” The Holy Spirit started giving me words to pray. I looked intently at each man as I prayed over John. I could see everyone starting to cry. Then I realized that John 3:16 and the prayer was not meant for the deceased but it was for them. Soon, I had the opportunity to pray for each man there. I stayed at the head of the casket as I prayed for all of them. I said, “John cannot change his destiny. He is either going to be in the Lake of Fire or with our King in heaven. Even for me tomorrow is never promised. We need to turn our lives over to Jesus Christ today.” They all began to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ as I finish speaking. All five gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. One guy’s name was Isaac. He operates the tractor and other equipment at the cemetery. He was one of the first ones to call his wife and share what he just did. The other four men also called their wives and shared with them what just happened. Isaac’s wife came down immediately to meet me.

When she arrived, I could tell she was pregnant. My King revealed that she was going to have a boy. She ecstatically asked Isaac who was responsible for him accepting Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. Isaac pointed me out and she came over and began talking to me about Isaac. She said, “Isaac has been a good husband to me but really never wanted much to do with God. Something that happened in his youth totally turned him off about God. He may go to church on Christmas or Easter for me but that was as much of God that he wanted. I have been praying a long time for him that Jesus Christ would touch his heart. You came into his life one day and change his life forever.”

I said, “My King told me to come over and pray for Isaac. He gets the Glory and the Victory for Isaac’s heart change.”

She said, “That may be true but you chose to obedient to his calling. And for that I am truly greatful.” She continued to share more information about her family. Before she left, she asked, “Could you pray for the birth and health of my baby before we go?”

I said, “I would love to pray for your son.” She was surprised when I knew the sex of her baby. She said, “You are right the ultrasound test showed it was a boy. ” I layed my hand on her shoulder to pray for her. She immediately moved my hand over her belly. As words began to come out of my mouth, the baby began moving around. He continued to move as the Holy Spirit moved the child. I said, “God has great plans for your son.” Isaac began the process of placing the casket in the ground and covering it with dirt. They quicky finished the task and moved the equipment away. As Isaac began to leave with his wife, I was also getting ready to leave. My King said, “Sonny, I want you to stay here and continue praying.” I sat down and began praying. Shortly, a black Cadillac showed up beside me. I did not think a lot about the car because I figured that they were here to view the grave of someone else. But they walked over to me.

The family was waiting for the grave to be covered. It was too heart breaking to see their sons casket being lowered into the ground. They were surprised to see me here by myself by their son’s grave. They half crying asked, “Do you know our son John?”

I said, “My King brought me here to pray over your son.” They thought that was awesome that I prayed over their son. The mom began sharing with me who their son was.

John had a high paying job and he gave his life over to Jesus Christ. He had great compassion for homeless people. He quit his job and gave up life’s luxuries to be out in the field with them. He would do odd jobs to get money to buy food and clothes for those living on the street. He would do anything to help those on the street. We went to Cosco many times for him to get food and clothes for John so he could distribute them to the homeless. John would look for close outs on food to be able to buy more for the homeless. He finally caught the Coronavirus. He did not go to hospital for treatment and soon passed away one night. After learning all this about John, I gave the mom one of my ministry cards. She looked at the card and paused a short time. She then reached into her purse and pulled out another one of my cards. She said, “My son talked about a man who was beaten badly that he helped. He said that God healed him while he was holding him in his arms. Are you that man?”

I said, “Yes, I am that man. Your son was brave in the presence of the gang that beat me up. I was grateful for him.” I continued to share with them more about God’s ministry. When is was time to go, the whole family asked me to pray for a fresh Anointing from God. They also rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. What I thought was foolishness changed the life of the five men and John’s family. That was one of the best 2.5 hours I have ever spent. John is in heaven with our King. His life on earth was spent transforming the lives of the homeless. I am sure he had a big impact on others who saw him shining the light of Jesus Christ.

Pimp Jerome Follows Jesus

It is the weekend before Christmas and my King had me witnessing on the streets. I was near a place on Colfax where ten pimps were having a meeting. In these meetings, they discuss their territories where they can distribute their girls and they swap and buy girls. It is a lot like buying a better race horse to increase one’s revenue. My King said, “Sonny, I want you to go and pray with them.” As I drove towards their Mercedes van, they recognized my pickup. Four of them got out of the vehicle and pointed their pistols at me. Jerome is one of the pimps who was standing with them.

Jerome is a well built African American who I have been trying to witness to for a while. He would always draw his pistol on me and would say, “Sonny, I do not want to hear anything about Jesus Christ.” He never shot at me but he would always proceed to get back into his van and leave. Sometimes his body guards would rough me up but never seriously harmed me. Later, I was about to find out from the undercover police that they’ve been trying to catch him in the act of this trade and they have not been successful. They also said he was the meanest pimp in Denver. One day I had a chance to talk to him more and I gave him a message from our King. I said, “Jerome, the day is coming when you will be coming to me to ask questions about Jesus Christ. I will reveal to you his love and his plan for your life.” I think this scared him even more. Jerome’s time was to come soon. But tonight, Jerome did not draw his pistol on me as he stood with the rest of the pimps.

They said, “Sonny, we do not want you to talk to us about Jesus Christ. If you do not leave now, we are going to shoot you.”

I said, “Okay, but I want to pray for you guys before I go.”

They said, “Go ahead, but get it over with quickly.” I began praying for each one. As I got to one of the pimps to pray for him he started poking the barrel of his pistol into my head while I was praying for him. I continued praying while I ignored it. One of the pimps stepped up and said, “Quit poking Sonny with that pistol! Sonny is not here to cause problems. He is just praying for us.” As I finished praying for the last one they said for me to quickly get out of here and get going. I headed to my pickup and left. The Holy Spirit revealed the things I needed to pray for each of these men. Jerome was beginning a heart transformation.

It is now New Year’s Eve night and my King had me witnessing out on the streets again. A black Mercedes van pulled up beside me. Jerome got out and wanted to talk to me. He had ten beautiful girls with him. Since our last encounter, he decided to released his girls so they could go back home. Jerome treated his girls better than most pimps. They had nice clothes and no scars on them which showed me that he did not beat them. After he released the girls, he gave each one a three inch thick pile of 100 dollar bills. The girls came with him to meet me because of the transformation of Jerome. Jerome began to ask questions about Jesus Christ and what to do in order to be saved. The girls, as they listened, began to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ also. Even Jerome’s bodyguards wanted to give their hearts over to Jesus Christ. They asked, “Sonny, could you forgive us for all the bad things we did to you?”

I replied, “I forgave you that same day for what you did to harm me. Just as Jesus Christ has forgivin me for all the bad things I have done to him, I will always forgive you.” I prayed for everyone as they begin to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Six of the girls called their parents to come and get them. Four of the girls did not want their parents to come to this part of the city and wanted me to take them home which I did later. I stayed until the parents arrived safely for the other girls.  Jerome signed over the titles of their cars to them.  He wanted to make sure they had something to start their new lives with Jesus Christ. While we continued waiting for the parents to arrive,  another van showed up. Jerome said, “Excuse me Sonny. I need to take care of this.” I watched as Jerome went over to the other van and spoke to the guy. Jerome came back and explained, “This guy was another pimp who wanted to exchange some girls with me. I told him that I turned my life over to Jesus Christ and already released my girls to go home. He was kind of shocked when I told him that but he did wish me that I would have a good life with my decision.” Soon after Jerome told me what happened, the parents started showing up. I prayed for the parents of the girls. They too wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ after seeing what happened to their daughters. I then proceeded to take the rest of the girls home and to meet their parents. They too wanted to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour after they found out what happened. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory. If it would not be for the Holy Spirit going in and softening their hearts first, I would not be able to accomplish what my King asked me to do. I have learned the importance of when to go in and witness to whoever my King want to reveal himself to.

The undercover police we’re watching my every move I made as I was talking with Jerome. They wanted to know what we talked about.  They revealed to me again that they’ve been trying to get him off the streets by arresting him for doing illegal activities. I told him that he has now given his life over to Jesus Christ. They were shocked at first when I told them this because of the fact he was such a mean dude.  But again,  they have seen God work through me with other people just as bad. They too were joyous that he gave his life over to Jesus Christ.

Now its 2021

It is now the year 2021 and I firmly believe that God has already started the great revival in this ministry just this last year. He has been bringing numerous gangs into Denver. I am excited to be part of this great season. The reason I know that it is him is because of the way their hearts have been prepared for me to witness to them when they get here. Blue Mustang even noticed what God has been doing. Our God loves us too much to let anyone perish. He is working hard to reach everyone before his return. But again, if we do not accept his gift of Jesus Christ, we will perish. This was our choice not his.  I believe he is coming before this decade is over. No, he has not confirmed this with me.

The gang ministry still needs President Donald Trump’s biblical based agenda to succeed in order to keep our freedom to reach others for Jesus Christ. We are praying that God will destroy anything that prevents that. God’s ministry is wanting and praying for America to be free of abortion and his people to be free to stand strong with his agenda. All of us here are praying that President Donald Trump will be able to finish what God has started in him. Mr. President, continue to honor our King so he can do mighty things in your life. We are going to continue here to bring Jesus Christ to gangs and whomever God brings into our path.